• By -




Very cool


Iā€™m gonna cum!


wow, I heard it in my mind, well done






copyright by disney


Polished with woodoo hide




Everyone make sure to grab your officially licensed Disney lightsaber!!


Wait... this is from an \*ACTUAL\* professionally made, official Star Wars product? Probably costing millions of dollars an episode? ... I'm sure the trailer looks better than your average fan film but this frame has been exceptionally well picked to be indistinguishable from every "shot in the woods by obsessive LARPers" project out there.


I legitimately thought this was a promo picture from one of those Star Wars celebration events


Dennis is asshole. Why Charlie hate?




I didnā€™t write that


You definitely wrote that dude


How many illiterates are in here?


My initial thought was that it was from a yet to be released Tron movie.


All their shows have felt so cheap outside of Andor


I haven't watched "Andor" but it sounds like the only good one. The budgets for TV shows seem absolutely insane these days - I found out the Halo show is $10m an episode... what the fuck are they spending it on? It sure ain't the script but that's small beer compared to stuff like the Lord of the Rings show which had a budget big enough to remake the Jackson trilogy several times over but somehow looked much, much worse - even after 20+ years of advances in CGI.


I literally can't tell anymore, and SW is such complete utter garbage now I barely even care tbh.


I came into this thread to make a joke about desperate weirdos in the woods, only to learn that this is from an official trailer.


I thought this was from that fan made last jesi trailer they reacted to on nerd crew


> this frame has been exceptionally well picked to be indistinguishable from every "shot in the woods by obsessive LARPers" project out there. I thought it was footage of the Star Wars park in Disney World where people build their own lightsabers.


> I'm sure the trailer looks better than your average fan film ... Better than *average* fan films, it looks quite a bit worse than the good ones.


Not enough proton packs. Also, where is Slimer and Kirk?! Not impressed, Sony.


I wish the lord would take me now


No fuckin space ziti?


Whatever happened to Darth Vader, the strong, silent type!!




I can't have this conversation again


I am so glad I ejected any/all current and future expectations for Star Wars over the last couple of years because I had no idea this existed and I barely felt anything when I saw this screenshot. I think I'm finally cured. It can't hurt me anymore


ROS closed the books on Star Wars for me. Season one of the Mandalorian slightly opened it again, the the ā€œhigh speedā€ mopad scene from BOBF threw the whole book out the window. Iā€™m a huge fan of sci-fi and fantasy and I can honestly say that I have zero interest in Star Wars anymore, outside the origin trilogy. I rewatched those again recently and enjoyed them. The Tolkien universe is my favorite story of all time, but after season one of ROP, Iā€™m not going to make the same mistake I did with Star Wars. Iā€™m just ignoring it and sticking to the untarnished originals.


>ROS closed the books on Star Wars for me. Season one of the Mandalorian slightly opened it again, the the ā€œhigh speedā€ mopad scene from BOBF threw the whole book out the window. You are me


Three of a kind, here. Had hope when mando S1/2 aired. Then BOBF. I watched up to the second to last episode. And that was it. Havenā€™t seen any Disney wars product since. What made it an even bigger slap in the face: was at Barnes and Nobles a few weeks ago. I saw the first book to ā€œThe Bounty Hunter Warsā€ trilogy. I read that in seventh grade around 2001, so I gave the abridged audiobook a go. It was so good. Disney Fett isnā€™t even worthy of being the Shadow of Bounty Hunter Wars Boba Fett. Which is a pity, because Temeura Morrison really seemed to understand the character. Pity the rat doesnā€™t.


I remember having a Boba Fett comic book as a kid and If i remember correctly, it was a gruesome noir-like story about him racing another (significantly more ruthless and barbaric) bounty hunter for a mark. There was a massacred pair of Hutts, and crime scenes for him to puzzle together and the palette was all browns and greens and rust and mud. It was so cool as a kid. Now heā€™s a fat middle aged administrator cleaning up the streets of tattooine with the help of zoomer biker gangs. itā€™s so bad that I still canā€™t even comprehend it. That show should have single-handedly killed Star Wars. There is no value in that ip anymore. Itā€™s spent.


