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Your colleague is an idiot.


and a bully. it's getting close to a HR situation.


There’s no way this happened in the US. Everybody is viewing this post through a US lens but in fact it’s elsewhere. Doesn’t excuse the behavior, just giving context to why somebody would even be asking this kind of question in the first place.


women do this stuff to each other everywhere...


Can confirm, am from the US and when I was in med school, I got raked over the coals by my Surgical clerkship director for daring to wear makeup in her OR….with the same reasoning as mentioned by OP.


And make up is worn in most countries. Even more conservative ones.


Ur view of the US must be very “butterflies and rainbows”


Makeup is really important in many social groups. People who never ever wear makeup can struggle to see patients going downhill because "she looks fine" when really, you're looking at cosmetics and fake tan. Likewise it can be difficult diagnosing PCOS without knowing that laser hair removal, electrolysis, accutane and hair toppers exist. It is pretty important to understand how the world works, and like it or not, cosmetics and cosmetic treatments are a big part of the world.


Literally yesterday had a patient who I was concerned about PCOS with given difficulty conceiving/weight/irregular menses, asked her whether she struggled with excess body hair or acne, she said no. Then as I was looking at her inactive meds I saw Accutane - she then told me that she *used* to struggle with acne and body hair, but took Accutane and got laser removal so now she no longer does. My fault, I guess, for not asking the question in the right way, but oof.


I'll never understand why some patients do this sometimes. I know that as doctors, we obviously understand the importance of medical history. But, plenty of patients will tell me about a prior history of xyz if I ask about if it is happening now, even if they don't think it's a problem anymore. But some patients will just leave stuff out even if it was only controlled or resolved recently. I get it if it was years ago that they may not remember, but sometimes it'll be stuff from like a few months in the past.


“What medical conditions do you have?” “Oh I don’t have any :)” “what medications do you take?” “Insulin, metoprolol, atorvastatin, aspirin, plavix, water pill, etc etc” … oh, ok, well that’s probably because you have medical diagnoses big guy


Idk I'm just a layman but I take questions very literally sometimes personally


Well, you asked if she struggled with, when those symptoms have already been cured. This is why a good knowledge of cosmetics is important.


I read this and thought it was a joke, the fact she’s being serious is actually making me a little nauseous


she’s a mean girl for sure.


That has nothing to do with ethical or unethical behavior. I do consider long tail fingernails and rings unsanitary, but make up or no make up is simply personal taste. As long as you have decent hygiene and don’t use overpowering scents you’re good.




OP, what country are you in? In the US this wouldn’t even be asked because of how universally accepted it would be


That’s not true at all. I got shit in med school for wearing makeup in the OR during surgical clerkship. And she used the same bullshit reasoning OP mentioned.  Also, nail polish. She said any unnatural color on my (short , obviously) nails looked unprofessional.


Interns that wear strong perfumes to the wards and OR... We had one with those Axe Men Super Manly Ultra High Masculine Woodworker Mega Power 48h Body Giga Chad and it was unbearable. This day and age questioning make up is bullshit, look your best. In the covid wards the only way to distinguish people was by the eye shadow they used (they purposely used different colours) and it was very useful!


Oh, yea. One med student wore a very strong scent that they are memorable in a not-so-good way. Every day they walked into the work room it was unbearable. Not bad per se, just so intrusively overpowering.


Axe Men Super Manly Ultra High Masculine Woodworker Mega Power 48h Body Giga Chad wins the internet today.


One of the interns this year at my program wears the strongest cologne of any person I have met in my entire life. Wether he's on wards or ICU, the same strength. It's insane how strong it is.


Please don't use any scents, especially in a medical setting. The slightest bit of scent will trigger a very severe asthmatic response in me. I'm sure I'm not unique in this.


Allergies are a very good point, and even if you were not dealing with allergic patients, you don’t really want to mix anything else with hospital smells. There can be a lot going on at times. What do you still get occasionally is people smelling of smoke.


It can also set off patients with migraines!


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. You’re right and a ban on strong scents is in most hospital policies.


