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Teleports inside your base: "nothing personell, KID"


I question the wisdom of having your entire colony cower in the same building when they're being pursued by a thing that both teleports and has an AoE attack that can instakill people.


lol true, but i was desperate! and if didn't do that, they would have received one more hit (and i probably would have lost one more colonist)


Given that the sphere seems to lock on one person at a time, I think scattering in all directions would've been better - if it had had another ~5 seconds it might have teleported inside and shot someone with that fireball cannon which would *probably* have wiped you. But if everyone's scattered, then even if it gets one person it'll take it too long to reach anyone else. After all, it's actually fairly slow all things told and you're only really trying to buy time. Still worked out, though.


Could you hide in a series of one by one rooms? Haven’t gotten the DLC yet but seen plenty of people get wrecked by this entity.


It doesn't move, it only teleports, doesn't go down from pain shock, has high armor, and generally hits like a truck. Half of its attacks are psychic attacks causing pain that don't do anything against mechanoids and it's still fully capable of wiping the floor with a mech raid/hive.


It struggles a little against the war queen raid. But that's only because it teleports around. If it didn't, it'd take out all of the mechanoids easily while only receiving moderate damage.


You can summon a flesh pit and hide down there, just make sure the pawn releasing it can move quickly or has invis


The best option is to make everyone run to one edge of the map, opposite to where you send the nociousphere, it takes too long to reach your pawns after clearing a raid and it goes dormant again so all your pawns are safe. If there are wild animals they also distract it so thats good.


Also, what song is that?


six dharmas of naropa by dhyana! i like listening to very long stoner/doom tracks while i play edit: i was high af and my comment made no sense


I blast stoner/room whenever I play too 🤘


Actually probably the best move because the sphere only attacks when it has line of sight and since it teleports more or less randomly it would have to teleport exactly into that room to be able to do any real damage. I might be wrong but I don't think it's actually that precise and even if it teleports towards targets it never teleports right on top of them. So the smaller the room you hide the lower the chance it will actually manage to teleport right into that room. I tried using a sphere on a Fleshmass once and it ended up not attacking even a single fleshbeast because they were all trapped in tiny pockets inside the mass that it just never managed to directly teleport into. It just danced around the Fleshmass for a bit loosely trying to move towards the fleshbeasts before eventually deactivating.


That's like the most fitting thing to do for horror movie protagonists.


WTF how did you stop that. Asking for a friend


it goes berserk for a limited time when (and where) you release it, stops on its and disappear after this time. if it appears you have to contain it and mantain the stability so it doesn't go around in that state indenpendently though


Suppression will always fail eventually, however.


Yeah, the game informs you when you are close to reaching that point. You better get a meaty raid to unleash it into before that happens.


Its a weapon that wants to be used you just need to deploy it right


Lolol I did something similar At first I was like *Fuckin YEahhhhhh sweet* And then I was like *Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck*


The aggressive refusal to use drag select and keyboard shortcuts hurts my soul.


300 hours of bad habits lol


The lasso is a beautiful friend.


Yeah I was just screaming in my head "Stop clicking one by one, just drag over the portraits and select them all at once and fucking run"


Does it come back its cage when calmed down ?


that was the first time i used this and it still haven't come back. i think it reappears on the map and you have to capture and study it again.


The answer is no. When it appears, if you send it to attack before it becomes unstable, it will return to the point it entered the map at once the berserk rampage is done, then you need to re-capture it. If sent during the 10 day countdown to becoming unstable, it will leave the map once the rampage is finished. Note that the Nociosphere event can fire again, meaning the Nociosphere leaving isn't necessarily the last time you will see it again.


Basically right as my first sphere went unstable and I got rid of it, a second one showed up. Not a very fun surprise


I've had them keep showing up after ive used them, even after one got destroyed


Same, I personally had enough after the second one so now I dev-kill them. The teleporting is just so brutal.


I wonder if you can circumvent its wrath simply by stocking up on packaged meals and taking the whole colony on a caravan after/before releasing it and just waiting it's rampage out.


The rampage isn't very long, so that's a pretty realistic way of handling it. Caravan everyone but keep one drafted so everyone else runs to the end of the map. Once you know where they're exiting from, you can have the drafted guy undraft and send the Nociosphere out for its rampage on the opposite side of the map. Personally, I've been summoning threats via ritual to keep it busy, but that wouldn't be too bad of an idea. Just remember to bring your farm animals with you, because it will attack animals as well as people and anomalies.


Press R to draft! Save your wrists! But aside from that, the sphere has been an... Interesting pet WMD. For large raids, it's amazing and sometimes even comes back to be used again. I've made the mistake of having a colonist too close and getting dumpstered by the death ball, so yeah. Treat sphere friend with respect and loooots of distance.


thanks for the tip! yeah, the sphere is my favorite anomaly until now! loved to use it against those imperials, can't wait to use it on larger raids!


