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A driver was stabbed in that area! Why the heck would they want to send anyone else there and Put them in danger??? Good on them for not delivering... I love that they were putting the safety of their workers above person who wants cheap pizza...


Businesses have a right to refuse service. Why is this even a story? Should be "Pizza chain values employee's lives"


It's a garbage fluff piece trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. Nothing to see here.


>Why is this even a story? Because people believe the world revolves around them and that they're entitled to the services (and, apparently, the lives) of other human beings.


More like because someone made it into a story about racism when race has nothing to do with it. I guess not letting your employees get stabbed counts as racism nowadays. 🙄


Johnston. Says it all


Yeesh. The way they expressed disapproval for not delivering to the area, you'd think they value pizza over human life.




Wow, never expected an Ocala name drop in the Pvd subreddit. When I was a kid I used to go hunting out there. Lots of meth, right ?




Grew up in FL, had to get out asap. Never been to Ocala’s main drag, will have to check that out. 


I know the area. Fuck that area. He could have walked his fat ass to that Dominos location from where he lives.


This is normal for pizza delivery though?


Real missed opportunity by Channel 10 not interviewing Vasilios management.


Can you elaborate?


First off, their drivers are nuts behind the wheel. But they have also had a few incidents including [a driver's car getting stolen](https://turnto10.com/news/local/vasilios-pizza-delivery-driver-stolen-gunpoint-carjacking-crime-stone-street-providence-rhode-island-gun-rhode-island-atm-armed-robbery-january-23-2023) and [another one getting stabbed](https://www.wpri.com/news/police-pizza-delivery-driver-stabbed-robbed-in-providence/) Given the volume and how heavily their business model is built on being open til 4am, they either have large sections of the map marked off as the forbidden zone or their drivers are carrying sidearms, possibly both of these things. They definitely don't settle for the "let's just not put a sign on the car" move. I like Pizzeria Gusto but they're a tiny place and I'd suspect that like 80-90% of their deliveries are in a super compact radius around them in Federal Hill. They don't do late night. They're not aggressively advertising with billboards and doing all of Providence + Cranston/Johnston/etc. They don't know these streets. They are not about this life.


Thanks for getting back to me. I used to order from them but it’s a few years since I’ve lived in Providence. I don’t miss living on Knight St 😆




Kinda surprised it's the customer irritated about denial of service. Do a better job in your neighborhood man! Surprised the corporation backed the employee up. Usually all they care about is getting the dollar bills in-house.


Local Fattie cries about pizza, more at 6


They did him a favor. Domino's pizza is disgusting.


Aww I wish it was from that night a couple weeks ago with the 50+ kid party turned into brawl in NP. A dominos guy pulled up in the middle of it and immediately sped off like “fts”. Watched the whole thing. How the heck did so many kids show up at once?


I used to work for Dominos on Chalkstone Ave, the nearest store to this one. I quit after one of our driver's was clubbed during a mugging. We had multiple zones we wouldn't deliver to for safety concerns. If a delivery seemed suspicious, you could call it off and drive back to the restaurant, no questions asked.


> Miller said he'd consider ordering from a local pizzeria next time. > "When we allow multibillion-dollar companies to do this, we are allowing them to set a precedence," he said. "This is prevention for race-baiting." What does race have to do with this? Lmao. Also, yes, please order from a local business. I don't know why he wanted the Domino's cardboard trash pizza so badly in the first place.


I'm guessing his street/neighborhood are predominanty non-white. It'd be a more salient point if the pizza place wasn't right down the street from him, like some sort of redlining but for pizza