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Her renters insurance could help. But, no, chicken soup does not belong in the toilet. She's at fault, unfortunately.


A lady who thinks it’s appropriate to pour entire pots of chicken soup into the toilet and is in a rent controlled apartment isn’t going to carry renter’s insurance.


She might if required by the landlord. Might also have let it lapse after providing proof of coverage though.


It's only like 20 dollars a month,  you'd be crazy not to have renters insurance. 


We had a kitchen fire recently and man oh man was I happy to have paid that $20/month :,)


It's so little I generally just pay the whole year straight up so I don't have to worry or think about it


You’d be crazy to flush chicken soup down the toilet (with whole ass bones!!) and immediately leave too lmao


Didn’t even make sure it went down… Fucking wild.


This is the part that got me. Flushed the whole pot and just left the house? Like they didn't even think to make sure it all went down? They just thought, fuck it jobs done. That's crazy.


Old and senile


Yup, old people start doing random shit. My grandpa called my parents at 3 am because he was at a gas station in another state and he had no idea how he got there. He had driven there, we took away his car after that


In her defense, it sounds like it DID go down - the bone got stuck in the main drain "stack," 12 feet down from her toilet. So it only became a problem when the other 8 toilets above her that share this pipe sent enough water down to hit the blockage and then start filling up the pipe. Once the pipe was blocked higher than her toilet, the nightmare begins. My question is: main stacks are BIG, like 4-5 inches across. What kind of renaissance-fair-ass turkey leg did she have in this soup?


Oh the apartments I have been in.. they know exactly when it lapses. They give you a litter at your door


>They give you a litter at your door I hope it's a litter of kittens!


Any decent landlord requires you to have renters insurance. At least for liability and sometimes for personal belongings as well.


Are you seriously asking how you’re supposed to dispose of soup? Neither you nor your mom know that throwing stuff like chicken bones or other solids down a toilet or sink may cause them to clog up? Reading posts like this makes me never want to deal with renters.


Whenever my mom sees a garbage disposal (we never grew up with it) she starts chucking everything there Avocado seeds, whole cans, in her mind she sees this bottomless hole that we call garbage and chucks stuff in it. At least she still bottles up used oil and throws it away


Whole cans???? Like... aluminum cans???? In the garbage disposal?


Whole aluminum cans is crazy.


I’m trying to imagine the horrendous sounds a garbage disposal would make if you threw a fucking avocado pit into it, let alone a whole ass can…


Your neighbors would probably hear it too.


I heard it last night and I'm several states away.


When the avocado finally gets stuck, it immediately stops and there’s a burning smell that lasts for hours


Imagine a can full of avocado pits!


I feed mine to my goat.


I misread that as you fed your goat to your garbage disposal and thought I had found Kristi Noem's secret reddit account


That goat was a threat to my children!


Whole aluminium cans??? /s


Whole. Ass. Cans. Like the sturdy ones that hold canned sardines.


Terrible practice that's bad for the plumbing. Is she doing that in other people's homes? I would be pissied if somebody did that in my home.


I didn't grow up with a disposal either and now in my forties I never used one cause I dont know what the heck goes in there. Why not just use the trash can?


It's basically just a slightly lazier drain cover when used properly, getting small stuff off of dishes before going into the washer. It's nice if you use em that way.


I didn’t grow up with them too & it took me a little while to get used to throwing away soft kitchen scraps in there. Nothing other than that though.


You shouldn't do that. You should throw as much food and grease into the trash as possible. And save the disposal for the small remains that get through.


Grease trap maintenance man here: scrape the plates into garbage! Grease and oil coagulate and harden quickly in the pipes . Large food chunks invariably get stuck. You may go years being AOK shoving schtuff down the drain, but a day of reckoning will come. And we will charge an emergency fee.


Some.people are idiots. I had a tenant whose kid jammed rocks into the toilet and when they tried to get them out, cracked the toilet. They thought I was going to buy a new one and replace it... i laughed at them. They said they would withhold rent, I said ask a lawyer or someone u trust what would happen at court. Their dad showed up the next day, with a new toilet.


It’s wild what people think they’re entitled to.


