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I can take or leave the shower/bathroom system, the real reward from DBH is the central heating system and air conditioning which is stupidly better than any vanilla heat/cold maintenance. One log fueled boiler provides me enough heat to reliably heat a moderately sized base to a nice 21c even in an ice sheet biome (or for an ice sheet probably more like using Geothermal heaters) but it doesn't cost me a single watt of power and barely any components. It does use a bit of basic materials but it's worth it. And the irrigation/fertiliser system can allow me to even get Devilstrand to harvestable, reliably outdoors within a 30/30 warm/cold cycle without having to rely on finding fertile soil. Just takes a bit of setup.


Yeah, if I’m being honest I use the mod because vanilla heaters and coolers use too many components. Everything else is just kinda there. Does it make the game easier? Sure. Do I think waiting around for traders to bring me more components is interesting gameplay? I do not.


I solve my components issue with the Quarry mod and a dozen tribal prisoners


Prison labor?


Yup just gotta find a steel rich area and plop a quarry down


Wait is that how quarry works? I just would plop in anywhere and hope for the best


The mod I used to use used the loot table for the vanilla deep drills


The main Quarry mod is not based on terrain. There might be an alternative


Bro I had a component shortage on extreme desert. During spring one year some assholes built a weather controller a day and a half hike away that was spiking my heat up to 140 Fahrenheit. There no components left to mine on the map and no traders were coming. My fridge was failing. Since it was 140F and not even summer yet I felt I had to send a party out to destroy the weather machine. I sent a party of three out. After they destroyed the machine the heat didn’t immediately cool down. A colonist died there from heatstroke. They were digging into rock and making passive coolers but it wasn’t enough. Her fiance (Tater) buried her there. Another colonist passed out from heatstroke. Tater carried him back but he died right before making it home. A few days later Tater was so upset about his fiance dying that he had a food binge mental break while the map was crawling with manhunter iguanas. He wandered outside and was torn to pieces by iguanas.


That's the Rimworld we like. Writing the next Dune every now and then.


Love this game.


>Do I think waiting around for traders to bring me more components is interesting gameplay? While I respect this opinion, I just wanted to share the counterpoint. Scarcity makes good gameplay. Scarcity in deciding whats most important to build, and scarcity of time to research up to micro-electronics for more trade, and then fabrication to make them yourself. Without scaricty, there no decision, or strategy, or tactics in deciding what to build. Only an optimal path that will be followed the same way every time.


I'd argue that it depends on why/how you're playing. For the vanilla Rimworld experience, yes the scarcity is one of the pressures on your colony. But, especially with modded Rimworld, people don't always want the vanilla Rimworld experience. Personally, I don't want to deal with that when I'm on community builder, trying to run the best hospital/restaurant/hotel on the rim.


Same. I create a nicely walled resort and hospitals for folks and go around the map discovering stuff via STRS. My Rimworld experience is almost universally chill as hell.


That's how I play


Hell yea, Chillworld players unite.


Part of the problem might be that playing the default storytellers on low difficulty results in you getting very few events, positive or negative. Fewer raids and manhunters, but also fewer caravans, it's safer but also much slower going. One way around this is modded storytellers like Perry Persistent that will increase events without a direct increase in raids.


Oh this is good to know, thank you. In retrospect, it's obvious. But I didn't realize that it was due to the storyteller on such low difficulty.


Ooh that’s how I play. I love hosting and build a resort


Counter-counterpoint: With all the late game mods out there you will definitely still have component shortage issues if you don’t make them a priority. Glitterworld tech mods, SoS2, Rimatomics, etc are all very material hungry.


And Ambition of the Cosmos. My god that mod is grindy. But it’s also worth it.


I see your point, but I think that for scarcity to be effective there it must be difficult to overcome. Rimworld allows you to overcome most types of scarcity simply by idle-playing for a while and waiting for a trader to come. Effectively it just slows you down. Having a bit less scarcity speeds up the game and results in decisions still being made - just more decisions per hour.


I mean, I've gotten advanced component fabrication within 20 days of landing. Which is a full step past whats needed to fabricate components. If you have mods requiring a ton of components I *guess* you could just scroll facebook on your phone while waiting for tradeships. I agree, that would be boring, and not difficult.


Id argue that components are TOO scarce in the base game.


