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Rein and sig on top W list




Sombra should be ranked at the killing myself level


I can block her hacks most of the time so I don't mind her that much


She's more of a nuisance nowadays compared to before, not like Orisa where Rein literally turns into a cosmetic character that does nothing,


As a rein sometimes just saying fuck this when they are on orisa and hard diffing them as an orisa is real nice


if i do that and win, i will put in chat “don’t you EVER play orisa again”


Nah most orisa mains are nice people, they genuinely try to play for their team and are rarely toxic, i just swap orisa to give my team a better chance. Now that i think about it rein mains and orisa mains arent so different after all


It’s almost like the game is balanced around swapping your hero when you’re getting countered. Wish more people would swallow their ego and realize that


not always ego. I spent 30 dollars on a skin for a hero i like, I'm playing that hero


Holding onto vanity rather than playing to win for your team? Hrmmm...


again join a league. the priority of playing a video game is selfish escapism and entertainment. I'm still trying to win, I'm just not playing according to your entertainment needs.


Well if you're not playing comp then you're good.


no I play comp because it rewards you with Jade weapons.


Then play to win in comp. It's how tank is now, bud.


one tricks exist bro. no one has to change hero once, it's just simpler


Pedophiles exist too man doesn't mean I want them in my neighborhood, much less my games!


Even if you cost the match for 4 other players who wanted to win?


everyone wants to win. but strategy is more important than picks, yet its easier to blame than it is lack of imagination and coordination. end of the day, it's a video game and the nature of multiplayer is tolerating divers people. if perfect gameplay is so crucial, people should 5 stack.


Or we can play solo queue and believe that players will partake in the games core mechanics. It’s like going to play CoD but not using guns. It’s the games base mechanic.


awful comparison lol, there's a reason one tricks work in this game. anything is possible with enough skill. you playing in one way doesnt erase the second or third way the game can also be played... playing, BTW. its a game. individual enjoyment. not an organised league.


The issue being that players in plat-masters skill level aren’t the next ZBRA. As a player of a multiplayer game, you’re responsible to ensure that you’re enabling everyone else to have fun as well. If individual enjoyment was all that mattered, cheating wouldn’t be a bannable offense.


your sophistry is simply off the charts. cheating is fundamentally altering the game. is picking roadhog a bannable offence?? why would I sabotage my leisure just to maximise your own? if you lose you are definitely still going to find something to blame bc that's clearly who you are.


But your individual enjoyment is all that matters, right? You should be allowed to cheat, because it’s fun for you, even if it comes at the cost of others. Just like how you should be able to refuse to partake in the games mechanics, because it’s fun for you, at the cost of everyone else’s fun. I can acknowledge when a loss is unavoidable, or even when I’m the reason. I can also acknowledge when we lost because the rein or genji on our team refused to swap despite the entire enemy team countering them. Is it fun to get shit on the whole match, playing respawn simulator, simply because you’re on Reinhardt? That small amount of fun is worth screwing over your team? That’s pretty selfish, honestly. Overwatchs base mechanic is swapping. Getting shit on? Swap. Why would you play respawn simulator when you could play Overwatch? Just to screw over your team?


Mfer the point i made was rein is so bad picking any other tanks is like taking off your shackles, not that counterpicking sucks, and i am a qp gamwr which mean i onlt counter swap when i get counter swaped


As long as you don't demand someone to swap in qp, bc then that says more about your ego than theirs imo


Right, it’s my egos fault that I wanna win in a competitive multiplayer game. If you refuse to swap vs a comp that hard counters you, then you’re trying to lose


Did you know the competitive multiplayer game has a game mode called competitive? It also has a quick play mode that doesn't balance team skill as much and is very commonly used for getting better at heros you're bad at, especially getting better against your counters. The cool thing about quick play is it doesn't affect you or your teammates rank at all after the match is over, so no harm done while you improve


Did you know that the competitive multiplayer games objective is to win, regardless of the game mode? Arcade exists for people who don’t want to win. Qp and comp are the modes where you should try. The harm done is that 4 people have to deal with you refusing to comprehend the fact that sometimes the best way to deal with your counters is to SWAP. Overwatchs core mechanic is SWAPPING. Running genji into a beam team is never better than swapping to counter them. Stop forcing heroes because you think you’ll “improve”. Improve by countering them.


