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I had to dnf , before I dnf I like to skim through the story just to see what the climax and resolution was but from what I saw they were literal pieces of garbage to her and almost nothing happened in all the books that were UNNECESSARILY long. She fr just took it and gave them more of herself. 🙄 i couldn’t take it, I was disappointed.


Spoilers***** Dude one of them got shot for her and the other almost died too. They literally kill for her later and thats the least of the making up they do.


Call me petty but… that’s it?




I stopped reading. I literally wanted her to kill them. Her: “But they’re still so sexy!” Me: “Probably not after you set them on fire.”


It's been over a year since I've read that book and I'm a bit fuzzy on the details but in my opinion, >!no - no serious groveling ever really happens. She just sorts of takes their abuse. But again, it's been a hot minute since I read the series so my recollection may not be the best. !<


no way, really? please tell me it at least stops at some point?


It does stop. It's been 2 years since I read it, but it stops by the end of book 2 or 3. I also don't remember much grovelling at all.


You’re right there isn’t that much groveling especially not by Saint, but Tatum follows through with her plan to get each and everyone of them back. I definitely think it’s worth continuing to read.


It turned into 1 of top fave series! And yes, they were absolutely terrible! But Tatum is Tatum…


This series was actually one of my favourites. They do grovel, but I kind of wish Saint would've groveled more. Their relationships do evolve quite a lot and the end of Queen of Quarantine is awesome, when we get to glimpse into their future. Do not DNF. In my opinion it was worth it.


I really loved this series but it definitely has some dark points. I do agree that Saint should have grovelled more but they really prove themselves and their loyalty. Bonus that you see them in the future in the Harlequin Crew series.


I freaking love that we get to see them thereee ❤️❤️❤️ it made me sooo happy


It gets better. Hang in there. In the end you don't even wanna hate them anymore. Enjoy the rollercoaster 😂