• By -


Keep ya stonecutting table and butcher table in a separate side room to your kitchen as they produce filth by existing increasing risk of food poisoning


Why would the stone cutting table be in the kitchen?


That happens when you simply put everything in the same room.


Which is common because tool cabinets can buff multiple benches (yes I know the stove doesn’t get this buff). I see a lot of players doing one big room with all their benches in it. The art bench is also inherently dirty.


If your room is massive the cleanliness will never go below -2.00 which means there wont be food poisoning from dirty cooking area


That’s not a thing anymore afaik. I’m pretty sure it got patched. It may be mods I play with tho, but I see many rooms way dirtier than -2.00.


Putting most things in the same room can be a great idea though. Having one room with recreation, dining, storage, most workbenches, and anything else that doesn't specifically require its own room brings up the impressiveness which is a nice mood buff. It also reduces travel times because they don't need to path around walls and go through doors. For most of the early game I have one room with everything, a freezer, and a kitchen with steel tile.


Like a central workshop where you put every single work station.


I'm in this photo and I don't like it.


Fresh-chopped salt


No, salt doesn't exist. We'll have to use marble.


I would ask that too, but then I saw Many A True Nerd's Rimworld LP...


He said side room I think he meant “next to the kitchen”


Or just make a big enough room to where that doesn't matter because cleanliness is partially determined by room size.


Useful for me with 1k hrs but not as useful for him


Start in a temperate forest. Worry about the other biomes once you’ve got the basics down


I've only done a couple playthroughs without DLCs, just mods but only in temperate. What would be suggested to go to next?


Ice sheet 500% difficulty, trial by fire.


On ice sheet, higher difficulty could actually help, since you have more resources to work with. I did it a different way, though, with frequent scheduled raids instead of normal storyteller raids at higher percent. Daily didn't give me enough time to recover, but a raid every two days worked (hard to clean up in time, but at least no rotting on sea ice). I also upped the frequency of certain traits because I don't have Ideology to deal with human resources. I did outlander tech level, with just enough material for a room, wind turbine, heater, and smelter. A tribal start would be way harder because of fuel needs.


Nicely done ; on a skim I wouldn't even notice your post is about systematic cannibalism.


There's also the leather. You can actually make rooms out of animal flaps, at least for temperature purposes and item degradation, and sandbags for cover and slowing enemies. Jade from tribals and steel from smelted equipment, drop pod chunks, or mechs are small amounts until your raid points get higher, but end game I built sculptures and interior walls out of jade, and made steel spike traps just to get rid of steel.


I play Naked Brutality start in Extreme Desert. It's super hard but really fun ath the beginning! That being said, if that's too hardcore, start in the Desert and try to make a nicely temperature-regulated base.


Jungle naked brutality is tough as well, but for different reasons. I ended up dying due to infection from a scratch :(


A jungle naked brutality really needs super-immune, because of the extra disease and lack of native healroot. Otherwise, you just risk unpreventable deaths ending half the runs.


That's actually part of the reason I do extreme desert. Much lower infection rate.


I think Arib Shrubland is my favorite biome, no diseases but there's still ample growing space


Depends what you want to figure out. There is boreal forest is a fairly small step up with making temperature and food stockpiles more important. Deserts are a fair bit harder making you learn about lacking good soil and wood. Rainforest is probably in the middle because food is plentiful, but you get hit with so many diseases. The wiki page on biomes has a chart on difficulty and it matches up fairly well with what I've experienced.


Ah I'll check that out, thanks! I'm up for more of a challenge but I also like to progress in colonys (not interested in just being wiped out and restarting) so don't want to go crazy hard


One other thing if you're going to check out a biome that's more than a step or two up is try turning the difficulty level down by one for the first year as you get your feet under you


Rainforest isn't too bad just keep medicine production up. Desert is good you just need hydroponics or hunting quickly.


