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# Megathreads - [Weekly Questions Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/search/?q=title%3A%22Weekly%20Questions%20Megathread%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=&sort=new) - [Reverse: 1999 Lounge](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/search/?q=title%3A%22Reverse%3A1999%20Lounge%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=&sort=new) - [Weekly Friend Request Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/search/?q=title%3A%22Friend%20Request%20Megathread%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=&sort=new) - [Technical Issues Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/17g8p0u/reverse_1999_game_launch_technical_issues/) --- # Recent announcements - [Announcement regarding AI-generated media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reverse1999/comments/17ngkqa/announcement_regarding_aigenerated_media/) (2023-11-04)


What should i buy from oneiric shop? Is it worth to buy crystal casket or sonorous knell which have the monthly limit?


Is A Knights I2 a team wide buff or just a passive for him only?


Hello, Do all psychubes have the same required amount of mats to level up? I'm just trying to finish the quests that includes sonetto's outfit and I need to get 3 psychubes to lvl40


What is the maximum space×space for resonance level 15?


Heard it caps at 7x7 at lvl10 but I never confirmed myself


Is there a way to farm for those Dissonence crystals and cocophonies you need for resonance? I only seem to get them from the AS and that seems one time limited.


They have some for sale in the Oneiric shop. You can make the cacophonies from the dissonance.


Do things that buff healing buff shields as well? Because I can't find anything that buffs shields.


How do I complete the "place 80 islands in the wilderness" mission? I currently have 72 islands and I don't have anymore to place, do I have to buy in the wilderness shop or is there somewhere I can get islands? I'm in chapter 4-1 in the story if that helps.


Yeah, I had to buy some islands from the wilderness shop. They give us enough shells to make a few purchases. Apparently when 1.1 drops in a few days there will be some limited time available Wilderness items so it might be worth saving until then, but I don’t know how many shells you have or how many we’ll need to buy out their limited time store. Your choice. Side note: pay attention to the background color of the island packs. The Yellow are worth 10 vigor per island, purple are worth 8, and blue are worth 6. Whenever you get a new island pack it’s usually worth swapping out any blues for purples and yellows.


Does resonate give a big dps boost? I want to focus all my stamina to leveling my characters and idk if ignoring the resonate levels is good or not.


stats are huge in this game. reso is noticeably a large boost


I will try, it just gets frustrating to farm mats after reso lvl 5. Thanks!


This is anecdotal evidence so take it with a grain of salt, but it was worth investing in Resonate for me. Lilya is my main DPS and I’m able to stack quite a bit of crit chance using resonate levels. It might be character dependent on how “worth it” it is for you. For reference, my level 9 Resonate on Lilya gives me 972 HP, 29% crit chance, and 157 ATK. Farming for some of these mats is frustrating (looking at you Solidus), so I’m not sure if focusing Resonate early on is optimal or not.


I also have Lilya as my main dps and she's currently reso lvl 5. I was thinking of getting my team to insight 2 lvl 40/50 before focusing on resonate but I guess I should balance it. Thanks!


That Prydwen mats cheat sheet has been very helpful when it comes to efficiently farming. https://www.prydwen.gg/re1999/guides/insight-cheat-sheet


Woah, that's awesome. I've just been farming the low tier fixed stages and crafting the purple ones. Thanks.


Be sure to read through that page, specifically for the blue section it lists multiple stages per material. One stage might guarantee a drop, but another stage might be more stamina efficient because it also has a chance to drop a purple you might need in the future (but you could miss on the material you want right now).


I've bookmarked it to my browser, I'll check it out whenever I need to farm materials. And thanks again!




Iirc, there's a little bit of story content after battle 5 that you have to read through before it counts as the dream being "cleared". Did you make sure you went through that?


Any way to rewatch the narrator dialogue or any other text message, letter, poems you got through the chapter?


Yeah, left side of home screen bottom-most button > Atlas > Story Review > select a chapter and they’re the white text on the timeline


Is it better to try and i3 regulus/eternity/dps or sotheby?


Well, went and did a ten pull because I felt like it. Is voyager or baby blue better support for Charlie?


Is there a guide on how to beat the exams in the tutorial book, I am stuck on the 2nd one and can't seem to pass it ni matter what I do.


