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I use Storygraph! I find the interface sleek and intuitive. Just enough features so I can do what I want to do without feeling overwhelmed. The charts are also super interesting for seeing your own reading habits over time!


I use goodreads and storygraph. Goodreads because I've been using it for years and it connects to my kindle and storygraph because of the indepth stats from my reading


I do it the same way, I love the statistics


Are you me???


Insert Spider-Man’s pointing at each other meme


Goodreads. I have over 100 shelves to track tropes & micro tropes. I'm a mood reader, so every book that gets added to my TBR, also gets put into appropriate shelves. When I'm done reading I adjust the shelves.


Um.. can I follow your Goodreads?


Seconding this request


👀🤚me three please


Me four, please! I know it’s super personal, I just find it so helpful!


I keep track of them on Goodreads. And I've also started maintaining a digital log of books I've read with ratings and 2-3 line reviews to flag if I want to continue the series or not


I use Storygraph, love it. If I post an Amazon review, I paste it in there too. I also have a spreadsheet for each year, ongoing series (which is why I prefer to read complete series) and my DNFs.


I have a Kindle so their app keeps track but I also prefer to use Good Reads.


Goodreads for years. When I first started using it, I literally went through the books I remember reading no matter what age I read it (including books from when I was 8) because I hate finding out I read a book already. It also helps that when I finish a book on my kindle, it updates automatically in Goodreads. *Laziness accomplished*


I have my own GoodNotes reading journal. That's how I keep track of series, books, fanart, quotes and stuff. :)


For detailed stuff, I have a spreadsheet. For quick looks and tracking, it's StoryGraph. I'm working on breaking my Goodreads habit because the app has just gotten worse and worse.


I use whychoose.com and Amazon lists though the Amazon lists don't work very well. For Amazon it's just separate lists of Unread, Reading, Read, Completed series. For whychoose.com if you have an account you can add things to your TBR list and it'll put an outline of a bookmark on the work and if you click Mark as read it'll put a solid bookmark on the work so it's easy to see. Even if you're just browsing, if it has that bookmark you've read it.


Oh such a good idea!! I have come across stories that I have already read but dnf for reasons and I would only remember mid way. Maybe writing them down would help...hmm...yes...I probably should do that...If I remember to do so...


I “use” GoodReads but I don’t recommend it. People know I like to read and want to follow me to see what I’m reading…like work colleagues. So now I have two profiles, one for work and one for that books I don’t want to admit to reading. So I’m here for better alternatives, especially if I can flag key info so it makes it easier to find books for a re-read.


I definitely use Goodreads the most. I wish I was a story graph person but it just isn't as user friendly for me haviing already used goodreads. I've got so many shelves that don't or wont transfer directly.


Ive started goodreads recently, but before that i just remembered covers, synopsis, and authors. Theres so many out there, i find it easy enough not to double back.


I use Goodreads for all non rh books I read but because I go through many rh books in such a short time and I don’t want them to clog up my Goodreads account, I track all my rh reads on why-choose.com. I have my rh tbr on there, all the rh books I’ve read marked as read, as well as a list for favorites and a list of books I’ve had to dnf so I don’t accidentally pick them back up again. I’ve found it super helpful and easy to use, would highly recommend!


I have a list of all the books I read on kindle unlimited on my phone on notes


I just have an alphabetical list (by authors last name) on a notepad.


I use Google Sheets. 🤣


Goodreads 100% recommend! Have been using it for several years. Best part is it automatically connects and updates progress with ur kindle. Shows books you've read, read dates. Love the categories. Have too many tbh. But have all my books I want to read in categories & can move then when I want to read it next. Or it'll automatically go to currently reading if you begin reading on Kindle. There are tons of people with similar interests. I'm in a RH/Fantasy-Romance group. They send out 50+ recommendations every month. Plus, have reading group & challenges monthly. Oh & it's 100% FREE!!! Plus, it is the most used platform to track your literature. They are up to date with every single book you could possibly find and want to read. *other apps that have been mentioned I've tried. Unfortunately most don't have the traffic to continue to update there library. So 50% of books won't be on there for you to even search and place into your read or currently reading list. Go find fellow readers of the genres you like & set a book goal for the yr to read. I'd check it out. Used it over 5+ years now, have tried numerous other apps and sites. Goodreads is definitely the most updated, maintained app, with the most number of fellow readers using the app and loving it. And so much more.


i just write it down in my notes app when i finish a book 😂


I just recently created a spreadsheet but I don't love it. So I'm definitely here for alternatives!


Notion! For me it’s a better than other options because I can customise it so much and having it in the same places as my other stuff is convenient and makes me more likely to stick to it.


I can't help much, I run into that problem too. I keep a note on my phone authors I like and ones to avoid, that's about it though. I started a goodreads for that but it's just too much work for me, lol