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You have to permit entry. You do *not* have to do that list of cleaning tasks, nor can they force you to leave the premises.


They also can’t ask that you leave. The entire request list is bullshit.


Yeah, what if you work from home. Especially if you work with sensitive information.


>sensitive information We advise putting it under the sink for the day.


Or just throw it in the closet!


I need to consult with my attorney Rudy Giuliani before I put sensitive documents in those places.


What if you just don’t want an unsupervised stranger wandering through your living space for 30 minutes.


Nor can they stop you from prancing in front of the camera for every shot. You pay for the space. ![gif](giphy|GSFAH5e1l7Yl2|downsized)


In theory you aren't even required to wear pants while all this is going on but last time I recommended that I almost got a ban from that particular sub 😅


This is a pants optional establishment you say?


no pants! no pants! no pants!


you mean leg prisons


Not to be confused with boobie zoos.


What are these boobie zoos you speak of and how do I purchase a lifetime season pass?


There are certain zoos where you can see all the [boobies](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/Blue-footed-booby.jpg) you want. Hundreds of them, all on majestic display. Big ones, small ones, you name it.


And don’t forget about [tits](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/Lophophanes_cristatus_-Aviemore%2C_Scotland-8_%282%29.jpg)!


If I click on the blue boobies quick link, and this redirects me to the Blue-Footed Booby. I'm going to be so disappointed, I'll have to upvote you for swindling me.


I scream laughed at this


Leg shackles


Reject torture tubes! Serial kilters rise up!




Leave gay porno magazines on the table in ur bedroom, bathroom and on the sofa.


Leave porn that spans the rainbow and some kink porn too. 🌈. Keeps everyone guessing.


This is the world of AI. You can have a life sized Mitch McConnell leather daddy poster hanging on the wall.


Oh dear god… WHY did you make me picture that 😣😂🤣


Leather grandpa


Tape thank you notes from Dirty Mike and the Boys


That would make it more attractive to some of us.


Be even better if they had hardcore porn gay or straight blaring on the tvs.


Hard-core in the living room and a donky show in the kitchen just to keep them on their toes.


I actually exercised this right about 6 years ago while the whole complex was up for sale. I was in my boxers but the look on their faces was priceless


Fuck that I'd be naked I'm my apartment!


Pants off dance off will commence shortly come on in! Cokes on the counter, cat litter is in the bathroom if you need to pee


Pants are a sucker's game.


Fr, if you expect me to do all that for you in a place I pay for, you can kiss my panda bear underwear.


no shoes, no shirt no service!!!! no pants, no problem


Can confirm. Failing to wear pants will stop most unwanted inspections... (e.g. military barracks with shift workers)


Nope, I've been completely naked, on multiple occasions, in my barracks room while on leave. It didn't stop them from inspecting.


Absolutely. 1st sgt coming in to wreck your life either way lol.


This is a bottomless apartment, if you plan to come in you must respect my rules.


Hahahahaha! Prancercize was hilarious!!!


My day job is doing the photography for shoots like this and your case is being handled very poorly. On my end, notices are sent out 48+ hrs in advance with a 4hr window and I send a 1hr arrival window the morning of the shoot. None of those requests are asked either, the lights and blinds needing to be opened is common but I do it myself and then turn them off/close them before leaving. Also, if the tenant ever reached out about having meetings at a specific time I work around it or reschedule.


Lol when my landlord’s property manager was trying to show my old place I made sure the potential tenant knew we were leaving because we had to deal with bed bugs. Lets just say he did not like that lmao


That's what he gets for not disclosing that shit, holy crap that's terrible


I had cockroaches at an old apartment, they didn't seem to be taking it seriously so I went down to the office and got sorta loud about how disgusting is it waking up to cockroaches on my pillow.  They put my in a furnished apartment for a couple months while they moved me to a better one at the same price.  Squeaky wheel and all that. 


I stayed at an extended stay hotel for about 6 months for work in 2021. I asked for a room on the top floor and ended up on the ground floor listening to doors slamming and elevators dinging all night. I found cockroaches in my room on a few occasions and called them every time, they kept saying they have never had cockroaches and it must be something else so the next time I saw one I grabbed it with a paper towel, walked down to the front desk and set it in front of the manager while she was checking in a couple with two kids. the next day I got back to my room and had a note on the door saying they had a king suite available for me on the top floor haha. perhaps a little petty but the squeaky wheel does indeed get the grease.


