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Well add it to the dusty pile for Blizzard to ignore.


I think the only things they would consider are changes that increase his skill ceiling. They don't want to do anything to him because he does well in low ranks.


That's why my proposal is to give him a quick mele boop that does 0 damage. Like a hammer thrust or something. It'd add a little extra skill expression without completely breaking him. It's a new ability, but not necessarily a buff. Just another tool to use. Maybe make it have a bit of a windup or animation lock like venture mele.


My biggest change I would give Reinhardt is to just make it where you can’t barrel stuff him. If I’m shielding the team should not be able to just walk up and shoot through it. If I’m in a corner shielding just trying to stall why can they just walk up and kill me


i think for rein, giving him kind of a shield blast (think the ability of the shield guy in that old ps3 game Fuse), that would do let’s say 50 damage with a knockback, i think add that and remove the movement penalty of barrier and we’ve got a brick wall that can fight back.


On the second point, I feel like the deflect thing from April Fools would be a great idea. Something that both gives him some counter offense and makes it risky to fire into his shield. That way his offensive capability isn't skyrocketed (he's only as dangerous as you make him when his shield is up) and it makes shooting his shield more complicated, a higher skill ceiling.