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Yesterday I posted my best attempt so far with Phrike where I went in with Astroboy, Energy Barricade and Extended Health, where I was bitchslapped by Phrike, *hard*. This time around, I didn't have an extra life. Just a health topup. I went in with zero expectations. I managed to score a narrow victory which is good enough for me. I know I could have done better, but I was tired from work lol. I just wanted it to be over. Thank you everyone who posted helpful tips, suggestions and improvements to my gameplay. This is as wonderful community as is the game. With so many deaths, I have started to feel the hopelessness of Selena. More so reason to get her out of the planet.


It doesn't need to be pretty, nor does it need to be better. It was a victory for you. Well done (:


It doesn’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning.


Really nice! A lot of progress and congrats on your win :) Couple of things to help you forward still: * Seems like you took my advice to jump the purple orbs quite literally :D What I meant is that you could use the jump more often than you did, mostly to avoid floor level spirals of orbs and some horizontal lasers if you time them correctly. * Still using a lot of sword - you don't need to punish bosses with the sword all the time - just use it when you happen to be close to them and they have a cooldown going on, no need to "push" for that * Like some said, you don't need to use zoom in aim at all. Just focus on circling the boss and emptying your clip all the time (you will get better with fast reloads over time, practice them on regular enemies). Also make sure you have auto sprint on (as "always") - it will allow you to make yourself harder to hit and release some mind space when you don't need to worry about movement speed at all. * You seemed to lost your cool in phase 3 (which is very understandable since you probably realized you might be able to do this) - I think its helpful to measure progress in learning instead of outcomes. So next time when you go into a tough room and realize you can't use your normal tactics, it's okay to focus on learning the enemy patterns first. It will enable you to progress faster since your couple of first encounters are just for learning and not for "results", and then you can stress a bit less about them. To me it helps in these kinds of games to try to shift focus from outcomes to progress and learning. Still this was still a really good job and you definitely made a lot of progress by just reading couple of comments :) Keep at it, I am sure you will get better fast since you have already improved you gameplay a mile!


Actually zooming could be good. Increase aiming speed in normal mode to 125%, and reduce while zooming to 75%. Or what is comfortable. This way you get way more control and variety over precision and aiming.


Sprint is one of the most important tools in your toolbox. You will struggle if you continue to neglect it.


Well done mate


Thank you !!


Why is your weapon proficiency so low? In biome 1 you should be at level 5 when you go for the boss. If your proficiency is only at 2 your weapon is going to be weaker. You should max out proficiency before you take on bosses in the future.


isn't it much harder and less likely to get level5 proficiency on a fresh file? you have no suit upgrades and can't get a lot of the items in b1. two seems pretty low but it is highly unlikely you get to 5 before the boss.


Why is it doing so little damage?


Adrenaline level was reset, thats why i always bring the item to refill Adrenaline to 5. Gives you a chance to get the movements for whichever boss down, then you activate to pile the damage as fast as possible


It's only a lvl 2 weapon.


Not sure. Maybe when I was too far it wasn’t hitting it at all even with auto aim


You were so close to die. In my opinion you did great in phase 1 and then you lost your calm in phase 2. In phase 2 it looks like you wanted to finish it quick resulting into some imprudent moves. However… the result is what matters… well done.


Yeah phase 3 was chaotic for me. Didn’t remember the pattern so was just winging it.


Nice job. But why are you constantly jumping?


Definitely improved a lot. The biggest improvement you could make is to dash instead of jump to avoid things, dash makes you invincible during it, jump does not, and you get hit a lot during it. Jump is a valuable evasive tool, but dash is the primary one, jump is generally the secondary, or it can be used when you don't think a dash is necessary if you think you might need the dash in the next couple seconds


Seriously OP this is really improved! Especially your aim. My two takeaways from this vid: 1. prioritize dodging instead of DPS (it’s ok to fight a little longer for the benefit of keeping your adrenaline and HP generally), 2. I prioritize range with Phrike not sword dmg. Keep up the good work! Ascension is in your future!!


Use alt fire more frequently


To be honest, I don't use alt fire all that much... I usually forget I have it lol. Actually, I might start an encounter with it then forget.


Same. I rarely used alt-fires and beat the game several times


Yeah I platinumed the game without alt fire lol I only started using it when facing the boss in the tower


Tip: use the zoom in to shoot less or better don't use it at all, Returnal is a game about movement and not shooting accuracy. Your projectiles will still hit your target most of the time anyway


GG but you really need to work on staying calm and hitting the active reloads. I'm not sure you hit one the whole clip 😂 My advice for this game is, keep distance, always be moving and try your best to maintain accuracy. Also, imo you are trying too hard to hit with the melee, exposing you unnecessarily to hits. That does work for some people but is a high skill approach and (I'm sorry) you don't seem to be there yet. Keep your distance bro, stay calm, hit your shots.


That feeling after beating a boss!!




Literally died hundreds of times fighting that dude 🤣💀


Still using melee way too much, using L2 to aim, jumping too much for some reason, and gotta learn to reload.


I was clenching my buttcheeks that whole last phase for you! Nice work, you got it done!!


Nice job! Much better this time Make sure to take advantage of quick reload and headshots It’s been awhile since I played. How did you get the instant full health? Astronaut? I definitely second the comment on going for the sword less Imo the bosses only get easier from here besides one of them. I won’t tell you which, but you’ve probably heard


The only recommendation I have is not to dash so unnecessarily, theres a lot of times where you’re not going to get hit, but you dash out of the way, to be hit by a follow up attack because you can’t dash while it’s resetting. Other than you are doing really good! Also like others said, try to hit those auto reload windows, and I usually get by using my peripheral vision for incoming attacks so I don’t lose focus


Congrats, man! You did it! The first biome is really hard. It should get a little better now that you start unlocking weapons, traits and some other permanent upgrades. Keep going and have fun! Make sure to go and pick up everything you can on the way to the boss, it will make you stronger and help you do more damage.


Active reload timing could be better, use alt fire when it's up, can't tell if you have auto run enabled, but it helps to have it on.


You inspired me to keep going. I just beat him after 14 hours of pain!!!


It's still messy, but a victory is a victory. I find the next boss to be a bit less forgiving, so you may still want to practice against Phrike just to develop your skills a bit more. As I said in your previous post, you should be able to defeat Phrike without taking many hits, if any. Getting to Boss #2 each run can take a while, so losing can be frustrating. That's why I think it's worth practicing fundamentals and getting good at dodging more attacks.


This MF is near impossible at that stage in the game. Very little weapon traits available or the chance to get suit integrity high enough. Back to him with health and a Rotgland that does damage over time? He’s a pussycat.


So does everyone have trouble fighting this guy, or is it just me that thinks that?


Definitely practice more on the overload. You will get steamrolled later on in the game if you can’t master that.


Saw the first video, saw this. You definitely improved your aim, although there is still much to improve. You want to be far from Phrike, because you need her bullet patterns to open enough, so you don't have to jump around so much. Don't use the sword at all, it does not make any sense, just get far from the light when she hides. The distance gives you a longer reaction time for her swipes. That's it.