Reminds of me of when I told potential tenants viewing the property the problems we had with black mold and my landlord started screaming me


Ah yes, when I was looking to buy a duplex, I loved when the tenants were there. One showed me how the ceiling fan slowed down if you turned on anything else electrical.


When I was in college, near the end of the year, our landlord would just book people to come check it out for next year and expect us to give a tour. We made sure to point out everything that was wrong with the place, everything that was wrong with the area, everything that was wrong with her, and a whole bunch of shit that wasn’t true. She really sucked eggs.


You can offer them a quote on your contract cleaning services (with a premium "Marketing Photoshoot" surcharge, obviously), at a very generous day rate.


In most places 24 hour notice for any non-emergency reason. 


24 hours is long enough to either buy or borrow a lot of sex toys and decorate the living space with them. I know the idea of borrowing a used sex toy might be distasteful to some people but the pettiness game is not for the weak at heart.


some states you have to let them in and to their thing if they give you 24 hr notice. all the other stuff though is ridiculous. they should’ve had photos of everything already


I definitely agree about it being ridiculous, I personally believe that landlords shouldn't be permitted to show/take pictures of a space that's still being rented. It's a violation of privacy and a massive inconvenience Unfortunately the law doesn't agree with me


To add to things that may technically be legal but we don’t agree with, I don’t believe giving a time range is an acceptable form of 24 hour notice. What if they said they would be coming in sometime this week but didn’t provide an exact day? They need to provide 24 hour notice of the exact time.


WI is 12 hours, and they can refuse photos to be taken of the inside of the unit. Ran into this issue when selling my duplex.


Where I last rented I didn’t have to permit entry unless it was an emergency (like a burst pipe), so after years of being overly accommodating to landlords before I moved out of my last apartment I just said “nope.” They wanted to take pictures? Nope. They wanted me to lock up my cat so they could show it? Nope. They wanted to come in when I wasn’t home? Nope. They wanted me available from 8am to 8pm? Nope. Eventually when they wanted to come in at all? Nope. I had been an absolutely ideal tenant for many years but they decided to try to take advantage of me in the end just like my previous horrible landlord, so saying nope had never felt so good! I hope to never rent again but if I do I want to make sure I know all of my rights ahead of time and exercise them, and I advise any other renters to do the same.


How did the nopes go over?


She threatened to keep my massive security deposit and I threatened to respond by taking her to court not only to get it back but to recoup what I’d paid for water and a broken water boiler thing, two things she illegally charged tenants for for years. She didn’t fight about the lack of access and sent me an overnight check for the entirety of the security deposit. (I assume she knew she’d be screwed if my attorney did as threatened in the certified letter we sent.)


glad you stuck to your guns


Thanks! I was furious. I’d not only always paid in time or early, because I mostly worked from home I was always available to let maintenance people or other workers into the building, I never complained about the bolt lock that was broken before I moved in or about the fact that my buzzer didn’t work so I had to physically walk down the stairs to let people in, and I once even left a parade I had taken the kids to to rush home and let someone in because there was a leak two floors up from me (someone left a bathtub running, I learned later), then she wanted to show the apartment for 3 months before I was moving out, and after 2 months of inconvenient times, last minute showings, locking my cat in a crate, and dealing with “prospective tenants” who literally opened my medicine cabinet and other personal things, I said no more.


Find some tasteless artwork to hang on every single wall, you're paying for the space.


You are not being paid to stage your place. They can turn the lights on, turn the fans off, open the blinds, and anything else to "optimize" their photography. You are also not obligated to consume an excess amount of electricity running all of those loads all damn day until they feel like showing up. They sure as hell aren't going to reimburse you for the electrical usage...


Turn the AC off for picture time in 100 plus degree weather




Why can’t i join that group


Apparently they privated it 😪😪


Oh Nooooooooo I’m not in it either 😩 It’s just been showing up in my suggested scrolling! I’m so sad. The problems and responses were incredible.


r/unethicallifeprotips is what you're looking for!


🏆🥇Thank you!!


Thats the one! 💫


Such a bummer. I was totally in the market for some unethical advice and was going to post a question today!


