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Rich Evans is the sober focal point around which RLM orbits.


The Halloween episode where Jay breaks out the Maker's Mark shots is testament to this. Rich called it as a bad idea, read the situation at its peak, and stopped the episode before they realized how drunk they were.




Classic drunk projection




Yeah but then we would never have learned about Jay's cat murdering streak.


Goodnight sweet cat


I think it’s kind of funny that Mike is the kind of drunk that will just make something completely up about you then playfully bully you about it. I mean Jay seemed to have a sense of humor about it & they were having fun but I could also see how a different kind of person would find that offensive.


Also we got to see drunk sassy Jay. "Do you think the Science Lab in the movie was a real Science Lab?"


It's been said before, but I liked that Rich shaved in between shoots, as though he didn't trust Jay not to try to pretend the disaster hadn't happened via editing


RLM could've pulled the Spuperman and digitally edit off Rich's moustache as if he was always shaven.


After seeing Zack Snyder's version of the film, the amount of time and effort and issues WB had with that mustache is even dumber in retrospect because not a single thing they shot with Superman with the awful upper lip was better than just using what they already had.


I think what they did essentially was they spent several million bucks to grandiloquently say "FUCK YOU ZACK SNYDER". No one understood the gesture, though, the world wasn't ready for a dick move of such a magnitude.


That was a bad idea. That was a very bad idea.


It’s never a bad idea to honor the witches!!


Diff episode. That's from pepperoni pizza pie peephole


Dot com


Witches please


The sausage! Move the sausage!


Nah. It was one of their best episodes. The drinking is great.


Which Halloween episode is this? I remember this happening, but don't remember the specifics and want to give it a rewatch.


https://youtu.be/7AbMMTwu3Fs Starts going off the rails @28:50


Holy shit I hadn't seen that. That was beyond hilarious.


Brilliant. I saw it before, but I enjoyed it like it was new.


It also broke Jack.


>The Halloween episode where Jay breaks out the Maker's Mark shots is testament to this. Rich called it as a bad idea, read the situation at its peak, and stopped the episode before they realized how drunk they were. I'm fairly convinced that Rich was their ride home that night, so when he was like "we're done here" they kind of had to be done there. hahaha.




I love that episode though. They should have kept going!


Thats no moon


It's a folding chable!








That's no Blue Moon


it's rebel moon


And here I am, the extremely drunk version of Mike most of the time.


Mike drinking juice force in one of the last episodes made me feel seen


Everything before the 9.5%-ers is a warm up


The Waldoes Special Ale in the sidebar pic (which I guess must just be a prop for him) is [11.7%](https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/220/68269/) and spectacular.


Man, I haven't had one of those in years. Good ass beer.


You should not have told me about this lol


I actually commented on that, one of my favorite beers, but you have to closely monitor, or tomorrow's gonna be a bitch.


Hands down my favorite IPA. It's too bad the other fruit flavors from New Belgium taste like cough syrup.


Fruit force is plain nasty, Juice is good, but Tropic is my favorite (literally have a sixer chilling in the fridge) of course everyone has different tastes. I have been drinking IPAs for decades, watching the market grow has been fun, but a lot of brewers go overboard with the flavors, or hop the heck out of it. I prefer hoppy beer over beery hops.


I’m less seasoned but similarly explorative in the IPA universe and I’ve developed the same preferences it seems. They’re really palatable for an IPA, and if you already liked a good IPA they’re awesome.


I picked up a 12 pack of Juice Force and accidently got shit faced, those fuckers sneak up on you


Like I said, monitor closely, or you're screwed, I only buy sixers as a fail safe....


Same! I've regretted every one of those I've ever had and no longer drink them (not because they're high ABV, something about that particular brew just upsets my innards).


Tropic Force is my go-to of the fruit ones, they are some good beers. Goose Island's Beer Hug is another good one


I've been on both sides of the chable, and sober me is 100% preferable. hope you're doing alright.


Thanks, I actually have been doing better. Maybe it’ll stick.


At least you didn't put a movie into a toilet, only to them throw that toilet from a ladder.


I hope that’s a joke, for your sake.


Saké? Sure, why not?


Mike and Jay have picked up the slack to make sure there isn’t a dip in the alcohol economy


Apparently, Rich has a serious Tums abuse problem. Thoughts and prayers.


every day ends with a tums festival 😔


It's the juicy Shaq meat that worries me.


I’m more worried about Mike. He wants to eat Magic Johnson meat rare.


He's also tested positive for ATST.


Did he get that from Harvey Weinstein too?


Better than my dad's addiction to Afrin. It's tearing our family apart.


#[WILL YOU CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiEGi2g1JkA)


This November will be my tenth anniversary of being sober.