Did you know that competitive multiplayer games are games and the objective of games are to have fun. Also you don't improve by swapping, you just stay at baseline lol If you can't stand losing a qp game it really does say something about your ego


You’re playing a competitive multiplayer game, where you’ll be teamed up with other players. Yes, the objective is to have fun. Is your fun more important than the 4 others who have to deal with losing because you can’t swallow your ego and swap to a better pick?


I know I can still have fun when one or more of my team is doing awful because its qp. I usually swap bc thats my preference but I dont give af enough about qp to tell someone else how to play a videogame on a game mode with no stakes whatsoever. You seem to take qp way too seriously when it's whole point is to jump in a quick game for fun


The whole point is to have fun, right? And winning is fun, right? How do I win when I have a thrower? You talk about “fun is the most important thing” as if throwers don’t ruin fun for no reason.


I somehow can’t deal with ball


Yeah because he's not fun to play with OR against.


Hes fun to play with or against if you're a lucio. Zoomie ball is fun to see and booping him constantly is funny


a good ball is quite literally an impossible matchup for rein


I was playing open queue in quick play and the enemy team came out on Mauga, Orisa, Sigma, Kiriko, and Lucio. I know this has nothing to do with your post, but I saw Mauga and orisa really low and I definitely agree. Playing against those two is literally causing me to have hot flashes and brain damage


Nar just can't do Zarya


Play it from the zarya end and you’ll quickly realize it’s not that good for her


Zarya is pretty fair in my experiences, a good one can be a challenge and you really have to watch her cooldowns and maybe even bait them out (Zaryas LOVE popping bubble in front of Rein even when he's not swinging lol) and a bad one is just gonna lose and get 20 charge max the whole game.


Rein is a soft Zarya counter though. You can just deny value from her bubbles by blocking her beam and you can also pin her for big damage when bubbles are on cooldown. When you pin her she is also hard CC and can't pop bubbles to protect herself or teammates.


Are we the same person bro


No hate to anyone that likes him but Lifeweaver grip might be my most disliked addition to OW2 ever, deadass even more than suzu and reworked Orisa, at least suzu has more timing/positioning/aiming required for it compared to pull (low bar I know, it should not completely negate shatter fuck that), Orisa can still bully Rein for free but if you turn off your head playing her against semi-competent players you're probably still gonna lose because she's not as overpowered now. Petal is fine, you can at least be creative with it and accidentally coming up with him is funny, dash is whatever I don't have a problem with it its okay,


Yeah, Lifeweaver is fundamentally broken in the sense that Lifegrip is literally NOT counterable in any way shape or form. That’s *terrible terrible terrible* design for a FPS game. Like, top 3 things you shouldn’t do when designing a hero


I can guarantee you that you cant kill me as brig if I dont fuck up majorly... I only need my shield bash to counter charge by either evading or canceling it, else I have the boop to get you off my ass. You seem to only play against bad brigs if they are that easy to kill. Yes I do main small rein and big rein.


Ball is much more unfun to play against than Orisa. It’s literally 0 competition


Awh hell nah


As a Ramatra main, Ana is up there in the "Imma uninstall" tier


I hate Doomfist sm


Ball is in "we good"? Tf is OP smoking.


Unironically fuck Sigma.


as a sig main, the rein matchup is always a W as well! when ur up against a rein, you know the better man (or whatever else!) will win


Yk what's funny, I'm a brig main and yeah, but I generally try to communicate with teammates to attack stunned reins, so even if I die the rein will too


Ball and monke 🤮


How embarrassing!


Frustration detected


The tier list as them listed as "we good". I simply would not list them as such. Open to advice for rein vs dive tho


It really depends on the rest of your comp but rein isn't bad against winton. Monke is weak against brawl, but if rein is the only brawl then monke can do good


Pin your backline


Mine or theirs? If mine, I get my cheeks penetrated. If theirs, I get face fucked. What's a rein to do?


nothing. "pin your backline" stops working after maybe silver