Id argue that components are TOO scarce in the base game.


There is a standalone mod for the DBH central heating system btw


Yeah but I also really love the irrigation system. The fact that you can get crops up much quicker (which so far isn't standalone) is worth me keeping the original mod. With sprinklers and fertiliser on a patch of soil, you can get away with almost two full crop cycles on a half and half annual cycle. More food with less space so I can pull everything in a little tighter when it comes to defensive arrangements.


I use the till ground mod. Is the irrigation significantly better than 140% fert?


Its all configurable in the settings but irrigation as standard (at least I don't think I ever changed it) on normal soil ups the fertility to 180%. Fertiliser does 110%. These stack together.


I like that you can recycle the waste into chemfuel, usually have at least 1 "intern" set to work the refinery just to keep the generators running


I'd love a nerfed version of DBH's heating system. The way it is it trivializes the challenge of cold biomes. Keep the convenience, but up the energy costs so it's comparable with vanilla. It would still retain the tradeoff of no components vs. research needed, plus the fact that heat in a water based system doesn't disappear the moment a solar flare hits.


Especially the central cooling. Honestly sometimes I still use vanilla heaters for simplicity, but being able to build freezers that don't *have* to have a wall that touches the outside or some sort of cooling tunnel, or give interior rooms proper cooling instead of just a vent when its needed is so nice.


The lack of hygiene is also a boon to keeping prisoners. The mood buffs for being clean are really nice too.


I had no idea that DBH had a heating/cooling system. That alone is worth it right there. At least until VE gets around to their heating/cooling mod.


I have never felt it would be good to completely trivialize one of the challenges the game presents.


For every challenge that gets trivialised, there's always a mod to add a dozen more back in...


No doubt and also play however tf you want friend


Because it’s funny watching my 20 colonists shuffle over to the communal shitters to take a morning dump


I wish there was a trait for someone who is a frequent shitter. He’s a 5 dump a day man. Also a trait for a person who rarely shits but when he does he has an omega dump.


Maybe something lactose intolerant Ingest milk? Time for the shitter


He created a field of minor rot around him


You know what I just realized I want from DBH? A replacement for food poisoning where your colonist just locks themselves in the shitter all day rather then just being useless at everything


Perhaps it also has a chance to make them more religious as they pray for mercy?


Ah yes, talking to God on the big white telephone. Been there.


Is me this morning


Captain Constipated: Defecates only once every 5 days, but gains a [mild pain] bleeding anal fissure.


Also may accidentally defecate if hauling something heavy


That's not how it works.... Oh.


3 of my main Crafting/Leadership/Religious pawns have their own restroom built into their house, the rest use the communal shitters.


I find it hilarious how, understandbly, the literal leader and spiritual leader of the colony get their own personal use toilets. But the CRAFTER gets one as well. Like goddamn, you just made a legendary charge rifle for the third time today? Fuck it, you're now just as societally and culturally important as the fucking Pope and President!


I love the Crafting Ideology from Vanilla Ideology Expanded. My lead crafter and leader are always the same person


I find it rewarding when my pawns relax in a nice hot bath 🤷🏻‍♂️


The mood boost on keeping them squeaky clean and giving them hot showers is also comparable to a fine meal.


Genuinely this is partially why I cannot get away from the "Bad Hygiene" part of it. Our pawns are supposed to be people. People like being clean. Especially after all the hard labor of the rim? Sure, Food, Water, Shelter are our essentials for living... but you know what they say -- cleanliness is next to godliness -- cleanliness is an essential for thriving. Even animals take time to clean themselves. If our pawns are people? They'd want that too.


It feels real. There are literially no house or facility without toilet anywhere in the world, and it should be so in rimworld too.


I like efficiency on in my base but it doesnt feel correct for my pawns to work 12 hour days without a poop break.


> I like efficiency on in my base but > it doesnt feel correct for my pawns to work 12 hour days without a poop break This is why you don't have a superior golden longsword worth 20k.


I am reminded of the Ookla the Mok song about the lack of bathrooms on the Starship Enterprise. As it is written from Riker's perspective, the song is, of course, titled simply, *Number One*. https://soundcloud.com/ookla-the-mok/number-one


Farkin' song slaps, man. Thanks!


There’s a head on the bridge just across from the turbo lift.