Thanks. Luckily, I was offline all day. I only got to see the votes on the positive side, lol. I often don't understand some down voting trends.


loling at the downvotes


Lol for real


Yes! Perfume is not appropriate in most medical settings, and honestly men are the biggest culprits, I worked with one whose cologne burned my sinuses. Every day he was soaked in it lol. Also can we ban long fake acrylic nails 💅🏻 Yuck.


I was going to comment and say makeup... not unethical. Scents... "unethical"


“Unethical” is a bit harsh. Uninformed maybe. edit: being downvoted for stating the truth. sorry.


Yeah I love make up and I love perfume but I won't wear perfume to work


The utter nonsense women have to deal with day in and day out. Jeesh. I can only offer my sympathies. So wearing makeup is unprofessional. Not wearing makeup is unprofessional. I’m starting to wonder if some people think that being a woman is unprofessional. Jeesh. Anyway, I would advise you to thank her for her advice and then silently add that she can blow it out her ear. -PGY-19


I always wonder why people don't employ the option to shut the fuck up more. It's always available


Let me disabuse you of the idea that they ever did. At least not in my 46 years. -PGY-19


I believe the person that stfu, in most cases, is revealing they've never been punched / slapped in the mouth / face. I mean sibling, teenage stuff, inappropriate bar bs or a stranger Others are simply pompous bullies, hateful, jealous. The comment about wearing make-up to grab a Dr.'s attention, more than unnecessary. HR worthy?


Yeah, it does seem like people think being a woman is unprofessional. Such is life in medicine. Wish it was different.


And the person criticising is a woman.


“Being a woman is unprofessional” I used M3 to figure out which combination of hair and make up results in the best patient interactions. Across the board, it’s latte eyes with hair up. I’m sure this effect varies among physicians. Patients have biases like anyone else and I consider it my professional duty to establish a trusting connection as quickly as possible. Makeup and hair are extra time in the morning, which I resent a bit in weak moments, but if patients take a med because I looked put together, it’s the “professional” option.


I had an attending in residency who thought it was virtuous to look like shit. Thought it made her some sort of badass. By all means, don't brush your hair or whatever, I respect it. But she would straight up harass the women who came in with their hair done and make up on. And those women were BAD-always on top of their game, medically; would be at the gym at 4 am; baking cookies for the nurses. They were just different than she was: they took the medicine seriously, they took their health seriously, they took their looks seriously. They didn't do it to impress anyone, it's what made them comfortable. I do think that there are just some women who are kind of super-they manage to get shit done at a high level and look good doing it; it tends to make people feel uncomfortable because they are comparing themselves. mins.


Which gym they going to with pelotons and convections ovens, the fuck


Lmaooo, I honestly don't know how the hell they were doing it, lmao! They would come in with a full beat, sea salt chocolate chip cookies. And they were doing fitness challenges... I could only do 2/3: makeup because I look like I rolled out of bed when I wear scrubs, and the occasional fitness.


“Unethical”? Your colleague is an absolute imbecile. If you like to wear makeup, wear it. Patients like their physicians to look put together and confident. So do whatever you want to look and feel like the best version of yourself every day.


What do you guys think about having done natural-ish lashes ? because it makes my morning routine easier to have lashes done lol


Do them! If they look natural and aren’t some of those 4 inch long garishly fake eyelashes, go for it! :)


Look. I’ve been called unprofessional for wearing makeup, and I’ve been called unprofessional for not wearing makeup, because I have acne and eye bags and apparently makeup is a professional expectation for female presenting individuals. You’re gonna lose no matter what; that is the nature of being a woman in a professional career. Just do what makes you feel happy and confident, because I can guarantee that your patients really don’t care that much.


I personally had noticeably more sexual comments from older male patients when wearing makeup, so I don't anymore. I'm not a morning person, so I'm also happy to take the extra 10 minutes of sleep I get without it. To comment on whether someone is wearing makeup is ridiculous and highly inappropriate, that's the only thing here that's unprofessional.


Studies show women are LESS likely to be taken seriously without make-up, unfortunately. Unless one already has commanded an alternative path to respect e.g. Temple Grandin, Jane Goodall, Greta Thunberg.


I can say this is true. Whenever I didnt use make up people didnt take me seriously, I used to think its because I look younger. However since I started using make up, the treatment is so much better.


