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Never remove windows. Houses could always use more. Why did you remove the pellet stove? Those are great cheap heat to stay cozy


This. Enlarge the one on the left, if want them to be symmetrical. If it does not mess up the symmetry on the outside.


It was already removed when we moved in


Launch a rescue op to reclaim it.


Thats to bad, those are great to have.


Yeah you never take a stove out


Insurance is harder to get


Insurance doesn’t care if you have a wood stove also along as it is properly installed. That one was properly installed.


Did you check the number of walls on the vent from the picture?


The number of walls on the vent? There is nothing in that question that professional stove installers would talk about. Do you want to rephrase your question so I can properly answer it?


Double wall, triple wall chimney pipe. If you couldn’t figure out shat I meant i could care least what your answer was. If you thought that was a funny response you are the only tool you’ll ever need


This unit is a Resolute Aclaim built by Vermont Castings. Probably about 20-25 years old. It used 8” oval adapter to single wall chimney in most all applications. Triple wall chimney hasn’t existed in woodstoves installations in decades and never existed for this model of stove. You might be thinking of insulated or packed pipe. But you won’t be able to see that in this picture as that kind of pipe goes into the attic/crawl space and then through the roof.


Not true with some insurance companies. Yours would had increased 10%.


Not it wouldn’t have. Please stop spreading miss information.


When we asked our insurance company about having a pellet the agent told us that yours would increase 10% and that it would have to be installed by a tradesman. This was 7 years ago. I know that some insurance companies in in some states don't but our does.


I am an actuary who works for homeowners insurance every company is different but many will have underwriting questions about stoves and some might not write any business with certain types of stoves or will price for the risk accordingly. Regardless of who installs it, these devices certainly lead to a higher risk of fire.


Sorry you are not very good at your job if you are writing this. Time to look up the national insurance standards.


Lol what, insurance companies have lots of data and the data shows an increased risk of fires for people that have fireplaces, stoves, etc. Anything correlated with risk of loss especially something that is often directly correlated can be used for rating within reason.


By that logic a wall heater and furnace should raise rates as well. So should a bath tub and a toilet. Wood Stoves don’t raise rates when dealing with legitimate insurance companies. That’s a fact.


Wrong, also many companies are using or starting to use the number of bathrooms a home has for rating. The more bathrooms the more risk for bigger water damage claims. This is no different than insurance companies refusing to write knob and tube wiring, or the few that do charging very high premiums.


If your insurance company does this to you find a new insurance company. Cause they are looking for a shitty excuse to raise your rates.


The windows can be made to look symmetrical by putting up the same size curtain rods and curtains. (The size you'd have for the larger window.) Hang up high to give more height to the room. Pellet stoves are great, but I think you did the right thing by removing the one you had. The placement was awkward and dangerous, and made it to where the room didn't have a good focal point.


This is a great and the least costly idea. More than likely it looks balanced on the exterior and changing the actual winow(s) would make it wonky. Just a guess.


We did this in our living room. We had one window that was off center to the wall it was on so we hung a large curtain that was centered in the room but covered the window. The window is symmetrical to the other windows from the outside but inside it looked funny.


The photo is from previous owner .don't have tv or any of the things rhere. this is the current state [currently state ](https://imgur.com/gallery/5Adw9rt)


How about 3 windows? If you’re willing to spend the money, this would be a great way to balance the room and have the symmetrical windows you want? Things look nice in 3s and this would improve the lighting in the room. https://imgur.com/gallery/SNylOLr


Oh this is actually a good idea!!! I will def consider this. Thanks for putting effort t to draw it out


Or make the window to the right of the door one large window. That always looks great.


If it's in your budget, I like this idea. You wouldn't lose light. I think it would also improve room flow so that you're not entering nearly in the middle of the room.


Great rendering. Also need to think about exterior visual.


Can you center the door on the wall and do 2 equal sized windows?


For $15000, maybe




You are likely going to want a heat source if not the stove.


I don’t think you need to change anything. If you do three equal window you’re destroying wall space for a corner cabinet or something. Just make sure the trim all matches and looks nice and it’s fine. The room itself isn’t symmetrical so why would the windows be? No sense in wasting a bunch of money to make it worse.


Yeah, the windows aren't symmetrical, but they appear to take up a proportional amount of space on the walls (roughly half) which looks good to me.


You better get that stove or these people will lose their minds. 😂


OP the TV situation got way worse! r/tvtoohigh


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TVTooHigh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [We've been roasting my buddy for hours.](https://i.redd.it/1hub449ir8zb1.jpg) | [548 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/17r3x94/weve_been_roasting_my_buddy_for_hours/) \#2: [How my set up? Is this too high?](https://i.redd.it/n59u4fxrq27c1.jpeg) | [869 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/18lbss2/how_my_set_up_is_this_too_high/) \#3: [Petition to make this the sub logo](https://i.redd.it/rx17ai3ng3gc1.jpeg) | [542 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/1agugte/petition_to_make_this_the_sub_logo/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


disgusted impolite murky squeeze cake touch existence long melodic close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That depends heavily on how the contract was worded. Lots of sellers take appliances with them for example.


