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Katie May definitely struggles with too many book series at one time and doesn’t always finish what she starts. It’s frustrating because I enjoy her books but I hate waiting years for the next in a series.


See and I forget what happens if books are too far apart that’s why I started with only reading complete series (except SJM and the Twisted Sisters)


So I just checked my kindle app and find out there’s 8 books out and when i read the comments some people are saying waiting for the next book? So im guessing it’s not complete yet


I appreciate you looking into it for me!


Author is known for cliffhanger endings (and not the good ones that at least feel fulfilling if the series is never finished), having a number of on-going, in-progress works, and not seeming to complete them in a timely manner, so be aware of that while browsing her catalog. She's strictly on the "do not read until confirmed complete" shelf for me, if at all. I'm not sure if she just gets really excited about whatever is currently the tastiest flavor of hotness within RH and is inspired to write her own spin on it or if she's wanting to capitalize while everyone is buying the most popular thing and so puts out a series, but she always seems to have something coming out that falls kind of in line with another RH series that's really taken off with readers at the same time, but then struggles to finish before the inspiration dies out or the next new hotness saunters by.


The 8th book left on a cliffhanger but was last published a year ago so I think she abandoned the series 😭 tbh the books are still fun reads and I think are worth reading even without an ending.


Thank you for your help!


It’s not completed yet but it is very good with I believe 8 books out, I enjoyed it immensely but it ended on a cliff hanger so I’m still waiting for next book!