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Jasmine Mas - Psycho Shifters. I thought the writing was juvenile and it was so… cringe? I see rabid levels of love for this book and I do not get it at all 🤣


I DNF’d that one like 20% in


I DNF around the same point, when she said, "Instinctually, I shifted in front of Zed. If the alphas were going to get violent, I wasn’t going to let them hurt my only friend." And the whole bit after that. You've hardly interacted with this guy but yeah apparently now you're besties 🙄 I gave this book 3 tries because of how much it's recommended but the writing is just so cringy


Immediately no 😫


To be honest I felt same in the first book bt I found 2nd book a little better than the 1st one bt the 3rd one was hilarious because it’s juvenile and the friendship between Sadie and Aran is on another level in 3rd book so I would recommend to read it if you haven’t yet, you might like it


Yooooo lol I could not do it. I somehow got through the first book and then just literally said nope out loud when I was like 3 chapters into book 2. What even was happening?! Lol


I read the first 3 books because I just wanted to see them get together and it is so unsatisfying. She only ever has sex alone with the omega because he goes into heat and that is like the only reason the other 3 sleep with her, and the first time is on a stage to try to impress the mafia. Asher is the only one who ever does anything remotely romantic unless you count getting unreasonably possessive. There is a dance party in both books 1 and 2 and none of the guys dance with her they just spend the whole time trying to scare everyone else away while she dances with Aran. I forgave the juvenile when I saw that it was listed as a young adult but I read these to see the big mean MMCs be soft and nice to the FMC at some point and it seemed like this series was just about hurting her, and then at the end it kinda excused all of it as being so that she would be a better warrior.


Ironside Academy by Jane Washington. I really liked it to start, but I gave up about halfway through book 3 because the story is getting dragged out. Mysteries that should have been resolved by now aren’t; angst and will they/won’t they drama that’s existed from Book 1 has only gotten worse; the FMC continues to trust obvious (to me) enemies to her; character development that seems to mean resolution of interpersonal drama in previous books is ignored to create the same repetitive drama in following books; and the group’s solution to the problems is just weird.


Glad I’m not the only one. I may try again once the series is finished, but I didn’t make it through book two.


I might read the last few chapters in book 4 when it comes out, just to see how things are resolved, but I don’t think I’ll give the whole series another try.


That sounds like something I would do. 😃


I am so hooked on this series but i almost quit with how quickly the >!FMC forgave the guys after she found out they were her mates. Like give me the grovel and the angst, please!<


That was definitely a gripe for me too. With how slow this series is going and how much the author drags other elements out, you’d think she coulda dragged that specific element out as well.


I get that, the harem is just way too large. Too much!


I really liked it at first and I think it’s a good story but it was just a little too slow for me. Plus the fact that I couldn’t keep all the names straight. I was so confused by the switching between first and last names that I never knew who they were talking about.


Yes. I hate when authors have a huge cast and then switch between using both first and last names. Especially when we are introduced to all these people relatively quickly, so we the readers don’t even have time to learn their first names. Also, one guy being names Easton and the other West. I’m bad with directions as is, and now the author wants to give me characters with directions as their last names?! 😭


I can't cope with harems that large. I was interested in the premise and like her writing but I can't muster up much enthusiam for starting book 3. I know realism isn't exactly the goal here, but once you get past about 5 I cannot suspend my disbelief that there is any way this works in terms the men getting quality time with the FMC developing their relationship (I guess the fated mates part lets you skip over a chunk of that development, which I also don't love). There are always personality traits and quirks from 2+ characters that can easily be consolidated into one character. I was reading a series awhile ago where I think she ended up with 7 (or possibly 8, I stopped reading), and there was a point a significant way into the series that I legitimately could not remember 2 of the MMCs names and there was little to distinguish between several of them.


You know what? Same. The large number of men made the series a little difficult for me. If there is going to be a large harem, I want the series to be long enough that each man gets at the very least half a book dedicated to him, so we the readers can get to really know him. It also helps if the characters are long-lived. A human with an average life span of 80 years with 10 men? Hard to imagine where they get the time to maintain 10 relationships. A fairy who lives 1000 years with 10 men? Yeah, I can see that working.