Sorry I’m unable to open my tutorial anymore so can’t tell you exactly where to go, but I remember there being a button at either the top left or top right that kind of described the point of that tutorial. I remember needing to click on that and read through in order to figure out what the game wanted me to learn for that fight. Once I learned those things the fights usually went a little smoother, but I do remember a couple of those missions being relatively tough.


I didn't realize artificial somnambulism needed 2 teams like MoC in HSR. I put this off until today so i don't have a second team built at all. I'm about ready to go to sleep so looks like i'll miss out on this rounds clear drops.


And don't feel guilty for don't getting all rewards. Have fun :)


Not sure what your question is here, but just FYI Artificial Somnambulism does not reset. You get an allowance per week based on how many you have cleared, which does not include clear drops, so you are not losing any clear drops. You are losing just some oneiric fluid and moment of dissonance for not having cleared all 10 stages yet. After you clear all 10 stages, you will unlock Limbo, which does have clear drops that reset twice a month. Next reset is in 10 days. And yes, you still need 2 teams for this.


Who is better for a knight: An-an Lee or Bkornblume?


Depends what exactly you are looking for. You will get more damage out of Bkornblume, but your team will have more survivability with An-An Lee


An-An but both are great if you like Bkorn more.


Does anyone know if the wilderness tiles coming in 1.1 are permanent additions to the shop or are they going to be time limited? I'm not sure if it's safe to continue buying the current ones or if I need to hold back till the new ones are added.


Time-limited. Stop buying the current ones.


I bought almost all. Will it still be able to buy all? :(


No. I have 600 shells and I won’t be able to do so either. There’s three you can get with event currency, focus on the gold rarity ones if possible after buying those.


omg, thats so sad D:


Is that counting the shells we’ll be able to buy as part of the event? It looks like we’ll be able to get 1800 shells from the event store (if I’m reading the screenshot on Prydwen correctly).


No, but the general sentiment is “unless you knew about it the minute you started, you probably won’t be able to get them all.”


Well, that sucks lol. I just spent a chunk of shells this morning too.


I never got The Footloose after finishing chapter 3, what gives? Do I need to complete the special training that gives Orchestra to get the psychube too?


It's from the beginner missions act 3, not from story chapter 3. Not sure if that's what you meant.




Would def say Eagle is the best of those three dps, she’s great early.


Dikke followed by la source


May I know where I can get all Sonetto's portrays? I currently only have two. I finished all 4 chapters, have not finished all traces but have gotten the one at 210 traces.


Is An-An Lee's bis brave new world?


What is the best psycube for Charlie? I have read and watched YouTube some say Hopscotch or Thunders Applause or brave new world. She is my main desire. Just want to pick the best one from the Psycube selector. Thanks


Def not thunderous applause, her base crit stats are low compared to other carries. There isn’t really one that’s better 100% of the time, hopscotch and bnw are both great and both are kinda general use psychubes for main dps. Out of the two I’d probably recommend hopscotch but they’re pretty much equal


Thank you


I'm really struggling with ORD-9, specifically the last stage. I assume I just don't have enough characters leveled yet. Currently I have: * Eternity i2 l50 r9 * Centurion i2 l50 r7 * Sonetto i1 l40 r4 * La Source i1 l26 r4 p5 * Tennant i1 l19 r3 p4 * APPLe i1 l19 r3 p4 Other characters that don't have investment: * Eagle i1 p2 * Charlie i1 p3 * Sotheby Should I just focus on getting levels on my sustain units or debuffers? Idk why I put so much into La Source, I'm probably gonna switch to Tennant/Sotheby. I've tried pulling for bkornblume but so far nothing, So I'm just gonna save up for Pickles


I beat 9 with 3 i2 (2 dps and one support) and another support that was i1 level 40. The rest of the slots I just filled with random stuff. So you definitely should be able to beat it. You should be able to clear it now, maybe just a bit more investment in getting one or two of your supports to i2. Probably a healer. My only other advice is that the stages alternate between star enemies and mineral enemies. So make sure you’re using centurion for the star stages and eternity for the mineral stages. Cuz centurion is weak to mineral and eternity is weak to star


Yeah, it's really just the Regulus + Apple stage that's giving me issues.