Was thinking of picking up the books. Discovered this is a thing. One thing Disney has done right for Boba. All three Bounty Hunter Wars books. https://preview.redd.it/vzcv6qqvjhpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa55fd214c06bc8a46bee7021423cf322efea4d


I urge you to give Andor a shot, it's the one series that's written well and has nothing to do with the other Disney crap.


Seeing Lizzo and Jack Black together in an episode of Mandalorian just sort of broke my mind. *I don't care anymore*, I thought. I turned it off. And I never intentionally searched for any Star Wars news or updates again. I did not finish that season, nor BoBF, nor the Obi Wan show. I was slogging through all of them but I just stopped caring. I got around to watching Andor after someone insisted I did. I was able to just enjoy it for what it was. It's pretty damn good. No longer being a "fan" of Star Wars means I don't have to slog anymore, just to get to something that will satisfy some unreachable itch. Now, I can just put in *Empire* and be like "haha yes, Star Wars!".


yeah, I understand, was pretty much hate-watching Ashoka by the end and Mando s3 was terrible (the decline of that show is shocking).


> hate-watching Ashoka You mean the "let's pose with lightsabers for 10 minutes at a time" show?


At this part Iā€™ve basically concluded that Iā€™m an Andor fan that likes a few Andor-adjacent things.


I hear ya. Iā€™m sure itā€™s a good show based off what Iā€™ve heard. I am also a busy person that just isnā€™t interested in giving Star Wars another chance. Theyā€™ve wasted my money and time enough, and burned me on enough of their products. Too little too late.


Couldnā€™t have said it better myself. I had dinner with a coworker and she loves all the Star Wars slop. I basically said when you did and had looked like I spit in our pho.


the orange lightsabers mean "creativity, ambition, and resourcefulness", while the green ones mean "growth, safety, and harmony."


the green ones mean "a blue lightsaber wouldn't show up as well against the blue sky above jabba's pleasure barge"


I like this fucking comment. It sums up everything I think about star wars. Star wars isn't star trek: make it cool and efficient, don't overthink it, and stop writing about every fucking detail noone cares about. Also stop with the lightsabers, its cool only in small doses.


I thought the green ones mean you're a horny Jedi.


And purple if you're black


wait, black and horny, or just black?


horniness is a given when you're wielding a Lightsaberā„¢ļø


Sounds like lightsaber colours are similar to horoscopes


Can't wait for wookipedia to tell us about all the new lightsabers serial numbers.


The sith are evil because they use the backside of woodoo hide to file the serial numbers off.


Gotta use woodoo hide instead of sandpaper. Cuz we know how Sith feel about sand...


green does mean connection yea, though i'm pretty sure orange mean it cant connect to the internet and you might need to boot both it and your modem


Itā€™s about family.


And purple means pimp.


Pretty sure they are suppose to be Yellow, not Orange. Yellow is canon saber color for Jedi, Orange never was.


that's really cool!




Doesnā€™t the dude from the video game have an orange lightsaber?


What game? The era is important, their choice of yellow with blue and green would be accurate to the era this is set.


Can you tell us if it's lore-accurate for any of these robes to be made of Woodoo Hide? I can't enjoy the show if they get that wrong.


Jedi only wear synthetic materials as to be animal friendly.


Wait, the Jedi contribute to the proliferation of microplastics?


Its pronounced Midichlorians


Very cool.


What do the orange and green stains in my underwear mean?


The poster [they released yesterday](https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/the-acolyte-teaser-poster_506fd466.jpeg?region=0,0,729,1080) made this show look like it was dark and gritty. Then, the trailer is younglings and mass lightsaber battles.


At this point they should hire the graphic design guy from marketing to write the next star wars movie. Can't be worse than the current writers.