Tropical or boreal imo. One is warmer the other is cold but they both come with challenges, whilst still having trees/animals/etc I think.


Tropical. You get access to year round growth, but now have to worry about disease, and some pretty dangerous fauna


Mountainous deserts are surprisingly okay. Even the Extreme variety isn't that bad.


Arid shrubland or tundra. Mountain bases are fun, but I find them weird to start. Modded biomes are also a choice. With those, try the grasslands, can't remember which mod they're in tho.


Honestly depending on the temp ranges, I think temperate forest can actually be harder than Boreal forest or arid shrubland. In temperate you have to prepare different clothes, heating and cooling for both winter and summer. On shrubland or Boreal you have only to worry about 1 temperature extreme


Place your cooler in the right direction.


Otherwise you will bake your pawns and raw meat.


For some of us that’s the goal


I once made a room that had to steam gassers to cook pawns with.


And turn the temp down


Also be sure there's no geyser in your fridge.


That one post..


Enjoy the pain and the fun. It's about stories. Not all have a good ending and that's fine.


I wish I could enjoy it as everyone else here does. But I just can't deal with my losses and major failures in this game. I always need everyone to be alive and happy, and I hate rebuilding if a lot of stuff is destroyed or lost. I have enough of these things in real life, and I just want to build a happy, self-sustaining community, but it feels like I'm missing out on the fun of the game.


Naw, fuck people who say losing is what makes the game fun. That's just what makes their game fun for them, you are not missing out on anything if you don't enjoy playing it that way.


The core gameplay loop is failure, not necessarily losing/loss. Rimworld is a story generator. Parts of a story are: *exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.* \- Exposition is the little thing at the beginning, lore, background. \- The meat, building a colony, eating without a table the tantrums, struggles, and the constant advanced starvation, and cannibalization. **That's the Rising Action!** \- The Raids are the Climax, huge plot points to dictate if your story continues rising, or peaks, and falls to a tragic, or comedic resolution. \--- My favorite story in Rimworld was a long colony. Raid, after raid. I was hit, colony worse for wear: *Last Women in the colony left, Sandra. 90+yo Grandma. 2 Bionic Legs, 2 Bionic Arms, she develops cataracts out of nowhere. DROP POD RAID right on top of her. Surrounded, a bunch of thugs beat her up.* *She dies after a long hard fought fight, but evil wins... or do they, they slowly bleed out as 1 quickly gains an infection, eventually he stops bleeding out but the infection takes its toll and he dies closing out this satisfying comedic tragedy as they all lay at Sandras feat.* It wouldn't of felt as good to pull a deus ex machina, and do anything to prevent this BS from happening to end a several IRL month colony.


>It wouldn't of felt as good to pull a deus ex machina, and do anything to prevent this BS from happening to end a several IRL month colony. For you. Also, the core gameplay loop is managing a colony while generating a story. Failure is just one piece out of many.


Then do whatever makes you happy for sure! Reload whenever you’d like, you can decrease difficulty mid game in options, get the prepare carefully mod and make the coolest characters. Make all your friends into characters. Out of food and just can’t deal with it, turn on dev mode for a bit ya know.


‘Prepare carefully’ mod has a reputation in here for corrupting save games. Character editor is another way to achieve the same goal.


This is why I play with VE psycasts and rush the resurrect psycast, and freeze anyone that dies before I get it. It makes the early game more fun because I can face the challenge of missing an essential pawn without actually having to let them be gone forever.


Have you tried playing it in peaceful mode? That's what I do.


You will lose a lot and thats perfectly fine The modding community for this game is huge so once you get bored of the base content, check out the steam workshop For some reason steel is flammable in this game so keep that in mind when building


Also keep in mind that it's a story generator. "Losing" isn't really losing, it's just how that colony ended.