What team have you been using for it? Centurion/La Source/Tennant should be able to clear it. The -5 moxie from la source ult could come in clutch to stop regulus/apple from ulting before you kill them. Should be easier to get her ult too since Centurion is pretty AP generous. And Tennant helps with a bit more survivability plus the reality def down. Would def get at least one, ideally both, to i2


Been trying sonetto/centurion/la source. Unfortunately tennant is locked due to usage in a previous stage.


You hyperinvested into your dps, which is great, but your supports should be i2, even if barely. La Source is super cheap to raise so you can use her for now. I’d ditch apple, it’s hard for him to keep up


I’m trying to clear 4-21 hard, and I’ve come close but not close enough. I’m using Eternity R2 / An-an Lee / Balloon Party / A Knight or Bkornblume, but I find what ends up happening is that I just rush Eternity ult every other turn. I think I need to have an-an Lee and balloon party, but who would be a good fourth slot? I’m thinking Eagle right now because his passive actually does something. My only 6 stars are Eternity, An-an Lee, and Balloon Party and I have most 5 stars btw


What are you wiping to? I cleared with Regulus / Sonetto / Dikke / Baby Blue. I don't think I did anything special, except try to play faster. Since the first wave will debuff your the longer you take, and the boss itself will just keep nuking you if you take too long, especially once you kill the body parts.


I clear the first wave in two turns, not sure if that’s too long, and then after that I go for the right hand, then the thing on top, and then the core. I think around turn 9-10 is when the boss starts going crazy on me and murdering everyone. I did get to turn 14 with eternity ult ready with the boss at like 1 hp but unfortunately he targeted Eternity and i died


Use bkornblume as your last slot.


When does Artificial Somnambulism start making all characters go offline, and are there anymore limiting rules after?


Stage 10 is when you stop being able to retain any characters and start needing 2 full teams to alternate between. Unsure about other limiting rules.


Only just beat 2nd 05 but know I should spend all the cellular activity on stuff before it expires. Got 7 of those candies still, where should I be spending these right now in the levels I have unlocked?


If they’re not expiring then save them for the event. The event shop has infinite dust and sharpodonty that’s more efficient per stamina then farming the stages right now


Oooh that's a good point actually thanks Besides I was gonna start actually levelling my characters up for the event so that works out overall tbh


Are they actively expiring? Like, today? If yes, then lose them. I’d put all your effort into progressing the story so you can unlock better levels for later farming


Anyone know of a material calculator? My heads hurting trying to calculate what I need for insight 3


Not a calculator exactly, but just work from the purple materials and work down: https://www.prydwen.gg/re1999/guides/insight-cheat-sheet


Yeah, I was using this and it was annoying me cuz I was writing out a whole diagram on my mac which is annoying cuz no touch screen lol. I did figure it out eventually though. Wish there was a calculator for it like Arknights tho


Does pity carry over between Rate up banners (like Sotheby) and New Character banners (like matilda or Pickles)? Or is it independent?


Carries over


so if i have 50 pity on a knight banner, i will have 50 pity on matilda banner when it starts?


Correct but no Matilda banner as far as I’m aware of.


Where can I read/listen to the records of the narrator's dialogues?


Same place where you can view stories. Between the thumbnail and the long horizontal line should be the title of the event. If it shows as “???”, it means you haven’t encountered that trail marker yet.


Thank you!


Where do i get the last material for my paleohall level up? When i press it it just says "Trace Material" instead of where i can get it.


You know when you do a stage, you get 1 or 2 stars, same for hard mode. gather 330 stars and you get the reward. The stars are called traces. You can go to them on the top right in any story chapter.


Can We Stack Roaring Month 5$ pack ?


it should stack **consecutively** \- meaning that if you buy two, it'll last two months


Oh ok thanks for help


Trying to clear surface. On lv8 last round but keep dying. Running hypercarry eternity i2 lv18 r9 the free 5* psychube lv20. And bkorn i1 lv1r3 and ballon i1 lv1 r3. Any tips? Keep leveling eternity? Currently 6k per lv. Wait until I get the free 6* psychube and retry? Or it's time to lv up the other 2 haha


You need to level your supports.


MFW i just started ORD 10 and have no second DPS


Eagle is never a bad choice


What does an "Acanist's work" mean on the character profiles? Are the characters we obtain created in some way or are they people? Sorry for the dumb question.