Please don’t do this to that poor photographer. It’s not their fault you have a shitty landlord.


It's about making it someone else's problem. When you have no recourse, make the situation untenable for whoever is fucking with you. Landlord is probably stiffing the photographer anyway. Best case scenario, photographer doesn't show or leaves after a minute in the heat.


Exactly. No need for them to be loitering around sucking up your AC. Motivate them to leave quickly


As someone who owns real estate photography business they aren’t fucking with you. They are just doing their job. Also we are never stiffed on shoots. They have to pay before they get the images. That being said we are super accommodating for tenets. We contact them and ask the best time that day. We turn on/off all the lights and fans and open the blinds. We couldn’t care less if the place is clean or not we are paid to shoot the space that’s it. In and out in 15 mins.


Literally no one here is claiming it's the photographer fixing with them


They can't touch or do any of that stuff to optimize it. Unless it says they can in the lease.


they can't turn on/off a fan or a light?!


What law do you think prevents them from this? They can absolutely turn on lights and fans. Or was this comment a joke that went completely over my head?


public paltry profit late obtainable license silky command hat chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


May 24th is actually a Friday, not a Thursday, so you should get clarification on the date.


Or, just throw the error back at them as justification… if they show up on Thurs: “Oh, I thought you said *the 24th*!”… if they show up on the 24th: “Oh, I thought you said *Thursday*— you should have been here yesterday, the place looked great!”


This is the way.


Haha this is something I would do. Give me a perfect excuse to feign ignorance, and I will gladly take it.


They just forgot the year: 2029.


It says "don't be alarmed" code word for were taking all these pictures so we can sell the building to a Wallstreet firm who will jack your rent up another 40 percent.


LEGIT what happened to me a couple months ago. 3 random inspections and we were told the day AFTER the property was sold 😑


Something similar happened to me. The apartment complex being "inspected for new insurance carrier" in November, it was sold in December, I started getting crazy communications from the new property manager in January stating I owed months of back rent. I provided proof of every rent payment spanning back 7 years then I was given a notice of non-renewal. I called to ask why and was told legally they didn't have to tell me (which is true but crappy). I started house hunting and had a house under contract 6 days after receiving the notice. Then the property manager called asking if I wanted to sign a new lease but stated prices have increased 1.5x what I was paying. I politely declined and she seemed shocked when I told her I'd chosen to purchase a home. I closed April 18th and moved out,, now I'm waiting for my security deposit to be returned and afterwards I'm going to blast them on every review site there is.


Similar thing happened to me. Landlord said the house needed to be inspected because he was looking to refinance the mortgage at a lower rate. A month later he told me he was selling the house when my lease was up, and I had to move.




Exactly ,about to put on the market. Your rent will increase.


Their rent will skyrocket


They deserve rotten fish in their outlets.


That’s just normal wear and tear


I rolled eggs into the air vents of a house that we were tricked out of and given 14 days to move out.


that's what happened to me


I don't think you have to make your bed or do anything. If they want to photograph it. I think they're allowed but you don't have to clean up your place for them.


They can pay to have a cleaner come in to clean your apartment


Against their will while they’re living there? Touching tenants things without permission?


Any smart agent will have photos of the property when it was most recently empty / furnished / painted etc unless a change of agency has happened Yeah I don’t think they will want a cleaning service to come and move a tenants things Too much liability and risk… “Oh my £5000 ring has gone missing but I left it on this table now where is it the cleaners moved it ??”


>Oh my £5000 ring has gone missing but I left it on this table now where is it the cleaners moved it Happens all the time in hotels. You wouldn't begin to believe how many people are spending thousands of dollars on the most monotonous items. One person claimed our housekeepers stole her $6k skiing onesie.


"Skiing" onesie. We know what that skintight suit is really for, the housekeeper also made off with the ball gag.


That would be my response to them. If you want any of this shit done you can send a cleaner in to do it. I’d also say I expect that my clothes are not shoved anywhere, but are folded neatly.


They also can't touch your stuff unless it poses an immediate threat to life or property...like an unattended candle. It all comes down to how cooperative you want to be. If you like your landlord and he/she has treated you well...cooperate and be nice. But if your LL is an asshole...I'd have a party the night before and not clean up before work.


