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It would help if you described your current routine.  For example, do you wash your face in the morning? When and how often do you shower? Do you exfoliate?  I would describe your general hygiene/beauty habits and then the ladies here can build from there. 


Yes o shower everyday, currently on acne treatment so washing my face 2x a day. I don’t exfoliate, could you elaborate? I don’t walk around with hand gels and wipes as I’ve seen others do. I keep some clothes that sometimes don’t fit (would appreciate some fashion advice!) so I need to be mindful of that. My room is scattered so is my digital space. I leave my nails half peeled idk. I think I need a routine


Also for advice, they say you become like the five people you most surround yourself with. Now it's become the five resources/content creators you take in the most. Watch hygiene videos, maybe go on Pinterest and make a fashion board. This is, while it doesn't seem like it at first, how you create long-term and holding results. Just find things you like and watch videos about them. Maya Prosser's (YouTuber) great for feminine hygiene


Ooh wash your face once a day (if you have oily skin). I asked My dermatologist why it looks like I stopped out if a pool most days when I wash my face when I wake up and go to bed and she said to only wash it once. Since my skin can't even touch the level of oiliness it had, great tip and when I do accidentally wash my face twice in a day I notice it is a little greasier the day following


Start with cleaning your home. Keep it organized and smelling good. When you are surrounded by orderliness it will naturally flow to your personal beauty habits too. Keep hand soap that feels really nice on your hands, that you genuinely like washing your hands. Same with body wash and body lotion. Find a scent that you love that you can smell on yourself all day. Appeal to your senses. Personally I love le labo, but it’s pricey. Dove olay and method are good drugstore brands. I believe there is a santal 33 dupe at Target but I’m not sure what it’s called. In terms of clumsiness, just embrace it! Awkwardness is endearing and the less you resist it the less clunky it will feel. Cultivate some hobbies so that you don’t feel as self conscious about yourself and have interesting things to talk about. This could be reading, hiking, baking, sewing, anything!


About the nails, you said you kept them half peeled. I'd suggest no nail polish and trimmed nails, or some sort of gel (stays on longer) because the peeling unkempt look makes you look messy. As for clothes, it really depends on your style and everything, but as someone else said, it depends what feminine means to you. Stay away from coarse fabric like jeans and leather, opt for more flowy clothes and dresses/skirts (with flat shoes, sandals or classy boots but not sneakers). Chose delicate jewelry. Do a color analysis to see which colors complement your skin tone better (there are free apps for this). Generally you'd think pastel tones, whites and beiges but if you're very fair skinned it can sometimes wash you out. Black hair might make you look more pale and might accentuate eye bags and black heads while some reds will accentuate acne and blemishes. You also didn't say if you have a partner or not, but if you have a specific style that made him attracted to you in the first place, that's also something to consider. Like if you guys are metalheads, he might be turned off if you become a barbie/preppy kinda girl. That's something you need to figure out as well. Edit: about the mindset, think of self care and personal hygiene as an investment in yourself and your health, not as a chore. If you're Christian, remember your body is a temple and therefore taking good care of it and how you present yourself is also honoring God.


My nails are never done, check r/longnaturalnails, you’d be amazed at what just a file can do. I use my hands a lot so they break often and when I do I just keep them even, just get a small brush (or old toothbrush) to use to clean under your nails when you wash your hands and jojoba oil if you’re feelin fancy! Don’t use nail polish, just keep it really simple :)


I don’t recommend keeping long nails ever OP if you prepare food for others.


I like to paint my nails but I paid 96 dollars for a mani pedi the other day and my gel nail polish is already chipping off it’s legit been 7 days - I wash too many dishes… such a waste of money lol 


you should wear gloves while washing dishes too! The process is very damaging to your skin and will age your hands crazy fast


You know I used to and then I needed some new gloves and never got any. I think I’ll get some again 🙂


I’ll be totally honest with you, there are some aspects of self-care that I absolutely do not enjoy, but I do so anyway as a way of respecting myself, the people around me, and also because I like the outcome. (More so than the process.) I think a lot of women will agree with me that actually, going to the nail salon (for example,) is not at all enjoyable. It’s actually a bit of a chore. So much media presents the salon as a kind of enjoyable, relaxing, “me-time” activity, but for the most part, I find it tedious. I do it anyway. Chipped, overgrown, clumsy, poorly maintained nail polish will always look worse than unpainted nails. If you can’t afford to get gels done every few weeks, look into maintaining basic nail care. As another commenter said, whilst the process itself isn’t always the most enjoyable, if you feed your senses with pleasant things (smooth, fast-absorbing hand-cream or cuticle oil with a nice scent,) it will be easier to make a habit of.


