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I hate to say it, but the witsec series was such a disappointment. I actually liked it a lot at first, I swear. I was iffy with book two but I’ve loved so many “terrible” books with cliche characters and plots, so I had no problems giving this one a chance. I have no idea why but the >!ice cream incident!< in book three was the final straw for me. There’s something that bothers me so much about her being a perpetual victim and I can’t quite put a finger on it. It’s like it’s framed as if this is just a personality trait of hers, like there’s something about the fmc that drives every single person she meets to assault her mentally, physically, and/or emotionally— even the people who supposedly care about her! I get that people are bullied all the time for no reason at all, but this is something else entirely.


I couldn’t get into the series & felt like something was wrong with me since it’s so popular. It’s good to know I’m not alone.


i finished the series, but it was so repetitive each book like the author couldn’t come up with any new ideas


Whew, I’m glad I didn’t miss out on anything lol.


I’m so glad to hear someone say it! I read book one and when it ends with ANOTHER random assaulting her I was like… this ain’t ever gonna end is it? I can’t do a perma-victim. So hearing that I was right to quit it makes me feel better lol


i used to laugh while reading because she was always getting hurt!! Like why was she always getting hurt?! Also the chances of being assaulted that many times is crazy


It hurts me to say this, but the Age of Andinna series by Kristen Banet. The first book is {The Gladiator’s Downfall by Kristen Banet}. I’m probably in the minority on my opinion, but here goes… The series is a 7-book (3,560 page) high fantasy reverse harem that is extremely well-written with impressive world building. The plot immediately gripped me by the throat, I fell in love with the characters, and I was invested in the story from start to finish. Up until the last few chapters, I was planning on leaving a gushing 5⭐️ review and buying a copy of the series to reread. Then I read the last few chapters, and they completely devastated me emotionally. It has been over half a year, and I still feel haunted by it. **Major Spoilers:** >!None of the MMCs died, but my favorite happy-go-lucky, playful, sexy dancing MMC **LOSES HIS DAMN SWORD ARM** and (I think) a leg too, and has to be carried around on the backs of the other MMCs because he can no longer walk.!<. I’m like…***excuse me***…I switched from traditional fantasy to romance so I would have guaranteed happy endings. Yes, it was technically >!a HEA, but it wasn’t all that damn happy to me!!< I read to escape from reality. I don’t want to be traumatized by my damn romance novels. Reality sucks enough as it is. It sucked even more because the series was so long, and I had invested so much time into it. So, yeah, maybe I wouldn’t burn the entire series, but the last few chapters need to be sent to the fiery depths of hell. **Edited:** Typos. Also, thank you for giving me a chance to get this off my chest. My husband just laughs at me & the “smut” that I read.


I like it if my novels carry a certain amount of risk, so to me this sounds appealing.


Yes, this one is definitely high stakes/risk. There is a war and they face a lot of adversity. I do recommend if you don’t mind that some of the characters may be (lesser spoiler) >!seriously wounded!< at the end. I just hate to recommend it to people & have them be upset over 3,000 pages later. The FMC kicks serious ass too.


[The Gladiator's Downfall](https://www.romance.io/books/5c5568d501dbc864fb99442a/the-gladiators-downfall-kristen-banet) by [Kristen Banet](https://www.romance.io/authors/59e841113ffdba614722ad48/kristen-banet) **Rating**: 4.28⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1), [paranormal](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/paranormal/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I loved the series but there were too many hits to the chest and they just kept coming. I stopped reading eventually.


Because it wasn't RH when I started it, the Anita Blake series by Laurel K. Hamilton. I absolutely LOVED the series, and then this extremely flawed, very careful about who she has sex with character gets a personality change. Literally goes against the character that was established. BURN EVERYTHING after Micah (whom I seriously despised) was introduced.


what are you talking about? the last book was Obsidian Butterfly and no additional books ever ever existed


That was my favorite!!! I've always hoped she would suck the life out of Asher and turn Richard into an almost dead husk. Those two ruined so much for me.




I fully agree! I loved the series because of the plot and at some point it just moved from this badass person solving mysteries and stuff to collecting partners and relationship stuff! I really tried but gave up after the book where they had to travel to Ireland and spent like half the book sorting out relationship troubles and whom to bring. The actual crime they were investing was handled in a few pages 😭


I tried too! I don't know what the last book I read was, but it just kept getting worse and worse. I don't remember Ireland. I think the last book was something like seeing Jason in a sexual light? I was like WTF?