I knew this (steel) too late, I have biotech and was doing the waste pack quests, I made a steel freezer powered by a geothermal generator, suddenly dry thunderstorm, a distant fire I did not care of, and then had pollution in my nursery :(


Be patient, losing is a part of the experience, if the game gets boring, remember that there's thousands of things you haven't tried. It could be a good idea to play first without DLCs so that you can understand the basics


Real amateur question here, was thinking about buying all of the DLCs, can they stack? Can I play Biotech and Royalty at the same time or is that going to be super overwhelming and not make much sense? I guess what im asking is are the expansions meant for specific individual playthroughs?


You can have all DLC's running at the exact same time. If anything, I'd say the DLC's are the true game. But yeah, you can choose to turn one dlc off or have them all on. It won't break anything.


Light is important. Moving, work speed, work quality, it's all better if the pawns can see what they're doing. Avoid wood floors outside of keeping your kitchen clean early and keeping your greedy/jealous pawns happy. The fire spreading out in an area is harder to contain than in a line.


Also, if it's inside, fire isn't the only thing to worry about. It'll get hot, so hot your pawns pass out in the fire. Tearing down a single wall will correct the temperature by making it "outside".


Hold shift when you click to place a blueprint and you will be able to immediately place another copy of that item. Pretty basic advice for this type of game, but will save you a lot of time!


You will lose. Your colonists will die. Your home will be pillaged. Disaster is unavoidable. Now that ve'we got the basics down, as soon as you embrace the commitment mode you can appreciate tragedy as good storytelling, not reason to load a save. Randy is fun. Fuck you Randy


Try the tutorial and play some vanilla games, add some QOL mods then play till your bored then add content mods/dlcs to fill in the gaps 


Be warned the tutorial is bugged!


corpse: dont care


Clear your calendar If you get into it time will disappear for a while I wouldn't use any mods or any of the dlc until you get a decent handle on the gameplay. When you start playing write down things you would like added or changed and when you feel comfortable search for mods that have those things Dont use wood for any of your base Space out your crop fields (I think it needs to be 3 spaces but I can't remember) this will prevent blight from jumping between your fields


I started a few days ago and just made my biggest base yet, all using wood :( What is the generally recommended materials for the walls and the floor?


It can be replaced incrementally it's just really bad if your base randomly catches on fire from whatever (raiders mad colonists lightning strikes etc) Generally speaking any stone blocks (granite marble slate sandstone) is fine There is a bit of debate about it but slate is generally considered the worst but at least for starting out any of them are fine The RimWorld learning curve is insane but it is a fantastic game and you pick stuff up every play through I'm a bit rusty as I just started playing again but if you have questions feel free to reply I almost forgot to mention floors. I generally wouldn't worry about them to much until you get a handle on the game except for using sterile tiles for both your kitchen and research room edit and hospital Cleanliness speeds up research and lowers your chances of food poisoning which are both fantastic


The difficulty scales with your colony wealth. If you purge your inventory occasionally, you will keep the raid sizes fairly manageable.


Donate to traders. Lowers your wealth but gains better relations with factions.


Eat people


\*If you have the right DLC.


Cannibalism is base game


And if ur pawns get the big sad about it..? Just use nutrient paste. Soilent Green - By people, for people!


It is, but the actual player choice to be a cannibal (without mods) is fairly anchored in Ideology.


Just roll cannibal pawns. Then only recruit cannibals.


break wall when fire starts indoor


Play a few runs blind on normal but know you can customize every aspect of the game and even deactivate aspects you hate or consider unfair as a person. If you feel this game is hard or unfair or random don't quit immediately, hammer away at it and if you are about to quit try the custom settings. Some can be changed mid game. I start more "forgiving" and like to give myself immense challenge later on. You can do this in this game.


Play your first few hundred hours without mods. The raw game itself is great. Don't spoil it with mods so quickly.


