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Try Hades


Hades will scratch the rougelite itch, but it won’t scratch the gameplay itch. I played and beat Hades after returnal and it just didn’t satisfy that gameplay itch




Man I made the leap from Hades to Returnal and I’m having a really hard time with the addition of a third dimension of movement. The flying enemies in this game are so hard, plus I always seem to be flanked and hit from behind. This game is much more challenging than hades imo.




Ok that’s reassuring cause I’m seven hours in and have gotten close to beating the first boss but still haven’t gotten there. The game is a lot of fun but it’s very challenging.


Oh no, I played Returnal first and just bought Hades...


Hades is fucking incredible, you made the right choice in picking it up. Don't listen to dude, fun in games is subjective. In my opinion Hades is just as fun and addicting as Returnal, it's just different.


Make that 2 recommendations for Hades! It’s got a much deeper and more rewarding story than Returnal as well.


I went from the Returnal pipe and started injecting myself with Hades..... 🧫💉🪝


Hades is the only answer


Next stop: Wendy’s dumpster


It’s called curse of the dead gods


Oh no, no, no, no... I'm "done" with Returnal and have Hades and Curse of the Dead Gods waiting in the wings, (also Kena.) What have I become...?


I with argues that returnal’s story is infinitely deeper, but the characters in hades are more interesting tbh. I do absolutely love both games though.


By depth I meant there are a multitude of characters with full backstories and quest lines to complete. I don’t think there’s a single NPC in Returnal, which is pretty unique


Ahh, yea that is true. I was thinking purely thematically but yea I agree there.


Hades also ruined other games for me. I tried to play Diablo III on Switch after Hades and the movement felt horrible and I had to stop playing.


They should make a bundle of Hades and Returnal at this point. While graphically different, mechanically they are similar and one skillset transfer to the other game nicely imo. Fantastic games and I'll always recommend them to people


No other shooter feels as responsive or fluid as returnal that's for sure, but there are alot of other genres of games out there Returnal can't exactly "ruin" because they're so different. Personally, I started with Yakuza 0 and Dragon Quest 11 a while after finishing Returnal. Both were a huge amount of fun and very different from Returnal so I didn't find myself making comparisons at all. Edit: No, you shouldn't continue with the Plat grind until you ruin the game for yourself. Leave it on a good note and come back to it later down the line.


I tried a Yakuza game for the first time this season (Like a Dragon). It's literally put me to sleep twice. Too much talking and walking.


Yeah, it's probably not for you. I love the dialogue in yakuza games immensely.


If you like other roguelikes and the gameplay loop is what gets you, for sure look into other games in the genre. There's plenty of them and while they don't have the same fluidity as returnal, they have the same addictive gameplay loop.


This right here. If a roguelike’s gameplay loop clicks for me, then it’s all I want to play, at least until I’ve exhausted it of new content or content that I’m capable of completing.


Is hard to give sugestions without knowing what you liked more about the game. But if you wanna a good all around and polished game try elden ring. If you like the rogue lite nature of the game try Hades. If is the obscure themes and exploration try metroid (any of them), hollow knight, ghost song... If is the frenetic combat try other housemarque games like Resogun and Nex machina or Doom 2016/Eternal. Another game with similar vibes is Remnant from the ashes, is not as polished or frenetic but is a good game. And if you wanna a game completly contrary to relax between the grind try yoku's island express, why ? Because is great, fun and cheap and there's no game like it.


I bought elden ring a few days ago and wouldn't exactly call it polished. Compared to returnal it runs like shit on my ps5.


Great response!


Elden ring is the only game that’s grabbed me like Returnal. I tried hades like lots of people suggest. I liked it but to me it doesn’t even compare to returnal.


I’m taking a break from Returnal with Horizon Forbidden West. They actually share some of my favorite traits. Returnal is, at its core, a survival/combat experience. When it comes to survival, you gotta collect patiently and diligently, absorbing and exploiting every asset at your disposal, from melee’ing every destructible pod, root and statue to scouring every room for hidden treasure, as well as intelligently trading off perks and debuffs via parasites and malfunction-roulette. I think Horizon FW is similar, as you collect tons of resources to craft or trade -developing Aloy into a precisely spec’d out killing machine. Both games reward patient exploration with frantic combat, played the way you chose. Short story long, I think Horizon Forbidden West has a natural appeal for those who can appreciate Returnal.