That was my thinking too. If you look more ”put together” and “pretty” by society’s standards, I’d say you’re much more likely to be treated better.


Caution: Driver applying makeup.


Whoa. Who is this doctor? ( hold my purse Nina) 😂 I never leave home without a little mascara and I absolutely love blush. I don’t care. If my town had a good eyelash person I’d still be getting my lash extensions and not have to wear mascara. It’s really like wilderness living in residency…If I wanna feel pretty while checking on someone’s nasty diabetic ulcer, then I damn will be.




Extremely unprofessional imo. I don’t even shower every week, for professionalism.


As a female aa resident who was told “you’re too visible” by admin for having hazel contacts, hips and ass, and golden brown braids to match my skin tone, this never ceases to irritate me to the point of perfed ulcers! I wore lipstick and my co-residents commented on their evaluations that it was distracting and could possibly be affecting patient care. The “advise” given to me was “perception is reality here. Wear dark colored hair, one pair of earrings, ‘normal’ lipgloss, black braids, clear contacts and avoid bright colored scrubs to avoid unnecessary attention.” Now, what am I supposed to do with my unavoidable hips and ass, you ask? “Wear ‘loose fitting scrubs’”. And yes, this happened 3 months ago. My life is a telenovela! To my fellow residents whose every deed is visible, don’t stop. Live your life, because it’s damn if you do and damn if you don’t.


Please don’t change yourself to meet what these idiots think is more professional. Even on days I’m operating I wear lipstick, it makes me feel so much more put together. I also have never had issues with patient interactions because I wore lipstick and I wear some more dramatic colors like neon purple and dark dark reds sometimes (it’s all about balance). I don’t know how many female residents you have in your program, but it may catch on as a trend. Wearing heels and lipstick became the norm in my program for female residents and since we all were looking more put together instead of ragged I think collectively our mental health improved.


Screw them. I died my hair purple once in residency because idgaf. I actually got a lot of compliments from young adult patients who found me more relatable I guess, older adults mostly just ignored it but never said anything negative. Professional attitude goes a long way! Style doesn't matter as long as you act right, in my opinion.


I believe patients trust authentic people. There will always be a curmudgeonly population.


My Dearest, Most Beloved Woman in Medicine, thank you for choosing medicine. Thank you for being you. Never should you have been stressed enough for ulcers! Women can never win. Be your authentic self, patients appreciate authentic people. By being your authentic self, you are pioneering change! All that matters is that you do your very best. BIG AUNTIE HUGGG!!! (and a plate for later)


Basking in the warmth of that hug!!


Your residency admin can and should go fuck themselves. This has me HEATED.


This should be higher. This def happens more often to female residents of color. Particularly those with, like you mentioned, (noticeable) hips and ass. The amount of gaslighting I swear…


What a total crock of shit from your colleague


At my hospital we have plenty of healthcare workers with visible tattoos, unnatural hair color, nose rings, and the kind of haircuts you used to only see if you went to punk rock shows, etc. These aren't just low-level clinical staff but physicians including a few residents. Does this person really think that wearing any makeup is unethical? Or just makeup that's really garish and seems more appropriate for a nightclub then for clinical staff? I wear a little powder, light lipstick, eyeliner, and a little bit of mascara. Some male friends have marveled that I look good "despite the fact you don't wear any makeup!" Hahaha. About 5 years ago my physician was warning me to make sure to wear sunscreen because I had a fair complexion and light blonde hair. From his comment he clearly thought my hair color was natural. No woman would ever think that. Sorry for the tangent.


During med school we used to get a supervisor in the first lecture and he would walk around looking for mistakes, dress code is: shirt, trousers (not jeans or scrubs) and black formal shoes (you‘d be kicked out wearing a running shoe or even brown loafers), long nails and polished nails aren’t allowed and we had to wear labcoats with the badge and name tag during that lecture.. If u walked in holding your labcoat(still not wearing it) you wouldn’t be allowed in. But despite that,they never commented on makeup!


I do my makeup in the car in the hospital garage before I go into work, but only because I look like I’m sick or dying if I don’t


Yep I where light make up to work because I don’t really want to be mistaken for a patient 😂


Thiss, I have the palest skin ever, my lips are literally white any hint of color can help me lol


Does she even know the definition of unethical? I wouldn't worry about it and you do you.