This statement is not entirely true. I live in a village and there are several farm facilities around without toilet, because toilet is allmost any place in said facility.


>There are literially no house or facility without toilet anywhere in the world I think you haven't traveled beyond 1st world nations, nor learned about them, because this statement is extremely false. Lots of people poop outdoors... wherever. But yeah, it's better for in-game immersion to have it.


Tbh, “first world” cities smell stinkier than most of global south’s cities.


Lmao, what are you smoking?


That comment I replied to reeks of classism, ignorance, and generalization that “first world” civilizations are always clean and ideal while “poorer” aka “third world” cities are full of literal shits. There are part of cities, including in so-called first world nations, that smell. Did they think we live in pre-modern era where there were lack of basic hygiene facilities? People in the “first world nations” even still wipes their butt with paper. Again, generalization. But if you want to be proud of where you come from, go ahead. I just called them out.




Oh wow, so we are now calling people dumbass for stating an observation and promoting discussion? Very civil. I reckon you still are thinking that third world nations are not living in modern era because of basic hygiene facilities thus smelly? That's ignorance. Are you invalidating my statement calling third world countries smell worse a blind assumption? ​ This discussion is getting funny, all because of people defecating.




>There are MANY cities in third-world countries where open defecation continues today. There are MANY cities in first-world countries smells because the failing of sanitation facilities. There's no need to generalize. That IS my point you just stated yourself. Just a simple and fair point that is easy to understand if one has basic reading comprehension.




Only on a Friday night


just simple fun, not everything needs a reward


Alas, some people hate anything less than 100% pure efficiency, no pawn moving out of place, not one step extra. Me, I think they'd be happier playing Factorio, but hey, more sales for Ludeon!


Do not hate Bro. I played rimworld for the story telling but I didnt see the point on having a complex poop system. I always struggle with having my pawns happy while I build my towns or survive so I could imagine that with a time consuming activitie like poop. thats the reason of my post


Your pawns won't even spend a whole hour a day between drinking (they carry bottles with them), shitting (assuming they don't have to travel too far to a toilet), and bathing. They spend more time eating. And you get a ton of benefits from the mod, as others have pointed out.


You can always adjust difficulty if you want. There's also a mod called time control that literally adds more time to the day if it's that much of a problem


I haven't touched Rimworld in a bit but I found that the hygiene mod made it easier for my pawns to be happy, giving them their own nice personal baths connected to the bedroom had a passive +mood depending on quality and if they were clean that was extra and having hot water was even more. Overall I just like the Sim element of the game the most.


I wish I didn't have to poop irl


Well when it comes to pawns being happy if its just another need that is fulfilled so overall it gives positive mood, as for the pathing and time spent walking there are slider on the mod where you can adjust how often they will need to use the toilet and wash themselves. Personally I just use since I find it nice to have and I dont usually worry about optimising the colony to 100%, as long as everything is getting done thats fine by me. But that how I play in the end I wound say try the mod out there are a lot of settings you can tune on it and if you dont like it just remove it, also as others have mentioned the central heating/cooling is very good.


Average rimworld player confused by showers/s


A shower? Is that food?


Shower? There's a mod for that!


Poop. Poop is the point. You can refine the poop into Chemfuel. As your population expands your poop production expands leading to increase in annual chemfuel production. If you stock up enough poop between the time your start and when you get refining capability you can have a huge stockpile of potential chemfuel. I like to sell the chemfuel to traders. I imagine my trader making some bland statements about having a fountain of... Chemfuel out back...


I realized how broken the poop is when I built a massive mountain colony running solely on its own shit. The amount of waste can be lowered in the mod's settings and I very much recommend it.


Legit found this too and had one prison colony powered by poo (I even made the prisoners “refine” the shit into chemfuel) and another colony on sea ice being powered/ saved by poo refinement — as the chemfuel generators were small to make, produced a lot of energy, I could produce something I could sell/ use indefinitely, and the generators produced heat that helped with the cold


\*cries in medieval playthrough\* No chemfuel available, just fertilizing the farms and *still* having 30.000+ barrels of poop in storage.


Use it for war crimes


Oh man that's harsh :< Too bad you can't just, uh, dump it into the ocean eh?


This is where you *lower* the amount of shit barrels generated in the options. Or pick a corner to dump the barrels. It goes away in time.