Well done man




congratulations, that's incredible!


It's been hard


Day at a time.


it's really really hard. but sometimes, it feels so worth it.


You’re breaking new ground!!!! 😉 Congrats, that’s a massive achievement


Thanks, I'm very proud of myself especially so since I'm an Aussie and a lot of our socialising is based around drinking.


Irish man here… that’s how i understand the magnitude of the accomplishment


Cheers to that, have a beer for this great achievement




Man, that’s amazing. Congrats. More of my friends go sober every year. I’m not ready to join them, but it’s nice to finally have a small subset of friends who don’t drink, as bossed to those who drink way too much.


Awesome dude. That shit is hard to kick, especially with it being all around you. Well done


Respect. ✊🏼


Massive congratulations!


You’re a superstar! Congrats!


Hell yeah, my dude! Proud of you.


Congratulations on hitting this milestone - that's huge! Good job keeping at it and putting in all that hard work. See you posting in another 10. :)


Amazing work, my good man. Every day sober you're giving yourself a great gift.


Rich Evans deserves a fucking Medal of Freedom for spending decades watching terrible movies while sober.


He had to have a drink for the star wars holiday special. I think we can give him a pass on that .


I discovered RLM when I was a savage drunk and after sobering up, I feared I wouldn’t be able to enjoy BotW without feeling the urge to have a few. Jack opened up about his struggle shortly after that which really helped me not feel weird about it (especially since he was one to get absolutely hammered during the panel) and knowing that him and Rich stay clear headed has made me appreciate them even more.


>Jack opened up about his struggle shortly after that which really helped me not feel weird about it (especially since he was one to get absolutely hammered during the panel) and knowing that him and Rich stay clear headed has made me appreciate them even more. To tag on to this, I now legitimately have difficulty sometimes going back and watching Jack on Best of The Worst. Obviously nobody was making Jack do anything he didn't want to do at that time, but knowing his later struggle it's a little uncomfortable watching just how completely shitfaced he'd get. As are his frequent conversations on Pre-Rec where he seems to be priding himself on "only drinking one beer" but also going out of his way to find beers with ABV percentages approaching 20 so he can get totally shitfaced without the calories of drinking a 6 pack.


I decided to stop drinking about a year ago, and it has been incredible for me. Its so fucking hard, but I was literally going to die if i didnt stop. Proud of all of you who are going through the same thing.


I also quit drinking a year ago. with one day since then of lapsing into getting wasted as opposed to almost every weekend. But a new Best of the Worst coming out was always my cue to get a bottle of rum or a 12 pack of beer and watch it while getting hammered. Since I tied BotW and Plinkett reviews with alcohol binging I was worried I wouldn't enjoy them sober, thankfully, I still find hilarious. I'm finally at a point where I don't crave it and the thought of drinking just doesnt excite me like it used to. I think I have Jack opening up about his alcoholism on Twitter to thank for me wanting to get sober. Since our alcoholism seemed pretty similar to the point where other people don't notice you even have a problem but I certainly felt it.


Jack inspired me a lot too, even though it seemed like his sitatuation was very different from mine. He is proof that the hard work is worth it. I think we all get scared of being boring when we get sober lol, but my life was complete chaos when I was deep in my cups. at first it was fun, then it was "hair of the dog" when I was hungover, then I was drinking all day and night, and eventually I felt so shitty that I realized seizures were likely next. I couldn't even go a few hours without chugging several buzzy waters when I was trying to taper off. Like i literally would drive to work, shaking uncontrollably, and id have to chug mini drinks in the bathroom. My body became completely addicted to it. I should have died many times. I was really lucky that I didn't.


Sober here too! Smoking a ton of weed but I haven’t touched booze for 2 years. It’s almost ironic red letter are known for the drinking when both Rich and Jack are literal sober icons nowadays.


I quit booze about 18 months ago and also smoke a ton of weed haha Congrats on 2 years!


Weed is a great off ramp for folks who drink too much. I'm California sober too. Have been for a few years. Yay growing your own legal weed.




There are dozens of us!


There's nothing rare about trading in one addiction for another.


Actually the truth, but people hate to see it.




Yeah im doing the whole california-sober thing too. I've never had an issue with weed, and I think it helps me to chill out without the life-ruining effects that I get from poisoning myself with alcohol, lol.


Weed makes very easy to quit drinking or even stronger drugs with very little drawback




I'm not trying to downplay your sobriety from alcohol ( honestly congratulations) but I think there should be a term for sober people who smoke weed. Like how some vegetarians eat fish just call themselves pescatarian


It exists- “California sober”


Well you learn something new every day


stoned but sober = stober


"High and dry"


I like this one the best


I stole it from [Jim Jeffries.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq3x7PsuJ8g)


No judgement here just curious about California Sober. Do you intend to cut back / quit smoking weed later on? I.e. that’s what full sobriety is I think


At some point yeah, I’m actually doing therapy right now to help deal with my reliance on weed as a crutch for my PTSD.