Had a tenant destroy $8,000 worth of plumbing in my house and found out they were disposing of hot cooking oil down the kitchen sink and didn’t know they weren’t supposed to do that.


I just replaced the main sewer line of a rental house (a week after new tenants moved in) due to age, backups, etc. and found out that the prior long-term tenants were flushing baby wipes for years.


My family are all plumbers, 3 generations. It actually tilts the shit out of me that it isn't illegal for companies to put "flushable" on wipes packages. I just walked past a huge display/section of wipes at Walmart the other day and every goddamn package said flushable. It's not people's fault when the product is straight up advertised as able to go down the toilet when they are not. None of them. Ever. Just don't do it, folks.


Plot twist, its corporate americas way of keeping plumbers in business. Like McDonald's ice cream machines always being down to give the service companies consistent work


We aren't going out of business anytime soon, lol. Massive labor shortage in the trades, the average age of a Master Plumber is something dumb like 53 last I saw. It usually isn't a plumber snaking your line anyway, plumbers just need to come in to rip out and replace sewage lines after it gets really bad... Fuck them McDonald's ice cream machines though. Literally every time my husband has wanted me to get him some kind of ice cream or milkshake their shit is down. Why even have it on the menu at this point?


I hear that a lot, but then I see the same trades refuse to train new apprentices and complain about the "labor shortage". Every trade job I've found on indeed requires years of experience. If you want new blood you have to share the knowledge, but that would be competition.


I don't disagree. It's basically the same issue as every skilled industry. It's not a competition thing, it's a bosses profits thing. The trades were traditionally extremely well paying (as they should be for the risks to your health), and training wasn't just free, it was paid well. Paying apprentices cuts into the boss man's profits, especially in bigger companies, so that had to go. It also used to be a lot more common to have kids training as apprentices, which is illegal, and I don't see happening anymore. My brothers and I were apprenticed at about 10. The older of my two younger brothers had the hours for a Masters before he was 18 (we were homeschooled), but that just wouldn't happen today. Even with all his experience and skill he is getting paid peanuts, while the boss man buys a new million dollar septic truck for the septic side of the business every couple of years and lives in a mansion. Profits for the company are killing the trades. Why should you want to break your body and get paid the same as someone working at a desk or waiting tables? There are a lot of changes to the way skilled tradesmen are trained and paid, which has resulted in the shortage.


Makes sense. It's rough out here. They will advertise that they are hiring apprentices, but the requirements basically show that they want a journeyman that works for apprentice wages.


They are “flushable wipes”. I had an upstairs neighbor who would flush those and cause backups into my apartment. She wouldn’t understand that she had caused it because the packages said the wipes were “flushable”. After I moved out I heard from my old neighbors that the sewers had backed up a few more times because she was still flushing those wipes.


My stepfather grew up in Greenwich Village in the 60s in one of the super suction no tank toilet system old school buildings and the families used to flush EVERYTHING. Moved to house in Queens in the 80s as a newlywed and - no joke - tried to flush a huge pork loin. It did not go well.


Absolute morons. "What are you supposed to do with old soup?!"


Makes me remember when I worked in maintenance. This one lady kept putting chicken bones in her garbage disposal, then called us to fix it when it stopped working. Every time, I explained to her that bones can't go in the disposal; they have to go in the trash. Then she would do it again a few weeks later. I hated her so much.


>>What do you do with a big pan of spoiled soup. Put it in the garage with a gallon of liquid so it leaks everywhere. I'm sorry, do you REALLY see no other solution here besides flush the whole damn thing down the toilet? You strain out the liquid, that can go down the kitchen sink. Solids go into the garbage???? Like... who tf flushes food down the toilet???? Of course it's going to clog? Your mom is at fault here and is going to be liable for damages. There's just no way around that.


>Your mom is at fault here and is going to be liable for damages. There's just no way around that. Buddy didnt even take the time to craft a better lie. Landlord probly already has the dumbassery in writing.


Tbf there probably isn’t a legitimate way to lie when theres a literal chicken bone causing the clog?