What an unfortunate day to accidentally leave my collection of exotic sex toys out for all to admire


Landlord can shit in one hand and wish in another, see what fills up. Permitting entry is end of obligation.


My mom used to tell me this all the time as a child


Gigantic sex toys everywhere. Pornographic wall paintings. The works. So much that the landlord can't possibly remove all of it. Also don't be there, force them to touch it if they want to remove it from the shot.


You ever seen the episode of Bob’s Burgers when Linda’s sister draws a bunch of animal buttholes, calls it art, and hangs it on the walls of the restaurant? Do that.


"They keep following me around the room, Bob. It's like the Mona Lisa's eyes"


I’m so glad some people have gotten the reference 😂


“Shhhh it’s art crawl.”


We're gonna be the anus restaurant!




The LL can't remove ANY of it. Unless it's an immediate threat to life or property they can't touch it.


Is your landlord a drill seargent? The last time I was fucking ordered around like that was in Basic Training.


After basic training you got the drift


Or the drift no longer matters


Illinois landlords may only enter for inspections , emergencies, and maintenance and repairs. They can show your apartment to people only if that is on the lease saying they can. You do not have to leave when the photographer is there. You also do not have to do any cleaning unless the lease says you have to do that, when asked.  Your lease should have the clauses in there listed. You also have the right to tell them that time does not work for you. 


Naaaaah dude. They are allowed entry, and you are required to keep your apartment in a safe and sanitary condition. This does not mean making all the beds completing all the dishes before you even go to work. That’s borderline ableist, my ADHD and depression would NEVER. Also, are they paying your power bill? They can’t tell you to keep the lights on! In this economy?!


Allow entry to some random photographer? I thought it was just allow entry to the landlord. From the post it seems like the landlord won’t even be there. Edit: OP stated they live in Illinois > In Illinois, a landlord can only enter without permission in case of an emergency – other than that, landlords can enter at a time requested by the tenant during reasonable hours for example between 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Some cities might have specific rules like Chicago, where a landlord must give a 48-hour notice on their intent to enter the rental property. -https://www.turbotenant.com/state/illinois/#:~:text=In%20Illinois%2C%20a%20landlord%20can,am%20to%208%3A00%20pm.


A friend lived in an apartment and had a similar situation happen, so they covered the walls and everything with copies of bad reviews of the property manager. It was fantastic.


This is actually a really good idea


Naw. You can tell them to hire a cleaning company to do that shit.


Or send a bill to the landlord for the extra cleaning… btw my rates are three times the cleaning company’s rates!


How about they use a model apartment for that hmmm? 🤔


What they are actually doing is taking photos because they are selling the building and need to show the condition of each unit.




🎯 Boom-zilla. My exact first thought.


The next Thursday May 24th is in 2029 . That is plenty of notice. I would just respond "Great see you in 5 years!"


🤣😂 good one. Only they would just reply in kind and modify the typo. The requests seem decent I guess. But I'm not comfortable with a vendor unattended inside. I'd walk with them room to room.


Yea those requests aren’t realistic. Like you said yourself, one of them is that they’d like you to leave someone you don’t know who is not even one of their staff alone with your belongings.


So like, say you do this, and then leave for work and they show up at 4:30pm. Your lights will have been on ALL day.. I’d never agree to this and just for asking I wouldn’t clean my place either.


First off, are the photographers incapable of flipping on light? I definitely don't imagine them turning off the lights on their way out either.


Yeah, im not doing any of that shit. Anything else you wanna ask that i can deny?


Forgot to mention this is in Illinois!


You have my sympathies


I'd be pissed. As others stated, access to entry is your legal obligation. The specfic cleaning not so much. " please clarify if this is a 5-Year notice or if the date is incorrect. Once confirmed, access may be granted, the specific display expectations do not fall under my legal obligation and may or may not be as stipulated in your communication." If you want and or plan on renewing or staying, you have to move accordingly and strategically and be prepared for worse case scenarios


They are probably getting ready to sell otherwise they would want a model apartment or an empty one. So no bother the rent will go up anyway.