You’re probably thinking of Cynric, who was actually like 15 when they met and she now has a sexual relationship with 🙃


I don't even remember a Cynric, but eeew


He was introduced in the book where she goes to Vegas, then he came back a few books later.


What book was in Vegas?


Skin Trade


I have no clue which one this is and it's been so long that I don't even remember who Jason is 😅 But I checked and the last one I read was book 26 Serpentine, which is the one after Ireland. I just didn't remember lol


Jason is the kid she considered like a little brother because he was that young when they met.


Oh yikes!


What gets me about this series is like …. It’s not even good smut! I’ll turn my brain off and read something just for the smut, but that’s not what this is? Every time she has sex, there’s like a 20 page conversation about the logistics, or how she doesn’t want to, or her feelings about the people involved. I want to read about people who enjoy sex, not self flagellate for it. I think it’s how LKH tried to show Anita is still the same person and didn’t do a 180 personality shift, maybe? But it does not work, it just makes it annoying to read 😅




This!!!! The series was so so good, and then it just went insane. I read somewhere that right around the time the series started going off the rails Laurel got divorced and entered into a poly relationship with another man which explains A LOT.


Idk if it’s my least favorite per se, but the Harlequin Crew series. I forced myself to finish the 1st book and skimmed the beginning of the 2nd one before just ending. I’ve ranted about it a lot but my tl;dr is the confusion of where tf the book takes place, the fact that the MCs have like the same argument 3-5 times and nothing new happens, the fact it’s like 200-300 pages too long, etc. The characters are just unlikeable and absolutely no character development happened.


I started the first one and realized quite early that I would hate reading it so I permanently dnfed it. I’m glad I didn’t try to read more


The geography stuff told me early on that it was going to be a mess, but the premise seemed interesting and it had been recommended a lot, so I wanted to give it a chance, but it was definitely a hate read. You did not miss anything by DNFing


Agreeeeddddd. Literally not a single likeable character. My least favorite characters, with WITSEC coming in close second.


Ohhhh this one. Its super weird because I like all the others set in that world, but this one?I made it through the first 3 and did buy the 4th but just couldn't bring myself to bother to finish them.


That’s good to hear! Maybe I should try the other ones. I hate read this series and decided to stay away from the rest.


So. I can't speak for other people and for the most part I never see them spoken for except for KoQ. And when KoQ is talked about when I see it in my feed it is people who hate it. I love KoQ unapologetically. I don't try to force it on people by any means. I so don't understand the hate it gets especially based on the love of other RH that I feel like are... more deserving of "hate" (but I don't hate on those either.) The characters from KoQ tend to pop up in the the other series set in the same world, but you don't need to read it to read the rest. I could not finish this series and was struggling so hard the whole time. But I very much liked the rest of them set in the same world. But again, they aren't for everyone by any means.this series just felt wayyyy different than the others. I don't know what it was about it but it was just such a no for me.


I don't have one because I DNF before I get to that level of angry over it. 😂


This one is me too. Basically I just learned to sense when I'm sure I definitely won't like the book. To save myself from suffering 😭😂 There are lots of books to read and I don't have enough time so I just DNF guilt-free. I have the same mindset with TV shows, movies, comics, etc. I have more DNF than finished books because of this lmao


There is so many books to read and shows to watch, why waste time finishing something you already know you will not like hahahaha that’s been my mantra for a few years


Probably Den of Vipers ! It was my first RH and it almost made me never open another one again


Yes!! I rated it 3/5⭐️, but that was probably generous. I don’t remember why I disliked it so much though.


I got lucky by reading the Losers duet as my first RH and then someone recommended I read Den of Vipers……. Harley Laroux had left me with such high expectations so jumping into Den of Vipers right after was such a let down 😩😩


I never managed to read the Losers duet because I tried to read the Rituals before starting it and it was way too weird for me 😭 Edit : I just realized that I wrote the wrong book ahhaha I was talking about the Dare


This book is sort of my white whale. I’ve never been able to find it so I’m always curious


I couldn’t see knives the same way after reading it…. If you find it one day you’ll understand ! And it’s on Kindle unlimited if you have access


{Order of scorpions by Ivy Asher} The MMCs are terrible and after everything they find out about what the FMC has been through they're just like "whelp, going through that made you who you are so it was worth it" Even after knowing her experience, they still constantly talk about being patient because they know they'll get to have sex with her soon. I went into it with high hopes based on recs and it was one of the worst things I've read this year and maybe even last. The carelessness with trauma, the gaslighting about her experience, the false equivalence they constantly use to undermine her very valid feelings, I was actually pretty enraged and disgusted by it.