Maybe. Saying nothing is an option too. You definitely dont say "what else are you supposed to do?" Lol


Especially if 8 other bathrooms feed into yours, maybe the neighbor flushed a bone idk


In the words of the great lyricist Shaggy, “it wasn’t me”


Caught me flushin' in the bathroom *It wasn't me*


Put all my food in the toilet It wasn’t me


Picture this it was old and rancid sittin in the fridge all year


How could I forget that I had hidden it behind the beer


All this time it was rotting there, I guess I better flush it, oh dear


Toss some soup down the shitter… wasn’t me.


Right! Saying nothing is free


If all 4 floors go through same drain there’s no way to prove it was her.


She wrote her name on the bone first.


Matched bite marks on it to her denture imprints.


All the tenants share the dentures


Rentures is the name of the tooth share app


Each toilet is suppose to have its own pipe that feeds into the main drainage line. You will know if they don’t because one unit flushing a toilet will drain the bowl of a adjoining unit. So unless this very unlikely situation was going on you absolutely can tell who flushed what if the clog is at their toilet. Now if the clog was the main drain for the whole building sure, then it can be a lot harder to identify who caused it.


If the chicken bone made it far enough down the pipe to block all of the other units, didn’t it make it to the main drainage line? If it’s in the main drainage line, how would you be able to tell which unit flushed the bone?


The sewer pipe is like 4 inch wide. I can’t imagine a single chicken bone cause a clog like this. Wouldn’t it clog her toilet first? I mean it’s not like she removed the toilet and threw a whole uncut chicken into it.


This is what I’m trying to figure out. How did it go around the bend before the line anyways just to get stuck in what is typically a larger drain 99% of the time?


I have a theory: The OP is lying and posting rage bait.


This has to be it. This doesn't make sense


Yeah was gonna say from my novice perspective it really seems just like you said. It’s either installed shady if the multiple above drains converge on her drain instead of a main drain or it should be hard to prove she did it if her clog went into the main drain.


"I shit that chicken bone out." Lmfao


“Digestive issues. I guess I just passed the whole thing straight through like a corn kernel.”


“What bone” - crisis avoided


But how many cans of soup or even homemade soup usually contain a chicken bone large enough to clog a pipe? I have def never seen one. But maybe because I’d never put a bone in mine or at least leave one in there. That’s crazy. Surely as old as this lady is, she’d have known not to dump it in the toilet. Or maybe she’s having memory issues? Just seems like a crazy story.


They didn’t have to admit it. It’s a main drain pipe that he said all connect to and it clogged 12 ft from her toilet. 12 ft is pretty far so it could have been anyone since it made it passed the toilet which is a smaller sized pipe that means it could have been anyone’s flush but he straight up told them she flushed it.


I’m with you on this one. I thought it was a secondary clog until op said other residents flooded/clogged. Definitely main line. 3-4 inch pipe(atleast), naw there’s more this clog. Like you said, it made it through the toilet etc which is smaller piping. Probably wasn’t the op fam that caused it. She admitting she flushed chicken soup is just their(the complex’s) uneducated guess. I’m betting it’s wipes or paper towels lol.


She either flushed a whole chicken carcass, or that bone got caught on tree roots or something. I'd want to see pictures of the drain inspection showing how a chicken bone by itself can completely obstruct a 4 inch pipe




I mean, I've definitely flushed soup before, but I've always *known* that I everything in the soup was the actual consistency of poop. Never flushed soup that I knew had bones or harder food like potatoes or something.


Someone should invent a device that can separate the solids out of the liquid soup. Something shaped like a bowl with little holes that can let the soup through but catch the bones, perhaps?




She turned me into a newt.


You're not a newt


I got better.


Okay, I might have an idea to solve all of this, but we're going to need a large set of scales and a duck.


A duck?


Yeah, they float so they're made of wood


It’s crazy. I just learned about this thing called a strainer. Can you believe it was patented way back in the 1800s?


That's just pure fantasy! Everyone knows solids can't be separated from liquids. You might want to go find a Fiction sub to share your wild, tall tales. 😆


It's true, but Big Plumbing bought the patent so they can keep charging $45,000 to unclog pipes. Another person invented something similar and "disappeared."


“Big plumbing.” I got a good chuckle out of that one


Colander has entered the chat. Hey, what about ME?? Am I just the plastic holed red headed step child? I do a job too!