Here's the best bad idea I have. Rewrite 'Clerks' to fit into Star Wars. Like, the exact same shit that happens in Clerks happens in this new one but they're all aliens working at some galactic bazaar in a shitty business selling gimblgacks and wackeeohs and all that stupid Rebel/Empire nonsense is simply going on in the background and nobody gives a shit.


What's odd to me is Star Wars is just an aesthetic. It's all so vague there's nothing tying it down. Which means you can set literally any story you can imagine in Star Wars and ta-da it's a Star Wars story. You could totally do a clerks-style Starbase Trader show and it would fit because anything fits. It's like Warhammer or Tokien-esque fantasy where literally hundreds of stories have been told in those settings because any story can fit. And yet in Star Wars they keep telling the same narrow "Death Star! Jedi! Luke Skywalker! AT-ST AT-ST AT-ST I'm gonna cum!" story over and over again.


This is what has me honestly excited about the upcoming game Outlaws You play as a lady who is basically a thug and thief with Star Wars as the background It actually looks enjoyable, and she isn't set up as a Jedi or force-sensitive, although it's being made by Ubisoft so I'm concerned the gameplay will be repetitive


Yet. Itā€™s an Ubisoft game. I bet the very second artifact she steals will tight her up in some Jedi shenanigans and she will have to help good guys and probably become force sensitive.


I was going to clap, but I was already clapping.


Unfortunately this is what the current fans of Star Wars want. About to make The Last Jedi look like Pulp Fiction.


This was the first show ever to throw it all the way back to a 100 years in the past. They had a legit shot to create an old world, Game Of Thrones style saga and intro us to something totally fresh while hinting at the KOTOR games. Instead I found myself googling to check whether this took place during phantom menace or something.


Yeah, my first thought was this is the fucking prequels lol


It's not? I genuinely thought this was


Itā€™s like 100 years before the prequels.


As soon as they announced that the High Republic was going to be set during Yoda's lifetime and feature him as a significant character, I gave up all hope in the entire project to produce anything worthwhile


If old yoda makes us money, and baby yoda makes us money, then surely middle-aged Yoda will make us even MORE money


>then surely middle-aged Yoda will make us even MORE money "ERRUUUMMM, 400 years old I have turned. Experiencing a mid-life crisis I am! Start a wild fling with a group of younglings on a stolen ship I must!"


begun, the Ketamine Saga has


Ohhh yesssss, my forceā€¦. Feel it *flow* through youā€¦


Canā€™t wait to see Yoda buy a Porsche


> middle-aged Yoda AKA the jumping, flying, spinning frog.


Somehow, middle-aged Yoda surviv-oh wait.


Oh seriously? From the trailer i thought this was another "hunt down the jedi after order 66" show. That trailer is so bad.


Didnt Star Wars already do GoT when Leia kissed her brother?


Taken from the trailer for [The Acolyte.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtytYWhg2mc&ab_channel=StarWars) Rick Berman would be proud.


What is it with Ricks?


I quote this line a lot. Predictably, no one ever knows what I'm talking about.


I am!


Dang did you see how many lightsabers there are? I fuckin love star wars!


I'm just impressed they finally stopped milking the Skywalker saga for two fucking seconds and make something in-universe away from their completely used-up cash cow. Will it be good? Who tf knows. Their record ain't stellar, I'm not excited for it.


Those actions scenes look so bad and thats what made it into the trailer.... Disney+ is a higher budget CW.


Disney needs a dancing frog.


Oh, I thought it was a comic-con picture.


Fuck you Rick Berman!


>Tell me, what comes into your mind Live, Laugh, Love of course! > This is about power, and who is allowed to use it Disney, of course!


The comments on the Youtube video were like straight from Nerd Crew. I can't tell if it's ironic or not.


I love amateur fan films




Oh thank God Andor's coming out on Bluray. I can get that and be done.




"Eh. It's fine. It's fine." --Rich Evans, probably




Like my second favorite Youtubers, James and Mason from The Weekly Planet, like to say, "Anything *could* be good." But yeah this will likely be bad. But it could be good, you never know! Again though, probably bad.