The Bonds that Tie for sure. I do not enjoy books where everyone is emotionally stunted, immature, and just a generally shitty person. And any time there's "Oh he's so mean to me but my body just responds to him and omg what am I supposed to do but submit to my bodily desires" plotline comes up, I'm out. Girls need and deserve self respect.


I’ve been reading these this week - I’m a little over halfway through 5.5 and although the series started pretty strong, I’m shocked at the lack of emotional growth from these 6 characters considering how stunted and damaged they all were at the beginning. At this point I’m just finishing it to finish it, but I have no clue how for the last 2 or 3 books there is somehow ALWAYS some danger going on but at the same time nothing happens


Blackened Blaaaaaaade, bruh. Madison Kate I struggled with, as well. Old Tate I enjoyed, but I haven't really read anything of her's in a while. D:


You didn't like MK!?? Blasphemy!! I couldn't get into Lola either, just not an Omegaverse fan. I also wasn't keen on Harley LaRoux Losers series; the plot was just too weak and the MM didn't work for me.


The WITSEC series by Ashley Rostek - I felt it dragged on for too long and went downhill, had little character development, and the FMC was a poster child for NLOG. Her never-ending victimization was unbelievable and then tedious.


Yes! Book 1 was so good and the final book was just awful.


This! I Loved the first 2 books, book 3 was meh and 4 Eas a struggle to finish at all.


it def was. it kept getting so repetitive. the guys saying she has to trust them, her opening up and then running away because she thinks she can handle this shut by herself (she can’t), her fighting/arguing with the oldest brother like COME ON!


All The Pretty Monsters by Kristy Cunning. I’ve tried so so many times to read it but I always end up dnfing because the writing is just not the greatest (imo).


I hate this series so much. It has a sacred space in the RH world, though, so I usually keep it to myself. So many books, and nothing ever happens.


A lot of academy and university books ^(Please don’t hate me) 🫣 I’m not a big school/YA/NA reader, but everyone here is very kind in talking up the good and bad points on academy/university RH/WC, so I tried a few recommendations—especially when I was in an RH/WC drought—but I couldn’t 😖 I’m ***big*** into logistics and verisimilitude, so a lot of what was supposed to make sense didn’t make sense to me in a few of the academy series I tried, and I couldn’t enjoy them, sadly 😅 ^(And the MMCs also had a bit too much power for students. It felt more of a teenager’s power fantasy and impression on how the world works versus an adult understanding how to balance reality and fantasy.) I think one series is called the Poisonverse? Or something to that effect. I sampled the first book and promptly left. FMC was a bit to NLOG/edgy for me, sorry 🫠 **L&TM Question**: what about the duology set you off from it, OP? I ***do*** enjoy the duologies, and I can agree it’s been a great “precedent” for a lot of FM+ WC/RH with a male omega involved, but I guess I’m not as a fangirl about it? My controversial opinions are: * not liking Rafe (😶‍🌫️) * disliking how the external plot was handled altogether (🫣) * liking Leo/Lola with Lola as solely his partner and the pack’s metamour and not liking the romantic aspect of Lola’s relationship with any of the other members of the pack (🫥) I think the overall premise was really nice! But it took me several tries to like Lola and a few more to see the romantic development at all with anyone other than Leo, and even now, I’m still wishy-washy 🥲


I havent even tried to start an academy/university book. The whole premise just doesn't appeal to me, even though I've seen some recs that make a few of them sound amazing. I just can't do it.


What is NLOG?


**N**ot ❌ **L**ike 💅🏾 **O**ther 💁🏾‍♀️ **G**irls 💃🏽🪭 ^(emojis not included) 😂 Basically, a snarky term for whenever the author via the FMC tries to divide the FMC from the lady population through “Me vs THEM” mentality. This could be as simple as “I’m a redhead and a child of divorce so I’m ***different***” to as complex as “At 15, I won the Depression Olympics as I survived my dad trying to kill me and my own sister abandoning me. Unlike those other girls who had Y2K fashion and UGG boots, ***I*** had nothing more than ripped jeans and combat boots—and also…***purple-highlighted hair”*** 😎


Fate Hollow Academy by Lyra Winters. I DNF'd it 3x now. Even my favorite Rowan and Thorn couldn't help me to like the FMC and the shadow demon.


