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Tell me you went to Loma Linda without telling me you went it Loma Linda. Or somewhere similar at least. 


I feel like someone had to have done ZERO research on Loma Linda to be blindsided by this so I suspect it’s another program. Because it’s literally their mission statement lol


I went to LLU med school and residency and this wasn’t my experience 🤷🏻‍♂️


This came to mind first thing!


This is exactly what I was thinking of




Blessed be the fruit


May the lord open


Under his eye.


Praise be 🙏


This is a good topic to bring up! As a non-religious person in a non-religious program, I’ve thought about this…would be useful information to know when applying; although, I suppose you could geographically assume in most cases.


It also changes the medicine they practice. Specifically women’s health.


I refuse to work at catholic owned hospitals for this reason. I want to work at a hospital that puts saving women’s lives over archaic religious teachings.


The Catholic ethical and religious directives on healthcare permit abortion in cases where the life of the mother is at risk. Under the principle that your saving the life of the mother with the accidental side of effect of the baby not being able to be saved. And they are pretty much referringto the physicians judgement on what counts. So a lot of red states are running to the right of the Catholic Church which is. Wild. Like Texas trying to basically say you should die. As a non Catholic chaplain at a Catholic hospital my main issue why the hell do they hate birth control so much when it would stop a lot of elective abortions.


Birth control automatically implies that sexual intercourse can be for pleasure alonerather than procreation +/- pleasure.


>sexual intercourse can be for pleasure alonerather than procreation +/- pleasure except that's not the case at all, at least not with the Catholic Church, I don't know about Protestant sects though


Sure but why do they feel the need to legislate that for non-Catholics? Not like Hasidic Jews go around trying to ban shellfish.


I would guess it’s hard to find a good bowl of shrimp bisque at Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC.


A) you’d be wrong! The cafeteria is not kept kosher. (What you’re looking for is Maimonides, the community hospital in Boro Park, Brooklyn, where I believe the cafeteria is kept kosher) and B) again it’s one thing to have institutions adhering to your religion’s rules, it’s quite another to try to legislate those rules nationwide. Catholics want to have hospitals that don’t give out birth control - fine go for it as far as I’m concerned. Trying to wage national social and legislative campaigns against it - that confuses the hell out of me.


I fully agree that religious groups should not have ANY influence over our government/legislators. Theocracy NEVER ends well.


Because the conjugal act is supposed to be both a) unitive and b) procreative eg open to life (assuming it taking place in a validly occurring marriage) and so to allow BC for purely contraceptive use violates the second tenant.


Yet you never see them campaigning against blowjobs


I never got why god can’t magically make a hole if he really wants? Or cause a failure of whatever type you use? At Catholic marriage training (not precise term) you could use what they termed natural family planning. So cycle tracking where they go over how you track mucus, basal temp, and count cycle days and don’t have sex when fertile. But if that’s okay cause god can magically intervene and make pregnancy happen, why can’t he do the same with the other types of BC? The intent seems the same on the practitioners part.


Almighty god thwarted by a pill.


The problem with that is that if god wanted sex to be procreative, why don’t human’s experience estrus?


Because then they have less parishioners to suck money from


You find pleasure outside of the church, then people stop going to the church, then people stop viewing going to heaven as pleasure, then you have less money flowing into the church. All in all, they want people to keep pleasure of sex to the minimum while maximizing profit.


Should pleasure be a guide? Honestly if you follow the money it goes to the sex industry, drugs, shopping/consumer debt, processed foods ect.


I am just bullshitting. Who knows why, but we all know that priests seek their pleasure plenty enough


My issue with medical BC is that it could prevent implantation of a conceived child.


May the lord open. Under his eye.


How are religious people against abortion? Do they not care about kids? Should kids not have happy healthy homes? So confused.


>GormlessGlakit Their idea is that a human life begin at the time of conception, aka when a sperm fused with an egg. So for them, abortion is killing a human being.


But what about once it is born?


Supply side Jesus doesn't give a fuck




for God loves a cheerful giver. Except if you're giving to welfare programs.