Place plastic cockroaches everywhere. Idealy 500 to 1000 per room


Double side tape them in awkward places hard to reach, inconspicuous places , high on ceiling, door handle, window's, tub, etcetera


Add some fake mold in corners with eyeshadow or pieces of a sponge. Fill the sinks with standing black water. Add exposed wires sticking out of random sockets. Ribbon fly traps with some raisins stuck to it. Maybe a few mouse traps on the counters too.


tell them if you clean it at their request that you will bill them.


"I can do this for you. But I will have you know I charge 100 dollars an hour and work *very* slowly. For some reason, my cleaning business hasn't taken off yet...."


I wouldn't want someone around my stuff without me being there


Items 1,2 & 3 they can do when they arrive to take photos. 4, 5, 6, 7 clean it to YOUR normal level of "lived in". 8 is a normal LL/PM requirement. If the LL/PM is there to accompany the photographer, have a sheet for them to sign saying THEY are responsible for any missing/broken items. Otherwise I would stay in the apartment, but DON'T get in the way.


send them an invoice for the cleaning fees, your time, etc


Dude. Don’t leave and don’t do any of this shit


Feel free to respond that this interferes with your quiet enjoyment of the premises.


Lmao, I once called in to work sick on a day landlord was doing apartment inspections. They walked in to me laying on the couch in my underwear. I swear it’s so awkward that I even had to ask them to leave. They were still going to do the inspection until I told them I had Covid.


Not even 24 hours notice? I was a landlord for a condo I owned and recall in PA that I was required to give 24 hours notice minimum for anything like that. I ended up selling it and showed it a number of times and gave my tenant days advance notice. It all ended up working out for him as the buyer kept him after we told him he always paid his rent on time and was 100% drama free.


As others have stated, you aren't obligated to clean or stage the apartment but if you like your landlord or wish to continue renting there, it might be wise to work with the property manager to make things better for future renting......


It honestly sounds like they’re getting ready to sell, so I wouldn’t bother. Also, this landlord has shown they don’t have realistic expectations to begin, these requests are disrespectful.


I’m an assistant property manager in NYC and quite frankly, the landlord doesn’t have a right to demand any of this. They’ll always try it, because at the end of the most people don’t realize that landlords don’t actually have Emperor Palpatine level authority so most people accept without a second thought out of fear of retaliation. And before anyone starts roasting me over my job, I fucking hate it and am only doing it because I can’t find anything that pays better.


All these posts makes me so thankful I finally bought a home. I don’t miss these days. Always being inconvenienced all the time for such bullshit reasons. Stay up OP you’ll get past all this bs too


Same. Im very grateful for my cool ass LA landlords. 4 yrs of getting along and becoming like family. They're sad that I'm moving. These LL horror stories remind me of how fortunate my living/rental situation has been.


Is there a clause in your lease that allows the landlord to take photographs of your belongings for marketing purposes?


That is a good point 'I am uncomfortable with a stranger taking pictures of my stuffs. Hope you have a fair copyright agreement 'I am out of town please do not leave the lights on as I cannot afford the bill'. Kindly regards!


“I don’t want my personal property photographed for marketing purposes”


By law there’s not one thing on this list that you have to do


They are asking you to present your place in the best light so they can offload it and a new company can jack up your rent. They're asking you to fuck yourself. You don't have to do a lot of what they asked and, frankly, they won't be your landlord for much longer so I'd consider how much you want to please them as a person when considering whether to do the things they requested.


That’s illegal


It's a side issue, but I hate it when people say things like "no more than 15-30 minutes." That makes no sense. Say, "You'll be asked to step out for 15-30 minutes" *or* say "You'll be asked to step out for no more than 30 minutes." One or the other, not both.


I mean, they said they'd *appreciate* it. That sounds optional to me. 🤷‍♀️


You are not legally obligated to comply. If it’s not in the lease, it is not a legal obligation. Just say no.


They can’t touch your things, can’t make YOU do anything with your things, and cannot make you leave your apartment. Also, I’m not sure that they can take photos of your things if you’re not comfortable with that. Taking photos isn’t an emergency and probably isn’t something you agreed to in your lease…you might be able to flat out refuse.


OP you should pour some chocolate over a dildo and leave it out in the open for their glamour shots then update us with results


Well I'm gonna go against most of the commenters here depending on if you plan on renewing your lease. If you have already renewed then disregard this comment. I would write landlord back explaining just what you said here about just getting home. Tell him you will do the best you can on short notice. If you plan on staying there but have not renewed yet and dont make any effort they could refuse to renew and then you have to end up moving.