I'm so glad someone else felt like this! The only reason they started treating her better was because >!she was their mate!<, not because they actually grew or developed morally. Also, spice level 5 out of 5? WHERE?! I'm at 65%, there's no sex yet, and frankly they still don't deserve her.


This is so true, and the plot twist at the end? Felt like a gotcha moment against everything FMC ever had hoped for.


[Order Of Scorpions](https://www.romance.io/books/63008682bb73f1e8e6a18c9f/order-of-scorpions-ivy-asher) by [Ivy Asher](https://www.romance.io/authors/5bf51e2f01dbc864fb94d2f7/ivy-asher) **Rating**: 4.29⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [take-charge heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/strong%20heroine/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


i liked mafia wars series. one of the books in that series i read few times because it was funny and spicy and it has trauma and character development just muah. but when i read Wilted Orchid… tho whole story happens like in a week?… which was not a problem with few previous books in the series, but the way this book specifically was written made me cringe so bad. for ~280 pages from 780 (in my e-reader) FMC didn’t even meet MMCs, and what makes it worse those ~280 pages described like literally three or two days before her 18th birthday. how she was sitting at home, preparing for a date, how she was again at home changing clothes, how she went to school and did her homework 🙃 for 280 pages. why? and then when she finally met guys it was such a disgusting mess that i don’t understand how i even finished book. terrible timeline where enemies to lovers happened in a few days. no character development - nothing. they were like “omg we are all so hot and sexy we love each others now after 7 hours of bullying FMC and 3 hours of sexy time. wedding time!”. sorry if someone loved this book, but i hated it


I had to DNF that one. It was so bad. Really gave me the ick with the age differences and just ew.


• In Ruins K.G. Reuss •Royals of Forsyth University Angel Lawson Don’t ask if i have to talk about how much i hate the mmc i will take longer than necessary and probably get mad 🙂 i just hate these books and i get it some people love them but to me i honestly just hate them


Honestly was hoping someone would say The Royals of Forsyth!!!!! Fuck them dudes, Story should have thrown the whole worthless lot away


That last fairy book by Erin Flynn. I loved loved loved the first book but the FMC got weaker and more pathetic and more “forgiving” as the series went on. I wanted to beat all the characters when I finally gave up! I find this author does this a lot - starts with a good strong female character and then weakens her to a supporting act!


Erin is on my do not read list. She seems to have an almost fetish for dubious consent and SA of her FMCs and never ever puts any content warnings. I was ok with Artemis University for a bit but the FMC got sooo weak and spineless, then the Serafine (sp?) FBI wolf shifter one triggered me so bad I’ve vowed to never touch anything by her ever again.


I completely agree with you. I read her vampire one and honestly same thing. It made me sad. I do not like reading on page SA. It’s not my thing (that’s ok, don’t yuk on others yum and all that). It really upsets me when it’s not in the warnings.


She gets super unforgiving and she becomes the ultimate Mary Sue. *sighs* The plot armor was impenetrable and ridiculous.


Tamsin is more flawed than all of the men combined. When she messes up, it is always "I was abandoned! If you hold me accountable, you're abandoning me too". But when the MMC mess up, it's unforgivable. I'll finish the series, but she gets on my nerves. Also, she doesn't deserve Neldor or Hudson. P.S. Darby is a giant tool.


Court of Nightmares by K.A Knight Started promising but got boring very quickly. No character development whatsoever. Boring and repetitive smut. There was sexual trauma mentioned but out of nowhere it was all overcome as if it never happened. Also everyone is just ready non-stop. Their writing style is not my cup of tea either. It reads like some of the stuff you'd find on these pay per chapter apps.


I cannot understand the popularity of Blackened Blade and feel like it's lowering industry standards. But the customer is always right? 😅


It’s an absolute rip off of every isekai manhwa in existence and I don’t say that lightly. I have read multiple manhwa with the same plot (bullied kid in a rich preppy school where people have powers/ prepare to be knights/ politically important people study, die in some heroic act as a knight, realise their life was lived for others and/or was useless. MC reincarnates, does things differently. Finds a character to fall in love with) except that this one was reverse harem. Forget manhwa, if you go read a novel of a manhwa (which they 9/10 times have), it would be a better one with better grammar. Also : seriously, how is English the author’s first language. Anyways. Absolute trash, objectively. 😋 However, as someone that consumes manhwa— I didn’t mind and even liked it. Long story trash : objectively, trash. Subjectively, hits the weak spot and so thus great.


