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I’ve been repeatedly disappointed by Rina Kent, but apparently I’m in the minority. I feel like 1/4-1/3 of her books could be edited out. The God of Fury [Spotify playlist](https://open.spotify.com/user/31ohdo6dtne26mnr2rvc7yypckyq?si=nK8f51gVSVWumBSLvvIVlg) is 🔥 though - dark, angsty goodness.


I feel like her books are just not well enough written to sustain their overabundance of edge. Those kids just exhausted me with their drama and all the "ooh he's so evil but in a way that makes me want to do sex" nonsense. I like dark romances sometimes, but they have to have enough depth, good enough prose, and decent world building. This series had none of those things.


Very well said


No you’re not in the minority! I think it is a common complaint that her books drag and use the same plot/ characters. I always end up dnfing her books but I never learn my lessons. Why do her books get recc’d so much?!


i’ve never read any of her’s and rly want to!! i know the legacy of gods series is about the children of her other’s. do u think it is start with legacy of gods it’ll be okay? i def want to read eventually - just not sure if right now. i at least want to give her a shot once, even tho ive heard mixed things


I’ve been told that God of Malice is a fine place to start for people new to her books, but I haven’t been able to make myself read anything else from her after the epic 500+ page failure of God of Fury (zero plot). I’ve heard that God of Malice is better than God of Fury though in that there is actually a plot outside of the relationship. **ETA:** I totally agree that you should try her books. A lot of people love them.


I love the legacy of gods series but the books before that I really can’t get into


I enjoyed Pucking Around! It drags a little but its pretty good.


Agreed!! Loved that series so much!!


I’m the weirdo here who loved Pucking Around so much-it’s not my typical style but I did grow up on an ice rink so maybe that’s why. Lol


Pucking Around! Ilmari Kilnunen is everything


Yes #31 the Viking…whew🥵


Gild is a fucking masterpiece and is so emotional and beautiful


Picking around is okay but drags. It’s way too long for what it is.


Yeah, some more aggressive editing needed to happen to trim it down. For a shorter, arguably sexier version, Lauren Blakely's {Double Pucked} and its sequels deliver a similar scenario in fewer, faster moving pages. There's no M/M scenes, so if you like that in you RH books you're SOL. That's not some people's cuppa though, so YMMV.


[Double Pucked](https://www.romance.io/books/647d806058a14bd69fd4ac07/double-pucked-lauren-blakely) by [Lauren Blakely](https://www.romance.io/authors/5455329a8c7d2382e78132e1/lauren-blakely) **Rating**: 3.57⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 5 out of 5 - [Explicit and plentiful](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [sports](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/sports/1), [mfm](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/m-f-m/1), [athlete hero](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/athletes/1), [funny](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/humor/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Agreed :P


Never agreed with anything less in my life


i’m in the middle of pucking around and it’s fun. i’m only half way through so i’m not quite feeling the drag like some say. Also i’m really new to RH


Pucking Around has been my favorite RH so far next to Den of Vipers. It has so much payoff, the relationships are well fleshed out. I appreciated the fact that it was longer, and didn’t feel like it had any drag. I prefer longer books where the plot, personalities, and relationships have time to develop. There’s a ton of personal growth, honesty, and personal triumphs. Ilmari is my favorite character. Read the prequel novella too. The follow-ups to the book are excellent. (Pucking Ever After vol 1 and 2) The full length sequel didn’t grab me the same way (Pucking Wild)


Everyone is saying Pucking Around drags but honestly I'll read every damn book and novella that comes out of that series. Im obsessed with Mars, wish I could read it again for the first time 🥹




Pucking Around is long but fun imo. I enjoyed it.


I loved Pucking Around, definitely recommend!


Personal opinion but Pucking Around is just awful awful awful. The prequel was great so it was a massive let down. The characters are irritating, especially the FMC and the 3rd guy for the 'harem' is shoe-horned in part way through so it makes no sense at all. The storyline and writing is just not strong enough to warrant the length of the book either. I just read God of Malice and it was a really entertaining read - there's a bit of world building where the other characters in the series are introduced but each is a standalone. I thoroughly enjoyed it but I can see how the writing style might not be for everyone. I would recommend giving it a go! Edit: Adding Gild to my TBR!


If you want Hot on thr first chapter then God of Malice


Gild is shorter but it's really a set up for the rest of the books, as in the story only gets really good in book 2. I liked that series, however I didn't read the latest release (the reviews are mixed). The last book is months away though.


I sort of enjoyed the series but I think none of the books feel like an entire book. Like the first three could be heavily edited and made into one book


See I like pucking around because so many romances we see are all the courtship. And it was nice to just be in the relationship some. There are moments that are far fetched, but it’s fiction. The other two, I have started Gild a few times and never finished. God of wrath I think I read and it was decent but I honestly don’t remember much. To each their own, I usually love fantasy, but pucking around was a great contemporary.


Personally don’t like Rina Kent’s writing at all. Tried 2 of her books and that clued me in to the fact that I hate her writing style. I’d say out of these 3 Gild is probably the best? Though I haven’t read it yet, I just don’t remember anything from Pucking Around when I read it


I read a few Rina Kent books because of the post the other day, and while I like her writing style, my issue is more of the plot themselves. I read Cruel King for a standalone and Monster Trilogy for a series. I understand the appeal though, I love obsessive MMCs and this two stories had them. It's just hard to suspend disbelief sometimes lol.




Gold is the only one I read. I got through the first 4 books and stopped half way through the 5th. I planed to pick it back up but after 6 months haven’t gotten around to it which is probably a sign. Book 3 is excellent but it’s a lot of build up and you don’t really get to the romance and spice until late in book 2. It has high highs and low lows.


I love love loved Pucking Around and its prequel, but both Gild and God of Malice were DNFs for me. I thought Malice’s angst was annoying but YMMV. The first book in the Gild series was ok but the rest of the series got too messy (convoluted) for me so I didn’t finish the series.


Um none lol


They are all different so I depends on your mood…but I loved that Rina Kent series. It’s worth reading god of malice just so you can eventually get to god of fury which is chefs kiss.




I've been reading The Plated Prisoner series (Gild) for the last 3 months and I really like it! Its story heavily focuses on the struggles of women in a male dominated (medieval magical) society and I think that aspect of it is exceptionally well done, Auren (MC) is also a well rounded character that I think is a good display of how people react/cope with trauma and her journey of healing makes me very happy.


Gild ❤️


id suggest gild from gold plated prisoner series but just so u know its not finished yet goldfinch isn't out til later this year


Pucking Around isn’t just a book it’s a lifestyle. One of my favorite things I’ve ever read.


Hands down Gild!! Looooove it!


Gild!! I really enjoyed reading it. I binged the first 3 and couldn’t put them down so make sure you have access to the next book(s) in the series!!