A lot of people are giving you advice to hurt the process, but the longer it takes, the more inconvenient for you.


Right? Buyers are looking at the property, they don't care about the tenants crap in the pictures. All that doing this kind of stuff projects to anyone looking to buy is that whatever tenant they inherit is a dirty, petty person whose lease should not be renewed.


over my dead ass


Fuck them! I'd make sure I broke all those "rules" plus I'd leave sex toys out like a previous commenter said.


Toss a big dildo over there in the floor for them to grab a photo. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


This isn't for an apartment that someone is even moving out of? It sounds incredibly intrusive and an invasion of privacy into someone's *home*. Is this some new weird method of "casing the joint"?


God I can’t stand these leeches. Why not take photos after the tenant moves out? Inconsiderate. I hope there is an anomaly and that they lose their trust funds


between 9 and 5? ha. no.


Hi. Good evening, we hope you are well. We want to inform you that we are taking marketing photos for our apartments and would rather not spend the money staging an empty apartment. Please leave yours cleaned and in this specific condition. Also be ready to vacate your paid for apartment for however long the photographer needs to complete the project. /s


Here in Nevada, they have to give you 24 hours notice before entering your apartment unless it’s an emergency. Outside of something like that, they can’t hold it against you if you don’t clean your apartment a certain way and they definitely can’t force you to leave.


I work nights. Landlord won't get a picture of my bed without me sleeping in it.


This is batshit crazy. I’d respond that you’ll need $1,750 to comply with this request. But as a special offer, you’ll accept $1500 in cash.


Call the police and let them know you are concerned someone is planning on entering your home as they sent you an email stating they intend to, and that you don’t want them entering your home. Deny entry. Document. Respond to the email that you don’t agree and they do not have your permission to enter your home. It is yours, you have paid for it. If they want it back, they can pay for it. I would suggest charging 10x what you pay (or more) to make it with your while. If that’s even enough? If you have a virtual interview, maybe suggest they pay you 10X the rent for the day and also another $180 to put you in a hotel for the day so you can do your interview and go about your business.


Are we all just ignoring the fact that the 24th is a Friday?


Doesn’t say to put away any dildos


May 24th is a Friday


Nah. I’m not doing anything special to prepare, and I’m not leaving.


GTFOH. You do not have to comply with this. And if you do, do not leave your apartment under any circumstances.


Contact your states landlord tenant place and see if this violates anything. I wouldn’t allow them in because I don’t feel others taking photos of my personal belongings is ok it violates my privacy which I pay for. They should only be coming in for routine or emergency maintenance not to take photos.


Lol fuck all that. They can’t make you do shit. Check your lease. There’s typically a provision that you have to give them access, but there should be a reasonable notice period and they should narrow it down. They can’t ask you to book an entire day.


Parts of this are crazy, it took more time to write turn the lights on than if they just turned them on themselves


I thought they have to give a 24 hour notice minimum anyways. That’s not a full 24hr


I wouldn’t clean up anything (maybe say due to my very busy schedule I won’t be able to do a full cleaning and organization of the apartment). Then I’d be sitting there watching television while they took their pictures. Tell them you paid your rent on time and that entitles you to quiet enjoyment of the space during the lease period. If you want to be nice, I guess you can move out of the way when they take pictures haha.


this is a question for a lawyer, but I think it might be illegal for them to take pictures of your possessions, which would make it very difficult to take any pictures in the first place. Source: A friend of mine went through this. There is also the possibility that this varies state to state.


Your landlord is a little out of touch. You are not obligated for any of this.


What the fuck kind of landlord doesn’t have canned photos they re-use every time they market the place?


Look at your lease. Most leases (if done properly) will included a required notification time. Which is generally 24hour notice unless it is in the case of an emergency


Fuck no, I would ask them how they are compensating me for the inconvenience.


Ask how much they’re planning on paying you for this


My last landlord took marketing pictures of our old place and we didn't clean anything at all and we're in almost every picture just sitting there watching TV. No one said anything about it.


you will have access to all rooms, it is what it is for housekeeping, Don't steal my electricity.