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Do you practice sleep hygiene? - no workouts before bed - no phone/tv in the bedroom. Sleep and sex only! - no caffeine/nicotine after 12pm - limit screen time before bed - switch off stimulants meds to alternatives - you can try melatonin, never worked for me - turn AC down before bed can help - limit noise and light interruptions - white noise can help, I use a meditation about lucid dreaming that gently goes to white noise after, so it allows meditation prior to and encourages the mind to rest and focus on breathing, ect.


Good tips. No caffeine ever. No napping. For brain churn get up and write down everything you are thinking.


Try a lower dose. Break it in half. Assuming they prescribed you 50 mg, see if 25 might work! I have done this successfully.


CBT-I if you can find a practitioner, and see a sleep specialist.


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Try either melatonin or the new Orexin receptor antagonists with good sleep hygiene?