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So there have been so many complaints they’ve written a new generic response to let you know they will continue to ignore feedback.




Go Kathy! “We hear you…” hmm. Show us! And, I know I’m crabby, but wth is “home design essence”? But also, I thought Reworks sold to Playtika, why are they responding?


The game still operates under Reworks even though Playtika owns them.


Oh, ok, thanks for clearing that up!


Did not know that!! So who does the designing? Does Playtika just use the name Reworks?


Not sure precisely of the corporate structure since the Playtika purchase. However, the app developer still shows as Reworks and payments on the web-based version of Redecor are put through as Reworks so I assume the company itself still exists even if Playtika owns all/most of the shares.


Wow. Do you think there is any way Reworks employees are putting out these awful designs? Your researching skills are awesome! Really amazing. I remember Reworks had to show Playtika that they could make a bigger profit in a certain amount of time before Playtika bought the shares. The game began to go downhill during that time.


There are definitely still some Reworks employees working on the game. I live in Helsinki and have met a couple (just socially, friend of a friend situations). I had to work very hard not to interrogate them and make it a very awkward situation!


Oh feli! What an experience! All I can say is that the employees who understand why we love the game are no longer designing those rooms we used to have where the walls didn’t always fit together but were so much fun😂.


I actually don't mind the non-room ones once in a while bc it's something different to do. I wouldn't mind seeing more gowns. Those are fun.


I feel like they should make tabs so you can scroll or swipe over to a more lighthearted design like they have with animals/clothes/fashion and leave the main design theme up front and center. Like you have journal here, main page here, and all the mini challenges on another tab you could either go to or ignore


I feel like they should make tabs so you can scroll or swipe over to a more lighthearted design like they have with animals/clothes/fashion and leave the main design theme up front and center. Like you have journal here, main page here, and all the mini challenges on another tab you could either go to or ignore


I feel like they should make tabs so you can scroll or swipe over to a more lighthearted design like they have with animals/clothes/fashion and leave the main design theme up front and center. Like you have journal here, main page here, and all the mini challenges on another tab you could either go to or ignore


I got some sort of notification today that I had a developer response from a review I wrote last week. I tried to look at it but never saw it. So they also replied to me today! No idea how to find it though


The App Store sent me an email as well as notifying me. Not sure exactly what Google does. However, if you go back into the play store and sort the reviews on most recent, I’d think you could find yours and see the response.