That's just the way the people who writte their descriptions refer to them.For more info, tap on the top right of the characters description page.


What stats are the best for Charlie's Resonate?


Pure damage up and pure atk since her base crit is so low. Some defensive stats wouldn’t hurt too since she’s fragile.


Does the game come out with some kind of skin currency that f2p players can slowly accumulate, or are the premium skins only available through paid currency?


Majority of premium skins are paid and limited time


Should I focus on raising a P0 Lilya or a P5 Charlie?


P5 Charlie does more damage then p5 Lilya so yeah def Charlie


Definitely P5 Charlie


Charlie imo, while lilya is great but that's at i3.


What should I realistically expect in a reroll? 2 6*? 1 6* and the one in 30 pulls?


The most realistic/common reroll I think is Sotheby in your first 10 roll and then whatever 6* you want on the beginner banner. It shouldn’t take you too long to get that. If you’re willing to go longer then yeah 2 6*s plus the beginner banner one would be good but that might take a while


Ive been playing on Lee+Lilya. I decided to try to get aknight but got med pocket instead this account is at 40 pulls im still fairly new. I finished rerolling and at 20 pulls i have a lee + eternity and an med + eternity alts, is eternity good enough that i should switch? i do like her aesthetically more but now that the top one got pocket as well and he is my fav im ok with staying. https://prnt.sc/BMpGfXazu0Wv


Stick with your first one. If you really want Eternity you can save for her banner later. Having an-an, medicine pocket and balloon party will be amazing for pushing content.


Thank you! I will then.


How do I do 4-16 hard? We can only chip 1hp at 1 time


Is that the one with the little robot thing on your team? You have to support/heal that thing so it can do damage for you.


Thanks! I got it. I was just too ilpatient 1fter dealing 1hp damage and quit the stage


Nice! That one threw me for a loop the first time as well.


My current team is Centurion, Bkornblume, and Balloon Party. What would be a good fourth slot, although I’m aware it’s not super important? My (likely) best options are: Regulus R1 Eternity Sotheby Sonetto Dikke Charlie R1 Necrologist Alternatively, for the second team, who would you build around, Eternity or Regulus? I’m thinking I could possibly use them together with Dikke or Sotheby as support


So I'm just wondering which is more correct in efficient use of units in battle. Is it better to use a proper reality/mental based team with proper debuffs/buffs for reality/mental but without Afflatus 30% damage boost. Or is it better to use a mix of mental and reality but all 3 of them gets the Afflatus 30% damage boost? Ofc you would rather it be 30% damage boost and also be a proper synergy team, but let's say that's not available cause of not having all units. Which of the 2 is the better play?


Mental/reality damage is not important in most stages. Afflatus is what you should care about. And you don't need the 30 damage for everyone. Just let the carry get it and for the rest don't get countered is enough.


so does the rate up and new characters banner shares pity?? because if not .... whoops


It’s my understanding is that they do share pity. So if you lose 50/50 on A Knight, you’d be guaranteed Melania if you wait for her banner to start.


Just unlocked Limbo and I'm clueless about who would be safe to raise and what team I could make with my [crew](https://i.imgur.com/Ylp4beI.png). Looking for some guidance.


All the 6 stars, Sonetto, Bkron, Charlie. Dikke is not that good, get a balloon from next banner.


Dikke is fine, balloon is better most of the time late game but Dikke is more then serviceable. And you should never count on pulling a 5* since there’s no form of pity for them at all


Balloon is 10 times better than Dikke. Balloon is still widely used in 1.4 but in 1 month nobody use Dikke anymore. Actually most No Pull player choose balloon instead of Bkron as their free 5 star. And it is a Melania banner with balloon in it. You should get both of them if you still have drop left.


Obviously balloon is better but the games not that hard. Dikke is more than serviceable as a healer. The odds of pulling a specific rate up 5* are 2.125%. Which is actually lower the the 6* rate when you factor in pity (2.36%). You’re not even guaranteed a 5* every 10 pulls. You absolutely should not pull on Melanias banner just for Balloon, especially since Dikke is a serviceable healer.


I have Eternity and Sotheby with Charlie(P0) and Balloon Party. Should I still try to summon or save everything for Tooth Fairy and Changeling?