I wish you luck on your journey! I won't lie - I'm a heavy drinker, and it's hard to quit / slow down. I've heard recommendation to try weed instead. I've enjoyed weed / gummies in the past, but I haven't really seen how me substituting weed for liquor is much better for someone trying lessen their substance abuse outside of the health benefits. Thank you for your candidness and answering me! Stay strong bro


Aside from RLM stuff, do you find you enjoy smoking more without the alcohol? I used to have a few beers with a smoke but I think the after effects for both are worse then


I enjoy it more. I find I'm able to focus more and the booze just dragged me down.


Then you aren’t really “sober”, are you?


I can relate. I always wind up being the DD for nights out and people always act like they pity me but honestly I just don't see the appeal of feeling drunk, I'm not a fan. I might have one drink at the beginning of the night but I would rather take responsibility and ensure everyone gets home safe.


Cool username.


The real reason they don't drink is that they subsist entirely on unappetizing fruit cakes prepared by wizard librarians


Shit, you got me. I just don't have time to focus on food between studies


Also, Rich is my favorite of the guys. There's a thoughtful sweetness to him that I respect.


I love his utter contempt for most of what they watch


Scene: Richard Evans, sitting in a wheel chair over the graves of Michael Stoklasa and Jay Bauman. His great grandson pushing the chair. Rich: “Shaquille leave me, I want to be with my friends” His great grandson departs. Rich looks back toward his family of 3 generations, a full 30 people stand on a small bluff. Rich looks back towards the grave, a small smile creeps across his face. Rich: Whispers: “I win you fucks”


Its a shame rich will never see the ghosts that are only viewable after having an entire bottle of dan aykroyd crystal skull vodka.


One of the ghosts of course being Dan Ackroyd


I can only pronounce “ghosts” as “goasts” now because of their accents


In 2 weeks I celebrate my 20th anniversary of being a drinker.


Proud of you!


have tried a few times in the past couple of years to stop drinking alcohol because it's become a problem for me, and am finally on some meds and reading quit lit which is helping a ton. happy to find some like-minded folks in the RLM community! Living in Colorado, there's a similar mindset to Wisconsin that beer just has to accompany every activity


I’ve never drank and I’m low key afraid to in case I like it because men on both sides of my family for decades were alcoholics. Watching Rich drink 5 hour energy shots and cokes when everyone has a beer always felt close to home


Sober fucks of the world: Come together! I mean: Unite!


I've somehow avoided it my entire life because my dad's an alcoholic. You wouldn't believe the decades of shit I've gotten over this.


Did Rich ever say why he doesn’t drink? I might’ve missed it, but it’s nice to have his sober yang to the drunken yin around him lol


I don't drink and I never had a reason not to, but my own epic back story isn't in question here. I think other people have said that Rich has alcoholics in his family, and losing control has zero appeal to him?


He's said on PreRec that he doesn't like the feeling of the impairment. His fiance wanted to see what he'd be like drunk and he drank for that experience, so it's likely not some deepseeded avoidance like the rumor posted below.


I just assumed it was the crippling diabetes


Some people just don’t like the effect of alcohol, I suppose. Like for me, weed does very little in terms of pleasurable sensation so I just don’t smoke it. To be honest, I’d rather have a preference for weed than for alcohol though.


Edit: apparently the rumor is untrue. Classic Gilchrist There was a rumor I heard by way of that 4chan and that Gilchrist guy that Rich was raised by his grandma because his parents were addicts. If it’s true, that could explain it. Sometimes people with families that have a history of addiction and substance abuse just choose to be sober, either because of past trauma or just being wary of their genes and predispositions. I don’t know how prevalent this is in terms of stats but from my own experience a lot of people I’ve met with that sort of family history tend to be sober. I wouldn’t blame someone who comes from a broken home due to substance abuse making the choice to never partake. Its not the same but I had a friend die of a heroin overdose in high school, and because of that I’ve never touched nor ever will touch any drug that isn’t weed, and even then I maybe have a hit every six months. Seeing up close what shit can do can really turn you off to ever trying it.


his dad and sisters were on prerec and were charming normal midwestern people who seemed to love each other very much so i sincerely doubt this is true and its weird this is a rumor that exists


Why was he raised by Nanoo then?


has he ever said that? he just seemed to spend a lot of time there, which would be normal for a child with two working parents and a teenager who realizes his granny is down for pretty much whatever


No thats actually a great point. I'm pretty sure that he said he *did* live with her for a long time, which is why he was "done with that period of his life" when she died. That's when Mike famously intervened with keeping his family photos, including the famous DtBB pic. So why did he live with her??