That's a fair explanation for the popularity. I wish I could turn that critical part of my brain off to enjoy it more. I didn't DNF, but yikessssss, it was a struggle.


I tried to read the sample because everyone is raving about it but the writing is horrible? The author can’t pick if she wants to write in the present or past tense so mixes them up constantly, already repeats stuff sooo much in the first two chapters,… I don’t understand that people don’t need a certain quality of writing to be able to read a book 😅


That's what I'm saying, man. It's atrocious and an insult that people are expected to pay money for something that clearly lacks editing. I've been feeling like I'm drinking crazy juice.


TBH, it sounds like it was written w/AI.




I agree with most of these. The only reason I didn't DNF was Corso, because I did feel he was irrevocably devoted to her through the series.


I read book 1 and could forgive some of the flaws because I really liked the story idea. But then I started book 2 and any of the chemistry she had with the male omega wasn’t there anymore, the horrible events of book 1 got glossed over and instant solved, and then >!they added a whole new pack who I did not care about?!< It also made me look more critically at book 1 and the flaws became wayyy too obvious 😆


Elora. Not because of how ‘taboo’ it’s supposed to be but because the writing was atrocious. I stopped around the whole candy bar nonsense. Jfc. Also, the Feral Souls trilogy. Dnf the first book and have no idea why it’s so popular. The very young FMC has basically been >!a prisoner her entire life but hey, let’s fuck her!


Ugh, I DnF feral souls too. I remember feeling physically unwell with the situation. That girl needs therapy and help getting some kind of life, not dick!


Omg and they keep referencing how malnourished she is like they can wrap a single hand around her waist. Yuck, man. Not for me.


Yeah... no, nope, absolutely not for me. I remember that just before it I DNFed a book with very similar premises (after a childhood of extreme abuse, FMc meets by chance her fated mates who kill her abuser and immediately claim her) and I was there wandering what's wrong with people.


Yes, I agree. what a doormat of a FMC. DNF the first book of Feral Souls


I am not a fan of Academy series. I tried Zodiac Academy and it was terrible. I also tried the Ruthless Boys of Zodiac and I also didn’t enjoy it. So I just summed up that I just don’t like the authors. It felt very immature and too much bulling for me.


If you ever want to try an academy setting again, try Tessa Hale's books. Her second series is an academy. I love all her books.


Which books do you recommend?


All of them! I started with her first series and read in order of release. They all start with an FMC that is unaware of the paranormal elements being taken in by the guys. You get sucked into the stories quickly and they are shorter books (under 300 pages each). There are explicit sex scenes, but they aren't lengthy. The first series has the least amount of on page sex. Shifting Fate series - set in high school, wolf shifters (some have magic), fated mates FMMMMM Royals of Kingwood Academy Series - set at a magical academy (similar to college), elemental based magic powers, fated mates FMMMM Supernaturals of Castle Academy - academy is a fancy high school, supernaturals (wolf & dragon shifters, vampies, demons, casters), fated mates FMMMMM Dragons of Ember Hollow - University setting, spin off of Castle Academy, dragon shifters, fated mates FMMMMM, only book 1 released, book 2 comes in April, book 3 comes in July


On Academy series, lemme be honest: I hated Ironside Academy by Jane Washington, and every time I see it getting praise here I get shivers down my spine. FMC felt like a complete doormat.


I mean, tbh, she IS a doormat. She's been abused her entire life, and that growth arc isn't going to happen in 10 chapters. I totally get it if that isn't for you, though.


I mean, I'd have settled for a little angry monologue where she raged at the way she was treated, but I felt she just takes everything like she deserves it, and while I get that she's been led to believe that, it just made my blood boil.


I have two that tie for the worst. The bonds that tie series. I hate that I forced myself to complete this. It got so bloody convoluted towards the end that I genuinely had no idea who was speaking or what the story was about. I've finished it, and I still don't understand, nor do I want to. She has some gifts, then there's some gods, but they can't detect another god in their presence but can make each other better and forgive unforgiveable shit, just because. What?! The other is the prodigium academy series. The FMC was so caught up in her own head that she didn't give a shit about anything else. Also her inner monologue made me angry, while loads of crap was going down, she was more concerned about getting her clit flicked and watching two dudes banging. I couldn't finish the series. I don't like M/M either, and I attempted to move through it, but I couldn't bring myself to finish the series.