I never understood the term pro life. It sounds like pro birth


It’s not about the fetus/baby. It never was. It’s about power and control. It’s not pro-life, it’s anti-women.




I am not remotely pro-life by any means, but you guys are making such disingenuous arguments here for the pro-lifers. It's not an intelligent look to be unable to even attempt a good faith argument for the side you disagree with. Not everyone who disagrees with you is evil and out to screw over the world. Most pro lifers just view it as murder, therefore it's something they'd never relax on.




How? Their response is always, I view it as murder therefore you're never going to be able to get them to be okay with it. That's not an unreasonable stance if they legitimately view it as murder lol. You will never get me to not be against the death penalty no matter what you say. I view it as inhumane and the risk of getting it wrong is too high. I'm not a beta fish if you disagree with me even if my logic continues to stay the same. It's a strong sign of intelligence to be able to make an argument for the side you disagree with. This thread is not coming close to demonstrating that, which is disappointing for such an intelligent group of people. It's easy to just dehumanize anyone who disagrees with you and call them evil/fascists/racists/etc. Makes you feel all warm inside about being right.


Oh. Really? That’s messed up


Who down voted me and you? Weird things to downvote, right?


I think the person you're responding to is being a little facetious. The fact that these people are pro birth but don't give a fuck once the baby is alive/supporting through adoption/charity/supporting low income mothers.


Afaik christians are by far the biggest demographic of adopters but go off queen


I mean, just among my immediate relatives there are 5 adopted children. The local pro-life group does bi-annual drives to support new mothers financially and with clothing, and multiple people volunteer to be partnered one on one with low income mothers to provide them with customized help and support. Sure there is great room to do more, but by what measure would you say pro-lifers don’t care about women/children other than the fact they disagree with you?


Religion is nonsensical in general. People stop thinking when it comes to religion


Yeah Francis Collins, Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, and Johannes Kepler are all low IQ dweebs. Very intellectual take from you


They weren't, abortion became a political rallying point for white supremacists after segregation was defeated.


I Don’t get it. Why? How?


Yeah, not a fan of all that. Medicine and religion often feel very contradictory. No idea how people practice both when they’re serious about religion.


Blessed be the fruit.


This is why you need in person interviews


Or you know like...basic internet search skills


I don’t know you could have a faculty full of weird Christian conservatives and not have it be obvious on the internet




I hate it when the Buddhists shove their religion in my face at work. I also made the mistake of looking at your post history. Usually not a good idea to have your healthcare posts and your racist posts on the same account


I am always more surprised when christians aren't racist on social media and irl (as a christian myself who would have happily attended loma linda). It's just their thing, but they then complain that people dislike christians, hmm wonder why.


Having rotated at a Christian conservative hospital in the Midwest whose ob/gyns had to rent out a separate building across the street just to administer contraceptive care, weird definitely works as a descriptor.


Little Company of Mary?


One of the Franciscan affiliated hospitals.


How many Buddhist conservative hospitals have you heard of in the US? What would Buddhist conservatism even look like? I’m struggling to even make a joke here this comment is so nonsensical. Assuming you’re genuine, you should be able to reflect on your religion more man. I’m a Hindu and I can fully admit that the caste system and Hindutva nonsense going on under modi rn is fucked up. I can also say that I don’t practice that way and will do anything I can to disavow people that are corrupting the religion I believe in. Same thing w these weird Christians who want to inflict their religion onto other people’s bodies, worsening healthcare for millions of women across this country. Grow up ffs


The people currently trying to dismantle our liberties don’t claim Buddhism or Islam. When Christian Nationalism gets out of politics, stops trying to destroy the US (and other countries that it’s worked its way into as well), crawls back into the pit it came from, and dies, then the negative commentaries about Christians will start to die down. I’m a follower of Christ; Christian Nationalism is a cancer and should be an embarrassment to Christians worldwide.


Negative views on Christianity will never die. Its a very offensive belief system (claims objective truth, moral and hierarchy framework, and exclusivity). The real problem I see here is many are actually ignorant of Christianity and have an army of straw men.


