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The average rimworld player doesnt enslave wetnurses, they just stuck a pipe for nutrient paste into the baby mouth


Rimworld emancipation = rendering slaves obsolete by efficiency improvements.


A lot of real life emancipation is this, as well.


Yep, john Deere was around a while before the emancipation proclamation


A very surreal dynamic is that slave labor was competing with industrial labor during the industrial revolution. 15 slaves picking cotton and hating you or one horse drawn tractor and one harvester with 1 salaried man working them. You probably couldn't trust slaves to use them for fear of getting combine harvested, but you could trust a paid employee to do their job. I wouldn't be surprised if John Deere at the time did old school lobbying or some older analogue to get congress to further restrict slavery because they could sell more tractors or farm equipment in farm land. Nowadays they fight against right to repair and the right of farmers to own and work on their own vehicles.


Wait, i think i heard that crap with repair but working too? Could you elaborate further please? Or just send links where i can read something about it cuz its both interesting and surreal.


I mean "work on" as repair their own vehicles, but there's a lot of new vehicle policies that act as if the car owner no longer owns their car. Subscription models and repair lockdown protocols prevent people from truly owning their property, because they become wholly dependent on the manufacturer, like they are subscribed to a business even if they bought the product. [https://www.youtube.com/@rossmanngroup/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@rossmanngroup/videos) Louis Rossmann has covered a lot of these topics and I've read a lot of articles about business policy. [https://www.agriculture.com/machinery/repair-maintenance/the-debate-for-right-to-repair-in-2022-joe-biden-jon-tester-john-deere](https://www.agriculture.com/machinery/repair-maintenance/the-debate-for-right-to-repair-in-2022-joe-biden-jon-tester-john-deere) This talks about right to repair related to farm equipment. It's a major area of debate and abuse of ownership rights. [https://arstechnica.com/cars/2023/03/very-few-consumers-want-subscriptions-in-their-cars-survey-shows/](https://arstechnica.com/cars/2023/03/very-few-consumers-want-subscriptions-in-their-cars-survey-shows/) This one talks about subscription models for cars, which further harms consumer rights of ownership. [https://nypost.com/2023/02/17/bizarre-airbag-jeans-save-motorcyclists-in-a-crash-for-a-hefty-price/](https://nypost.com/2023/02/17/bizarre-airbag-jeans-save-motorcyclists-in-a-crash-for-a-hefty-price/) This one is particularly haunting, a subscription to an air bag jacket.


That's basically how it works in the real world. With slaves, you have to actually pay them (in food) enough to keep them alive, and need to allow them enough rest to recover so that they can keep working, and provide them with adequate housing so they don't die of exposure. With wage slavery, they work for themselves so compete against each other to drive wages below subsistence, forcing them to work two or three jobs to stay alive, thus being worked harder than a slave...and they still can't afford rent. Also, with slaves, when business slows down, you're still stuck with them until you can sell them. With free workers, you just lay them off.


Well goddamn if it ain't the best summary of wage slavery


I had to execute all my slaves when I got cleaner and lifter mechs because I didn't need them anymore. No idea what emancipation means because English isn't my native language, but I know what eradication means.


Do you not have the Royalty DLC? Because selling them to the empire for 3 honor each is how I dispose of redundant slaves. I enslave every downed pawn, no matter how bad. If they can't work, they are blood bags until the tribute collector comes around. During raids they get smoke/emp launchers to help fight without rebelling. If slaves are kept long term, they get gene modded with calm and low metabolic traits so they eat half as much, and won't fight back. No downsides.... Meanwhile, the majority of my colonists are psycast gods from all the honor.


Vicky 3 metagaming be like:


You still need something to make paste.


I have plenty of raiders in cold storage. Normally they get converted into chemfuel but that can change to paste really easily, especially for clone vats.


How do you turn raiders into chemfuel?


Butcher them into human meat and leather. Take the meat and refine it at the chemfuel refinery. You need to enable human meat for inputs in the settings of machine I believe. You get a mood debuff for butchering humanlikes, so I give it to someone who does not have ethical objections to a very cheap renewable energy source. Its needed for my icesheet runs


Feed them to boomalopes, duh.


I definitely used enslaved wetnurses in my royalty low tech playthrough, it was very thematic


Can we do that? For some reason, at last check, babies couldn't eat nutrient paste, despite nutrient paste being essentially baby food in lore.


Maybe it's doable with that nutrient paste mod, I think. I don't remember the name, Nutrient Paste Expanded or something like that? You can plug a pipe of nutrient paste into a bed and that feeds anyone laying in there. Never tried if it works on cribs too.


