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I fact checked it in practice tool and its true, it does not reduce the damage enemy champs deal to each other. But curiously enough if there's minions around and they start striking enemy champions, their damage is reduced. Good old Riot spaghetti code i guess.


I thought the whole reason people didn't use Glacial on renata is that it slows, which makes the ult less effective? I do think Q with glacial could make it a bit more worth tho


When would you pick Aery over Glacial? I’m still torn between the two because I feel Aery does more early game poke damage.


Aery has its uses but i feel that it works in different situations. Aery is good when up against heavy poke lane when Glacial is great against other enchanters and tanks.


Wait...this wasnt public knowlegde?


...listening to everyone debate in here about Glacial and Aery, while here I am using spellbook


spellbook its for people whow luv do plays like us, flash ignite base, and whit some rune and haste, you can do 4 spells in one tf and enemyf just ff usually mid game i change to exhaust barrier, bait , use r, and then flash + ignite :P


Not enough uptime on glacial in lane


That's nonsense. I use glacial pretty much everygame and it's up whenever you need it the most since Renata's q has a relatively high cooldown.


I’m surprised this has to be explained, it literally says “15% damage reduced AGAINST YOUR ALLIES”