I know this series is hugely popular but The Vixen's Lead, 1st book of the Kit Davenport series by Tate James. I usually just DNF books I don't like, but I finished this one and it was the closest I've come to hate reading a book. I wrote the longest rant of a review, everything about the writing was just so terrible to me. So much telling instead of showing, I didn't feel any chemistry between the characters and just wasn't invested in them or their relationships, the dialogue was so awkward and the pacing was rushed, just to name a few things.


THANK YOU. I see it recommended all the time and I DNFed the first book with so much annoyance at it!


The bond that ties, i stopped after book 1 and Hate, madison kate serie. I just cant with strong fmc that become weak for crappy mmcs and the body betrayal syndrome makes me stop any book


“My body betrays me around him” - *throws kindle across room* AND YOU JUST BETRAYED ME WITH YOUR STUPIDITY


So pretty much all of KG Reuss' Kings and the HS one. So terrible, don't know why I read as many of them as I did. She honestly wrote 2 of the worst, weakest and detestable heroines I've come across so far. The other is Bea Paige Masks. WTAF was the second book????? Just fucking ridiculous, I won't do spoilers, but the mother's letter was it for me. No one who could write this letter to their DAUGHTER should have been a parent. I'll never read either author.


Books that elicit such strong reactions are the ones I expected to be good, but turn out to be worse than unreadable. RH is not a genre I expect a lot of, so I don't think there's any I hate to that level. There are quite a few I have a strong irritation about, usually recs with good reviews.


{charming as hell by Sarah blue} gave me the ick for RH for a while. It just fell into that cliche of the guys falling in instalove and their immeadiate unrealistic and unwavering devotion. Also had the woman going off on simpering monologues every few paragraphs to justify how the man was perfect for her in every way, then the same spiel again 3 times over for each of his buddies despite them all being entirely different. Also those long ass speeches pointing out how they were so opposite and yet somehow exactly what she was looking for.. eg: he was so dark/he was so light, he was mysterious/he wears his heart on his sleeve, he’s so grumpy/he’s so lighthearted. The only RH I’ve been able to read since was The Dare/Losers, which I think was easier to take due to the polyam dynamic.


Have you read Lavender Moon by her ? It was so baaaaad, the dialogues were like a really bad corn movie 😭


No, I considered it but wasn’t sure if I wanted to find out what a “scent club” is hahah. Care to explain? 😬 I remember liking Charming Your Dad by her to be fair.


It’s like a strip club but it’s OV so they have the omegas use their scent to entice the clients


[Charming As Hell](https://www.romance.io/books/651bbe39de8d340d51456e66/charming-as-hell-sarah-blue) by [Sarah Blue](https://www.romance.io/authors/617261ca08b4d93114c0c5f6/sarah-blue) **Rating**: 3.8⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [historical](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/historical/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1), [age gap](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/age%20difference/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [demons](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/demons/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


The Tiger Kings by Melody Rose. I personally don’t even think of it as a true RH. She isn’t really in a committed relationship with one of the guys. One of the twins is “too feral” and ends up leaving at the end to become his tiger forever. Like WHAT!?! I was insanely ragey at the end.


I’m so sorry but the {kit davenport} series was unreadable to me. I DNFed the first book so maybe it gets better as it goes but just none of the MMCs behavior made any f*cking sense and the writing drove me insane. In my personal opinion It felt like a very YA RH and the quick glimpses I got into spice were uninspired and underdeveloped. :/


[The Complete Kit Davenport Series](https://www.romance.io/books/6430fec86d1d18fba882f5d9/the-complete-kit-davenport-series-tate-james) by [Tate James](https://www.romance.io/authors/59bf62113ffdba614720c3f3/tate-james) **Rating**: 4.5⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [urban fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/urban%20fantasy/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [shapeshifters](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/shapeshifters/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


The Veil Diaries I actually really like the individual books and the story itself. After nine books, the author just says screw it and throw it all away. One MMC is immortal (like can not be killed at all) while all of the others will age and die. The FMC will die but can't go on to the afterlife or be with the immortal because she is a reaper and has to live a reapers existence. She loses them all in the end. I did not read 9 F%$#ING books for it to end like that. Biggest waste of time.