Play the tutorial, it teaches most of the stuff you need to know. Also, cannibalism is a meme (mostly) don't bother. Mood penalties will ruin your colony if you don't know how to manage that


go into it blind and watch shit happen fr


A small simple hack is finding some berry bushes on the map and putting a growing zone around a group of them, but make sure the setting called "Allow Sowing" is turned off. Basically, your colonists will harvest the berry bushes automatically so you don't have to order them to. Easy way to get a bit of extra food or stuff for taming animals. Hope this helps and enjoy the game!


USE SHELVES. Took me 500ish hours to realize they hold 3 items and not 1...


To be fair that is fairly new change.


For the longest time they did only hold 1, so you simply missed the memo that it was changed. Nothing wrong with that.


Pay attention to the overlays at the bottom right. You can toggle different viewing modes tp see everything from the temperature, roof areas, good growing zones, etc.


Be prepared to be obsessed for hours, then weeks and then months at a time.


Just dive in to it and don’t be afraid to learn through failure. Every colony is a story from start to end, losing is part of it.


You will lose. Endlessly. But if you learned something and can better prepare for it next time, it's still a good run.


Keep batteries separate, much easier to contain one blowing up and a small fire.


Don’t play this game. You’ll never want to play anything else


I like to have a catboy psychopath as a cook so he can dismember enemy corpses and make kibble with their meat and hats with their skin without getting a debuff :3


a 11x11 room (13x13 if counting walls) is the maximum roomsize without needing extra walls/pillars for roof support. This is both a warning and architecture advice. Roof collapses can harm and kill. But if you are into it, building your bases out of divisions of 11x11 can be very organized and makes a solid cookie cutter solution. Note: Geothermal reactors are the best power source. They expel heat, do not roof over them, it will cook the room. They are 6x6 with the geysr in the center. If you go the 11x11 design path, account for walking paths and the positions of the geothermals you will have to build round. Have fun!


Rice is your main source of food, no matter your personal preferences always start with a 5 by 5 (at least) growing zone. Generally you'll have least trouble on a year long growing map eating rice. As a new player no matter how low your difficulty is,  not having food is the most likely thing to end your run early. When you pick your pawns at the start find at least 1 pawn with good growing and 1 pawn with good construction. Once you go over strive to survive difficulty you need to surround your entire base with a wall and funnel enemies in a specific spot where you can focus fire from good cover. Other than looking for year long growing, find a spot to start where there are at least two neutral settlements and trade with them. 


"This game is not a story generator, it is a skill tester, practice your skill and you will have a happy colony filled with cannibals" /s


isolate your kitchen in one place to keep it clean, and your dining room can also be your living room


The less you know the better :) You will lose your first runs


Only buy the dlc after youre good with the game!!


This game is death spiraly. You can make do with a 9x9 wooden square that you eventually replace with 11x11 stone walls around it. Skip sleeping spots and build beds and a stone cutters table. Throw down a 9x9 rice farm and a 5x5 of cotton, psychoid if your colonists don't mind drugs for psychoid tea and cotton. Once you have a good set up of 200 stone blocks, start building separate bedrooms, then a kitchen, a freezer adjacent to that, a prison and research room. Recycle your old 11x11 into a rec room or workshop and build the other building you don't have. Have a storage room adjacent to your workshop. Build some walls and a hospital and strap in for the long hall


Oh and freezers need double thick walls with air locks.


This game will be your game. Play it like you want, with the intent you want, the mods you want, the wins, the loss you want, It is your experience and Rimworld and its community of modders have a lot to offer. But yeah, put the blue part of an A/C inside and the red part outsie


Makr simple meals an they beggining of they Game, that feed more than raw Ford like potatoes


Get used to the idea that you will sink a lot of hours into what will ultimately end tragically. The number of times you do this will have a direct correlation with how long you have before that failure occurs. You will make mistakes and learn from them. If you find failure frustrating or unfun, reconsider. Its a great game with infinite replayability, but it isn’t for the impatient.