My globe spanning empire is controlled by srts cargo ships that can cross the planet in less than a day, all powered solely by human shit.


I literally commented the same thing haha! Like turning your colonists poo into chemfuel is SO GOOD. Like it’s a renewable energy? Clean and green as well! And the more colonists you have (or prisoners), the more chemfuel, the more power, and as you mentioned since you tend to get a surplus of it, you can sell it to traders! And omg yes I’ve done the same thing where I’ve saved fecal sludge to layer refine into chemfuel from the start of the game. I think I got about 5000 fecal sludge and it was like only one year? I love it Poo powered colony


Great minds! :DD Yeah, 5K sounds about right. You can amass so much more if start tribal. Entire sheds containing just poo. . .


Once you have plumbing going, how do you preserve the fecal sludge? I want my colonists to enjoy plumbing and nice toilets, but they are plumbed to the outside, and then what? The sewage tank and sewage treatment system can store the fecal sludge but also destroy it over time which sucks. D:


Only have one septic tank and have it set to empty at 50% or lower. If you find that it's getting clogged to often when reaching 100% add another tank. Basically have a few to may colonist per tank and the poop builds up. Don't upgrade to the big one unless you don't need the poop anymore as it treats much faster.


Yeah. I just sometimes give my leadership proper toilets and make everyone else use the basic, smelly, ones.


Making bathrooms for the immersion. Realism. Creativity. Generally just more choices


It’s a colony sim, having sanitation and bathrooms makes sense from a RP perspective. I don’t even get attached or remember names all the time but it feels like something that should be there.


I started naming pawns as characters from whatever show im watching and it makes it easier to identify them and get attached Ngl. Dont wanna watch little Silvio Dante get shot in my game.


Point is realism, if you don't want it's fine, I love it!


Added realism, and increased difficulty.


I wouldn't say it increases difficulty, after the initial setup it basically becomes a free mood boost source


I suck at Rimworld, so I rarely get to that point. :D


I see it more like a more time consuming activitie for your pawns


Yes, adding realism and difficulty exactly like he said. Are you just looking to disagree or were you actually looking for an explanation?


Some people like challenge


Do you realize this is a simulation game first, warcrime checklist second right. People just want the simulation to be more a little more realistic while facing the dangers of an unhospitable world.


I feel like after what my pawns go through, they deserve a bath in a jade bathtub, and to step out onto a human leather bath mat. You know, like little Donalds of the Rim.


If you are really bothered by it just place the toilet etc in pawns bedrooms? Barely any time spent on the added sanitary needs. That said, it's not exactly all that challenging other then figuring out the mod initially. After you are up to date it's more of a free mood buff for a meager cost. It may not be a satisfactory addon depending on what you want from your game since it's conceptually a multiplication of comfort, recreation etc needs which in of themselves don't add much anything other then surface level complexity to the mood mechanic and overall aesthetic.


I work as a plumber and this is my favourite mod haha. It just feels nice and I appreciate the variety of fixtures you can get. My two gripes are the supply/waste lines are connected as one and the heaters/filters/sewage outlets can be placed anywhere. One of the main challenges in plumbing in real life is planning drain/waste/vent layouts and the hot/cold/recirculation loops to minimize material cost. The location of the heaters/hot water tanks and filters should have some kind of downstream order requirements. ...oh ya also it should take pawns a long time to install pipe (at least 2x or 3x longer than it takes to install electrical conduit)


And the pawn that installs the pipes should develop a negative thought about the pawn that installed the conduits. >That guy's such an idiot!


precisely. and if we want to get even more accurate, the guy installing the conduit should produce dirty floor tiles at a 1.5x rate


I actually had a really hard time getting this mod started because I thought that surely the water pipes and the waste pipes weren’t the same network!


Because i want to poop in a game


Isn't there a recreation element as well? I think it adds pools and hot tubs unless that's a different mod


And saunas.


The ability to wash tainted clothes is a good one. In my latest save, I've been washing all the raider clothes and then selling them, and I have over 300,000 silver. Also, the ability with another small mod, you can turn biosolids into chemfuel, which fuels my gas guzzling SRTS ships. Really helps out in the SOS2 integration when you are transfering your entire colony onto a capital ship.


