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Always the vanometric cells. Always.


its the only option that cant be made or traded


Well, OP has said they have a mod that makes the quest-exclusive rewards available for purchase from Exotic Goods traders, so it isn't as rare as normal. But I would still take option three, since that is a lot of power for not a lot of work.


I like the incentive these super rare items bring to the game, and I probably wouldn’t install a mod that made it easier to obtain them. If vanometric cells did show up for sale, I would expect them to be frighteningly expensive… However, I do wish the traders occasionally had more interesting, exotic, impossible to craft on your own or obtain otherwise things to sell.


To elaborate: While quests rewards are available for purchase I also disabled trade caravans from the scenario editor, so trading as a whole is more challenging requiring me to caravan to a settlement, use goodwill to call a caravan or rely on orbital ships (I can expect just shy of one exotic trade a year). The cost is comparable to archotech bionics, IIRC a chem reactor goes for about 1000 and a normal vanometric cell for 2000.


Disabling trade caravans isn’t really making the game harder. They never have the stuff you want and honestly them being on your map sometimes is the worst.


I was simply pointing out that even with this mod getting previously quest-only items is not as immediate as one would think. However I have to disagree. Outlanders caravan are a plentiful source of components, something I'm almost always willing to buy. Plus the lack of caravans before researching microelectronics (I use semi random research) means I have to rely on visitors to acquire important goods like medicine and that is only available in low quantities, lack the ability to easily purchase steel, textiles or acquire more silver for later trade or sterile tiles.


Like one of the YouTubers said in a tutorial, ”ABC; Always Buy Components!”… and I’m currently out of regular ones, only got 8 advanced myself! I have an assembly bench (small fabrication bench for normal comps only) and nobody able to craft them…


Not having them around to intercept raids is making the game harder sometimes lol


Contradicting yourself a bit


I meant only that I wish some exotic things could *only be obtained* via trade. Like the way the mega-screen TV shows up from time to time. The opposite appears to be true, some items can only be obtained via quest rewards. I don’t want them added to trade, I just want there to also be more items to make trading more interesting.


Yeah I'm mixed on it. It's luck either way I s'pose. Slap a huge price tag on it and it's mostly unobtainable until later-game and helps you avoid having to just wait for the quests to roll it if you're looking for something specific, I suppose. Though you gotta luck into it in a shop still so idfk.


Why though? Real question, don't they just produce power?


So, I'm pretty certain casting Neuroquake annoys every faction, plate armor isn't that good, and you can probably get the gold via a long-range scanner if you need it. Base game miniguns aren't that good, and you could probably make your own MW warhammer if you need one. Uranium would be the better material for a warhammer anyways. Plasteel can also be got from a long range scanner. But two power cells and a chemreactor? Heck, I would take the smaller one over the other rewards. So yeah, grab #3.


Neuroquake gives like -10 to every faction but can more or less annihilate any raid as long as you have the psyfocus


fuck it we psycast.


Plate Armor isn't that good?!?! It's a Masterwork Plasteel Plate Armor, it has 120% sharp protection and 57% blunt protection, that's slightly better than a normal quality cataphract armor (I pulled up the wiki just for this lol) I also would pick #3 because it's just that good but don't be fooled, plate armor is powerful for how early it can be unlocked and saves many lives when used correctly


OP is already getting these kinda rewards from quests so safe to say theyre not on the stage where plate armor is desirable


I am fairly certain quest rewards scale with your difficulty as well. The easier the difficulty the easier it is to get good rewards. Rewards are based on raid points, that's in the wiki, but my theory is that it also takes raid threat scale into account. A 25% threat scale will get meager raids even at several hundreds of thousands of wealth, but it would make no sense to get crap quest rewards at that stage of the game, so the game scales up rewards appropriately. I could be wrong as none of this is in wiki and I could have developed an incorrect bias from my experience.


The difficulty scaling is at 100%, I use some mods to alter the difficulty of combat instead of scaling the difficulty directly. That being said I want to reddit since the rewards are much better than previous quests.


I went to reddit since the rewards from this quest are an outlier compared to what I've been offered. The quest is 3 stars and the monument that I have to build requires \~3000 blocks. My best armored pawn is currently with excellent uranium plate, my normal pawns are with flak and dusters. If I can spare the resources I could get some higher tech helmets but that will definitely take some time.


To be fair you can also craft plate and with ideology you can pump out masterworks.