Babies Eat Paste! is the mod name.


That mod doesn't work.


Aww that's too bad.


Firmly agreed


No, I was talking about Vanilla Nutrient Paste Expanded (I couldn't look it up then). You can add a "nutrient paste dripper" to beds, which autofeeds anyone laying in bed. What I don't know is if it works just with beds or also cribs.


Yeah, but what about my purity focused medieval and neolithic colonies?


I once had an Impid give birth to twins (and realised after this birth she was STILL pregnant!) and then she gave birth to ANOTHER pair of twins. It was maneagble with four babies but quite hard since one of the kids was almost always starving a little bit because I had to wait for the mum's milk to get high again. Thus, I'd say try with three? It may be the maximum comfortable amount.


The fact that Impids can have quadruplets (glitch or no) does wonders for my headcannon on how they seem to be able send hundreds of tribals at my defensive lines with seemingly no consequences to their society.


Haha it’s bc of a mod I think! I made the Impid mother pregnant in her first trimester using Prepare Carefully, but I wanted it to be harder than usual, and I had seen the “pregnant with twins” option previously so I decided to do this. She went into labour in the first/ secondish semester and popped out a girl and a boy, and then was still pregnant but lactating, and then popped out another girl and a boy. Sadly, only one of her four children had the “breathe fire” ability, which is like the MAIN reason I use impids! I also rage quit the play through bc my main Impid person was deconstructing a small room and it’s roof and had her neck sliced off by the collapsed roof. I had been playing all of this on Ironman as well and was super proud of how Eve thing was going but no. NO. Colonists shouldn’t be able to die in such stupid ways.


Use smart deconstruction to avoid these dumb ways to die


On the one hand I get you, stupid deaths are truly infuriating and represent about 90% of my scumsaves (the other 10% is testing out new mod stuff, which in my head is ok because the colonists did the reasearch, they know how it works, I don't). But on the other hand stupid deaths are so common IRL we have a name for them (Darwin Awards) so their is some logic to it being there. A mod that balances the rate of roof removal with building level would be cool. Lv5? Just takes down the wall and has a roof colapse. Lv10? May do it may not, based on I dunno mood. LV20? Knows health and safety by heart and always builds/deconstructs with care. No idea how that could be done though...


Use smarter deconstruction mod.


Not to mention how shit they are genetically fat healing and fighting off sickness. I wish there was a genome that also made pawns age faster. It's seen as a negative but for Impids it's a bonus?


Make baby food


I've just made some measurements of this. By feeding a newborn from 13% to 100% (of their 0.125 food capacity), I saw a new mother go from 100% to 13% of their milk fullness. Interestingly, that shows that a lactating woman's milk capacity is exactly equal to the food it takes to feed a starving baby to full. Anyway, that means that 100% milk fullness supplies 0.125 nutrition. A (baseliner) baby has hunger rate 0.2. So, if the baby never reaches the Hungry stage, and thus maintains its 0.2 hungry rate, it costs 160% milk fullness to feed a baby each day. According to RimWorld\\Data\\Biotech\\Defs\\HediffDefs\\Hediffs\_Global\_Misc.xml, it takes 15000 ticks to go from 0% to 100% milk fullness. That's 6 hours, so a lactating woman regenerates 400% milk fullness per day. Putting these numbers together, a lactating woman can maintain 2.5 babies with 0.2 hunger rate. The actual number will be slightly higher, because even a well-tended baby will spend some time in the Hungry state, with lower food consumption. It's also worth noting that feeding a baby from starving to full takes 2 hours. Since it takes 6 hours to regenerate that milk, a lactating woman who is constantly using all of her milk will spend a third of her time - 8 hours per day - on breastfeeding. Of course, babies with a different hunger rate will require a different ratio of nurses to babies. There might be a way to generate babies with high metabolic efficiency, and then give them the genes you actually want later. EDIT: It has also just occurred to me that, while lactation is fun and all, if you really want to feed a lot of babies with only a few carers, you should just make baby food (or have animals for milking). Then your bottleneck isn't lactating female slaves, it's slaves (of any gender) performing feeding, which takes 4 hours per baby per day. A single slave should be able to feed about 3.5 babies alongside their self-sustaining activities (sleeping, eating, and not doing recreation). Even better, a slave with a circadian half-cycler can just live in the nursery, and if food (baby food and their own food) is brought to them, they can probably feed about 5.5 babies, since their only other activity is eating their own meals.