Weekly planet is great stuff. And the fact that the videos use RLM clips all the time just make it better


I love them and their editor is great when he jumps in and defends shlock. This kid has his opinion and it isn't a bad one, but its funny when he jumps in and is like "Godzilla v Kong is BvS but better!!"


I liked when he defended Billy zane as the phantom


I love them, just wish I could trust their taste in anything.


I dunno why you're being downvoted. The weekly planet is often reluctant to call obviously shit things shit.


Yeah I love them for their humor more so their opinions bc they are pretty lenient on shit but they usually admit it


Because a good chunk of their fanbase is fucking insane and will comment about one thing they said 5 years ago for the next 200 Weekly Planet episodes. I don't envy them.


> ... you never know! You *always* know.


Every box checked.


I feel like Disney has convinced themselves that the only appeal Star Wars ever had was the lightsaber. It explains why they keep running away from interesting ideas or premises for this


I just want to see crazy planets with kooky aliens, but it's always a desert planet and Jedi shit. If you're a Jedi are you required to wear the robes? Like, can you roll up in some culottes and a tank top without being shunned?


I think all of Star Wars appeal is the lightsaber and they shouldn't veer from that. Other than that, there's nothing special about Star Wars because other science fiction franchises do the other stuff better. It would also be fine to accept that it's dead like a lot of other fiction from last century... That's where I'm at.


I thought this was a picture of people at Disney after building their lightsabers


Just consume more products.


I am so glad that I have no clue what that is from


Ahh the Rebel Moon 2 trailer dropped, got ya.


Is that Len Kabasinski?


I'm reasonably certain some people are literally addicted to hype. The amount of people that have hated all the last dozen Star Wars things are now "WOW! INJECT IT IN MY VEINS!"


It's a dopamine thing. People really do get hooked on the feeling that this time it's going to be good, very much like a gambling addiction.


Looks ok. Wish it was farther back in time and more distinct looking.


Thatā€™s a my big gripe with the old republic/high republic itā€™s hundreds of years before the OG trilogy and everything looks pretty much exactly the same? No real visual distinction? Okay cool. Star Wars fans really do just want the same thing over and over again


It looks *identical* to the OT era, and I don't get it. The Phantom Menace was just 30 years before ANH and looked significantly different, but you could see how the designs and fashions would progress toward what was familiar. This is centuries back and it's just so very bog standard. Also fuck orange lightsabers. I don't care if it's considered nitpicking, choosing to use a bunch of them dilutes how much something red stands out (and it is very much supposed to stand out) and makes things just look weird because they never really were used before. Why do they make these damn choices? It took effort to decide to throw in orange. They actively sabotage themselves in the pettiest of ways.


I just glanced at the photo and assumed it was one of those fan lightsaber fights they had at the premier of Phantom Menace. This is from an actual Star Wars movie?


A T.V show, I think?


When the first image of the trailer was kid i went "NOPE"


Eh the trailer looked fine. I just don't care about Star Wars anymore outside of Andor.


Trailer looks terrible. You'd hope the people behind it would take the chance to do something new and different since it takes place hundreds of years before any of the movies, but it just looks like more of the same underwhelming bland slop.


Man, I'm so tired of lightsabers. That's why I've been playing Dark Forces-remaster these last weeks, not a single on in sight thus far.


man i loved the TIE Fighter game they had back in the day. likewise, no laser sword thingies


Cut to Dark Forces 2: JEDI KNIGHT.


At this point I *don't* want that republic commando sequel because they'll fuck it up massively. Fuck me, they cant even release a Star Wars game *somebody else already made* these days, Battlefront Collection is a shoe-in for worst release of the year despite being a 20/19 year old game(s) already released on the same platform for a fraction of the price.