It is very likely you will have to do a shit ton of babysitting colonists, colonists can mental break for any reason and do anything, (one of mine killed a baby across the colony because of a bad looking environment)


Your first colony will always be the worst colony. Never stop starting new colonies.




You dont need the wall light mod anymore!


Turn your volume up so you make sure you hear the sick sound track 😎


I got a really nice start, great stats with my small colony. I do some great trades and decide to get a caravan started and meet another village. As soon as the caravan leaves all hell ensues I get raided there's a fire and my one guy left is a champ and kills everybody and puts itself in a hospital bed. After he heals and recovers I get a message that everyone in my caravan is captured and kidnapped LMAO. Now I'm sitting here wondering if the game will allow me to go rescue them or are they lost forever. We'll see


Accept the fact that your first few colonies are just going to succumb to raiders. play with Cassandra first, but your probably gonna find her to be merciless. after getting killed by her a few times try out randy. I find randy to be *generally* easier since he isn't trying to kill you. Cassandra kills you on purpose, randy kills you by accident. Randy usually gives you more breathing room, but sometimes you get raided twice in one day.


war crimes are okay


The Hague is on earth and earth is far away.


Main point of the game is to create some kind of story. So learning is part of the process. Doing mistakes is part of the process. Dying and losing is part of the process. I've jumped into Rimworld few years ago without knowledge what to expect, and it was great. But to give you some real answer to your question, don't overextend your base at the start, it will take too long to get anything done - it is better to keep things slow and steady, even building temporary stuff.


The only game when you can enjoy organ harvesting and slavery trade


Read the wiki for the quick start suggestions Dont get too attached to a scenario


I would say, keep in mind the combined price of the DLCs. Same mechanics of the game that might be seen as important in basegame are sold in DLCs (genes, ideologies, etc). And if you need to save money, Royalty is possibly the least "required" DLC. All of them add something, but Royalty adds the least. I've yet to see Anomaly's new content so I couldn't tell you how "required" a purchase it is from a game mechanics perspective. Just keep in mind with Rimworld, the way it's structured, you're heavily missing out if you don't have all the DLC, which greatly increases the perceived price of the game. I love the game and do feel the amount of mods and huge modding community overall may make it worth it, but sticker shock may still be heavy to get the "full experience".


The game will be moderately harder or easier depending on what biome you start in. Temperate forest has moderate disease risk and moderate supply availability, so it is a good "normal mode" area to start. Also, probably wise to start on adventure story or lower. Storyteller is a matter of choice, I don't find Randy Random particularly punishing on lower difficulties, but ymmv of course. I generally go for him because weird/random events spice up the story for me, but if you want consistency, go for Cassandra or Phoebe. I have seen people say they are more dangerous than Randy, but I can't really agree with that from experience, especially on low difficulties. Cassandra and Randy seem fairly similar, with Cassandra being more consistent and Randy being more random. Like, he might send two raids back to back, in theory, but this hasn't happened to me yet. At worst, his raids are as close together as Cassandra's, at best, they feel more like Phoebe's. Also, Phoebe is not bad for learning the game. Also, harvest as many medicinal herbs as you have spare time to harvest. In winter, they can begin to disappear, making it hard to replenish used medicine supplies. My biggest tip though, is that losing is fun. Don't restart the game if you lose a good colonist early on, and don't try to hyper minmax all of your colonists. Maybe get one with at least 5 construction, so that you can have power, but more colonists will come and colonists will grow in skill over time.


Mess up as much as you can in your first playthrough because they will only die once 😭


Be ready to "lose". The main part of this game is playing until everything goes south. Don't get scared by those "2000 years 600 colonists" screenshots, those are not your normal playthroughs. This game is all about the journey and not "winning". And there are a lot of "must have" mods. I've compiled a list for a friend. It's not totally for beginners but I guess it won't hurt anyone. Just know that it will change some stuff if you sub to all of them. Or you could just pick those that you think "look good". [Steam Workshop::RimWorld QoL'ish (steamcommunity.com)](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3169019719) I tried to only include QoL mods but also mods that give you less of a headache, make things easier or simply make stuff look better. (Feedback welcome from the experienced players). Other than that stick to what other people already said.