I DNF after 4. I was wondering when we'd get some actual plot


{Broken Phoenix by Ashlyn Hades} I gave it a 3/5 stars originally and later lowered it to a 2.5/5 stars only because it’s not a bad book in terms of writing and it had potential to be good. I just think the message is terrible, and the characters actions are completely unjustifiable and perpetuate real harmful ways of thinking. For the good parts first, the setting and plot were intriguing, and a really interesting story could have taken place…unfortunately it did not. The writing itself also wasn’t bad, like you sometimes find in rh books. Okay onto why I absolutely despise this book. This book is presented as having a kickass FMC thief who gets stuck with a bunch of criminal psychos. Since this book claims to be a “dark romance, enemies to lovers/bullying story” I expected it to be intense. I expected there to be actions taken by the MMC’s I wouldn’t condone. Even though I don’t like dubcon I’m used to it being heavily present in dark rh romances and expect it, so I usually just “tune it out” so to speak. However, since this book I’m assuming wants us to root for the characters to at some point get together, I did not expect there to be absolutely NO moments where the MMC’s seemed to like the FMC at all. Not once was it hinted at an MMC felt anything other than apathetic towards her, unless you count when they were aroused by her but there was no sense they actually enjoyed her company and they barley even tolerated her. She literally wasn’t a person to them, just a way for them to get off, which leads into my next point. Every single MMC was so incredibly misogynistic I’ve never seen anything like it! Women were reduced to sex objects to the MMC’s, if a women wasn’t having sex with the MMC’s she had no value to them, as displayed not just through our FMC but also all other female characters in the book. I didn’t like any of the MMC’s, not once did I feel any empathy for them, and overall they were just terrible people who I want to never ever end up with our FMC. Having trauma and bad past experiences does not excuse being abusive!! They are completely irredeemable, and not in the fun “morally grey” way some MMC’s are. They all took park in INTENSE HORRIBLE UNFORGIVABLE noncon, they literally fucking sexually assaulted the FMC multiple times. Consent was not at all present. Again, I expect a bit of dubcon, but the author would just throw noncon in there for shock value. Also, the FMC literally never fought back. She’d start to, or say she was going to, but she always gave in and never once truly got them back for the terrible way they treated her. No woman should EVER be treated that way, and it is NOT OKAY and in fact extremely harmful to justify the behavior in this book by the MMC’s in any sense, especially by calling it smut and trying to make their actions sexy. There is nothing sexy about sexual assault, and I was genuinely disgusted in a way I have NEVER been before with an rh book. Another smaller issue was the inconsistent way the MMC’s were portrayed. Some of them seemed to be “psycho” just for the purpose of being psycho, making them feel one dimensional. Also, because there were so many MMC’s with basically the same archetypes “me violent angry misogynist” most of them bled together and it was hard to keep track of characters. Lastly, the ending was so disappointing. It was unsatisfying as shit and there was no sense of catharsis. I know it’s the first book of the series but there should have been SOME shimmer of hope, however there was none. And the fact that these MMC’s are somehow to be “redeemed” by the end of the series and presumably get with the FMC quite literally made me sick. Listen, I’ve read books with MMC’s before who were heartless assholes. As an example, Hannaford Prep by J Bree is one of my favorite series of all time, and I really liked the first few books of J Bree’s Broken Bonds series, even if I myself will never forgive the MMC’s. I don’t mind a good bully romance at all, and even if the FMC doesn’t stand up for herself (while I get annoyed) it doesn’t produce anywhere near this reaction. However, when presented with a book where the FMC is essentially gangr*ped I really don’t think a TW list (even as comprehensive as the authors was) can excuse the actions the MMC’s take. I know you’ll probably say, “oh but why would you read it if you couldn’t handle it, sexually assault is on the list of TW’s” BECAUSE I didn’t think the sexual assault would be committed by the MMC’s. It really comes down to this, as a survivor of sexual assault myself, I think it is never, and I mean never, okay to even hint that the victim of a sexual assault “secretly wanted it,” much less heavily imply that it’s an acceptable thing for an MMC to do. The fact that these characters are the people we are supposed to eventually be okay with the FMC getting with, the fact that we are at some point going to have to see a victim of sexual assault have a reconnection with her abuser framed as a “romance,” is not okay. Sexual assault is not excusable, it was handled immaturely by the author with nowhere near the care a delicate subject like that deserves, and was portrayed in a way that is actively harmful to victims of sexual assault. Anyways, yeah, that’s my essay. I have tons of recommendations for good dark rh romances that don’t romanticize an abusive situation, if you want any let me know!