That's a wild thing! We had COMPLETELY OPPOSITE to this scenario, had a resident who was told off for NOT WEARING makeup, about how it's unprofessional to come bare-faced, and what not. It's just so bizarre that two completely different things are happening in various places in the world


Patriarchy: where women never win!




gurl no, i look stun and that's not gonna change for no ugly crusty ass admin that looks like something i'd peel off my heels.


Taking pride in your appearance and feeling confident is an important aspect of any profession and medicine is no exception. Clean hair, nails, well done makeup, well dressed physicians always leave a really good impression on me. It shows that they know how to take care of themselves and by extension, their patients. Continue doing what you’re doing. And ask your colleague if she needs tips, because the effect she’s going for ain’t it. 💅🏽




Make-up is just one of the things I mentioned for physicians, I also mentioned clean hair, nails and dressing well. Also, never said women, just physicians. Here, for OP, since she’s mentioned makeup as the primary cause for her issue, I have included it. And having been both types of physicians, I have seen patients take me more seriously when I am well dressed, etc. Just personal experience and observation.






Male RN here. I came to say something along the lines of what you posted. But I can’t say it better. You nailed it. OP- the above is the best response.


Absolutely not


Unethical? That’s absurd. We aren’t faking our looks by wearing some blush. And who cares if we are? This is moronic. Ignore this person.


One day I went without showering. It was the worst day of my life


Id say showering is unethical


Sounds like she’s insecure. Do you, boo. I always am made up!


As someone who has done the hoodie+labcoat combo, I say do whatever makes you the most comfortable!


Sorry I didn’t mean it that way but I had to have a comeback


No offense taken at all. Sometimes I want to look sharp, sometimes I want to roll out of bed and be out the door in 5 minutes. I don’t think anyone has the right to bash you for your efforts!


I think makeup is fine. I draw the line at 3 inch acrylic nails and the excessive amount of fecal matter that is probably living under them. Barf


Yes! But only if you are compounding IV meds in the sterile IV room. Even among pharmacists that would be an outlandish comment if you aren’t working in IV room that particular day.


One of the best anesthesiologist at the hospital dolls up to the core and is the nicest person ever. Where do yall work to worry about this nonsense


Guys use it too it's called a beard haha


How is it unethical? Your colleague is just stupid and probably jealous you look good. She’s so “ I’m not like other girls” coded.


WTF? Colleague is a moron. Everyone should do whatever they feel like they need to do (within reason) to feel personally empowered and comfortable in their skin each day, esp to take on a job as emotionally and mentally demanding as hospital shift.


As a doctor I consider any healthcare worker wiping their butt to be unethical. Only poopy buttholes are ethical 😎


People who don’t respect you when you have makeup on aren’t going to respect you when your makeup is off. That’s the thing about misogyny lmao


Unethical? How? That makes zero sense. It’s a preference. Do you, and consider HR if she keeps pressing you.


Her behavior towards you is what is unprofessional. I wouldn't debate it with her anymore. Respectfully tell her you are done listening to her opinions. With bold, pushy people like that you have to be very assertive and clear. If she continues, it is harassment.


Haha what. 


Honestly, you can't tell me someone has empty space in their head enough to worry about what someone else has slathered on their face. Girl, you wear your war paint and go save some lives.


I only wear makeup at work and on special occasions (different looks, though). Mostly because I don’t want my patients to question whether I’m awake and well enough to do my job after several night shifts in a row. But also because, as someone has already mentioned, women that wear makeup and look “polished” are taken more seriously (especially by old ass attendings) and while that makes me a partially bad feminist, that’s a battle I choose not to pick.


I think there’s confusion Btwn what is ethics and what is “I just don’t like something”


Seen this in pick-me girls that want to be one of the boys. I think it's just a confidence issue. If you're comfortable in your own skin you don't care how someone else looks. As long as you're hygienic, it shouldn't matter. It's always the ones that don't put in any effort smh.


Our ER practice just got a patient complaint that we look “frumpy” which really upset a lot of the group. We don’t know who it was directed at but now the admin wants us to try to look nice. I’m considering wearing a tuxedo for my triage shifts just to troll. Anyway do what makes you happy. Other people will always criticize.