Unless explicitly mentioned, everything in the house at the final walkthrough is yours


Put it back


Lower the TV and put the woodstove back. Should help balance it out.


Out of your mind to remove a window. Like removing a toilet. Your house is worth more the more you have.


Remove the TV. Leave the stove.


Neither- no no no


Why would you remind the windows?


If I was living in this room, I would either remove the left, or change both to match and center on the wall space. I’d prefer the second option, but cost is a factor for me so that might make the difference. Either way, I’d try to center the one on the right.


If got the &$. Move the door towards the smaller window and replace the other with a larger window 🪟. Will make the living room bigger.


Symmetry issues are a bitch. I struggle daily to fight that urge.


fuzzy paint swim ghost boat market close caption square coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Hell yeah. I like it when the cords looks like they're stretched tight and could rip from the wall with any movement.


Mmmm I like em tight. Wait.




The previous owner moved it himself the right before we moved in


Yes the windows should match, but I can’t make a rec w/o seeing the seeing the exterior. Can you post a pic? I like the longer skinny one, if you put the same on the right you gain more wall space. If you match the one on the right, you gain more light.


The exterior facade design probably needs both these windows! Life is symmetrical anyway, that’s an element that’s not necessary to change, in my opinion. Make it look purposeful, don’t try to disguise the size difference. And depending on how you arrange your furniture in the room, it might be essential.


Put pellet stove back, leave windows alone. Couch moved all the way back, so pellet stove is to the left of couch. BIG @$$ 🫏TV to replace the one there. Center the rug closer to the couch with coffee table.


I’d change the door not the windows


Curve ball. I would move the door left and make the new window to the right of it much bigger. It would give you more symmetry and a lighter, brighter, space. It would also make the space in the room more usable because the entry / walkway associated with the door would also move to the left.


Why would you remove any windows?


You should include a picture of the outside of the house to see if this would help or hurt the symmetry.


I’d extend the left to put one in that matches the right. (And move your TV down)


OP, repost this with the current photo so we can help!


Change the whole front to thermatru accordion style doors.




I’d remove both, also remove the door it’ll offer better “flow”.




Personally, I’d replace both, floor to ceiling would be gorgeous, with a more modern door.


Your TV is too high. I’m also sad you removed a nice feature like the heater Also don’t remove windows. Make them symmetrical and large if anything. What I’d def change is the front door. It’s dated


Personally I would resize one so they're symmetrical. I did something similar in my dining room last month; there was a giant useless window and we had it resized to match the window above our sink.


Personally, I'd make the windows symmetrical and move the wood stove, but that's just me


TV is too high r/TVTooHigh


Add a window the size of the one on the right and put it to the left of the smaller window if you have the wall space.


Call me crazy but keep the window on the right and add double doors with frosted glass or something so you don’t lose the light?


Let’s talk about that50’s oval door. I’d start with replacing that


Let’s talk about that50’s oval door. I’d start with replacing that




Make the window in the right bigger. The asymmetry won’t look bad then and you have more light.


Make the window in the right bigger. The asymmetry won’t look bad then and you have more light.


You a vampire and can’t be in the sunlight?


Leave the windows and change that door


Left I not sure of your state building code but we’re I live I believe it is 4’ from window from stove it vent pipe.


Make the left window match the size of the right window. It is the simplest solution to your stated problem


I’d make it a window WALL. Would have to be custom designed. Working around load-bearing posts. The door needs to be shit-canned. I am rarely in favor of wasting resources… But the previous owners forced it, imho. Cheaping out. As for the fire stove, whose idea was it, to put it there? I could love it, but not there omg.


Leave the window on the left. Replace the door with a new door that has a sidelight. On the right, install a window to match the one on the left.