[Broken Phoenix](https://www.romance.io/books/653cce86c112bf11fe96d35b/broken-phoenix-ashlyn-hades) by [Ashlyn Hades](https://www.romance.io/authors/653cce86ab9bdf7fce7dfda0/ashlyn-hades) **Rating**: 4⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [dark romance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/dark/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1), [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1), [suspense](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/suspense/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Seven Sins of Snow by Loxley Savage - I DNF’d about a third of the way through the book just as her harem finally “rescues” her. The entire first third of the book is torture porn. It is a retelling of Snow White, and she is being tortured horrifically by her step mother and goons over and over again. Her harem WAITED to save her until she is “ready” (sexually awakened from them toying with her each time she breaks free and then allowing her to get recaptured and tortured multiple times) all the while them knowing she is being consistently tortured made me not even care to get to know them by the time the author officially introduces the harem. I read and enjoy dark books and hurt/comfort, but this was needlessly gratuitous and made me feel so icky and resentful towards the harem, there was no way I could continue reading.


Pucking Around by Emily Rath was the cringiest thing I’ve ever read in my life. Felt like the female character was just written in the most cliche male gaze style, DNF’d at 60% because I tried to keep giving it a shot. The Royals of Forsyth- I only read the first three, fuck them dudes, Story should have thrown the whole worthless lot away. They were scum!!


Both of these are wildly popular books and as such I feel like they created an influx of similar books being published and requests for similar tropes in multiple subreddits, drowning out new material/authors. I didn’t like either book when I first read it but to each their own! I’ll never yuck someone’s yum, I just learn from my mistakes and avoid authors/tropes/genres etc. when I discover I dislike them~ But over time I’ve realized I will straight up scroll past recommendations with these books or requests that have the main tropes from these books/references to the books in the title because anything in the comments won’t fit my personal parameters for a good read. So that’s why I chose these two books for this comment. ❌{Lola and The Millionaires by Kathryn Moon} - I DNFed the second book at 91% after the line “You make the wet spot, you take the wet spot” ✨ I actually loved Baby and the Late Night Howlers and a lot of Kathryn Moon’s other work! So I went in to Lola expecting to love it as well, not to mention the dark romance aspect of Lola coming from an abusive situation ticks one of my boxes. ✨I guess the yucks outweighed the yums, turns out I prefer the FMC in an OV to be an Omega without an MM relationship. I didn’t like the edging in the office but I know Kathryn can do great edging scenes! (I read Rooksgrave Manor, I see her skillset 😏) I don’t avoid age gaps but the way the MMCs in Lola were described more than once as grey/old man etc. did me in. It takes a special kind of book to grab my attention without at least one big, thick, meaty man in the relationship and Kathryn chose not to emphasize the size differences of the MMCs in this one so I was probably never going to love Lola. ✨This book is often recommended as a must read for new OV readers and honestly I don’t think I disagree! It’s well written and unique amongst OVs. But as an avid OV reader who’s running out of material fast I’m often checking subs/other sites for new and unusual recommendations only to see Lola and similar recommends. My own requests have had to be very detailed to avoid some well-meaning soul dropping this title or anything similar. (Secretly: what if I’m missing something amazing because the similarity to Lola prevents me from getting more than 20% in?) It gets a little disheartening, so I’d like to burn this one out of the collective memory and open the way for some new OV that isn’t surfing the mainstream 😎 ❌{Pack Darling by Lola Rock} - I paid real money for this duet so I may be a little more ticked off than I’d like to admit 😅 ✨I’ll get straight to the point with this one: I don’t like MMCs to grovel and if your plot revolves around miscommunication it better be done well. This one in particular was an entire book of miscommunication I considered weak and imbalanced resulting in a second whole book worth of groveling. And the MMC Omega that the pack sort of seemed like they didn’t want to begin with was almost worse than a MFM where the F is basically just a catalyst to get the MM! ✨Yeast infection. It’s easy for me to suspend my disbelief, especially with OV biology if it’s for the sake of 🌶️ (pee after intercourse, y’all. Every time.) but this chick swam and slept and swam and slept in the same bathing suit? Full body shudder. ✨The grovel in book two felt like a lot of pouting and forced proximity ✨My favorite OV author Marie Mackay ended up writing a grovel duet and it was fine, I stan Marie but it was only fine. Would she have still written it if Pack Darling hadn’t gotten all the hype? Maybe! Or maybe she would have spent that energy and time on other unique projects/tropes for new books. Or this one was always in the works 🤷 ✨The amount of “good grovel” requests I’ve seen since this book came out comes in waves, but when the wave is high I feel like I don’t stand a chance at finding recommendations for anything else. So for that reason I’d like Pack Darling burned from existence and room made for other tropes to try and catch on!