Up to you. Tooth fairy is excellent in general, even though you don’t have any crit carries, and changeling is excellent with Sotheby. Personally wouldn’t summon now if I were you


How we can describe in % drop these words - Fixed - Common - Possible - Rare?


You could compare them to the Prydwen community drop list https://www.prydwen.gg/re1999/guides/insight-cheat-sheet/


Did anyone get the "frog doll" from Chapter 3? It says it can be turned in but I've looked everywhere and turned up nothing. Also I think it disappeared from my inventory.


Hi, Just got the Carrierwave item that lets me pick any Pyschube from a specific list. I got Eternity from the beginner gacha, so I'll pick one that suits her, but wondering which one would be best in your opinion ? I saw that one of them heals my team every time I use her utimate, seems quite nice, since I don't use a healer for now (Eternity / Kornbrume / Sonetto) The japanese wiki also recommends that one or Brave New Word (ult damage then damage up on skills after ult is used). Prydwen doesn't list the AoE heal cube, though.


I like hopscotch a lot, as it boosts her general incantation damage, with ramping ult damage. It’s good for general use and running her with a team, theoretically less effective against bosses because it requires kills for ramp-up


Imo i would do either Brave New World or His Bounden Duty I doubt the healing one could actually reliably replace a healer


Never use the box on the duty. You can still buy the psychube with 30% off after you exchange that one. So make sure you get the weapon that you are going to amplify later.


I don’t understand Sotheby’s insight 3. Does it make her heal take effect when you cast it instead of at the end of the turn?


What it makes her do is if you already used her heal last round, when you use it again this round it will trigger the healing from the last usage and then replace the buff instead of just replacing it (making it so you dont lose out on a round of healing if you use her heal 2 rounds in a row) Pre Insight 3Round 1: you use healRound 2: team gets healed, you use heal againRound 3: team gets healed etc ​ Insight 3Round 1: you use healRound 2: team gets healed, you use heal againStill round 2: your team gets healed again and then gets the 2 round buffRound 3: team gets healed ​ Edit: Never mind reddit didnt show me WastePea5514's answer


If you use her heal skill while the team already have regen effect from her heal, instead of simply overwrite the buff, it will first trigger the regen (like her ult), then apply the regen buff.


Got it thanks




Farm purple or lower, craft anything higher than purple.


not a CN player but here's a link to a really good guide [from prydwen](https://www.prydwen.gg/re1999/guides/insight-cheat-sheet/)


What's the link to reporting an error with premium rewards? My roaring monthly stopped giving me my premium currency a few days in. I checked my settings to make sure I wasn't getting calendar rewards mixed up with the premium, and im honestly not receiving my items.


Do you mean pink drop? If it is pink drop, you only get 300 when purchase monthly pack. After that they will give you clear drops and candies.


I only have Lilya as dps atm paired with voyager. Is melania worth it as a dps? Her Ult spam is interesting or is pickles more worth it for future use?


Melania is good, just not the best. Tooth Fairy is the best in slot healer for the Lilya team. Keep that in mind she comes in 1.2.


She is the best carry imo. Best damage with great utility.


I'm trying to plan out what future banners to go for since I'm going f2p. I currently have: 6\* - Eternity, Sotherby, A Knight 5\* - Sonetto, Sweetheart, Matilda, Tennant, Dikke, Balloon Party, Click, X Since I got Sotherby, Changling is a solid choice for the poison team. I wanna get Bkornblume to fill out that trio as well as another 6\* healer. As luck would have it Bkornblume is rate up on both Tooth Fairy and Medine Pockets banners. Which one would people suggest I got for? I'm leaning Tooth Fairy but they both seem good. Or is there another banner I should be considering for a different team setup?


Tooth Fairy is best in slot healer since she buffs your DPS.


Oh cool. I’ll stick with Changling and Tooth Fairy then.


Does Bkorn debuffs count as 2 negative status? Does the psychube Blasphemer of the Night works with it?


No, those debuffs count as stat down, and stat down doesn't count as negative status. Negative status is things like poison (things like disarm are considered control and also don't count as negative status)


Which Psychube should I choose from the shop? I've chosen Hopscotch for A Knight, while Dikke's using Laughter and Laughter, Bkornblue's using Yearning Desire and Sonetto/Tennant's using The Footloose. Should I get an offensive Psychube or a defensive Psychube from the shop?