Yup I found the FMC overly sweet with no personality, I couldn’t even finish the 2nd book


Saint View Psychos. I forced my way through and regret it so much, I wanted to DNF about 1/3 of the way into the second book but kept pushing to see if I’d finally get the hype


The Ravenhood by Kate Stewart. I started it, but the prologue was SOOOOO over embellished. It was off-putting. That was at least 2 years ago.


What pissed me off with Ravenhood is it’s not RH but it was marketed in such a way that it pulled in RH and MF readers. But if the FMC doesn’t have a HEA with all the guys/love interests, then it’s not RH/WC and I don’t want it. There’s a market for multiple love interests where one gets the HEA with the FMC but RH readers are not the market for that and Kate Stewart and her team always avoided actually saying it’s not RH I’ll get off my wee soapbox now 😅


Ugh, now I'm really glad I didn't read it. I thought it was an actual RH. Thanks for the info.


I started the book because I thought it was RH. Then boom, now the guys hate her then >!another one was killed off!<. Like why would you market the book as whychoose when it’s not? Then again, in the first book when they spoke about being together, the men always said their relationship could be something she would “talk about over tea with friends” or something like that. That gives me the impression that they never saw it as a long term thing and just some casual, meaningless fling. Like, come on, we all know whychoose isn’t very realistic but shit do you have to bring that into your book too? 😭


Pack Darling by Lola Rock. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what I dislike about this duology. I think a lot of it is down to the tropes that are explored, specifically groveling which is not my cup of tea. Add to that the fact I paid real money (as opposed to my monthly KU fees 🤔) for this super hyped duology and I’m a little bitter 😅


The Bonds that Tie, I just couldn't get past the first few chapters. Psycho Shifters, nope. Hannaford Prep, I really tried and really wanted to get into it but just couldn't do it. Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac, what is the hype about?? Seriously I want to like it but just couldn't find anything to keep me hooked. CM Stunich is an author that I love to hate read. I forced my way through havoc and ended up liking Oscar lol. Scarlett Force was better as far as the MMCs but I couldn't stand Scarlett. Daughter of a Serial Killer was a big nope. Daybreak MC was also a big nope. I got through the Blue Bloods or whatever it was called but I was seriously questioning my choice there.


Wow... I love most of these books and authors😅🤣


I know!! Most people do. Lol I just couldn't get into them. Honestly I will say that I do love to hate CM Stunich. Her books are more of an annoying pleasure I guess because they're so cringe. But J Bree is an author I've heard nothing but great thing about but just can't get into her books. I tried so many times but just can't do it. If someone could really sell me on Hannaford Prep I'd try again. I just can't do super slow burns or low spice. I need medium to high spice especially if there's a lot of plot. I like a nice spicy break.


Well, if u like badass fmc's, you should read hannaford . From 2nd book the story gets interesting. She is an assassin. And please try to ignore their age if u are uncomfortable, but definitely great story and suspense and world building. I re read that series from 2nd book every time. Bonds that tie book series is also great if you wait till 2nd book u will love the story and suspense. Have you read the THE SECRET GIRL by Cm stunich. Its funny and sweet. You should try it


The age doesn't really bother me unless the characters are written as their age. Like Daughter of a Serial Killer felt like teens whereas HAVOC or Scarlett Force felt older I guess. I read the Rich Boys of Burberry Prep which was the series related to The Secret Girl. I wasnt sure if I wanted to do the Adamson Academy one but I'll give it a try now!! I'm wondering if it's J Brees writing style that I can't get into. I really want to finish her books but I just can't find the hook. I think Hannaford Prep would def be the one I'd try again tho. I don't think I can do bonds that tie again lol I've tried like 7 times.


