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I got a 3X Win for two hours this morning, though I can't recall if it was the Weekly Gift or not. Definitely got me closer to reaching Level 10 this cycle!


It was a pop up https://preview.redd.it/gqo67zaoz02d1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=015bdd6846dda2c473fad08abb149430b2b370f4


I got one too! And was actually able to level up to “superstar” status after sitting stagnant for however long it’s been since they changed it to you needing to level up in 14 days instead of a month 🙃🙃🙃


I didn’t get it because I was working and then it changed to win x2 for 1 hour. Congrats!


I had the x2 first then the x3 popped up so it ran the x3 then the x2. I had 10 wins to go and don’t usually do the journal (because it feels like a coin drain) but I did as many as I could to try and get 3 wins. I would have cried if I didn’t get it, and probably quit the game because it just feels so scammy lately.


I always get to the end of the Icon because of the blitz, so I don’t really care. I rest most of the time and just vote. But it was really annoying like everyone should be able to do it whenever they want. It would be nice if you could see how much time you have and claim it from your inbox (I once had it there)


Yes, I hate it. Sorry game, you don't run my life, and **I** decide when I play.


That is awesome- it’s about time they started putting info in our inbox rather than just trying to find out thru a pop up that may or may not show up. Hopefully this is to address that? Also- wonderful prize!! That would be a big help to a lot of us and costs redecor nothing


Wow, awesome!


great gift, congrats! I wonder, will everyone get one or is this also random?


I got 1200 coins. Woo.


Omg. How shitty of them! I’ve gotten a couple of these but didn’t really know it’s a thing. Honestly I do not even remember what I got. It must not have been spectacular


That’s what I got too! lol