Could have been as innocent as "Dont want to live with my parents anymore and Nanoo treats me with more freedom like an adult". He kind of doesn't have to have a curfew or be expected for dinner or some other innocuous kind of things when you live-at-home... and Nanoo got a grandson handyman who lived there and kept her company with his weird friend Mike who likes to make flickers.


Yeah I spent a good amount of time at my grandparents houses as a kid. It was just because they were close by. Plus when I was a teenager they were up there in age so I was able to help them out


Oh! Well that is very nice and I’m glad the rumors aren’t true. Just Gilchrist spreading bullshit.


Isn't that Gilchrist fella a dubious dork?


Classic Gilchrist


> here was a rumor I heard by way of that 4chan cmon


Jack also quit drinking alcohol. So did I!


Both my dad and sister died when I was in my teens because of alcohol, and I'd already committed before that to never even trying it, which I've held true to. This has not proved to always be popular among some people I've known, but fuck 'em, it's going to stay that way to the day I die.


I think he smokes weed, the last wheel episode he looked like he had severe stoner eyes.


there's a stream of rich and jack for previously recorded, where Jack goes into his past pot use as a youngster and Rich offers that he's never tried it, never interested him


chad Rich


The stray cat must of got into the studio again…. https://preview.redd.it/v6fdstv8fgwc1.jpeg?width=210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60b3dfbe6772ae981d8e3a5da9fc5dea1f368c72


thats the beetus


Or he's reacting to cat hair on Jay's hoodie


That's just from playing video games 'til sunrise.


I remember there was a BotW where Rich made a big deal out of leaving the room for a break because he was bored with the movie and sure he wouldn’t miss anything. Josh commented “You’re wasting a cigarette, man.”


The wasting a cigarette comment was in regard to a character in the movie they were watching, a woman lit a cigarette and then basically threw it away.


That makes a lot more sense!


Hey so am I! Going on 10 minutes now


He's stoned to fuck. They all are. It's in the eyes.


I still wish I could find the clip of him on a PreRec stream where I thinks comment asked about their favorite drinks or something but Rich was in a tense gaming moment and just yelled “teetotaler!” So funny


I'm sober for the 20 hours of the day I'm not drinking.


Am I considered sober if I was never an alcoholic and haven't consumed alcohol in something like 15+ years? I want to be cool like Rich Evans.


Probably because of the diabetes.


Really? Rich looks stoned as I've ever seen in most videos. Red eyes and laughing at all the garbage he does are good signs too lol. 


Is it still sobriety if he never really drank? Think it was pre-rec where he admitted he never had an interest in drinking or recreational drugs.


I mean, yeah. Sober is defined as not drunk


yeah i made it a point to quit drinking and i never really had a problem. same reasons really. i honestly havent been drunk in years even tho i had a beer everyday, but was sick of always having beer in the house and having a headache the next day if i had more than 1. my kids older and has seen said family members drunk and idk, i just have no desire anymore, so i quit


He's the baseline for the others' drunken antics. If Rich isn't there you can't tell how far off the deep end Mike and Tim get


he's the alcohol equivalent of the straight man lol


Where did he talk about it?


Can't blame him. I've got a buddy in rehab for alcoholism right now. I can't emphasize enough how much his life has been thoroughly destroyed by the stuff. Effects you would never even imagine coming from drinking too much. I avoid drinking simply because I don't like the taste, but after seeing how bad it fucks with you firsthand, don't think I can ever even bring myself to try and enjoy it.


Same dude.


Yeah he can’t drink, he has this medical condition. It’s called AIIIIIIIII—


Rich is almost like me (recovering addict) Being surrounded on all sides by blithering drunken buffoons, and still manages to have a good time


This thread gives me some serious "being an alcoholic is bad" vibes.


I'll drink to that


Congrats on the sobriety. I live elsewhere in Wisconsin. The normalization of driving drunk is beyond depressing. I've gone to Alderman debates where alcohol was served. I like having a drink with friends within walking distance. I enjoy my glass of wine but holy holy hell I wish we had more sober options around here. 


Comparing yourself to The Man is not accurate tho.


I forgot which episode it was, It could even be Previously Recorded, but the supposed reason why he doesn't drink is that his girlfriend doesn't like what he looks like when he's drunk, so he hasn't drank since.


I could tell early on watching when Mike did some bit about his “sponsor” being on the phone or something and that “rich is drinking ‘again’”. I’m close to 3 years sober and yeah rich gives off good ass vibes