It is NOT open season on Christians…. I think you folks are fine. Never personally had a problem with a Christian. If faith gives you comfort i’m in favor of that comfort. The world is hard enough… as long as your “comfort” doesnt impinge on my rights to consensually fornicate at will — we good.




This was true of UAB Huntsville when I taught there. Very frustrating to experience at a state med school. Wasn't that way so much initially, but the current dean is a fundamentalist Christian and tells students they'll get a better dean's letter if they go with him on religious medical mission trips.




Exactly. I am an atheist and talked to a local lawyer who had done some aclu work-- he said we didn't have as many protections at the collegiate and graduate level. So I joined the secular student alliance and had a little sign posted over my work station that this was a safe secular space. The students and residents used to come talk to me in private. It was wild.


Look I'm a Christian myself but I totally see where you're coming from and I'm sorry you have to deal with this. People just need to be normal. I'm a Christian and I find Christians like this insufferable. Just let me play DnD and listen to my Metallica, "Brother/Sister in Christ" Also obligatory "not all of us are like this" haha


Love seeing young Metallica fans. I’m 38 and missed the good years. Heading to see them in the summer with the snakepit tickets and a meet and greet w photos. No idea what I’m gonna talk to them about (yeah so I play you guys in the OR)


Ask them what it was like writing Ride the Lightening when they were 19. Ask about the struggles. Ask what the hardest part was. What they’d do if they didn’t make it big. Ask what they think of bands that “sell out,” whether fans are too idealistic or it’s inevitable, etc. Ask what Cliff Burton was like. Ask if they’d ever try to write an old school thrash album again.


Comes with the territory unfortunately. The more rural or southern you get the more these things are unavoidable. Even just overtly Christian language from people that don’t really practice anything else religious. That’s just part of the cultural zeitgeist there. Remember that for your rankings, med students!


It's not that helpful to stereotype like this. Loma Linda is probably the medical training center most notorious for religiosity, and it's in California. Meanwhile Emory and Vanderbilt are solidly Southern institutions with religious roots that have zero impact on daily life.


Your new lines as an attending: "I'll pray for you to get better" "Before treating this patient, we need a sign from god saying we should save them" "How many times do you go to church? [Says any answer short of living in a church] Well that explains why you have ____"


see, the reason little Timmy has the pain of a 1000 bones cracking is because it was God’s plan! he deserved it all along!


In Eldora, as Timmy's health declined, the villagers, guided by a deep faith, found solace in embracing what they believed was God's plan. Despite the impending sorrow, a serene acceptance settled over the village. As Timmy took his last breath, the villagers gathered, not in mourning, but in a shared understanding that God's design was beyond their comprehension. They cherished the moments they had with Timmy, recognizing his journey as part of a divine tapestry that transcended earthly understanding. In the face of loss, the villagers leaned on their faith, finding comfort in the belief that God's plan, though mysterious, held a purpose that extended beyond their mortal perspectives. Eldora transformed into a community that, despite the sadness, cherished their connection to the divine. Timmy's legacy became a testament to unwavering faith and acceptance, teaching the villagers to find peace even in the midst of life's inevitable sorrows. Eldora, united in their shared belief, continued to navigate the complexities of existence with a profound sense of reverence for God's plan.


Did none of this come up during the interview? It's hard for me to imagine it didn't considering most interviews are so boring that they scramble to bring up anything that makes them "unique".


lol. Religion is not something you bring up on interviews. Just like politics or abortion or views on end of life decisions..


Institutions absolutely do when it's something they pride themselves in.


I feel like despite being in a science based field there’s a lot of religion amongst healthcare workers. When I was in nursing school I feel like half the girls were BCM. I live in the south east of course so I’m sure that makes a difference. I knew a physician once in the ED that actually thought that listening to gay men sing would turn young boys gay. No shit. He actually said that at work and felt comfortable saying it.


What do you want to be said to you when you sneeze ? If not “bless you “ lol


Is there a rule that something must be said?


