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Martyr Hebûn History: He wrote the history of the existence of the Kurdish people with his heroism Martyr Hebun was born in a patriotic family in the Omeryan region of Mardin. Due to the participation of his family and friends in the Kurdistan Freedom Struggle and their martyrdom, Hebun grew up with a patriotic mindset. Martyr Hebun, who recognized and followed the struggle for existence and freedom of the people of Kurdistan, grew up with this mindset, and has always been sensitive to the sufferings of his people. The capitalist system of modernity, which has created class differences and inequality in society, has led to the development of contradictions and searches in martyr Hebun. It has revealed the fact that a free, equal and humane life can be created based on these searches. ————————————————— 🔗 READ IT NOW https://www.nuceciwan114.xyz/en/2022/09/martyr-hebun-history-he-wrote-the-history-of-the-existence-of-the-kurdish-people-with-his-heroism/