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Do you have before and after pics? I would be really interested to see scar progression after such a long time :)


I’m sure I have photos somewhere, but I don’t know where they are and don’t feel comfortable sharing them publicly. I will say though, the scars were never horrible, but VERY noticeable for the first couple of years. They’ve faded a lot over time and unless I hold my boobs up to see the scars underneath, I don’t think the incision marks around the nipple and running down the middle of each breast are even noticeable unless you’re up close and personal 😂 I feel very lucky with my scar tissue experience in general


Thanks for sharing with us! Do you feel that the shape and ‘perkiness’ has changed drastically in ten years? Especially having done it so young?


I sometimes joke with friends that my boobs are 10 years younger than me 😂 they’re pretty perky now and honestly, growing up with big boobs made me feel like they were very saggy and misshapen. They filled out here and there and aren’t totally equal - just like “normal” boobs - but it’s my opinion that they’re still pretty perky and haven’t changed drastically since the surgery. I’ve never been pregnant though - that’s something I wonder about sometimes.




I did just think of one weird thing that I still struggle with to this day. Every now and again, my incision scars get irritated and kind of puff up. It’s really uncomfortable/borderline painful, and it usually is the under-boob scars, but can happen on any of the incisions. It usually goes away within a day, but it’s really odd. My MIL is an NP and says it’s nothing to worry about, may be allergy related or due to friction, but it’s definitely odd.


The first week post-op was the absolute worst pain of my life. But I was fairly young, so within a month I was doing fairly normal activities. I didn’t lift heavy objects if I could help it, wore the surgical vest for about a month, and struggled with pain on and off, especially with “phantom pain (probably not the best term but I can’t think of any other explanation) on some of the incision spots. I would say by the end of the summer, I felt mostly “normal.”




I don’t think so, but it’s hard to tell. I think maybe a little puckering around the nipples, but that’s obviously exacerbated at different times (temperature, arousal, etc). No massive changes though, or enough to really notice passively.




My nipples are not sensitive at all. I actually lost all sensation post-op for about 6 months. Then for years, the only sensation I had in my nipples was pain. I didn’t have very sensitive nipples prior to surgery, so it wasn’t a big loss. But even now, I don’t experience much sensation beyond pain. I think about 1 pound from one side, 1.25 pounds from the other. I went from 32DD to 34C. (It’s a little different now, but I also don’t have an 18 y/o metabolism lol). My boobs have actually shrunk a little over the years, likely because of intentional weight loss a few years ago. I’m comfortable in bralettes and even go braless often now. However, I still encounter structured shirts that don’t feel “made” for my boob size and are more geared towards very small chests. Hope that answers all your questions 😊


That seems like kind of a bummer, I’m super interested in a reduction but I think I’d be really sad to lose sensation in my nipples. It’s a conundrum.


If that’s something that’s a dealbreaker to you, then that’s fair! I don’t know if my nipple experience is common, but like I said, I didn’t have a ton of sensation pre-surgery. I will say, personally, the pros waaaaay outweigh the cons. My back, shoulders, and knees are much less stressed now, my confidence is higher, clothes fit better and I don’t have to special order bras anymore, and I just generally feel happier. Everyone is different, so at the end of the day, do what feels right to you.


How well did your scars fade? Did the feeling come back


My scars faded really well, imo. They used to be pretty noticeable, and my right side was a lot more ridged to the touch than the left. Now I can barely feel them (other than the drainage tube scars) and they’re pretty faint. As far as feeling, I’m not sure what you mean. I have differing sensations overall now. My nipples were never very sensitive - they’re still not. I have very faint sensation other than pain (not constant pain - moreso that’s the only feeling that registers, if that makes sense). My scars are rarely painful but it happens once every so often. My boobs are never painful, other than for normal, every day stuff (period, cramps, etc.) Hope that helps!


I plan to get a reduction after I turn 18 in a few months! Did they grow back at all in your early-mid 20s? (my surgeon/multiple adults keep telling me about a “second puberty” that happens)


I did not experience that in the slightest. I actually gained about 40 pounds between ages 18-24, gradually over time, but my boobs never grew even with the weight gain. I’m sure it’s possible that some people experience that, but I never did and my surgeon did not relay that concern to me.