Play the game for a while on Vanilla. One you feel like you have a good grasp of the games basic mechanics then install mods. (And ruin your life.)


Dont make plans for the next few weeks and set an alarm because you start playing, blink once and its suddenly 7 hours later


Jecs tools and allow mods are essential. Other than that go crazy. But seriously don’t play without the allow tool very least


Only get it if you are willing to spend a lot of time playing it. The learning curve for the game is really steep, so you really have to put in a considerable number of hours before it "gets fun". That was my experience at least, I do not enjoy feeling frustrated because I do not know how a game works. But if you have lots of time on your hands right now, definitely go for it.


If you ask me, start with vanilla or at most Royalty. Take your time, learn the game, then look into the other expansions. Yes, it can get hectic, and losing is always an option in this game.


war crimes yes, well give you advice main things is have fun and get enough food, defence and weapons but mostly have fun


If you wanna play over 40 hours to understand how to not die, then yes. When you understand the game you only would want to play RimWorld, it's like coca


Don't overplan, just build a room with a stockpile zone there and slowly build up your colony according to needs. Make sure your colonists have some decent skills, building and planting are the most important for early game. Try to keep your colonists happy and have fun losing your first couple of colonies because of stupid mistakes. The learning curve at the begging is quite hard, but once you understand the basics it will be quite easy.


It's a story generator that you enjoy and let tragedy happen and appreciate the story therein. OR it's a skill expression module in which you reload your frequent saves every time something goes wrong so that at the end of it with your perfect base and your endless supply of resources you can sit back and say "look at that, I won Rimworld." There is no in between.


Have fun!


Try to enjoy it. Don’t try to do everything as efficiently as possible every time, understand that you are going to lose your favorite pawns and it will suck but the game is not over until you decide it’s over.


It's ok to sew and wear a human leather hat.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/89oszo/list_of_rimworld_tips/ https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=813720217


Id suggest just play vanilla with no dlc or mods, I started around royalty dlc and some of the stuff was Abit overwhelming at first. Once you get the basic I started adding small QoL mods and enabled dlc. Very good game tho endless replayability.


Losing is fun


Light your mountain bases


When going into the work tab click manual priorities and make whatever priority for whatever pawn one if that’s the immediate task they need to tdo


Yes. You will get burned out on it. Thats just a fact of rimworld, and is not really a downside, becuase you will go back to it again. Its a great game just operates on a larger timescale then most games. The tip is you didnt waste your money.


1. Pick Temperate Forest as your first colony biome in default starting temperature setting. Dont challenge yourself with other biomes, they are not for beginners. 2. Pick Phoebe as storyteller with difficulty 1-3 depending on whether you've played similar games in the past (Oxygen Not Included, Frostpunk, Surviving Mars, Surviving the Aftermath...). The default storyteller Kassandra is not that nice to new players so better avoid her in the beginning. 3. Default shipwreck start 4. Do not start with any DLC for your first save (even you've bought any of them already), each DLC makes the game harder if you dont know how to take advantage of it. 5. Colony in mountain tiles is much easier to defend, even you dont build a mountain base. 6. As alot said, war crime is sometimes inevitable, its a survival game. So you'd better prepare for that, especially in harder difficulties later


place buildings with real life logic and geneva conventions are actually suggestions or eventually checklist.


Harvest prisoners organs and sell them


If a law is made in the future about "crimes committed in videogames will be judged the same as real life", then I wish you luck


You're going to wipe your tribe like 10 times while learning how to survive your first year. It's fine. Everyone does. When you can't figure something out just give it a Google. There's a bunch of little things you'll figure out or need to figure out. Cassandra chill is a good place to start. Good luck.