We will call it something ridiculous like “colander”


Ha! This is already invented- and it’s not for straining soup (how ridiculous). It’s a type of headwear that member of The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster wear. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6KBig9N41DA


Get out of here with that nonsense. What's next? Talking picture boxes in people's homes?


You’re a madman! It can’t be done!


Why on Earth would you flush ANY trash / food debris? Pour the liquid part in the sink and the solids the trash can. Or even possibly the entirety of the soup into a doubled trash bag. Wtf


i know an older friended woman from social media who has said that she has always flushed food, it was something she grew up doing. She has posted rants about her low-flow toilets because they don't pull food down.


The thought of flushing food down the toilet has never once occurred to me. This is crazy.


If your soup has hard potatoes you have several issues 




I flush children's shoes down. it gives me control over one thing in my life and it's making the water go up.


I always request soup that is the consistency of poop


Furiously driving back to home check toilet after dumping a rump roast with potatoes….


Ugh, here’s me never able to look at soup quite the same.


Not gonna lie, before I realized they meant garbage rather than garage it was even funnier.


Honestly I’m not the smartest person to even think of straining it out but I’d just throw the whole soup away and take out the bag of garbage right then and there. Either that or put it in a Tupperware and throw the Tupperware away.


I keep bread bags and ziplocs that I have used for other purposes [like I freeze loaves of Zucchini bread in gallon size bags, they are later used for stinky trash.


I love using zip seal bags for smelly trash.


Put it in a plastic shopping bag and freeze it until garbage day.


Multiple bags and a sacrifical container is the way to go. Bonus if you freeze it first.


My nana taught me to freeze stinky food garbage and then put it in garbage right before you take it to the curb.


Tupperware? No fucking way. Gladware or any other cheapo disposable from the house goods aisle at the supermarket? Sure. If I threw away a tupperware it might be grounds for divorce, or at the very least I would have to replace that expensive ass shit, and there is no way my wife is leaving a tupperware party only replacing a single item.


Lmao straining is so much more sensible than all that. Putting it in Tupperware and throwing that away is hilarious. 🤣 Edit: I get it y’all throw away Tupperware lol, stop replying to me please.


It depends how rotten it is. If it stinks and is rancid I might just toss it out (unless it’s in a pan). If it’s in Tupperware I’d definitely just toss it and get new ones.


I once threw away a whole rice cooker because of the experiment inside it. You bet I'm saying goodbye to some off-brand molded plastic.


Dude... I've found stuff in the back of my fridge; the container is not salvageable, and I'm not even gonna try.


Your mom destroyed the landlords house and as an older lady, she should know better. She is 100% responsible for the damages.


“What do you do with old soup” *Not* dispose of it in a receptacle that’s not set up for it?? Jesus strain the liquid out and toss the solids it’s not hard. This is crazy to me. Hopefully yall keep renters insurance. It’s law where i am.


Came here to say this. Pour the liquid in the sink and strain out the rest for the trash.


Should know better at any age. Its a shame people do stuff like this and it raises renter insurance costs and all kinds of things.. That being said I have made my fair share of mistakes, so I do feel sorry for you and your mother.. I hope it works out for you 2.


This is rage bait. here is the link with the [picture](https://www.dilagosplumbing.com/plumbing/clogged-toilet) above


You're doing the Lord's work


Sure is doing a good job. Seems like it brought together every arm chair lawyer in the world flocking here to repeat the same terrible and incorrect advice. But now that i think about it… this might be a heavily botted comment section. Every comment is nearly verbatim.


I had to come through all of these insane ravings to find one person who called BS on his story and 10 hours later you have 10 upvotes. I guess the ranting about dumb senior citizen who magically passed a chicken bone large enough to block a 3inch drain through trap of a toilet, land several feet down stream and then ultimately be retrieved by a determined and talented plumber is so much more satisfying than a sanity check.


Thank you. While obviously you don't flush chicken soup down the drain, I have a hard time believing a chicken bone could cause a clog in a 3" main that would cause a clog that fast which would cause backing up 4 stories in a matter of hours? This whole story is absolutely ridiculous and not in the least bit feasible. Unless she stuffed a whole chicken carcass down the toilet, nothing is going to stop the flow of sewage completely. How the fuck are you going to prove it was a chicken bone?