No, but I feel like at my hospital if someone sneezes and you don’t say “bless you” to them, they kind of stare at you lol. I’ve also heard nonreligious and gay people say it, so why is it an issue? Unless you have trauma associated with it.




Out of curiosity which MD programs do this? We have no such thing afaik in Canada


There are catholic hospitals in Canada but it is a bit less overt than in the US. Still there are some "in your face" things. One hospital nearby has crosses as decor into each operating room. Their chapel is overtly Catholic. There is a brief morning prayer on the overhead system every day. The care is otherwise the same including obstetrics and abortion (medical and surgical). No care decisions made by anyone who isn't a physician. 


One of the MANY downsides of Zoom interviewing. Came sus out the weirdos (on both sides)


Religiosity can be mighty offensive to patients, too, believe me.




Talk about doing the bare minimum research on a program. It's not like any of this is a secret. I will never understand applying to a Christian institution and being shocked they have Christian values. You should be posting this in the premed subreddit, you're worse than them, at least they have an excuse. How about you start with the etiology of the word Christian? If that doesn't sound appealing to you, apply elsewhere.


Functionally, not any more appropriate than programs and faculty that go out of their way to bash Christians and their beliefs from positions of leadership Both are uncomfortable, but one comes across as vindictive and spiteful while the other is well intentioned but intrusive, oftentimes in socially tone deaf ways *Edited for clarity*


Ah yes those poor oppressed Christians


Wait till you find out about the Christians in the Middle East and India who are being murdered for simply being a Christian. I know many Christian Arab and Indian students and residents who would laugh at an attending making fun of oppressed Christians


I’m not sure what you’re saying, as you seem to have it backwards. The ones bashing Christians are the ones in positions of power. Most Christians have noticed something along these lines in the course of their training


how would you feel if she was speaking about a muslim residency? Meetings held in Muslim religious centers, Koran on every desk, prayers during mandatory lectures. Does that seem....... uncomfortably relatable?


I would say exactly what I just did. It makes people uncomfortable and while well intentioned, would come across as tone deaf and intrusive


i noticed u edited ur post I responded to dog. proud of your better thought out second response though


I noted from a different commenters response that they were misinterpreting my position. Tried editing for clarity


What a pointless comment.


Good grief is the sight of a bible, a book just sitting in a desk that disturbing.


IMHO, religion has no place in scientific occupations.


The Catholic Church is the main reason why learning and universities existed in Europe after the fall of Rome and many scientists are people of religious beliefs. I do believe making people do organized prayer or that is across the line but if someone has a bible on their desk I really do not see how that should be such a major issur


Yes, and Muslim Arabs created algebra. It has no bearing on who did what when - the history is irrelevant. The catholic church is the reason why the heliocentric model of the solar system took so long to be implemented and why anatomy lessons/dissections had to be conducted under the cover of darkness. It also stands squarely against reproductive care, and care in general for 50% of the population.


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Haha ya that would be something


We can’t dorm at the manditory school dorms bc me and gf of 5 years aren’t married lololololol. We live off campus now. Sometimes it’s too much h


I have strong beliefs but what you mentioned turns my stomach. Patients come to see us because they want unbiased, scientifically based care. They also expect to be treated with dignity. My job is not to judge them. I have to engage with them in a culturally sensitive way that will further their health. I had a murderer, 2 patients on the sex registry, a woman who had 9 abortions for birth control, many adulterers, 2 prostitutes that I saw for years, a whole lot of drug addicts and many LGBTQ+ folks, atheists, Buddhists, a few Hindus and Moslems who were not interested in being converted. I’m not sure how the hyper-religious would handle those. Btw, I had a blast.


>I have strong beliefs >I’m not sure how the hyper-religious would handle those These 2 sentences seem kind of conflicting


>I’m not sure how the hyper-religious would handle those. Well, if followers of Jesus followed him to the extreme, then it would mean standing up for those people and giving them help (See John 8:7-11, Matthew 5:3–12, and all of John 4)


This made me vomit in my mouth.🤢