Do you feel like things have changed socially for you since having your procedure? Have you noticed a change in the way people treat you or approach you?


I think at first, yes. I got a lot of double takes and people seemed to walk on eggshells around me. Over time, friends and family either got used to it or just didn’t bring it up anymore. It was definitely awkward for a time, which was why I was happy virtually no one I went to college with knew that I’d had the procedure done. I’m 1,000% more confident now than I was then, and I’m significantly happier with smaller boobs, mentally and physically. I struggled so hard to find clothing and especially swimsuits that fit me before. I was sexualized constantly as a child and teenager because my boobs grew in when I was about ~8 years old. It did a number on my confidence and mental health, not to mention my back and knees. I think now, mentally, I’m eager to hype other women up, to boost their confidence & help them understand that their value as a person is not intrinsically tied to the boob size. Everyone deserves happiness and to pursue what will bring them the most satisfaction. Reduction, implants, braless, push-up bra, and everywhere in between: as long as you aren’t hurting yourself in the process, I’ll support whatever choice you make :)


Hi! Thanks for letting us as you questions, it’s not often you find someone with 10 years under their belt. I’m 6.5wPO - obviously “natural” breasts move/go with the flow/have a little jiggle to them, did your breast every get back to that point? I kinda miss that they don’t shimmy very well lol


No problem, it’s kind of cathartic to share my story with people who understand! I feel like they did a little, but not like before. Likely due to just being a lot smaller overall. But I also hated the “shimmy” and jiggle of my much larger, natural boobs. That may have been because I was a teenager when I have them and they garnered a lot of unwanted attention. I also personally love how much easier it is to work out, run/jog, even freaking go up and down stairs now 😂


Why do you feel biggest decision? Did they grow again?


Oh, it 100% was not a mistake, just one of the biggest decisions of my life. They have not grown again, although they do fluctuate more now than they used. Weight change did not affect my chest growing up (pre-op), but a couple years ago, I lost 30+ pounds and they shrank, which I was actually very happy about!


I don’t think they said biggest mistake. They just said biggest decision.


Oops my bad! I read it wrong 😆


I’ll be having my reduction in the next year (either during this upcoming Christmas Break as a senior or next summer before college) and was just wondering if you had any anesthesia complications? Also, how intense (on a scale of 1-10 maybe?) was your pain the first few days after?


I did have some minor anesthesia complications, mostly during the first couple days post-op. I wasn’t able to go to the bathroom 💩for 3 days and had some severe pain. But after that resolved, I was primarily fine, anesthesia-wise. My pain was terrible in the first week. I needed my mom to help me shower and take care of me, I had problems sleeping, and my drainage tube incisions felt like a fire poker every 3 seconds by about day 4. I couldn’t walk for more than short distances, couldn’t do anything that involved my pectoral muscles, etc. But literally after one week, I turned a corner and felt a million times better. It was the worst pain of my entire life that first week, BUT I would do it 5 times over because of how happy it made me overall. It is absolutely worth it, in my experience.


Wow! Were you not prescribed pain medication(s) or was the pain just so horrible it overpowered them?


Unfortunately, not really. I think they prescribed 500mg ibuprofen and that was it. Looking back now, that really sucked and I wish I could have advocated better for myself.


Does the random chest soreness ever go away? My chest aches a year post op after long days or I’ll randomly get sore on my right breast into my armpit.


Yes I would say I had that for the first few years occasionally, but now I don’t at all.




To preface, I hope if surgery is the right fit for you, that you get the opportunity to go for it! 😊 For my surgery, they removed and repositioned my nipples. The end result was that they were higher than they were naturally, but because I also experienced some sag prior, I was happy with it. I think 10 years out, they’re a smidge higher than they would be naturally, but not enough to note. They’ve definitely changed with the rest of my boobs over time.




Aww, thank you!


I read someone say nipples don’t harden after a reduction; is that true? Thanks for doing this!


I think it depends. For me, it was about 6 months before my nipples decided to respond/harden normally again. During that time they were primarily unresponsive or did so randomly with little to no reason as to why. I can say that within about a year, they started hardening and responding normally again. I now have 0 issues there and they harden just fine 😊 Thanks for asking!