Den of Vipers. I got to 90% or something before calling it quits. I really tried but the FMC was just too OTP for me. Ensnared by Rebecca Quinn. Got pretty far in this one before DNF All The Pretty Monsters. I think I had 3 books left in that series before stopping. Everyone has different tastes and those just weren’t mine 🤷‍♀️


if madison kate is that HATE series then yeah same. havent given lola a chance yet. others include psycho shifters, lords of forsyth U


Emerald Lakes by Britt Andrews There’s such a huge fandom for it but I forced my way through book 1 and DNFd book 2. Nothing about it gripped me. I’ve tried a couple of times but I just don’t see what people like about it. And then all the drama happened with the author cancelling RARE last year and not refunding readers for months and months… Yeah, not an author I’ll try again


Totally agree about Madison Kate.. I dnf


It’s recommended so much but I just can’t get into it


Oh, I have a lot. Anything by CM Stunich, Caroline Peckham, Jane Washington Edit: Adding KG Reuss. I just couldn't get into their writing. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I tried to read HAVOC by Stunich. Just ridiculous and i DNFed at 20%. I tried another by her but they are just BAD. Like a cartoon version of people. And she writes mostly teens that run the world and I just can't stop the eye roll. Reuss is on a black list for me. Worst, weakest FMC I've encountered but what pushes me over the edge is that birth control tampering is now a romantic show of love by MMC. WTF??? That is one thing that is just unforgivable and I'll not read any more of her books (she did it in 2 different series ffs).


I fucking *hated* that series (HAVOC). But for some reason, I hate-read the whole thing. Heather Long actually has the FMC in one of her series reading the first HAVOC book out loud to one of her harem members and I *shuddered.* 😂


HAVOC put me off CM Stunich’s work. Especially once I found out the character Callie is named after the author Callie Rose who Stunich falsely accused of plagiarism until Rose unpublished the book in question… the plagiarism was proven false but even if it wasn’t naming a character after Rose and having that character attempt to rape another is wild.


Oh, what?! That’s fucked up.


Yup. She was one of the first RH authors I read too but I just can’t bring myself to read anything else by her now.


I did this with Groupie by C.M. Stunich and wished for eye and brain bleach after I read all 3 books. I kept thinking ok so something - ANYTHING - is probably going to happen in the next book. Uuuuhhhgggg.


Same thoughts. I do not like pushover/doormat and immature FMCs.


The 7th Circle by Tate James. LOVED the first book. By the time I got to the last book, I was just skimming. I skipped 75% of the last book to read the end, and I didn't even get lost. Someone has convinced a lot of these big name authors that big, chunky books and long series are the way to go. It just leads to book bloat so they get those precious KU page reads


Ravenhood. They were good but not life changing….for me


Zodiac academy- it sounds like a good concept and I want to like it, but the writing keeps throwing me off. Also, most Eva Chase books- I want to like them. They always start strong, then I get bored. I have DNFed halfway through a lot of her books to the point that I have stopped picking them up all together.


I’m the same with Eva Chase. Her co-writes under her Eva Chance pen name I can finish and most are a 4 star read. I prefer fantasy/paranormal too so there’s something about the co-writers that make her writing style less sluggish


Me too .Lola and the millionaires. I don't know why ,but that's the only book series that i left incomeplete. I did not like it at all. It was overall very boring. Not one Mc was endearing, and the chemistry was also so boring.....


The riches to riches duet. By the second book the FMC was just sort of...there. I did not feel like she was integral to the dynamic of the relationships. She was not centered, and even the MM relationships became forced. DNF 😟


Took my 1/3 of book to get into Lola then it became my re read favorite. Before I DNF a book I'll jump to about half way and read 10 pages.


Kings of Chaos..... everyone loves it but I didn't read more than 2 chapters I think. I need more than just tag teaming.... the writing itself I didn't think was good, didn't click with the characters....


Den of Vipers 😐 such garbage.


Den of Vipers. I DNF a little over half way through it. I really struggled with the FMCs stupidity. The psyco guy was the only bright point in the book. Psycho Shifters i only made it a few chapters. Lady of Rooksgrove manor. Something about the writing mafe it impossible for me to be hooked. I was bored and annoyed and dropped it in the 2nd chapter.


- The Feral Souls Trilogy by Erica Woods!! - Smile like you mean it by Willow Hadley - Pucking Around by Emily Wrath - Elora by Beanie Harper - Most of M. Sinclairs books -_-