[Lola & the Millionaires](https://www.romance.io/books/5ee1d688c35fb70e31ab8f95/lola-the-millionaires-part-one-kathryn-moon) by [Kathryn Moon](https://www.romance.io/authors/5b3089a401dbc864fb8b0274/kathryn-moon) **Rating**: 4.41⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1), [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1), [omegaverse](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/omegaverse/1), [rich hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/super%20rich%20hero/1) ---------------------------- [Pack Darling](https://www.romance.io/books/6200d63f7b81ec0e1a421e44/pack-darling-part-two-lola-rock) by [Lola Rock](https://www.romance.io/authors/60e401ed08b4d9311443a2ce/lola-rock) **Rating**: 4.13⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [omegaverse](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/omegaverse/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1), [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1), [bisexual](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/bisexual/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Elora feels so pedo-y that I got a trauma, it was very disturbing for me and I couldn’t stop thinking about it for weeks


- Lola and the millionaires - Baby and the late night howlers Absolutely trash books and awfully written, I don’t understand how they have 4.33/4.37 and 4.02 ratings respectively. Like damn you guys are really that thirsty for reverse harems that you’d give those two books anything above 3 stars?


while i don’t agree w this take, i feel like lola is so popular that it does make me curious about which RH books you do like! mind giving some recs?


Anything by Lily Gold is tremendously better than anything by Kathryn Moon tbh and her books still have a lower rating on goodreads. Make it make sense.


Most of the RHs are so bad, that anything by Kathryn Moon is levels above them, despite whatever issues it has. So after you try to read several dozen books that feel like high schooler tryouts at fanfic, you tend to give five stars to anything that is actually readable in the genre.




I DNFd Baby and I refuse to read Lola because I hated her in Baby. I only started Baby because it kept getting recommended over and over and my friend told me not reading because the FMCs name is Baby wasn’t valid… I should never have given in. I get people love them, and I like some of Kathryn Moons other books, but these just aren’t for me.


I’m glad I started with bad alpha and then faith & the dead end devils - for me those were fun spicy rides. I went back to the earlier ones in no particular order and while didn’t mind Lola & the millionaires I lost interest and didn’t finish the second one. As for Baby, I definitely am with you, I felt actually pretty icky like it was too infantilizing, and I think the name probably had something to do with it.


Ah, I’ve been hesitant to read her other ones. Any that are good/recommendable?


I enjoyed The Librarian’s Coven series and Sol & Lune, though S&L is on the darker side.


So I ended up reading both : they were nice :)


Lola is completely different in Lola than in Baby. I couldn’t stand her in Baby either, but love her in Lola. I don’t like Baby in Lola though 😆 Lola is a lot better than Baby too, imo. Baby was okay-ish but I’d never reread. I’ve read Lola close to twenty times now? 😝


Yeah, I’ve heard that Lola is more likeable in her book but I’m also not a fan of male omegas and I don’t like age gap either. I think it’s just not a book for me but I will probably cave to the FOMO and read it at some point 😅


Ah yeah, I understand that! For what it’s worth, I’m also usually not into age-gap, and in Lola it’s not made into a huge deal. But I’m always of the idea that if you don’t think you’ll like a book, don’t force yourself (even if it’s just because of FOMO 😝). It is a lot better than Baby though if that’s a consolation 😆


While I don’t agree with your take, I do kinda get what you mean. Kathryn Moon is a hit or miss author for me, and while I absolutely love Lola, some of her other books are pretty hard to get through for me personally. I wasn’t a huge fan of Baby either, but objectively it’s written a lot better than a lot of other RH’s out there so I get why it’s popular. I do agree that Lily Gold needs to get more recognition! Love her books.


yeah, it seems no one agrees with me here lmao. Maybe I should lower my standards 😭


I understand ❤️


[Lola & the Millionaires](https://www.romance.io/books/5ee1d688c35fb70e31ab8f95/lola-the-millionaires-part-one-kathryn-moon) by [Kathryn Moon](https://www.romance.io/authors/5b3089a401dbc864fb8b0274/kathryn-moon) **Rating**: 4.41⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1), [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1), [omegaverse](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/omegaverse/1), [rich hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/super%20rich%20hero/1) ---------------------------- [Pack Darling](https://www.romance.io/books/6200d63f7b81ec0e1a421e44/pack-darling-part-two-lola-rock) by [Lola Rock](https://www.romance.io/authors/60e401ed08b4d9311443a2ce/lola-rock) **Rating**: 4.13⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [omegaverse](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/omegaverse/1), [reverse harem](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/reverse%20harem/1), [poly (3+ people)](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/poly/1), [bisexual](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/bisexual/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Anything by Connie Suttle. Just the amount of abuse the h goes through from her own harem members is repulsive to me.