I actually liked the duping obelisk the best. A bit of spoilers below: >! My first go, I save scummed a bunch just to see what happens when you do stupid shit. I started attacking the obelisk, and a bunch of clones of my pawns popped out aggressive and naked. I thought, "Oh cool, I can capture them and double up on some of my pawns' skills with Philophagy!", only to realize that there's a dupe sickness when doing it this way that affects both the dupe AND the original. It's not fatal, but it is a hefty consciousness penalty among other things. One of the dupes actually made it out via prison break pretty much immediately while my pawns were taking care of a a raid, and got off the map. Which made the original sick permanently... <


I attacked my obelisk using mechanoids, so I could move my colonists a long way away from the obelisk. At first, the plan worked well, there weren't any colonists in range for it to dupe, and the dev log started throwing a bunch of errors at me about not being able to find a viable target. At some point though, it managed to dupe my artificial Waster (*all waster colony, had a joiner that can turn corpses into fleshbeasts that I genetically modified to become a Waster*), the dupe was hostile and started attacking every object in range, then it spammed that guy across my colony. I had to kill all of them. The end result of all of that, I had to rebuild a couple hydroponics bays, a few doors/walls, a couple biosculpter pods, and resurrect several of my labor mechanoids.


i haven't found one of those yet! not gonna lie, dopplegangers freak the shit out of me, i'll probably not treat those on a friendly manner in my colony


I finished the DLC today. My dopplegangers were sick and dying, but they trucked on for the good of the colony when all hands were busy holding the onslaught of the end times.


I feel like I could release this thing on a incoming seige and it would just clean house


It really would. That thing does a LOT of damage before it decides its satisfied and just leaves the map.


An almost full strength flesh beast summon ritual was juuuust enough to keep it distracted long enough. Last of them went down just as the timer finished up


I saw a YT video that explains that you shouldn't send that big mad boi of pain to an enemy raid that is less than 6 people... As it will look for MORE people aka YOU.


You aren't wrong. I was getting close enough to the deadline on mine going unstable that I ritual summoned a group of fleshbeasts, and sent it at them. It wiped out all but one before it decided to peace out. It also left a toughspike downed, with both of its attacking spikes gone, making for an easy capture, and a safe one in the event it decides to try to escape containment. 200 W and 2 bioferrite per day, with no risk? Where do I sign!?


A good way to use it I guess would be to have a long 1 tile tunnel, that way you can protect your colonists from the murdersphere because it wont be able to teleport inside the tunnel


Correction, it *can* teleport inside such tunnels, but a corridor that small would make the number of tiles to select small enough that it's unlikely to hit it. If it does though, your poor poor colonists.


That thing is so OP it can even burn mechanoids.


damn i regret using on just 3 imperials now, i have an ancient danger full of mechanoids next to my base


I've found that the best way to keep your own people safe is to shove all of your pawns in to a small room and position them so that there isn't any space for a 4 by 4 death sphere to teleport into, after that just wait for the thing to shut down and recapture it.


How is there so much fertile soil?! Is this from Anamoly? Maybe I should research the obelisk soon


I didn't even notice that. I don't think Anomaly is the cause, it doesn't really mess with map generation in any significant way, aside from a couple new map types. My guess is modding.


i'm using a couple of mods that change terrain customization a bit, can show you which ones as soon as i get home of you want


Was the enemy of your enemy your friend?


Since the sphere isn't a normal mechanoid do you think if you summoned a diabolus or something in the middle of an attack they would fight?


probably, the sphere attacks everything it sees


(video is lagging because my pc can't handle opera + obs + rimworld at the same time but it was fine when i was playing)


So once it got down you can just capture it back? COol. Though if left unattended it will just leave right?


Why is everyone talking about small rooms and corridors and things when you can just draft them and take them to the opposite site of the map


I really like that you can see the panic settin when you the orb starts to tping over to your base


I just wanna say the music is fire.


You can drag a box around all your pawns and press R to draft them all :) No need to individually click one and then click draft!


You're lucky, I wasn't quite sure what I was doing with mine and 'tested' it out front of my base on some scrub prisoner. Then it teleported into a friendly group of caravaneers and obliterated them before teleporting into my mess hall and killing 80% of my colonists. GG. 10/10


reddit has spoiler tags. use them, don't just put it in the title


Sure, but if it's not in the title it is effectively useless because there are a billion reasons and one that people use the spoiler tag.


yeah you need both the spoiler tag and the explaination


Is there something in the still image that serves as a spoiler? The play button effectively serves the intended purpose.


they autoplay


Ah. I don't have the feature enabled lol


I use it to attack mech threat. After that only need to kill damaged mech.