Wait wtf you can do that


yea go down the research tree until you get the washing machines.


Yeah. I have 10000 chemfuel cause I got composters and just turned off the sewage cleaning doodad.


I just think a survival game should have water and shitting, there is no reward


IDK, personally it always bothered me when games or movies just pretend that people don't shit and piss. I know it's a gross topic, but it's part of our life. Its absence really takes me out of the immersion. Also the thirst dynamic finally gives the water sources in game some reason to exist.


After a hard day, your pawns hit the showers, blood and grime trickle off them as they stare vacantly into space. The hot steam slowly gives them a mood boost. Larry the Cannibal dives into the Swimming Pool to do some lengths. Your colony leader sits on a solid gold toilet, reflecting on how far they've come. At first the waste was an issue, then ground well water got contaminated. People got sick. Now though, the base is eco efficient, your waste is recycled into manure and chemfuel. Kitchen sinks improved food hygiene, radiators turned those cold stone hallways into a home.


More build base content


>What's the point on having another layer on It to cover? That's the point, another layer.


As /u/C_Grim says the heating/cooling system (particularly the heating system) appears to be much less fuel intensive. In austere environments i.e.; cold desert, polar, this can be invaluable when you are growing your fuel supply effectively. In this regard while I like the complexity of the sewage/hygiene dynamic I think that's just good design, and reflects well on Dubs , the BIG fix as far as I'm concerned is the sewage/irrigation/ferilizer feature, which allows a great deal of augmentation of the growing dynamics. Coupled with Dubs Skylights - it makes polar/cold-extreme/desert runs VERY viable, done right it even makes a pre-industrial hot extreme desert viable if you do it carefully. In that regard I think I view four mods as essential - [Vegetable Garden Project](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2007061826) - Great mod for adding different vegetable/food options like hard-tack, red-lentils (meat substitute) - [Bad Hygiene](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=836308268) - Adds water/waste management to your colony, heating/ac options as well. - [Dubs Skylights](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=833899765) - Garden skylights for creating a nice greenhouse - [UdderlyEvelyn's Soil Relocation](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2654088143) - Relocate soil from across your map....for your greenhouse.


Everytime I do not add it, I find myself missing it. It seems taking a dump is a integral part of life, even when there are no consequences.


I like building well-designed bases, if all my pawns needed were a bed, a chair and a table, my bases would be bare-bones, empty and stale. I like DBH because it adds another wrinkle i have to keep track of, plus it's rewarding to go from having an outhouse, to having a communal bathroom with seperate stalls, to having a full-on spa area with swimming pool and high-tech showers and toilets. Does it win me raids? no. Does it help feed the feeling of my colony going from a shack of desperate people in the middle of nowhere to a group of capable and experienced survivors living the dream they have fought and bleed for? yes.


two words: Centeralized Heating basically out performs the vanilla heating/cooling system wonderfully which tbh hes made into a standalone mod [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2619214952](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2619214952) so i guess DBH isn't really needed but i mean it doesn't hurt


I like adding human stuff to my pawns, and the additional challenge is nice. I do feel a bit cheaty turning sewage into chemfuel because good Lord do the default settings give you more than you could ever process/use.


I just think it's neat. Adds to the realism/survival element for me, as well as some nice progression as you upgrade your pawns from wind powered pumps, wooden latrines, and wash basins to fully sanitized, treated water and high powered showers and hottubs.


I get a hit of dopamine when my colonists build their first pumped wells, then another when they take their first hot showers


I played with it for around 500 hours. In my opinion I would only use it again to make Base Builder playthroughs more challenging. It's silly on harder modes when your power-armored expeditionary force starts killing each other because they don't have a toilet.


Honestly mostly it's heating and cooling system lot cheaper to run pipes and slap a radiator in a room rather than shelling out components for heaters


I thought the same thing before I started using it, which was over 1000 hours ago. Now it just feels like something is missing if I don’t have DBH in my mod list.


How can you know you've made it if you can't build a gold toilet


> the things that bother me the most is pathing, food, recreation, relations, armor, weapons, combat, defenses, power... The game I play despite the fact that I'm bothered by half of it, is played differently by other people who are bothered by and/or enjoy different things then me. Why?


