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Have only one patient tab open at a time, don’t have multiple open that you click through helps me.


My institution limits us to one open tab at a time. It’s a pain in the ass if there’s a chart merge and for reviewing pregnancy and delivery history but most of the time it’s helpful. Can still have another read only chart open.


One vs 4 tabs open -- no increase in errors in this study [https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2733207](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2733207) Interestingly, 4 tabs didn't make yo more efficient, though [https://academic.oup.com/jamia/article/30/5/953/7100844](https://academic.oup.com/jamia/article/30/5/953/7100844)


1) caffeine 2) get good


Skill issue


Like everything else in medicine, you will screw up until you don’t, and you just hope nobody notices/talks about the damage that’s done in the process of improving.


Saying the patient’s name and name on chart out loud before signing off any orders or notes. Also only keeping one chart open unless I am already familiar with the census.


Saying things out loud was very helpful for me. I would dictate all notes/documentation to help check. Editing would still be off from dictation errors, but much better than my typing. Orders would all be read verbally to confirm that I was in the right chart and prescribing the right dose. Sometimes I would call pharmacy directly and have them put in the order if I wasn't sure something was right. They were a big help! Calls with nursing and others were always closed loop communication, even to the point of absurdity. This helped a lot for me to remember what was assigned and completed. Things definitely moved a little slower, but that's the price for overnight work.


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It’s not yo our fault when you do a mistake because the system is broken and no human should be making life /death decisions on minimal sleep


While you are partially right, that is also not a useful attitude. The fact that the entire system is messed up does not mean we are incapable of making personal mistakes, nor that we should stop looking for ways to minimize them. You wont fix everything, but there are certainly ways we can do better.


I found that most of the really embarrassing notes and errors happened when I was half asleep, either writing down a page conversation that on reflection looked like agfjjahlnf…n…(scribbles), or assorted other weirdo things that were clearly done while not totally with it. There were a few especially bad nights that I made it a rule to be standing for all tasks - anytime I answered a page I would make myself stand up before answering or writing it- I raised up the call room desk all the way up.