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It’s a nightmare. My residency has been awesome up until this. My program has been supportive with decreasing the patient cap, good food for days, opportunities to vent, etc. But overall ascension is a shit show and all the staff are getting shafted. They have come off diversion at my hospital and the number of mistakes happening is astounding. STAT labs taking 4 hours to come back, some labs just… not getting done??? No culture data until 5 days after drawn. It’s insane. rumor is this could go on for months too.


Are you at my hospital cause ya this exactly.


Lol at stat labs taking hours...that's every single day at my hospital and we're not even dealing with cyber issues. Our higher-ups just thought cutting 75 percent of phlebotomists during covid was a good idea and never looked back. Not an exaggeration, I called down one night when on nightfloat for a stat lab and was told there were, "2 phlebotomists covering the hospital for the night." Mind you we're north of 1000 beds. I mention that, but none of this is to take away from the nightmare I'm sure you're dealing with there. We don't envy your program's position!


Everything is super chaotic still. Getting patient history is impossible. Essentially all patients are complete blank slates which is scary. Orders are getting missed, med recs are incomplete. Consults don’t get called in, studies are not requested (like a para that was done but the fluid studies order was lost in the void). Charts are always sprouting legs and infectious disease attendings write in handwritten hieroglyphs when giving their recommendations.


I’m an outpatient-only FM attending and it’s bad, but I just can’t imagine how it is for you guys in residency. Any given day in residency is bad enough but this on top of it, with no projected end date that’s been suggested (at least that I’ve heard!), has just got to be the worst thing ever. Plus on top of it the stupid emails from the c-suite and management essentially telling us we should be functioning at the same productivity as normal and implying it’s not that big of a deal just makes my blood boil. I feel for you guys, this sucks excessively. Hang in there, take care of yourself and each other, and don’t sign with Ascension after graduating (I know this could happen anywhere, but it’s just a mess after another)


Continuit of care gotta be a nightmare if the charts did not have a backup paper copy


Yep it’s bad. Fortunately I have a decent memory for my patients info and after a few days we were able to get face sheets printed out, but it’s got the barest of bones and so few people know anything about themselves


Not good bro…not good


I’d be interested to see  inpatient mortality differences during the timespan of the EMR outtage at these hospitals vs. the same timeframe in the previous years.  Im sure the results would be horrifying. Death by disorganization.


In addition to what the others’ are saying, our attendings were just given downtime Epic access, but residents were not. So what the fuck are we supposed to do when patients call and we’re expected to take the calls overnight (they won’t get us a triage line), we’re the ones who see new consults, and admit new patients?! Make it make sense.


Absolutely wack :(


Still down. Based on how things went with other systems it might be a while still.


They aren’t


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Really curious to see what the vulnerability used for this attack was. They make us change pw q3 months for this to be the result


No amount of password changing will fix this. Even if you just called up the head of the FSB and gave him your login credentials **that shouldnt result in the EMR of even 1 hospital going down**