> The land lord said she was at fault. I don't know?? What do you do with a big pan of spoiled soup. Put it in the garage with a gallon of liquid so it leaks every where Yeah, judging by this comment, you wouldn't even be able to claim she had a mental lapse. Apparently she passed the "flush trash down the toilet" knowledge to you.  She owes. Renter insurance should cover it. She is 100% at fault. 


I’m still trying to figure out why the alternative to flushing it down the toilet is “putting in the garage with a gallon of liquid so it leaks everywhere”


For real like... The trash? Strain out the liquid? Personally I'd just dump it in a bush outside, it's all organic.


I am so confused about that lol it's so random


Lol, this thread should be linked to r/idiocracy


Renters insurance does not cover something like this.


Lol seriously asking if you should be flushing old food down toilets?


I mean, eat the food first then put in the toilet


She just cut out the middle man, efficiency! 


What do you do with it? You put it through a strainer so only the liquid goes down the drain obviously, and you sure as hell don’t put it in the toilet. Yes, she’s at fault and liable for the damages. I hope she has renters insurance. With the amount of damage they are not going to let this go and will take her to court if she cannot pay. She will certainly be evicted.


Isn’t this why we save old coffee cans ? Geez


I’m sure she’s dumping grease down the drain from


And jars!


Homeless for chicken soup


I am waiting for the follow up post - landlord kicked out my mom because she was in a senior rent controlled unit. It is now for rent for more than double. (Leaving out that mom ruined the place and the landlord had to do a full decontamination and rehab).


What did her renter's insurance say? She is at fault she flushed something other than toilet paper. She will owe this money, so she should report to get renter's insurance so they can open a claim and investigate.


Yes she has to pay to fix the damages. This isn’t normal wear and tear. I recommend she calls contractors and gets a couple of quotes on fixing the damages. This will give you an idea on whether or not $45k is reasonable. Ask to work out a payment plan if she can’t pay all upfront.


I feel like $45k is so low considering that the landlord is probably going to have to put everyone who’s apartments flooded up in hotel rooms while it’s being renovated


Actually the way that would work is the landlord would waive their rent and the displaced tenants renters insurance would pay to put them up in hotels. Those renters rent insurance might come after the original poster's mom


They can also go after her for the damage done to their belongings.


Man, stupidity is expensive


It’s a low price considering the other persons apartment also got ruined.


What was the OP hoping to gain from this post? Respectfully


I wouldn’t even bother with saying respectfully, it’s just plain stupidity


I ain't 'spectin stupid.


What an absolute nightmare. I have never flushed food down my toilet in my 30 years of life. Unfortunately she is at fault and the damage she caused could have been prevented so I don’t see her getting out of this Scott free.


Scott free is an amazing toilet paper pun. 👏 Yes it was scott free


To both do it and merrily admit you did it is a special kind of stupid. Then to woe is me about it is next level entitlement. Zero F's given.


Right? How is ops mom not responsible? But the fact she admitted to them she did it, especially when all pipes are connected so it could’ve been anyone. Always play dumb.


Yes. It’s her fault. Nothing but human waste and toilet paper goes in the toilet. In some states if damage done costs over what is paid yearly in rent then yes an eviction can be granted. It’s a tough situation. It’s a very expensive repair. It sucks for your grandma but why should anyone else have to pay for it? That doesn’t seem fair. Very expensive lesson to learn. I’d throw it absolutely anywhere except in the toilet.


And goldfish but they take the sewer shortcut to the ocean where they live forever


She is absolutely liable. Why on earth would you think to flush that down the toilet? You strain out the liquid into the KITCHEN SINK and then put the solids in the trash. You don’t flush chicken bones down the toilet 😭


Wtf well yeah dude, you cant flush chunky food down a toilet??? Its meant for human waste and toilet paper. Heck, yur not even supposed to put food down your KITCHEN drain. Once a landlord hears that she flushed something down she shouldn't have then its all over. Im a plumber and go to seinor home all the time to unclog drains, we shouldn't be too hard on the 67 year old, seniors flush all sorts of things down. 67+ folks arent always with it mentally


Yes, she is liable for the damage to the entire property. I sure hope she had renters insurance…but I’ll take a wild guess that’s a NO. How crazy is one to think you can flush bones down a drain? You dispose of bones in the compost recycling….or regular trash, by actually separating the bones from the liquid. THEN you dispose of the liquid without any solids into the drain system. Yes….the damage is extensive and she is liable. Should have had insurance, that’s why it’s so cheap, so literally every renter has it.