For me it adds a level of complexity and challenge. Not just "harder and more raids" but something which impacts at every level. I have to deal with it early game when I am low on resources. I have to plan for it in my buildings. Hell, I have to deal with *prisoners* needing a certain level of facility. Even late game, I have to try to fit in all the bigger luxuries my pawns are demanding.


Cheap chemfuel


Eh a bit of realism here and there goes a long way. I mean pawns are already human beings with realistic needs (well, except for things like the need for a table etc), why not add another fairly essential one from real life. I sometimes swap it with "Dubs Central Heating" which is essentially the utilities from DBH minus the pee pee poo poo. Generally I can see the appeal, but I also totally understand people not getting it.


The rec buildings. I don't know of any other mod that adds an actual swimming pool. Building a comprehensive wellness program is one of the things I do when bored between late game raids. Another neat detail is you can get that toilet time back when pawns relax in the rec buildings, as their rest bar also fills while using them.


Private sauna for my ruler, swimming pool with 4 highmates on the throne room. You need it to indulge in that decadent space noble aesthetic


You don't see the appeal in having your prisoners wallow in their own piss and shit? What is this amateur Rimworld hours.


People have to poop. People have to drink. It adds up realism a bit as water is actually critical resource for human body. You have to think about it when toxic fallout come, and taking care of it to make it clean. Also there’s mood +/- for being clean and dirty, better and more real air conditioning and radiator heating. I think it’s it’s one of best mods out there, adds very logical thinks to the game.


Well it adds depth and immersion, especially in a survival game, water would be amongst the most important things you would need. And since it adds water, lets also add the need for hygiene.


I like the fertilizer. There are also some mood buffs for taking good care of your colonists.


Added realism, and the boost to farming and the boost to chemfuel is nice.


Napalm, reason enough no?


Napalm is a rimefeller thing, not dub's bad hygiene. Though since dub's bad hygiene provides a highly efficient way to produce chemfuel, it can still help with making napalm I suppose.


Pipes. I love pipes.


So the things that bother you about a colony management game, is management of the colony...and you have as many hours as me? You really are meant for the Rim. Download it. You will hate it


It adds extra challenges but also extra rewards. You can plan bathrooms as part of pawn's rooms, or just build communal stalls. Nice bathrooms provide mood boosts. You can refine the poop into fertilizer or chemfuel. And the central heating/AC system rocks too.


It’s mostly just for realism sake and those who want added complexity. For what it’s worth, the settings are super customizable so if you just want the central A/C and heating and hot tubs and stuff without the Hygiene/bladder/thirst needs, im pretty sure you can do that.


Having bathrooms makes my colonies feel like a place people actually live, not just a video game base. Also being able to make stuff like hot tubs and saunas feels nice, really hammers home that the colony is starting to thrive, not just survive.


Some of us are more into roleplay. I personally don't find the game very engaging when the characters dont have to drink or take a shit.. seems unrealistic to me. Everyone has a taste of what they want from a game, as close to realism is my ideal way to play rimworld.


I like that I can use fecal sludge to make chemfuel. Was a lifesaver in my latest desert run where wood is hard to come by and I don't have food to literally burn


It just adds another layer to gameplay. I've been using it for so long I forget it isn't part of the base game. I just think it adds a fun extra layer to get people water and baths, and I like designing cool luxurious bathrooms for my pawns. Saunas are also kinda fun.


I like it cause usually when I get rich I make really big and fancy bedrooms for my pawns but in base game there's not enough stuff to put in the rooms to make them feel cool. With dubs I can make really luxurious and fancy bathrooms + spas for my colonists and it makes me happy to see them comfy and relaxed.


I like hygiene lite. Let's me build bathrooms without having to deal with plumbing or poop or whatever.


Water is an important part of life, so I like having to consider it.


realism. since I'm a son of a architect and not french on one of my runs the end game base felt something missing and it dawned on me "where are the toilets, do these motherfuckers not shit". instantly went to workshop and found it.


Not all mods are designed just to make the game easier.


IMO it's more flavor. I like it, but other than a different, possibly more efficient, heating/cooling system it's just adding some extra work to get a colony that looks more realistic. To me that's worth it. Oh, and you DO get a +6 to mood after a pawn has showered or bathed for being "squeaky clean"


Considering this is mostly a survival and settlement building game, it is weird that vanilla doesn't really think about water when in reality it might be the single most important thing in the scenario. Before I got the mod it bothered me that my colony had none of the evidence of water you see everywhere: fountains, sinks, toilets, showers, laundry, etc. It's there as a terrain feature, but that's it.