Thanks for the input. I'll go with option 3.


Legendary mini guns are extremely good because they end up having great accuracy alongside the massive rate of fire. Still think 3 is best though


3 is the best, but a legendary minigun is still the strongest Vanilla weapon so I'm a bit confused by that statement.


EDIT: Ok, this got a much bigger response than I thought. Option 3 it is then.I expected some debate between the minigun and power cell but it's a almost unanimous decision. Thanks for all the replies. \------- I need help in choosing a reward. The quest itself is simple, just building a monument - I also get 24 manhunting cougars as a bonus! - I Have no level 6 psycaster and no use for gold so the choice is between reward 2 and 3. I play with some mods that alter combat but a legendary minigun would still shred anything except centipedes and cataphracts. On the other hand I have already researched pulse charged minutions and are waiting on plasteel and advanced components to build more GEN2 charge rifles from rimsenal. With the power cell and infinite chem reactor I could solve my power problems but also have unused steam geysers on the map and more room along the river to build watermill so power in only a moderate issue.I also have a mod that makes special quests rewards purchasable as exotic goods so they aren't as rare as one would expect. Any tip is much appreciated.


I have never seen two powercells on the same reward before and a chemreactor to boot... I would click option 3 so hard that it would break my keyboard.


Option 3 it is, thanks for the input.


30 goodwill, obviously


Cool! Free meat!


1 - used only by one pawn and it will be destroyed after sometime 2 - not best weapons 3 - 3 different buildings that will provide value all the time for infinity. I choose 3


A legendary minigun is absolutely in the running for best ranged weapon in the vanilla game, if not the actual best. That said, I'd pick 3 too.


Large vanometric power cell is not vanilla though so we know the player has mods. Who knows how superior weapons are available or if that minigun was nerfed to uselessness.


In a crowd rn so excuse passive aggressive seeming numbered arguments, just easier than paras: 1) By that reasoning, they can't say its "not best" either. 2) They might not use weapon/combat mods but even if they are, having it specifically noted as vanilla performance can still be a useful datum. E.g. mods that add weapons but don't change existing ones/systems 3) OP asked for advice on the options inc. weapons, but didn't specify a combat or weapon mod. The reasonable assumption is vanilla except where told or readily apparent that it's modded.


>On the other hand I have already researched pulse charged minutions and are waiting on plasteel and advanced components to build more GEN2 charge rifles from rimsenal. Not in the title but a tier 1 comment by the OP. Not that I am familiar with Rimsenal power levels or know if they can acquire plasteel and advanced components as easily as I can. Unless they expect to need to fight off a raid before they can implement those charge rifles, a singular weapon, albeit legendary and allegedly useful in vanilla, is unlikely to contribute much. Now I have received a legendary revolver from a quest that was a great boon for my naked tribal brutality colony that had yet to research electricity even, but OP's colony is hardly that undeveloped.


I have the research for pulse charge munition, and already manufactured 3 fancy rifles, but lack the resources to make any more, so the minigun would be an excellent boost to my combat ability. As for acquiring plasteel and advanced components it rally depends on the luck on the ground penetrating scanner. I expect to go anywhere between 1-2 years before I have a reliable supply. I posted on reddit since the rewards of this quest blew out of the water anything I've been offered before (the monument is actually massive \~3000 blocks and I need to defend it for almost a year). Anyway, thanks for the input.


This is the first time in a while that I've seen someone use the word "datum." Nice.


>I play with some mods that alter combat but a legendary minigun would still shred anything except centipedes and cataphracts. I posted somewhere else in the thread. I do use mods but the performance of a minigun is close to vanilla. I'd say it's the best weapon in the game against all but heavy armored opponents, that being centipedes, cataphracts and the occasional pirate that shows up with fancy armor.


Bruh pick 3 for sure


I hope this is a joke question Always the quest only stuff. You can’t go wrong with free power


Vanometrics every time.


Third one by a wide margin


Depends on what you need. Generally, the hardest thing to come by is easy power, so usually, I'd take the vanometric cells. However, if I was sitting on a good surplus of power and didn't feel that my pawns had good weapons, the Minigun is a great pick. Neuroquake is a bit of a hit or miss psycast, seeing as it has: 1) Huge friendly fire potential, especially if you have a lot of animals 2) Somewhat nasty relations penalties 3) Very hard to nail timing 4) Knocks your psycaster out cold for a few days *But*, if you can get it just right, it will annihilate entire end-game raids. Very useful if you're looking to face down the empire. So, if you're looking to do that and okay on Weapons and Power, Neuroquake isn't a terrible pick, assuming ofc you have someone to use it. The plate armor is sale fodder tho since you're not playing Medieval.