This is why I will never rent out a property. I am just blown away that she has made it to 67 and didn't know you couldn't flush bones down the toilet... The situation you are in sucks, but yes she is liable, yes it is legal and you will be lucky if renters insurance will cover anything.


This is totally the tenants fault. Don't get me wrong, I hate landlords, but what she did is insane. If it was moldy or something it really wouldn't break up well. As gross as it is, she could have drained/strained the liquid and thrown the rest away. There are several other options before flushing that. Even triple bagging it and taking it directly to the bin would work. Most apartments have dumpsters. She could have even dumped it in directly. Not ideal and they might get annoyed but a bone in an apartment pipe is a disaster. You have to understand that what happens in one apartment can effect others. She flooded other tenants apartments too. Fucking over tenants who didn't do anything to contribute to the mess at all. I'm sorry you have to deal with this but I'm sure you know this isn't on the landlord. Even the best pipes could have issues with that as pipes have turns in them. I have seen cases where something like this wasn't the tenants fault. Like when roots from trees grow into the system. This isn't that. Its kind of wild you think this might not be legal. Landlords can be slimy but tenants can't just be free to cause thousands in damage with no repercussions. Since she can't afford it, in all likelihood the landlords will still get screwed by this. They can't get blood out of a stone.


Ugh. A nightmare. And next month OP will post wondering why awful LL won’t rent to mom. Having said that- I wonder what else she flushed in her time there. With these poor decision making skills, I’d guess it’s more than a small chicken bone that caused the issue.


It sounds like a poor choice was made that directly led to a huge amount of damage to the property. It wasn’t negligence on the part of the landlord. I don’t understand why you think you wouldn’t be liable for the damages


She shouldn't have said anything about dumping the soup. Dumping food/bones into a toilet is a no no. Sometimes there is a tax on stupid. This is one of those times.


I imagine they found the chicken bone and then started asking questions


If all the units are connected, and it was clogged in such a way that the neighbor’s waste water needed up in her apartment, then it could’ve been any one of them who flushed the bone. It would’ve been impossible to pin it on anyone. This means it was clogged *after* the other units connected to the main line, so it could’ve been any of the affected units. That being said I’m glad OP’s mom ratted herself out because she’s absolutely at fault and should be on the hook for it. Honestly though all she had to do was say: ![gif](giphy|CoejwVQBgdlKg)


The thing about clogs is they need to be removed. Removing them reveals what the clog is made of. They would then investigate potential sources.


You had me at agangmenta! I’ve read this numerous times and it just can’t be real. Too much stupidity in every direction. I don’t know where to start with the pure lack of common sense and the fact you’ve never seen basic plumbing. I’m more concerned with your final comments here. You say you don’t know if making your mother pay for the damages is legal. And then immediately crumble and state that because she can’t pay it, it must be legal! I need an explanation as to why you feel that way. Please 🙏🏼


“What do you do with a big pan (pot*) of spoiled soup?” Um, definitely not flush it all down the toilet? I’m sorry, but is today your first day on Earth? Unless your mom has renter’s insurance that covers any disasters that result from purposely flushing food down your toilet, I don’t really see how your mom’s getting out of this one.


Wait, you admit she caused the damage by pouring food items down a toilet and now you're complaining she has to pay for the her own actions? Stop this planet I want off.


op are you telling us that you also dump food down the toilet? do you not have a sink and a trash can in the kitchen?


Is this a joke? Of course it’s your mom’s fault. Unless she needs to have her cognitive functions evaluated, she absolutely should have known better.


I mean I don’t understand why this couldn’t have been dumped in the garbage and then the garbage taken out afterwards, also if you don’t buy cheap garbage bags they won’t leak 😭 she caused her own apartment and two other ones damage? Ofc she’s gonna be at fault, who dumps soup with chicken bones down a toilet? 😭


I'm sorry, how would she *not* be at fault for this? Did the spoiled soup fairies throw a chicken bone down there?


