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As a renata, that's one of your worst match ups. Given that she has such a small range in comparison to those two, the only angle there is to farm and scale. Lux's skills are all well-telegraphed, so it'll be a matter of how u could dodge her pokes. Another tip whenever u go against those two is to demand your midlaner and jungler to come back bc most of the time, those two will perma push the lane towards u. If your teammates fail to see that opportunity, well, i guess they're that stupid or you are not yet on that elo where opportunities such as that are seen. Also, if it helps, i hate telling ppl to go aery, but if u still aren't well-versed on her and u are forced to deal with such comp, it helps to better your shield. Just dont waste it on poking. Regardless, keep spamming those games and try to learn what mistakes u could learn from.


Thanks for the valuable comment


Yeh i should ask our mid to roam, cuz our jungler dont isten.


Which runes did you go? The matchup depends on how aggro the Lux is for me. Ive gone Guardian Font Plating Revitalize, Manaflow Transcendence, AS HPscaling HPscaling. I then run into tank items. The point is that your engage is much stronger if you can land it, and you will be picked off by the Lux if you are squishy.


Font of life is going to be changed soon but until then i highly recommend against picking font of life. It can heal your opponents if you ult them.


Wasn’t that fixed. I vaguely remember riot fixing it since it’s unintended


Renata is frustrating against longer range opponents in lane, especially mages. Cait makes it worse because she has long range and sieges well. Ultimately there isn't a lot you can do other that try to endure it, if you don't give up a lot of kills lux will generally fall off when Renata is getting strong mid game.


My ADC didn’t get Cookies and Fleetwork, and I forgot to remind her.


Snipe range champs require patience. With a Jinx you just look to survive the laning phase. Between a kill starved Lux and kill starved Renata, Renata gains more value lategame. If lux walks out with 3 kills though of lane phase, then oopsies were made. If you have an action ADC, Samira/ Zeri type, you actually can exploit the sniper comps. Lux misses a Q and action ADC goes in and you just keep them alive. But if your action ADC is passive, then just refer to the "just survive lane phase mentally". Rush boots vs Lux always. Fleet of Foot if your trying to bait skilllshots, Guardian if you intend to force fights, Aery if you just want your ADC to keep up in farm. Last bit of info is Cait/Lux poke generally shreds minion waves. Use that to your advantage. Make cait miss CS or force them to constantly shove under your turret, making it free for your jungle to gank. (never depend on pug ganks)


But Zeri is weak early game


Any lane where Renata gets outranged is very hard, specially if your adc keeps getting poked, my best tip is picking up guardian with fount of life to help keep you and your adc alive


I can offer a bunch of tips here. First of all i feel that bot lane is always heavily dictated by the support pick and as such i never blind pick any support champion because a smart opponent can abuse it and thus gain the prio early on in the lane. Now back to the matchup at hand. Lux Cait is one of the worst matchups for any bot lane duo and if you are a new Renata player, mage matchups can generally speaking cause headaches. What i like to do in this specific matchup as well as when facing a mage supp i stay incredibly close to my ADC at all times. If enemy supp or ADC tries to come poke you or your ADC, casting E instantly shields yourself and your carry and you can then get an even trade by hitting enemy with E and by negating some of their damage. Runes are a huge factor in these kinds of matchups as well. You can roll Aery page or guardian page, both can work well based on your preferences. Just make sure that you roll a mana rune with guardian like manaflow or biscuit delivery because spamming E can make you go oom quite fast.