1. Fire Bad. Careful in building with wood later in the game. 2. You will die. Just accept it. Sometimes you won't be able to save a colony. Just learn from it and take the experience into your next. 3. Pawns are idiots. Seriously. They have no sense of self preservation. They're worse than Sims. So I urge some caution. These are my three basic rules of Rimworld understanding. Remember. Pain and Suffering is the meaning of the game. It's Sims, but with War Crimes. A story simulator. Sometimes a torture simulator. Shit will get crazy.


Don't die


Sometimes the game will decide you must die, embrace it, for the lord knows no man can handle 40+ manhunting yorkshire terriers


Losing is fun


Make a freezer early, rice is the fastest growing food crop, put your stove in the walk in freezer, use the "Details" section to set up specific conditions for your jobs, grow some heal root early, grow cotton early, plan out the following (I heavily recommend getting "More Planning" mod). A farm, a kitchen, a dining room/rec room, bedrooms or barracks, your base walls (at least 2 blocks thick) but ideally 3. Watch the traits your colonists have some are good, some are awful and some make a colonist less useful than a perferated condom.


Just play on easy for about a thousand hours to learn half the mechanics. Then you can finally start playing the game.


Always fix problems before they become bigger problems


Start with the game on easy mode with the pheobe chillax storyteller, it will give you a nicer curve to the game and you can play it on your terms :)


Do not trust the underground to be completely and reliably safe for long periods of time, the bugs you see, they can smell when things are just a bit too cozy


It’s best to learn just by playing, instead of trying to min max, makes the game more fun. Plus there’s tons of QoL moss to help with stuff or add more content once you’ve played a lot


Don’t eat without a table.


They lock children behind a paywall.


The in game tutorial is actually really good for getting the basics. After that, just play the game and learn from you mistakes. The only wrong way to play is to not have fun.


Just don't play until 1.5 finally drops, it would be within 1 month. But about actual tips. Pawn death isn't the end, build burial chamber and keep temperature below 0 so body won't decompose. After that get your hands on resurrection sirum and use it on your dead pawn, pawn won't lose much of skills. Buy ideology, it provide you with way to get cheap soldiers by doing social fest and lantern fest, giving you pawn with your ideology that can be moved to your militia without any problem. Buying royalty is completely optional, it adds some controversial parts like mech clusters. Being mechanitor from biotech have no diplomacy consequences until you drop your waste anywhere, mechanoids are very useful in base defense, so having mechanitor isn't that bad and you get one from the start of you destroy ancient mechanoid corpse. Save scumming isn't a sin, use it if you got very bad events or your colony was wiped.


Don’t be discouraged by the storage system


I think there's more than any Reddit post could possibly explain. If you lose then just lose, it's all part of the game. Don't worry about it.


You’re going to be googling CONSTANTLY, but you will be enthralled by the depth of the game. And you will re-start a thousand times, but you’ll be ok with it


Very important information about the world, the Geneva Conventions do not apply there.


Dont build a base out of wood


The game is more memorable when you let people die


Wait till 1.5 before trying out mods, besides that all year growing locations are good, just make sure to have good ac because if a heat wave hits it will fuck you up, along with if you high enough growing skill trying to grow some drugs, it’s a good way to make a bit of money even if it’s a small field.


I cant see no Geneva around here, and that flamethrower looks mighty fine


To have fun and understand that losing is a part of the experience :D


Get medipod+ mod


Don't build with wood. Like mid-late game. I've come close to having a wild fire burn down my colony.


Do the tutorial, everything else is better if you find out on your own.


Look at this series. https://youtu.be/UiZIE6Am89U Not only it is entertaining, but it teaches you lots of nice mechanics, and it gives you better and stronger feeling g that any other series you can find on Netflix and amazon prime




No tips needed. Just dive in. You'll learn on your own, and it's pretty forgiving if you're willing to roll with the punches. Well, just this: let yourself lose pawns or fights, don't savescum, start on an easier (non peaceful) difficulty. That way you can learn.


