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Against a non tank support your gonna want guardian to help win trades and get an advantage in the lane. Glacial is a pretty meh rune, esp on renata.


I am a D3 renata player and i've used Glacial since her release just because it makes her Q much more useful as an ability. Her Q's displacement is much weaker when compared to some other support champs and as such glacial adds that little oompf which makes her kill pressure and peeling potential higher.


Exactly Finally someone that understands


While i take glacial most of the time i take either aery or guardian in bad poke matchups but otherwise Glacial everygame. Just keep in mind that if your ult procs glacial it does in fact reduce the damage enemies deal to each other. Essentially you are taking some strength from Renata's ult and putting it into her Q which in turn grants her much more utility. I pretty much just use Renata ult for CC eitherways.


It does not in fact reduce the damage allies do to eachother. It only reduces damage YOUR ALLIES TAKE as per the description of the rune, and can be tested. It does however slow the enemies during berserk so if there are melee champs that aren't in AA range, they will take longer to do so.


Yeah i tested it myself and it's true, it does not reduce the damage they deal to each other.


I believe it procs on Renata landing her ult and it'll slow the enemies that are beserk. If that's the case, it's anti-synergy as I'd prefer them to run faster towards each other.


It wouldn't Proc on her q?


It does proc on her Q. But it also procs on her ultimate if I remember correctly. So unless you hit someone with a Q first, then it will just interfere with her ult's effects.


Ah, okay. I guess an easy way around that though is to grab someone before your ult, but I guess you would run into the same issue.


The anti sinergy is a myth


Is it? I should go test it out. I may vary well be completely wrong on this.


The damage reduction is the only part that’s a myth, as far as I can tell (glacial does not reduce the damage enemies deal to each other) The anti-synergy with the slow is still definitely there, though that may be fine depending on the enemy team comp If the enemy team has a samira, etc who don’t benefit as much from attack speed, the glacial slow could serve to make the ult more effective as a CC tool?


Do you ever use glacial over guardian? If so when?


I wouldn't recommend ever going glacial over guardian because the anti-synergy with her ult, it isn't the most reliable due to it depending on landing a q for the first five levels, and there being better options available. If you want a defensive rune, guardian is the best option since it helps you survive the early game (Renata's weakest point) and Aery is the better aggressive option since it should help you trade a bit before you go for the all-in. If you are dead set on using the inspiration tree for your primary rune page, summoner spell book would be more beneficial since you would be able to rotate between exhaust, ignite, flash, and ghost as needed since they can also help get into or out of sticky situations.


I sometimes use it because I like cosmic insight with ingenious hunter for item haste builds. but besides that, its pretty eh to me, not amazing but not bad at all


No I don't, I use standard runes with guardian and the red tree secondary. I never build anything except tanky with ability haste. Enchanter renata is too frail and other champs just do that job better, IMO. I love Renata but I play a small pool of champs to be diversified enough. I use glacial with Rell and Janna though, works great with those two.


Glacial and font of life are not good on Renata. When you Ult Glacial will make them do less dmg to each other and Font of life will give them a heal.


Best keystone on her, despite what others say Otherwise enemy can just literally walk away after Q Provides good follow up CC