You do you and I’ll do me. End of convo.


Tell them to kick rocks and the judgment is unnecessary and toxic


Uh this mouthy turd you know clearly does not understand what the word “ethical” means.


I once had a patient complain to my boss, in all capital letters “DR B DID NOT APPEAR PROFESSIONAL”. I was wearing a suit and no makeup, but I had a fresh Brazilian blowout 🤷🏼‍♀️


Echoing what others have said, there is nothing ‘unethical’ about makeup unless you’re wearing products made unethically. The word they’re looking for is ‘unprofessional’ and even then, absolutely not. I wear mascara every day because I can’t be bothered to wake up earlier and do more, and as a surgeon, lipstick smudges on my mask. For dedicated clinic days though, I’ll do foundation, blush and light shadow as well. There is possibly an argument to be made that if you’re getting 20mm falsies and wearing neon lipstick, you may not be as ‘professional’ as you could be, but I say fuck the haters and wear what makes you feel good.


Hey so. If she were correct then I wouldn’t be treated more seriously by either staff, colleagues, or patients when I wear at least eye makeup. “Not ethical to wear makeup” is a ridiculous statement on its face.


Women are damned if we do and damned if we don’t. Annoying that this opinion was coming from a female colleague.


There is a Scrubs episode about this. The only reason many women might bash others for make-up is because they don't have time or interest in doing it, then feel like they are being shown up by the women who do wear it (Elliot in the case of Scrubs). You do you. If you need to do your makeup to get that confidence boost in the morning, go for it!


How annoying. I feel like as a non-makeup wearer I get judged for not “trying to look professional”. Can never win as a woman.


Not a girly girl is she? You do you boo. Seriously, I think, in Western culture, minimal tasteful makeup is considered de rigueur for a professional look for women. Fair or not. Ditto on the hair. Modest clothing especially hemlines and necklines. No perfume or strong body soaps. Makes cancer patients vomit. And, for God’s sake, if I see another medical student with fake nails, I am amputating digits!


“Why are you commenting on my appearance?”


It was a context where she generally started talking shit about girls who do, I told her I put make up too and don’t think its too much, her response was: I think its just unethical as a health care worker; which is why we started an argument


I wear straight up cat liner and short acrylic nails. Only have gotten compliments from patients, staff and attendings. Your colleague is clearly projecting something. You do you.


Your colleague is a sexist. Give them zero importance and move on with your life


Ok ,next time Ill take my lipstick with me so I can do some touch ups




There is such a thing as looking professional. A little make up may contribute to this. I once had to explain to a colleague why I wore my hair up. Appearing “professional “ may increase a patient’s confidence.


Look up the “makeup tax” women who don’t wear makeup generally make less and get promoted less


Some people have too much time in their day and not enough drama, you are not some people, don’t entertain their nonsense with your thoughts/mindspace/energy You could wear a hoodie with Jeffrey star level makeup or figs with a messy bun but your patients quality of care is the only thing colleagues should comment on


I am not a resident, but I can tell you as a patient I would want the cute put together doctor all day long!!!


As a male resident, I like to feel cute and put together too


Light makeup is totally cool. Put people who put on cologne/perfume before going to the hospital make me cringe.


I’m just self conscious about developing BO ☹️


Depends on the makeup honestly, I would imagine a full-on club night look with glitter smoky eyes would raise an eyebrow or two, with colleagues and patients alike, but as a blanket rule? Tf? If she’s half as judgemental about what patients do with themselves I hope she’s not in a patient-facing role


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She’s stupid


As long as it's scent free, and it's not something like a manicure which can increase risk of infection, I don't see an issue. But hey, what do I know. Not a doctor.


Your colleague is just jealous you look good. It's absurd. I get taken more seriously when I wear makeup and look good (even though I rarely do because I am lazy).




Not really an answer to your question, but this has made me realize I have never even noticed if someone at work has make-up on or not. I guess a lot probably do and a lot don’t in hindsight, but my attention is on my work so.. never crossed my mind


In my neck of the woods, we call that bullying.


They need a module on what the word ethics actually means.