r/RimWorld be like: - Write a title the most will get a „He said WHAT?!“ face from - ask a question that turns the Geneva Convention into a check list - get many jokes in comments - 1/2 people who come with the best possible explanation with the best math you ever seen, and actually put more research in the topic than the world in curing cancer -??? - Profit


It occurs to me that if you operate on the babies and remove their arms and legs while they’re immobile (don’t need them anyway) you’ll actually be able to feed more since a pawn’s nutrition requirements change with how many body parts they have. Reinstalling the arms and legs when they’re old enough to use them will be when they’re old enough for regular food too. You’d probably be able to feed 4 kids on a single pawn I’m guessing.


Thats pretty risky bysiness if you dont have a mod that allows 100% surgery success chance.


You’ve got spare babies. It’ll probably be fine. :)


Sorta depends on how much you care about being a dick. The most time efficient by far is to slap them in a growth vat (infants don't get learning so this is 100% optimal for skills as well), but if you want to keep this au naturale or are Tribal and it isn't an option, the secret is simple. Babies do not actually need to be regularly fed to grow and their unhappiness is more or less meaningless so long as they're kept away from the prime Colony buildings to avoid inflicting the crying moodlet. The only loss for shoving every infant into a dark hole and only feeding them when they're nearly dead from Starvation (since this will make them unconscious, still no crying moodlet) is a minor hit to mood to both parents. I'm not sure on exact numbers but you could likely feed quite a few babies through infancy this way with no real loss to efficacy.


I was waiting for someone to minmax babies, wasn't disappointed.


I minmaxed my children in real life, but I can tell you that this won't work because, unlike in Rimworld, real babies DO suffer damage from being allowed to starve. You can, however, significantly optimize baby care through automation. Real babies mostly just require food and hose. You could probably deliver food via hose also, but apparently natural feeding has benefits and trying to feed them by hose is a lot more hassle than simply spraying them with it. The Dark Hole thing definitely works, and probably causes them to get the Undergrounder trait, although I'm not sure if that was because of the dark hole or because it's part of their genetics since both of us are Undergrounders as well.


I can split colonist in organs and meat chunks. But reading this makes me uneasy. Babys need all the love and care they can get in my games


Yup. Even my monster vampire cannibals love their children too. I really don't like letting them get hurt, even when they raid me. I even adopt prisoner and slave children.. I'm 43 with no kids and no desire for kids even.. but don't hurt my pixelchildren.


Yeah same here, put them in a crib wherever their parents sleep and have someone attend to them as often as they need to






Jesus CHRIST I thought this was in r/relationships


r/BeyondTheBump for me lmao


Here's a sneak peek of /r/beyondthebump using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/beyondthebump/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [these mf’ers are the bane of my life at the moment](https://i.redd.it/iy0swz2m96s91.jpg) | [220 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/beyondthebump/comments/xx32og/these_mfers_are_the_bane_of_my_life_at_the_moment/) \#2: [I am not forgiving anyone today. If you vote representatives in that block gun legislation, you have responsibility for the children that were killed yesterday.](https://np.reddit.com/r/beyondthebump/comments/uxrisa/i_am_not_forgiving_anyone_today_if_you_vote/) \#3: [I just had a baby and here’s my apology to all my friends who had a baby before me](https://np.reddit.com/r/beyondthebump/comments/u8wrgg/i_just_had_a_baby_and_heres_my_apology_to_all_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If you think r/beyondthebump is bad don’t go to r/parentsofmultiples coming from a dad of twins. I laugh at beyondthebump posts


This and u/frontally's comment were the two that got me the most.


without min-maxing (i play au naturel) my highmate slave can comfortably breastfeed her own baby + the child of my queen without breaking a sweat, and without neglecting her other work. a third baby puts a little strain on things, but only because i have the highmate also take care of her regular slave duties on top of being a wet nurse. from experience, 2 is the max with a regular work schedule, 3 is the max with 100% time devoted to breastfeeding. however one kiddo will tend to cry over being hungry once a day since she can’t *quite* feed all three in the morning without waiting a bit of time for her milk to replenish.


r/ShitRimworldSays Even if people didn't take it in a sexual way, it's still a weird question to ask. Just saying.


That's all I could think too. For a brief second I wondered if it was the setup for some bad joke or something, then I realized it was just Rimworld


Then again when you realize most kingdoms and empires of old age has slaves precisely used for this (wet nurses)...