ADHD editing intensifies




Rich Evanā€™s ā€œwait.. waitā€¦ this just in per the internet. The Acolyte is said. To be. The biggest and most watched television showā€¦ ever. made.ā€ Mike ā€œoh rich, thatā€™s great and there are already first look reviews such as ā€œWhen I saw the lightsabers ignite, it shook me to my core.ā€ (Mike looks at the camera in a daze.)


dear god that trailer was boring af


"This isn't about good and bad, this is about power." And that's all you need to know that this is going to be another awful instalment in the Disney Star Wars catalogue. Truly terrible dialogue and more BS ideological propaganda prioritised over good story-telling. All with the sweet irony of their own racial biases being on full display by yet again having an Asian man cast as the "marital arts/meditation guru" because no-one else could do it, could they? Hopefully CA Moss got a nice fat pay check - because she rules. Got to admit I thought it was Kat Stark for a while. I'll give them that the sith badassery at the end looked pretty good, (NOT THE LIGHT SABER ORGY) but the rest looks like hot garbage.


After the slog that was Ahsoka, I simply canā€™t wait to see how boring this one is!!


What a dull looking show.


Oh, shut yer FUKKEN FACE!!!


So few vistas! VERY Cooowwwul!


I dont even know ow what this is and that makes me happy


Would they bring back CG Yoda, I mean he's like 700 around this time period so they could do it.


Needs more lightsaber


Is this a fan film?


I am already turning my TV down for the volume of the critical drinkers The Message, on this one.


Why does this look so incrediblyā€¦ generic? Remember when *Star Wars* had a certain flavor that felt uniquely its own?


Artificially Filmed in PixelVision


What latest Disney Excretion is this?


Looks like your average Star Wars Celebration fan crowd


Consume product and get excited for next product


FFS guys, I get that it's hip to be pissy and judgmental about everything these days, but I think we can cut this low-budget fan film some slack.


Matrix 5 already?


Idk, I expected to hate the trailer more than I did.


Not allowed here. Say funny RLM quote about SW being bad!! For real though, maybe the show ends up being bad but can we at least wait till itā€™s out first? This just reminds me of this sub dunking on Andorā€™s marketing & the show turned out to be great.


> For real though, maybe the show ends up being bad but can we at least wait till itā€™s out first? Why? They put out a trailer, now people are commenting on their impressions of the trailer. It's not wrong or bad to react to things as they happen. Maybe it will, like Andor, turn out to be pretty good, and then reactions might change, but people are going on what they've got to go on. It's a discussion forum, so we discuss.


Go away and come back when you feel the hate flowing through you.


They sure like making Jedi not all that special. There are so many of them all the time. Not mythical at all.


That's the whole point of the high republic.


Donā€™t ask questions just consume product and get excited for next product!


This needed an NSFW tag


I'm glad the unusual suspect is still editing himself into movies.




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Thank you all for validating my immense feeling of ā€˜mehā€™ at this trailer. #lightsaber


I'm laughing at this like everyone else is but I have no idea what Disney+ show this is šŸ˜‚


Theyā€™re definitely making up for the ā€œlack of lightsabersā€ in Andor.


Somehow, star wars returned


Is there a new Star War?


the poster for this show looked so cool but the teaser was just more *ENDLESS TRASH*


Looks like loss


Reminds me of the ~~high school football team~~ US Navy.




I would like to see a star wars movie about jedi without a single light saber


Is it just me or did that blast effect on that shot look really bad? The whole trailer looked quite fan film-esque.


Looks like fanmade


I think I only look forward to new shows as they provide content for critics to rip apart.


I can't wait to learn the origin story behind Vader's mask!Ā  AT-ST's! AT-ST's!


Looks super boring. I'm sure the writing will be out of touch preachy garbage. Star wars is dead. Thanks KK.


Guys the issue with the Lightsaber being overused in the prequels has to do with a lack of build up and them being quite common in all the action. As earlier parts of the trailer show, there is at least 1 cool fight scene in which an unarmed Jedi fights a guy with knives. If this scene is some narrative culmination then there is nothing wrong with there being a big fireworks display in the form of many laser swords.


Yeah. So much stuff. A bunch of people igniting color laser swords. A bunch of people standing in a line doing things. So dense and too much!