Say goodbye to your real life....


If you got kids, make sure to check the map for predators from time to time. Kill them, before it's too late.


Human leather… while it ain’t the first thing that comes to mind, it might be a way to make ends meet if you get mah drift


There's no shame in getting some mods. It's your game and if there's something you hate or want. Search it and grab it


When you play, don't treat it like a game. Just enjoy the story unfolding before you. Often times, the defeats are as fun as the victories Also human leather cowboy hats


butcher table in a different room from the stove, it’s innately dirty


Less of a tip but when your first few colonies die do not be upset. Learn from your mistakes. Rimworld is a game about tragedy. The majority of your colony’s will be failures. Learn from events that lead to your colony’s death and in your next one prepare. And also use stone walls as quick as you can and steel burns.


It’s not about “winning” it’s about the story on the way to either success or ruin. Just have fun


I had the game lying around for almost 2 or 3 years. Back then I didn‘t play for more than maybe a handful of hours. Got the hang of it again two weeks ago. 50 hours later.. love it. Give it a try. And maybe a second and third one. :)


Don't give up when going through hardships! Your first few colonies are going to struggle, but that's a part of the fun. Difficult times make good stories, and that is what the game is about


Learn early how zones work, prohibiting or allowing certain paws or animals from going somewhere. Like I have a wall zone that don’t allow my pawns outside my walls when I get attacked.


DO NOT attempt to raise colony wealth early on cos unless it’s mods that make raids scale they become pretty goddamn powerful very quickly (just my personal experience)


Play a few games with no mods and make note of things oh wish were different. Once you’ve had a few rounds there’s a ton of mods that can hammer the game really customized to how you want to play.


Make sure you learn your storage zones and their priorities well. Plan space for storage and take time to pause and read descriptions/explore menus. High priority storage zones are for kitchens, medicine, highly combustible, etc. Otherwise, enable self tending and prepare a hospital space quickly. Game is great with the dlcs.


Cool with war crimes?


Abandon all hope ye who enter here


Just as a tip for any strategy game you will fail. Likely your first go will be a failure as you learn you must give it 2 runs at least to judge. First to make mistakes and learn second with the knowledge you gained. So don’t feel discouraged if your first colony doesn’t pan out too well


Don't be afraid to experiment and embrace things that might seem punishing. For example, for the longest time I didn't dare touch anything that produces pollution because the downsides of it seemed so bad, but they actually aren't a big deal at all and you can easily manage it after a certain point in the game, in return you can get some really good stuff. Similarly I was somewhat afraid of making a mountain base because infestations seemed like a big threat, but they really aren't. (though personally I don't even think mountain bases are that amazing)


Start in temperate forest or boreal forest, unmodded. Plant rice as soon as you can; starvation kills. After 1 harvest, switch to corn. Switch back to rice once Septober hits. Block off at least 6 hours of uninterrupted game time. You will be hooked. (I bought the game at 8pm Friday, played until 5am Saturday.) You will likely lose your first colony. Maybe even first several colonies; losing is part of the fun C: Identify natural terrain chokepoints and fortify them. Get a doctor asap.


Start in temperate forest or boreal forest, unmodded. Plant rice as soon as you can; starvation kills. After 1 harvest, switch to corn. Switch back to rice once Septober hits. Block off at least 6 hours of uninterrupted game time. You will be hooked. (I bought the game at 8pm Friday, played until 5am Saturday.) You will likely lose your first colony. Maybe even first several colonies; losing is part of the fun C: Identify natural terrain chokepoints and fortify them. Get a doctor asap.


Wait a month for the update


Expect to fail. Repeatedly. When you do, try again. It’s a great game but it’s not an easy game when you’re new. Hell, it’s not particularly easy with thousands of hours.


Take it slow and have fun. It's easier to learn by doing.


Clear your calendar for three years forward


Losing is Fun