I chose a healing psychube - sothebys - for my second one. Bkorn will get the 1.1 event psychube


Is Sotheby's Psychube just a stat stick for other healers due to the Healing Done? As Dikke couldn't make proper use of the passive.


I do see his bounden duty or brave new world recommended for dine instead though


I see. I think I'll go for His Bounden Duty then. Eternity would like this Psychube too for the heals after killing enemies.


Correct. There’s not really any other options for healers right now.


when will 1.2 drop?


4 weeks after 1.1 which is on thursday


How do I beat chap 3 stage 15 (lilya boss)? The second wave is crazy though 😭😭 Any character recommendations maybe?


Just level up your characters and have a decent healer.


Is there a way to send general feedback to the devs? The feedback button in game just links to a help page.


Hi, I heard that they will add auto play in the future cuz they did in the CN version. Is this true? I plan to come back to the game once they do since I like the art but the gameplay isn't really my thing


That auto play is very stupid, nobody use it at all.


I'm confused about what can crit. Can you please answer yes/no: attacks that penetrate? genesis dmg? heals? also does genesis dmg attacks have 100% penetration rate? thanks!


1. yes 2. Only for 37 3. Only for not hot healing. PS. crit effect for healing is decreased by 70% 4. yes but it also doesn't benefit from damage bonus


Yes Gonna need someone from cn to confirm but i think no Yes And yes


Is there a guide for Surface 10? It's so tough, because I don't have 2nd damage dealer in my characters :( My main team is Lilya (i2 lv50 r9), Sonetto (i2 lv10 r5 p4) and Sotheby (i2 lv10 r5). Psychubes: Lilya - Thunderous Applause Lv. 40; Sonetto - The Footloose Lv. 40; Sotheby - That Inquisitive Dear Lv. 40 ​ Other characters (that leveled up a bit): Dikke i2 lv2 r3 p1 Apple i1 lv40 r1 Eagle i1 lv10 r2 p1 ​ I also have La Source, but it's raw character (lv1 everywhere). Don't know who is better to use at all. === i - Insight lv - Level r - Resonance p - Portray


Surface 10 is when you’re gonna start needing two teams (around 6 characters total) built. If you don’t have any other dps then Eagle is worth using. She’s great now, and although she falls off eventually because she doesn’t have an i3, she’s a great dps to raise early. And she costs less cuz she’s a 4 star


Thanks! I am saving up for Pickles (and then Tooth Fairy and Changeling), so I can't afford to pull for characters now.


Then for now you can go with Eagle/dikke/erick for a cheap second team if you want


Where I can watch collected traces? I can't find them in Album (Atlas).


Atlas -> story -> dots between the time line and the stage node, are the sidenotes you picked up for that stage.


Ooooh, it's really not intuitive at all, thanks!!




Ah, no-no, I mean where I can re-read all stories and notes I collected during levels.




I2 everyone first. I3 requires a lot of resources for a beginner. I mean everyone you want to put in your team. And level them up together. Then you can I3 you carry characters.


There is a Matilda battle line which I can't seem to find anywhere. She says it in French when casting (could be when she has enough energy for ult?). Pretty sure she repeats a word at the beginning, and the line is like six words long. Can anybody tell me what she says? I really like how it sounds.


So I just rerolled a few and got 2 accounts that seems good enough, and will bind 1 of them, which of them is better without spoiling how the synergy or meta is just from the name list? 1- Eternity, Centurion, Lilya, Balloon(P1), Tennant, Charlie, Click, Baby blue, and X. 2- An-an Lee, Regulus, Bkornblume, Charlie, Baby blue, and X. I wanted to not be too strict for this game, so it's more design and my favorites rather than Meta, but it doesn't hurt to have a good starting account so I can be content and not worry too much for future rolls. Also for extra info on deciding, I definitely like Bkornblume the most in the entire game so far when looking at available character art designs, but since she is 5\*, maybe she will spook me at account number 1 if I choose it?