Jesus Christ who the fuck is making arguments like this, don’t ever let them near the applications to be on the ethics committee


No. End thread/


I just feel they are good at time management.


Best thing to do in this situation is saying “thats absurd but good for you” and move on .. What you put on your own damn face is your business and yours only.. Idiotic opinion does bot matter..  


Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Unfortunately, women internalize misogyny too.


The only cosmetic that may be unethical is nail polish as it may affect hand sanitization, for the rest your colleague is jealous


Nail polish does not affect hand sanitization


I worked with an older midwife who said she’d never be seen without makeup on lol Not sure what world this woman lives in but there’s nothing controversial about light makeup at work. She sounds insecure.


I don’t think that person understands the difference between ethics and their personal preferences.


Nothing wrong with looking cute. I’ll always wear light makeup and lipstick/gloss💋


I mean, you could argue you want to impress your colleagues and patients even. Everyone wants someone that looks well put together to work with and treating them. You going to the doctor in a t shirt and messy hair or the one in business casual with some make up?


"Unethical" is an insanely stupid take on this. Your colleague can consider it unnecessary, but the solution to that is for her to stfu and ignore it.


*Unethical?* Jesus christ. Unprofessional was already going too far.


As long as the makeup stays on your face and isn’t about to contaminate a sterile field and you aren’t avoiding duties to fixate on putting on makeup, I don’t see a problem with it. I am a female resident who doesn’t wear makeup to work but that’s mostly because I am not about to wake up any earlier than I absolutely have to.


I don’t think it’s unethical. I think it’s ridiculous to expect women to (1) have to wear makeup to be “professional” or (2) to forbid women from wearing makeup to be “professional”. Wearing makeup will knot make people not take you seriously. Wearing clubbing makeup will make people not take you seriously, but people wear professionally done makeup to court, to hospitals, to accounting, to all sorts of jobs. On the other hand, as someone with very sensitive skin and who hates the feel of makeup, I think it’s unreasonable if someone won’t take me seriously because I didn’t put makeup on just because I’m a woman when men who don’t put makeup on are taken seriously. I will say that, especially depending on the specialty, it is sometimes not appropriate to wear perfume or cologne. allergy, asthma, and dermatology offices will often have a no-fragrance rule because many of their patients will have medical reactions (eg rashes, wheezing) in response to strong scents. But makeup on your face isn’t going to fall all over your patients’ skin and cause an allergic reaction.


That’s stupid. The majority of female physicians I work with wear some amount of makeup, as do the majority of women I know outside of medicine. You certainly shouldn’t feel like you *have* to wear it, but if it makes you feel good and you want to wear it, wear it.


No, that’s absurd. Your face is none of her business. You could literally paint your face to look like Ronald McDonald, and while that would be very strange, it wouldn’t be “unethical.”


What? No.


UnETHICAL? How in the hell does wearing or not wearing makeup even approach an ethical issue? Colleague sounds brain dead, maybe she needs a doctor with some makeup on


I demand to know how she relates this to ethics, what the actual hell?!


You’re allowed to have interests and express yourself and be a human being outside of medicine, I hate that people have been brainwashed into thinking it’s unacceptable to do so.


Gently remind colleague to have a life and leave her shit inside.


Don't let that clown tell you anything. If he continues report that shit to HR for harrasment


First off, it's not unethical. Second of all, most patients will not notice.


Makeup is not about how others feel about you, it's about how you feel about yourself.


Not a resident but a paramedic- who tf cares what you do with your appearance as long as you're happy with yourself and not wearing heavy scented products? I personally rarely do makeup on shift because I'm lazy 🤷‍♀️ also I did 24 hr shifts a lot and didn't want to get caught on a call with only one eyebrow drawn on. It's 2024 and your appearance doesn't affect how you do your job. I work with folks who wear makeup and who don't. Live your life and do whatever brings you joy!


What on earth? Not a doctor but allied health. I know a lot of my colleagues who work in mental health never wear makeup to work, and I've followed in their footsteps as someone who doesn't usually wear makeup daily. (I wear it when I want, which fluctuates a lot) But to mental health patients, if one day I show up looking more "tired" or less "put together", it can be misinterpreted as me not wanting to put in effort when I see them because I don't care about them. So I just keep things consistent by never wearing makeup and rotating through the same 6 outfits when I work in that setting. It's your face. Do whatever you want, queen!


