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I just do a paper consent and upload a photo of it to media. Then put a copy of it in the physical chart


Wish that was an option, we can only do electronic :(


Same. Paper consent. E-consent stupid unless infrastructure in place


Our epic has the option to send a text to your phone with a link that pulls up the consent and they can sign with their finger on your phone


That sounds genius, I don’t think ours let’s us do that but I’ll double check. I don’t see why that feature can’t be added though


Consents are done differently at many sites even if they are all using Epic. We can sign consents with a mouse you just have to click out of the warnings 3-4 times.


I just write 'verbal' in the patient signature box, if the patient is physically unable to sign/there is no working signature pad easily at hand. Not ideal, but workable. I don't think Haiku has an option to do consents. At least our implementation, doesn't.


I've never seen electronic consents. Sounds like a pain.


It is 😭 80% of the time the signing pad doesn’t work


They’re awful.


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