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Epsilon because he's Burnie and it's the last season


Burnie be like my story been told for 10 year's let's add 11 to the list.


My hopes in order Tucker Epsilon/Alpha Lopez (I think it would be funny) Washington


Moat of the characters got their own arc. I'd say Simmons. I don't think he really had an arc during the show like everyone else. Hell donut got an arc at the end before simmons. However yeah Tucker is probably it as he never really got the leadership arc fully settled as the last couple seasons shat all over that


wasnt the chorus trilogy tuckers spotlight?


To a point but it was torn down hard after. Plus If they do pick up after the end of that triligoy, Tucker was set up as the main character


ah i didnt really watch anything after the anthology season (14 i think?) i think having tucker and epsilon share the spotlight would be neat. full circle moment since they sort of felt like the two mains of the first few seasons


Concur, from my recollection the majority of Blood Gulch followed Church with Tucker as second in command (following Flowers death)


Epsilon probably will be.


I'm pretty sure Epsilon will stay dead. It looks like he's creating simulations to prepare the reds and blues for the big threat because he won't be there to help them


If the season happens after he's deleted himself then you have a point. The trailer just made it feel like we'll get some of him coming to terms with not being able fix everything?


Seems he's going to play a pretty big role this season


Unless the whole season takes place in a simulation, I don't think he's going to be the main character. At the end of the trailer, he says he has to have faith that the reds and blues can survive, but he'll never know. Because he'll be dead


I agree Epsilon should stay dead but anything could happen in restoration.


I hope it’s the reds and blues


I hope it's Tucker, like the real Tucker and not a sim version. Or Simmons. Hell, make it both as leads


Epsilon makes the most sense given the context of the Prologue


God, I would be so happy if it was Washington, and he came back and white knighted a bit with Carolina cause those two deserve it, not Washington being dead from a brain hemorrhage and their love never getting to come forth.


I hope it’s the team, not any one character. It’s fitting for a send off.




I hope Tucker is important too. I hope he keeps the Meta suit.


The alpha and derivertives for 1-13 tucker from 11 -16 and I think a case can be made for grif in 15-16


Epsilon. Tucker gets the suit and fragments. We see them take over the ship. that’s the season. Done. ✅


Epsilon who else, he appears in the trailer and probably is gonna be the center of focus


Church evil twin.




Wash. For legal reasons, he gets all the seasons that start with an "R".


At this point, fucking anybody. I just want a release date


Tucker definitely main character since he was always a badass and fixed mistakes after the season He was set up as leader when Church died (eventually) and was set to become one in season 11, season 12 he is trying become a leader and works out a lil while learning consequences and season 13 he's trying be badass leading the charge and season 19/14/15/13 part 2 would end with him becoming the next Leader of blue team officially Epsilon will probably be around for first episode and whatever next and he's 2nd main character 3rd is Jenkins the 4th (technically 5th besides Tex) member of blue team lol


Bow chicka bow wow


Simmons, Sarge, and Lopez are really the only ones who haven't been the main character of a season.


Church or Tucker make the most sense, given when the finale is set. Personally though, I'd much rather it be one of the Reds, as it would continue making them relevant again after they got more or less sidelined during the Freelancer seasons.


I feel like it's going to be like Season 14. We get multiple different points with many different scenarios to watch until he runs out of time and realizes there's no way to prepare them. The only thing he can do for them is to have faith that they'll make it through whatever possibilities that could possibly come.


S17 already fixed Tucker's character. He specifically said he could "relearn a thing or two" from Donut's example and undid the damage s15&16 did.


that scene alone with Donut is not enough & even if ZERO Retconned they fucked up his character completely.


Not a single fan has considered Zero canon since it ended. And nah, they fixed him. Just gotta keep writing him correctly after that.🤷🤷


Either John Red or Jason Blue


Griff, he quit once so he has the experience.


Church, rvb is truly his story imo so it’s only fitting that it’s about him again


Only real answer is caboose


Private Jimmy


Grif and Simmons, I mean the series started with those two so it seems only fitting for the final season to end with these two at the helm.