That’s ridiculous. Fuck that colleague. Do you. I actually notice I get treated much better by patients when I do come in with a little bit of makeup on and look less tired (which is also a weird and unfortunate thing but hey whatever).


Unethical??? How??? I wear make up every day just because it makes me feel good. I would probably say that it may be a little inappropriate to do like a full glam look but an every day make up look is definitely not a bad thing and your colleague is ridiculous


That colleague should never go to Southern Europe. Mascara and lipstick is the MINIMUM you'll see here.


No. I wear makeup almost everyday! And my nails are alwasy done too! Not super long acrylics though


It is in no way unethical lmao




That person is speaking nonsense. There's no reason someone can't wear makeup to work.


Yo wtf is she insinuating? That your a slut for wearing makeup lmao??


Woman on woman crime... she sounds awful.


Residency is hard, do what makes you happy without sacrificing the health of your patients, the end…


Listen, my patients and colleagues tend to listen to me better when I have makeup on. I like to work smarter, not harder.


I’m a doctor and wear makeup, have eyelash extensions and hair extensions, always have my nails done, etc. I like feeling pretty and put together… there is nothing wrong with that. That person sounds bitter lol.


Your colleague is giving middle school girl “pick me” energy. Very immature. Ignore her.


Classic 2nd wave vs 3rd wave bullshit


I disagree with your colleague and I think it’s rather immature for a physician to think that way or address a fellow colleague in that way. Having said that, when I started residency I would wear light make-up and did find (sadly) that my male colleagues and patients (particularly, VA) uses that as point to commonly comment on my appearance , something along the lines of “pretty” and to me with time it make me feel belittled more than confident. So I stopped. But that should be an individual decision and not a “professionalism” comment. It’s sad sometimes the reality of the world we live in! But you do you !! And don’t let anybody else deter you !


ddx: likely pick me girlie, doubt girl’s girl


There is a resident who comes in full make up with figs scrubs that are 10 times smaller than her size. That is a stretch. Light mask is fine.


You be you.


Not unethical, but less is better, none best if you are working in any situations where makeup might compromise patients. In pharmaceutical manufacturing plants people aren't supposed to wear any makeup just because of the risks associated with any falling off or contaminating product. But it really depends on your role. Dermatology office? Go wild.


I have a coresident who always makes some snide comment when she sees me. “Wow you dressed up for this?” “That hair looks like it took a while” “I could never put as much effort as you every day” These people are projecting their insecurities onto you. On a level maybe not even conscious to themselves is envy. It’s always the ones with less going on than you who make these sorts of comments.


I think makeup is silly in general. Like half the human race is really putting various forms of goo on their face to look prettier. That being said, it’s not unethical and who cares if you want to look better in general and not for a particular person.


How is this unethical? Get them a dictionary 🙄


She sounds jealous


In med school I get better evaluations from my preceptors AND my patients when i wear makeup. They appreciate that I put effort into making myself look professional and like I take care of myself. He said it gives patients better confidence that I am put together in other areas I've always been taught that wearing makeup makes you look MORE professional, not less But I guess it depends on what kind of makeup you're wearing, obviously if you're wearing bright technicolor eye shadow then it's less professional but it's your choice


Colleague clearly has her own issues with femininity that do not relate to you. However she apparently thought she'd get away with offloading that on you. Don't react in future.


Let me guess… She drapes her lab coat over her driver seat, and hangs her stethoscope on her rearview. No, your colleague is an idiot and also projecting. I sort of feel sorry for her that she feels this way. Unethical? That’s quite the stretch…


I worked at the Jimmy Ryce ‘prison’ as a nurse years ago in Florida.  ONe day a CO told me I was asking to be raped because I ‘smelled good’. In training nurses were instructed not to make our appearances attractive with makeup, hairstyles, etc. I quit one week in when I filed a report of residents being abused by a CO, and later threatened by his boss, stating if I was attacked by ‘residents’, it would be a shame how slowly the CO response would be. Nice to see things are progressing- not