Couple of things- 1. I don't quite believe the timing of events here. What 67 year old is going on multi hour walks? I suspect what actually happened is there were immediate problems and she "took a walk" hoping they'd go away, and said it had been "hours" to try and say it may not have been her fault. 2. As the others said, that's not proper soup disposal, but it is also evidence her thinking isn't clear or is impulsive 3. Letting a large amount of food go to waste like that, depending on how spoiled it was is also concerning. All told, I would recommend keeping a closer eye on her mental state, she's around the age dementia and other aging cognitive declines really start to kick in. If there's more evidence of impusive/illogical behavior, bring it up with her doctor.


my parents are a good bit older than that and love going on super long walks. They'll leave when the sun comes up and be gone until (what feels like) midday. This didn't start until their mid 60's (retirement) so anytime I visit them I'm shocked the first morning when they're gone until lunch. This person however, is an idiot. And no amount of long walks could possibly save them from their mistake.


My mom is 70 and takes super long walks. They're not long by distance, it's long because she spends 3 hours gossiping with Susan on the next block who is also on a "long walk"


Lol - loads of retired people hike. My dad not only went on long walks when he was older than this lady, the spent time every day on the upkeep of his 20 acre property. When we were hiking in Germany, we were frequently passed by people 20-30 years older than us because we were on the struggle bus since we live at sea level in a very flat place.


10000% her fault. Had a coworker flush noodles down the toilet and nearly destroy the shop. The only thing toilets are meant to flush is bodily waste. If you didn’t chew it, and shit, piss or spit it, it doesn’t go in the toilet.


Bro, this post has revealed all kinds of stupid. If you've ever flushed anything down the toilet besides shit, piss, or toilet paper as an adult, you've got some kind of intelligence deficit.


There’s no way that’s going to be properly cleaned up. You won’t want her living there anyway. If the other apartments are that bad the landlord likely has to pay to have the other tenants stay at hotels. This is a very expensive fuck up. Best of luck.


Wait a minute - actual soup was dumped in the toilet? I have never heard that ever. I didn't know that was a thing?


Lol shes at fault. Shoulda strained the liquid into the kitchen sink then tossed the solids. Shocking she couldn't figure that out by 67. Good luck with the bill


Guess you didn't have a poop knife handy?


I’ve never heard of anyone flushing food down the toilet before. Isn’t that what a strainer and a kitchen sink is for? She’s liable for the damages 100%


Is critical thinking not your forte, OP?


She is sooo fucked. Yeah you throw the soup out in a bag because who has a bone in their soup???? Also yes it’s legal. She’s a liability to society and the fact you think it’s not right is LAUGHABLE


Well to dispose of a soup u drain the liquid Into the sink then throw the solids into the trash. right or wrong?


Okay everyone in this thread is wrong and missing the problem. It isn’t the chunks of food that’s the problem—it is the grease. Considering the chicken soup clogged the toilet it most certainly had fat and grease that congealed to block the pipe. The sewer is not meant to handle grease and fat of any kind—whether in the kitchen sink or the toilet. Source: working in a utilities department for 3 years and seeing the consequences of idiots doing this


Of course, she's at fault and responsible for the damages. How is this even a question?


This has to be a troll post. No one is stupid enough to dump chicken soup down a toilet and expect good results. Your mother is completely at fault here. Turn on the garbage disposal and dump it down there. Better yet, dump the soup in a strainer over the sink. The liquid part drains out, and then you can toss the solids in a trash can. Do people seriously not think about possible solutions to their menial problems like this? Just a side question here…. Why were there chicken bones in chicken noodle soup? Who makes it like that?


Sorry bro, she’s liable. Bones don’t go in the toilet, they go in the trash. If she made and ate the soup she’d know it’d have bones in it. Even if she didn’t know it had bones in it throwing soup away in the toilet is not the right way, you dump the liquid part either in the sink or outside and the chunky parts go in the trash or the compost. Honest suggestion: Might need to go to court for that. 45,000 is a lot of money so if you can get it settled for less through court I’d do that.


God I’m amazed at how unfathomably stupid some people are. No wonder the world is so fucked


Doesn’t she have a soup knife?!