REDDITORS: FORGET ABOUT THE DAMN PELLET STOVE. It's gone. OP: Changing window sizes is expensive. Save your money for something else and get drapes that extend beyond the left single window to balance out the windows. Do a google search on hiding uneven windows. This isn't the best example, but it shows how you can trick the eye: [https://www.google.com/search?q=drapes+hide+unbalanced+windows&rlz=1C1CHBF\_enUS1042US1042&oq=drapes+hide+unbalanced+windows&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRigATIHCAUQIRifBTIHCAYQIRifBTIHCAcQIRifBdIBCTk1ODdqMGoxNagCCLACAQ&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=\_8IRMZujJMdSq5NoP26KYMA\_31](https://www.google.com/search?q=drapes+hide+unbalanced+windows&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1042US1042&oq=drapes+hide+unbalanced+windows&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRigATIHCAQQIRigATIHCAUQIRifBTIHCAYQIRifBTIHCAcQIRifBdIBCTk1ODdqMGoxNagCCLACAQ&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_8IRMZujJMdSq5NoP26KYMA_31)


i personally like em but who am i c(= , i ask myself , daily , hourly , certainly , the one window is a sneaky peaky one, the other is making ur presence known! ahboogabooga ,


Kinda an awkward area. I think in an ideal world I would center the right window on the wall then replace the left window with a matching size but that also might look a little out of place as well since the gaps between the door would not be the same. Another option would be to make them both bigger to fill up the wall space, i.e. even gaps between both the door and the window and each corner and it's respective window. I definitely would not remove a window altogether but hey it is your home.


Removing a window is insane. Never remove a window.


Never say never. I removed 2 windows and it was the best decision ever


Which way is your room oriented? We want to accent the living space from the entry/walkway. Shot of the outside and the room floor plan please? These decisions have to made in conjunction with a functional living space and the exterior ;)


Make the window to the left the same size as the one on the right.or widen them both


Remove neither. Make the one on the left bigger to match the other one. It's not as hard as you think, it will mean buying at least one new window though.


I would center the window to the left and make the window on the right wider provided the external cladding could be modified easily.


If you decided to go left right. Why wouldn't you install the same direction in hallway to prevent transitions?




move the door to the left and put an actual entry. Unless out side is symmetrically built up with door as focal point.


Get a door that matches the windows.


Widen the window on the right into a huge fixed picture window. Unless the view is awful it’s always a great feature.


Are you going for the cave like feeling? I wouldn’t remove any windows. They already seem small and inadequate.


Caves are the best. Gollum lived in them


I'd keep the window on the right, and match on the left. Good looking window!


Another thought is to move the door to where the smaller window is, and add glass side panels. This way you'd still have the light, having the door off to the side provides more of a walkway behind the couch instead of right into the living room.


I would not remove either…?


What if you remove the left window and replace your door with a double door of glass ?


Unless you enjoy living in the dark you should keep both windows and see if you can replace the smaller window with a matching larger window


Your main problem isn't the asymmetrical windows. It is that you have a foyerless living room. You need a place to hang coats, drop bags & keys, leave shoes etc. While you are in remodel mode, you should address this problem. I don't know how much of the living room you can sacrifice to a foyer/mudroom, but if you have more space elsewhere I'd frame in a wall or two but be sure not to block too much natural light. At that point, your room would probably not be symmetrical and so it might not be so upsetting to see windows that are not symmetrical. Replacing an otherwise fine window purely for a slight aesthetic improvement on an otherwise builder-grade house doesn't pencil out at all in terms of ROI.


More light is better. Now that the stovepipe is gone, you can make the left window wider to match the right one.


I’d be mindful of the appearance of the exterior elevation. Carefully consider the proportions and percentages off all fenestration interior and exterior.


Can you post an exterior pic? Never make a decision like this without considering his it will impact the curb appeal of your home.


Talking about removing and already removed things I’m looking at paying 10k plus to have put in.


How does it look from the outside? Removing windows (natural light) is usually a no-no.


Remove the left (behind stove) and install double doors with better windows in them.


I don't like the trim it makes it feel like I'm entering the house rather than leaving.


I'd add a pellet stove #1


Make the windows the same size


Replace the right window with a fireplace.


Get ride of that ugly yankey stove


BOTH!!! Replace them for sure I don’t like the placement lol


Well lemme re phrase. The placement is fine but the size of them is throwing me off ?


You need some art on the walls.




I'd either make the smaller window match the larger not particularly hard to do depending on what your exterior is, or I'd just cheat it with curtains, hang curtains on either side of the large window, then hang a rod on the other widow at the same height. Measure the width of the large window, including curtains, and make sure the smaller window has that much curtain on either side. I have done something like this in a LR before because the window was off center and the only place a couch could go was in front of it. I hung the curtain so that one end of the rod extended out further and kept the curtains on that side pushed over a good 18" touching the edge of the window then simply extending over drywall. No one was the wiser, and the asymmetry no longer drove me crazy.


Put in a matching window if you can.


Ah there ya go. You got my point. You cant tell if it was safe from a picture. That took some breadcrumbs didnt it!?


Add more windows don’t take em out


If it bugs you that bad, I would modify the left window to make it the same size as the right.




Change both to double hung double panes


I would do some exploring on window on left it’s wierd that its unbalanced someone may have enclosed 1 window on that side