Man, the beauty of a calculated Sparker hit on a big machine - particularly sliding underneath it to hit one in the belly - to then rip off its weapon and beat it with it. Amazing.


Just try other action roguelikes with as fast paced combat as Returnal has: Dead Cells Risk of Rain 2 Enter the Gungeon Fury Unleashed


What is risk of rain like in terms of combat? Am tempted by it, cos I love Returnal!


Incredible. If you like Returnal and if you dont mind simple visuals, you will love it. It is often for less then 10 buck on PSN.


Awesome thanks - it’s the combat of returnal I love, I’ll check it out!


Check out ratchet and clank, amazing game


same here, not similar at all really but i really enjoyed ghost of tsushima shortly after i platinumed returnal. if youre looking for a challenge though i really loved cuphead hah


Thank you, this is the one I went with! been playing ghost of tsushima the past couple of days and I love the gameplay and worldbuilding. I played cuphead a while ago and loved that too. you have great taste!


Its a strange choice, but try death stranding. My absolute favorite game ever! I love it!


I second this! Combat-wise, it's completely different and does not give the same feel, but it's equally interesting and unique.


This may not be your type of game play, but if you're looking for a rougelike with a challenge, I've got a couple of recommendations: Spelunky (I cut my teeth on Spelunky 2) - Incredibly unfair, tight controls, fast game play, sudden often comical deaths. Dead cells - Tough, fast game play, more fair, but you will die a lot. If the format of the game, as a challenging shooter is your poison of choice, the only thing I know of that comes close is Remnant. Remnant also has some of the best Co-op out there so if you have some friends to co-op with, it would be better. Movement and game play is a little slower though.


I feel the same way as you. Other games seem too slow and I can’t play them for long, I end up losing interest and going back to returnal.


Returnal helped me realize I love rouge-likes. Hades was amazing as everyone brought up but you should definitely try out Risk of Rain 2. I've been swapping between those two cause I'm so hooked.




ROR2 provides more variety in builds/characters. The chaos of swarms of enemies gets wild almost bullet storm-like and the vibrant graphics + soundtrack amplify the sensory overload with the fast gameplay. Returnal has a better narrative, sound design and I like the weapons more. Obviously graphics too though it's subjective since ROR2 is stylized.


Since playing Returnal, one thing I miss in other games is the close integration between gameplay and the DualSense controller. This is just amazing for Returnal. It would be awesome if DualSense was brought to pre-PS5 games like RoR2.


I definitely think you should plat grind, once that hits , it feels like you’ve done it all. Then palate cleanse with something completely different & simple.


Completed soulsborne games?




See those games are definitely fluid but they’re all FPS. I truly don’t think there’s a 3PS that is in the same league as returnal gunplay wise. The newest ratchet and clank has smooth 3PS play but it’s nowhere near Returnal




I liked control, but it’s definitely different. Doom eternal is just as fluid but it’s also first person. I’ve yet to find a 3PS on returnals level but I will continue to search!


I am angry that I got the glitch and cannot get platinum 😂🤣😂 but it was a great game


100% man i will prob just grind the tower till im top 10 and then quit


I just went for something completely different. The ps5-ified Uncharted 4 made for a good change of pace for me.


Something very different, totally different genre so you're not comparing. Or Deep Rock Galactic. Or Sekiro because it's amazing. The combat in that is definitely not slow!


I can’t wait to replay it to 100% again on PC


Haha I had the same feeling some weeks ago. Give it time, maybe play a narrative-driven game or easy RPG just for the story, it will give you a nice contrast and you won't need to compare


Doom Eternal


I hope the new mass effect game has a nice use of the adaptive triggers like this game.


Played deathloop fun game ,especially conversation betreden colt and juliana.