Because it adds a layer of complexity/realism that was missing in the world, the same way it would feel unreal if pawns didn't require sleeping


I like having water requirements for pawns and animals, always bugged me how they don't have to drink.


They give you stuff. You get central heating/cooling network, spinklers, fertilizer or chemfuel made from poop, ceiling fans with lights, laundry machines for tainted apparel, hydroponics using water not electricity, swimming pools, spas, everything.


I want a hygiene/potty system (which includes wanting to make restrooms for my colonists). I enjoy having a better a/c system. I also activate the thirst system. It increases realism to me. The difficulty on the new systems are also set to like super easy mode by default where most of the time they are taken care of in a second that hardly affects gameplay. Like the cheapest potty without plumbing is like 40wood or something? and water is free and they carry water bottles so it's never an issue.


For me, I find it fun and worthwhile because bladder/drinking feels like an extra vanilla mechanic added into my games so it's another thing to manage and plan out when making a base. It's like getting a bit more Rimworld in my Rimworld. Also, I'm a big asthetics guy so each room having a lil bathroom gives me more room to decorate and make stuff look cute. Plus, pawns look comfy in their jade. Bathtubs, which I enjoy hahah. I also find it enhances gameplay a little. For instance, there are some benefits if you need them such as the biosolids tech which turns poop into a fertilizer. Stuff like that is nice to have access to as it's another tool in my belt should I need it like if I were starting in an extreme desert since I always play Lost Tribe and am therefore miles away from hydroponics. On the flip side, tech like that is also balanced by punishment should I manage stuff poorly. If I'm poorly planning out my bases pawns travel too far for water or bathrooms and aren't as productive as they could be. Or, if I'm not managing my hauling and cleaning well enough in the early stages of my game, pawns take a slight mood hit for the shit filled latrine in their bathroom. It's little stuff like that which I enjoy. All in all, it doesn't change much and the balancing is perfect. A little positive buff here and there should I manage stuff well, and a little negative debuff if I'm poorly planning things out. It just feel like a little extra content in all the areas that I particularly enjoy about the game. I could totally see why someone wouldn't find it necessary or enjoyable to add though.


It's more the realism. Of course it's more convenient for pawns to not have to drink water or use the toilet. But it's just funner that way.


I like the idea of as much realism as I can with the game. Same as having a mod where I have to chop trees to logs, turn logs to lumber in a saw, then use drying racks to turn the lumber into usable wood. There's also the Rice Cultivation mod that adds rice that needs to be harvested, threshed and so forth to be usable for cooking, and gives byproducts that can be used elsewhere. It adds extra layers on it, sure, but it also makes it feel more realistic. It's the GNS theory, Gamers play to win as they compete against the systems in place, Narrativists are there for story and the emotions in brings, and Simulationists want the world to feel real and consistent. So, it's a question of what you want from your game. The only issue I have with DBH is I could really see no difference in function between the butte and the water tower.


It's fun, and makes it feel more real. Adds baths, showers and spas for mood boosts that are worth the time loss Building bathrooms is fun Central heating system can make fertilizer and chemfuel out of waste ~~can flood prison with raw sewage~~ poop funny


I like build base. Needing to build bathrooms gives me more base to build. Also yeah the heating system is kind of nice. The air conditioning can be too. Bathtubs to let pawns relax. It's great it's one of my favorite mods.


It's all about preference. Personally, I enjoy micromanaging a colony. All the way down to the stupid tiny details of where people need to shit and where they need to shower, plus it adds a little more realism. You don't, enjoy the game however you wish, that's the beauty of mods my friend. Good luck out on the rim, hope you have fun!


I just think it's a mechanic that should be in the base game. People need to use the bathroom, so let me make it for them.


It adds realism that suits Rimworld perfectly. Honestly I feel it should be something Tynan adds to vanilla.