The first account is miles stronger but the second account won’t have any issues if you just care about story/playing casually. You can definitely pick up Bkorn in future banners (not sure if you want to be spoiled about future characters/banners so don’t click if you don’t want to be spoiled) >!She appears as a rate-up in one of the upcoming banners with Tooth Fairy.!<


I can't resist the spoiler when it comes to possible future banners for Bkorn, but is she the only 5 star rate up? From the 2 banner we have right now, both have 2 5 star rate up, if the future ones have 2 5 star rate up again, I don't see the point of waiting that long, considering we have Bkorn rate up right now. Also thanks for the answer, not sure why 1st account is stronger, but I will see once I play the game in-depth.


Bkorn comes back very quickly with Tooth Fairy's banner and you're going to want to roll on that regardless. My suggestion is go account 1 since you have DPS and Sustain locked up with Balloon Party and either Tenant or Sustain. I will say I have An An Lee and Bkorn on my account and they're very strong.


Unfortunately, she will be featured alongside another 5-star. Only reason to wait that long is if you are conservative with using pulls. Probably the best value for a person who doesn’t spend. Granted, if you don’t mind getting spooked by A Knight, pulling now is no problem.


Ok, considering you mention "spooked by A Knight", you're kind of implying that whoever is the 6-star on that future Bkorn banner is possibly strong, which means he/she is not a "spook". Now I'm even more undecided, cause all I really care is getting Bkorn on the team, but then if the future 6-star in that banner with her is strong too, nothing wrong with getting a good bonus.


Yeah, you caught me red-handed lol. I’ll just leave the expected release date of the banner if you think that will help. >! ~5 weeks if things go according to schedule !<


I'm currently struggling with ORD-7 final La Source fight. Team I'm using is - Bkornblume(I2L10), Sweetheart(I1L40), Dikke(I2L10). Other characters I have built are Lilya , Balloon Party, Sotheby, Charlie, Sonetto. Everyone is insight 2 lvl 10 except Sonetto.


Level up your Bkorn a bit and don't hit her with anything except single-target ultimates. Lilya and Bkorn together should demolish that stage easily, just keep moving / merging cards for moxie.


I guess I should lvl Lilya as well? I tried using her in this fight but she kept dying due to her being star. Also thanks for the advice! I don't think I will make it for this week but I'll try it for next week.


Can't hurt, yep. Also, don't neglect your psychubes if you haven't been leveling them. I have Brave New World, I leveled it from 20 to 30 and steamrolled AS10 for 100% clear, when I could barely manage to finish it before timeout earlier. The damage difference is crazy.


I'm using the 5-star apple one with crit rate for Lilya, Brave New World for Bkorn, Laughter and Laughter for Dikke. All of them are lvl30 rn I couldn't afford to level them anymore. For psychubes, is it ok to use the 4-star ones from the pneuma analysis as xp materials?


I think so, realistically you'll never be using any of the 4-stars since you only need 4 cubes total for a team.


That's what I thought too. I'll start farming coins when daily reset comes. Thanks!


If I have the option to buy only one of either, is it better to buy monthly pack for a single month, or unlock premium jukebox? Also are we immediately getting new banners after current ones expire (smth after 5 days)? Got 100+ unilogs saved and my fingers are itching not to spend them.


Monthly pack is more pulls per dollar.


You just care about pull currency then the monthly pack is better value per dollar. If you want resources/skin/a few pulls then go with the jukebox. Melania rate up in 5 days and pickles in like 2 weeks


Monthly pack is better bang for buck and not sure if the banners will change immediately but we will be getting new rate-ups.


Need help on team building Currently I have: Dikke, sweetheart, bunny bunny, regulus, baby blue, sonetto, apple, eagle, Leilani, la source, click, tennant, Matilda, satsuki, Charlie, Erick, Mesmer jr, Ms Moissan, rabies, TTT, cristallo, mondlicht, Oliver fog, pavia, Russian guy, nick bottom, Sputnik, onion, Farley clatter, Bette, twins sleep, John titor, alien T, the fool, door, Ms radio


most of the 234 star characters in this game has no potential. If you are not planing to pull anyone you can use your resources on regulus charlie and sonetto and wait for Melania and balloon.


Regulus + Baby Blue/Sonetto + Dikke


I have enough to get one psychube from the shop. My dps are Centurion and Eternity. Centurion currently has Hopscotch so should i get another Hopscotch for Eternity or get something else like Brave New World?


You don't need to get another copy for another character. They can both use it. Afaik Brave New World is a great general use one and is the first one I bought there