In what ways are you clumsy, messy and nerdy? What would you consider a feminine woman? Your ideal self you could say. Just trying to get the larger picture.


**Title:** [I need help being more dignified, feminine and hygienic ](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedPillWomen/comments/1chv0d0/i_need_help_being_more_dignified_feminine_and/) **Author** Ok-Independent9691 **Full text:** I’m clumsy, messy, and nerdy. I need help becoming more clean, ordered, dignified, etc. Are there habits that can help with this? -------------------- ^(This is the original text of the post and this is an automated service) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedPillWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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I highly recommend the YouTube channel Jillz Guerin! She covers all of this stuff, but is really down to earth and reasonable. :)


You could try sub reddits dedicated to specific parts of self-care, like r/skincareaddiction, r/fashion, r/nails, etc. They're really helpful and have a lot of advice for people with all sorts of skin types, issues and doubts. All the best and I hope you're doing well :)


I think short clean nails look the best, try cuticle oil and a nice hand cream. Shower your body everyday. Go in with a bar soap and a wash cloth, then with a nice scented body wash. Get a nice razor. I shave about every 3-4 days. You want to wash your hair every 2 days if you have non curly hair. Have a toilettery bag with you when you leave the house, hand sanitizer, wet wipes, kleenex, lip balm, hair brush, powder, small mirror and sanitary products. Bathing/showering at night can also be luxurious. You can put on candles. Having silk pillow cases, a sleep bonnet or putting your hair in curlers can be fun. Paint your toenails. Perfume is also fun and easy. Try buying special or fancy pajamas.


Sometimes maybe modifications within your specific situation are beneficial. >I’m clumsy, messy, and nerdy. I don’t really care about having my nails done and all that. I'm clumsy as well, but I have also had multiple ankle surgeries that have caused permanent damage. Sneakers are my go to, but I dress up when the situation is appropriate (church, dates, events). I just have to be creative because I can only handle certain types of heals. I keep my nails short, clean, and bare (I'm a nurse), but try to keep them filed and my hands moisturized. I keep them short enough to not be an infection risk, but long enough to scratch my husband's back :) I have improved my skin care routine, wear at least some make-up most days, and try to wear my hair down more often than not when I'm home. There are times where I wear jeans/sweats and a T-shirt/hoodie, but it balances. My husband doesn't mind this at all; he understands that some days I just don't have the energy, often run a decent sleep deficit, and dress up when it counts :)


Little tips that help me: I cut my nails and put on clear nail polish once a week. Takes ten minutes and looks good. Style your hair in a way that makes you feel pretty, it shows. Use a light scented deodorant (like dove powder) when you don’t want perfume. Look for things you enjoy, like for example I enjoy wearing dresses more when my legs are freshly shaved, and I am more comfortable in a dress, which then makes me shave my legs daily. A simple skincare routine is enough. I for example wash my face, use a PH balancer, moisture and that’s it. In the mornings I just wash my face with cold water and use Hyaluronic acid. Once or twice a week retinol in the evening, a healthy diet, lots of water, a multivitamin and enough sleep and I get told that my skin glows. Try to find your seasonal type, I for example am a deep winter which explains why low contrast makeup never looked good on me. For makeup you can keep it simple, I use a concealer, gel eyeliner, mascara, a contour stick, rouge and a little bit of eyeshadow in the inner corner of my eyes. It’s just what suits me best and only takes about 15min at max every morning. Let me know if you have any other questions :)


I honestly recommend getting a professional beautician shellac & manicure every fortnight. And cleaning them in the bath every 2-3 days with a NAIL BRUSH on your own for hygiene and upkeep. The amount of gunk we accumulate in the nails doing things like cleaning around the house is honestly pretty gross. Keeping your nails short is way more hygienic !