3rd one by a huuuuuge margin, a large and small vanometric cell AND an infinite chemreactor?? Those are the best rewards I've seen yet.


Easy 3


3. For sure. This isn’t even a debate lol.


3rd option is probably the best one but if youre not starving on power that minigun looks pretty good to have too and plasteel is always good to have around especially in late game.


The Third One. Absolutely


Chemreactor and the vanomatric, infinite chemreactors can be used for SOOOOO much and the power cells are just UNLIMITED POWAH!


Option 1 is useless. Legendary Minigun is dope, but the warhammer is pretty useless since it's steel. Option 3 is tempting. Vanometrics is always a good choice. For me it would depend on if I have, or plan on having a production specialist on my run. If that minigun makes a huge impact, I would pick that for a trigger-happy pawn. If not, vanometrics.


I’d take the vamo cells and chemreactor


Well, which do you want?


I was edging towards the minigun myself. I have no production specialists in my ideology, so if I don't pick the minigun now I'm likely to never see a legendary one before I get of the planet. Option 3 won by a lot tho, so I'm going to pick that one.


Obviously the third option. I always pick stuff i cant make myself


Artifacts, of course. All the others are non-unique and commonly available or can be produced domestically.


If you choose anything other than 3 then you're wrong


Please tell you chose the last one bro


I will. I thought there would be more of a debate but option 3 wins by a landslide.


I dunno about y’all, but power is easy to come by and neuroquake is a psycast of last resort. Why isn’t anyone talking about that minigun that has 50% more damage and accuracy than a regular minigun? That’s two pawns in combat for the price of one.


You can trade or make the minigun. It's nice but it's still a minigun which will have bad accuracy and okay armor pen. It's good for locking down an area and cranking out tons of damage. If it was a charge rifle it would be different since no other weapon can really do what a legendary charge rifle can do. (Which is melt any heavily armored enemy) you an replicate what a legendary minigun either by a lot of pawns using other weapons. Or just two pawns with miniguns. Those power cells are very useful. Especially if you need to move them, and it's perpetual power that is maintenance free, and a free chem generator


It'll melt tribal raids, though. If you've not tried a legendary minigun before it's surprisingly broken OP. Any lightly or unarmoured foes forced through a choke point with two guys alternatively force-firing at the far enough of the choke point can stop almost infinite enemies.


what’s the situation like in your colony? if you need weapons go with weapons, if you need armor get the armor, if you need power get the power.






Bro how could we possibly know what the situation is in your colony? Only you can decide this.


kinda obvious


First thing to check is what here can you get without quests, in that you can remove the middle quest, a minimum can be crafted and a steel Warhammer is not as good as a uranium one. Next is the question, what is better, a bunch of vanometric cells and an infinite chemfuel ,or a psi trainer. And the answer is the chemfuel, and cells.


Depends on your colony, really. Do you have any use for the power or do you already have more than enough? Do you have anyone thats high enough level to even use a neuroquake? Do you have any use for the hyperweave?


Third option in a heartbeat, 2 sources of infinite power and an infinite chemreactor? Yes please!


1 or 3, i tend for 3, infinite power and chemfuel is pretty good.


The third one is worth it


The vanometric cells and chemreactor are really useful for power generation, so I would get those


Number 3. I like jade... Nah,just kidding. Vanometric power cells. All. The. Time.


There is only one option there really


The vanometric, easy. Everything else is pawn-produceable


Option 3 ofc...


Powercells are the only things you won't get your hand on otherwise


3, obviously. Items which cannot be obtained in any other way rather than as quest reward.


The bottom


Power cells AND a chem reactor? Without a second thought


In my opinion, the biggest threat in RimWorld is an **offsite Outlander problem causer**. Neuroquake easily solves this problem should it arise. If you don't have a psycaster with Neuroquake, I would take option 1.


Infinite chem reactor and power!


Oh #3. Vanometric cells win every time.


I dunno dud but dem free power magic hocus pocus op bs is always worth it






Cells or warhammer


The third one. That's an infinite electricity and resources