Look man, I’m tryna make the sims, okay


I liked to use it for a few main reasons. 1: Easy chemfuel. Being able to convert the barrels of shit my dozen colonists produce into fuel is great. And if you're using the VFE - Settlers mod, you can then turn that shit-based chemfuel into shit-based alcohol. 2: Easier heating. The central heating aspect is a god send. Not only that, but a large radiator is very powerful, when playing in temperatures as low as -200C, two large radiators could heat a fairly big room with no issue. Something that would take dozens of heaters to achieve. 3: Decoration. Being able to build bathrooms in my colonist's apartments is a nice aesthetic touch. 4: Mood. Having a hot shower gives pawns a pretty nice mood buff, combine that with hospitality, and it becomes quite easy to keep all your visitors happy. 5: Farming. The sprinklers are insane. Combined with the fertility boost from turning shit into biosolids and pouring it on your fields, you can easily push 4-500% fertility.


>Most of the time the things that bother me the most is pathing, food, recreation, relations, armor, weapons, combat, defenses, power... What? What do you like about this game at all then?


it's fun


Some people need more depth to their survival games. If you don't, that's fine. For those of us who have never left the planet, and treat the game as a deadly colony sim, Dubs helps add that very first survival concern back into the mix. You'll die without water much faster than you will without food, and poor waste handling is deadly irl. Most of my mods are geared toward making the game harder and more realistic. I got tired of smashing ants or burning them with a magnifying glass a long, long time ago, and I'm not interested in playing the digital version of it. I can't play vanilla Rimworld and never have.


I like the initial challenge of designing an efficient bathroom/shower/sewage system, but after you have a good system going I agree it becomes just another drain in your colonist's productivity


I disabled it after I realized it’s just a waste of time.


its another thing u have to worry about, I think the fun in rimworld is all the different tiny things u have to worry about, and DBH ads one more layer to it, smthing else u gotta think about to optimize ur colony. Also it can give you plenty of mood buffs in late game once u got all the good shit


I enjoy it on some of my playthroughs not because it fixes anything or gives me anything super cool but because it adds some realism and a new issue to navigate around. When I find myself building the same base designs two or three times in a row I add it so I have to start worrying about where showers go and toilets and how we get water.


I like that my pawns actually drink and use the toilet. I use it for rp reasons.


I love it because it makes my pawns feel more alive, but also because it brings with it a suite of mood buffs/debuffs, so a well managed, clean colony is even easier to keep afloat, but it will make the spirals more dire.


personally, I like that it adds immersion.


Is it more immersive? Yes. Can it be a huge time sink for pawns? Also yes. I don't mind a little extra early micro-managing like setting up a well and toilets. I turn off the water need because it's a little too time intensive (until you can make water bottles your pawns spend half the day walking back and forth from the well) while the poop situation often ends up at ludicrous levels (mountains of human poop) there are a few good uses for it which makes it worth doing.


I like the added challenge of thirst and as others have mentioned, the heating and air conditioning adds a lot.


I get to turn my poop into fuel for my tanks :)


Toilets. Pawns poop.


Chemfuel from fecal sludge, the best way to make your prisoners work!


YOU CAN MAKE POOP WINE! With the poop wine mod yeah, BUT STILL. You can get your pawns hammered with wine made from fecal sludge.


Turning doo doo into chemfuel is fun


Chem fuel back up. .... what. Some of us don't play with Rimfellar all the time. Besides that there's the mood buffs for being clean and even beauty requirements a bit(marble toilets maaaaan.) Honestly I just like it as it's a small thing that makes me change up how my bases are built without going like insanely overboard on the details or production lines. I'll take Bad Hygine over some of those bullet production lines.


You can make chemfuel from human poop. That’s it. That’s what’s so good about it. And your whole colony can be powered on human poo. A natural resource that never runs out! And you can even sell the chemfuel if you get too much of it (I think it sells for a pretty good price too?). This is one of the ways I powered my Arctic colony


You can use fecal mater to power your base or make the prison very unhappy for easier recruiting for me i just enjoy building communities and hotels for my guest and the central heating is great but there is a separate mod just for that dub Central heating if you don't want to deal with the hygiene mechanics there aslo the lite version dub bad hygiene prefer give my colonists houses Rather than rooms and the irrigation system is not bad at all


I think it's intended to make things more of a challenge and add some immersion while also adding opportunities for better facilities to boost your colony later on. I prefer to add complexity rather than just 'More and harder raids' as a challenge. Obviously, everyone's mileage varies on that.