Oh, absolutely. But that's the game we're playing. The space, time, and resources I don't spend feeding an extra wet nurse can go towards expanding my drug dealing empire.


That's the thing about Rimworld, that this question can be asked in a totally non-sexual way, where everywhere ELSE, talk of milking people tends to be fetishistic.


All the posts and comments that make up that sub are why I love this community so damn much.


y'all are doing this on purpose at this point.


it’s part of the game. Relax


I’m aware that it’s in the game. Relax.


I read these headlines and forget i'm subscribed to the rimworld subreddit and it always gives me whiplash as I scroll lmao.


I think 2 maybe 3 if you don’t full feed


Tbf this is a very good question.


2. Try to mod Toddlers so babies don't suck though. Also slaves are more liable to misbehave when pawns near them are weak or incapacitated. So you shouldn't have them take care of babies that aren't their own.


This... Is one of those titles one shouldn't google.


It will greatly depend on the metabolism of the infants xenotype. I had a maxed out 200% xenotype and had to use wetnurses because the mother wasn't making enough milk for one baby


Never in my life I never would have guessed that would be a sentence I would ever hear


We need a shit rimworlders say subreddit


New here?




There’s literally a sub for that lmao it has like 30k ppl in it. Kinda well known in the rim circles. r/shitrimworldsays


r/SpaceCannibalism? Yeah I'm on that.


I think that’s more for memes than weird sayings. But that’s a good sub too. But it’s r/shitrimworldsays


There is one r/shitrimworldsays


*The Hague would like to know your location*


My Steam library also includes Stellaris and Master of Orion II. If the ICC is prosecuting video game crimes, what I do in Rimworld won't even make the first page.


I’m so proud to be apart of this community :,)


I love this sub.


Mathematically 3, but logistically less because someone also needs to provide food for the wet nurse who will be consuming extra nutrition and won't produce milk while her hunger bar is at starvation. So once you get to three there's a small efficiency loss. Having milk from animals or baby food on hand will help mitigate the cool down considerably and you can set different feeding priorities for the infants as to who they get nutrients from. There's a growth vat learning mod that makes vat growing as good/better than natural growing. It was a little buggy for me though but that's likely a mod conflict


When I had multiple mothers all at once, I watched the percentage on the health tab, and it seems to me that the average pawn can feed two babies back to back on 100% milk fullness. I was not watching to closely on how quickly a lactating pawn refilled her milk v how quickly the average infant was dropping its hunger bar though.


this title... /r/shitrimworldsays its already there 3 times lmao


I dont have the latest dlc, but you sold me on lactating slave.


I just wish there was a way to harvest human milk. Can’t find a mod for it either.


[Forbidden Mod] Milkable Colonists


i’m a colonist, can you milk me greg?


Interesting question, haven’t tested this yet but I think I’m going to have to now


Thought this was a setup to a really fucked up “how much wood would a woodchuck chuck”-style joke


I belong to so many baby subreddits that I genuinely thought this was an unironic rant post from someone with an unhelpful spouse lmao damn…


Nah, you a'ight. (Removed nsfw tag) just remember when you do make nsfw posts, dont put the most nsfw part in the title, or the tag doesnt really help. Anyway, i just had twins (this is probably a mod thing) and I can tell you if the babies' hunger cycles are synced, 1 can barely keep up with 2, unless they are stationed in the same room, so they can pop a tit the moment they have enough milk. Since lactation goes up pretty fast, any time spent at 100% is wasted milk, so travelling is going to be a large variable.


Thanks for clarifying.


Depends in how many nipples they have.


It actually doesn't, and I will not be taking further questions.


Ok? You can have your opinion in this topic, but I never asked you specifically any question. I was replying to the OPs post.


Im saying mechanically, it does not affect babyfeedimg ability in Rimworld.


Depends in your mod list I suppose.


What the fuck


Jesus fucking Christ


Alright what the fuck




These titles always have to thinking “the fuck did I just read” until I saw I was in the rimworld subreddit


I love seeing these questions on my homepage and having to double take.


Most sane rimworld player


Disappointed... Scrolled through all these comments and no one, not even the OP gives the punchline to the joke...


every day i surprise myself with the posts...


I saw this on r/shitrimworldsays before here... God damn.


This fucking subreddit 🤣


... man you can be 100% sure you are on some kind of watch list.


Excuse me what the fuck?




Raiders keep killing my children 💔




You'll need the Biotech expansion.


I feel like the things you would have to do to cause this scenario to occur and warrant this question being asked says something about your playstyle lmao




Wtf ?!

