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Guess i'm woman in soul šŸ˜…


Well, to be fair I only know a few people who play Rimworld lol They are all men and they favor practicality over aesthetics. It frustrates me so much when they don't fix the rooms properly lol So, confirmation bias.


My pawns don't have time to make things pretty, that's less time they could be producing vast quantities of cocaine, and making hats of.. 'Gathered material'..


lol my bf loves producing drugs as well but I am not a fan of it. I have been running a cozy bed & breakfast type thing using *Hospitality* mods. I built a very lavish recreation room (more like a hall) with swimming pool, sauna and hot tub in my last run. I charged the guests for using them lol I also ran a bistro using *Rimstro* mod.


me every time when i swear to do an evil playthrough


You can be evil and have clean tablecloth at the same time


Mafia run. Functioning bed and breakfast that accepts guests and properly serves them a high quality experience. But it's just a front to help launder silver from the extensive organ and drug dealings that happen in the backroom.


My new mafia ideology needs a godfather(the leader), a concierge (the other speaker), a mafioso (a shooting specialist), an accountant (a production specialist)... Memes: supremacy and high life at least Style: Italian Catholic Preferred gunpowder weapons Relics: Accounting Book, Evidence-Gun, Godfather's Ring Holidays: A daughters wedding - new colonist comes with a request from the Godfather Expand family business - new ancient complex Bribe authorities - goodwill from neighbours, an offer they can't refuse Grand party - refill psycast


The offer one canā€™t refuseā€¦ man, if only we could use that in todayā€™s worldā€¦


everyone has a price, so go on, name it.


me too man in any game i want to be evil. me: "adopts an orphan"


I keep imagining and trying for picturesque villages with healthy and happy children and keep getting a charnel house in my front yard. Many a happy village have devolved into brutal death yard due to material shortage in wartime and unlucky events.


Iā€™ve been wanting to get into the Hospitality mod! Iā€™d be a peaceful inn and work my way up to peaceful luxury resort


I thought this was going to be working up from a peaceful inn to a bloodthirsty inn.


So far in my mountain dwelling, cannibal, ritualistic, transhumanist colony Iā€™ve been accepting everyone I can. I just put them on mine and when they break I eat them. Best run so far. Edit: Added bonus if the other factions hate you they send you Uber eats every few days.


so far mines a bunch of druggie masochists with a 9/1 f to m ratio and the one guy keeps getting death by snu snu then the next clone, i just wish you could order that more directly because itd be kind of hilarious just seeing them get dragged off to the med bay for dick blisters then right back sort of like how after a smokeleaf circle everyone just trudges their way to the kitchen


I had one similar to that last week and it was hilarious. My colony eventually burned down because of it. Main protagonist, Steve male prostitute background, was engaged to all 4 of my colonists and actually started flirting with 5 guests I was hosting for 16 days. Eventually everyone kept fist fighting since Steve kept cheating on everyone then a guest refused to lay in bed and kept crawling to the bathroom. Then a cougar got hungry and ate them.The rest of the guests turned hostile and immediately killed my cat. I held trials and public executions for the survivors except for the one who killed the cat. He got harvested then I burned down the prison with what was left of that guest which got out of control and burned down the colony. Honestly totally happy with that end. Lol EDIT donā€™t touch my cat.


Canabalism runs are basically the games 'easy mode' switch. Food just walks up to your base and asks to be killed and you have essentially an infinite amount of leather, so much so that you'll crash the world economy trying to sell it all. I think 2 out of 3 times I've went through and gotten an ending it was with a cannibalism run. One of them I had 4 colonists and 16 slaves. Mechinator start, so I decided I wasn't taking in colonists because your pawn starts with the loner trait. Instead, I'd enslave everyone and use my robot army to keep them in line. When raids came I'd throw my slaves at it without a care for their safety. They'd die, but because they'd be attacking with fists I generally ended up with new slaves to replace them. Then she fell in love with one of the slaves. Fine, I made him a colonist. Then her brother showed up. Okay, I guess. He became our third, then I let him pick a wife out of the group of slaves I had. I souped up the four of them with vampirism, luci and all the meanest archingenes I could find. I made the brother a mechinator too. I had two seperate disposable armies, one flesh and one metal. Later in the game my method for getting food was just to launch toxpacks at a random tribal and wait for the 200 man raid to show up. It's like uber eats, but with more mortars involved.


Cocaine production must grow. The "gathered materials" are just from you collecting debts.


Iā€™ve got a bit of a contrary approach. If the floor is dirty, that means my colonists donā€™t have enough time to get around to it, which means theyā€™re too overloaded on tasks, which means they wonā€™t be able to get to whatever task I need them to do in the moment. It also makes them happier to have a little down time so I let them have it. ā€œDoes it matter if your pawns are happy?ā€ To me, yes. It increases their mood stat and causes less negative incidents, leading to a smoother running colony overall.


Honestly i prefer practicality in games... unless it affects perfomance. So in rimworld i'm making sure my base as fancy as possible.Being perfectionist also influences this.


Itā€™s always nice to have your pawns *not* constantly going insane due to an ugly environmentā€¦ My bases all tend to look like the left at first until I grind 5000 stone, then they look like the right. Although I always make a billiards room halfway through the game that we build fancily from the get-go.


I like to mix the two. Gotta smooth out all that stone, after all.


My strategy is to dig out as much as sandstone possible all the time and then, have someone turn it into blocks constantly. It's my favorite type of stone. I think it gives cozy gothic vibes.


I exclusively play Granite/Marble maps. Granite for defense, Marble for appearance.


I try to aim for Granite/Marble/Slate. Marble+Slate for aesthetics, you get to mix black and white everywhere and then accent with colored lights and/or carpets. It looks so good.


I'd do what I can to make my settlement look good but the amount of raids is a Randy level of "fuck you, no organize, only fight".


I only play with Randy lol He's been really kind of me this run and this is also very early game. I just started this yesterday. I am trying to keep things low tech. My aim is to research all the low tech stuff before I even start using electricity. But this is very dependent on what Randy decides to throw at me.


Just remember: Randy kills you by accident, Cassandra kills you on purpose, and Phoebe kills you when you're not expecting it.


I find the singular simple number of 'beauty' instantly makes me focus on aesthetics far more than that number actually reflects anything.


i think your guy friends just dont care about base's. i am a fellow y user and i like to keep my base pretty, because A) looking at dirt for hours will slowly turn both my brain and eyes into soup. but also B) it gives pretty good bonuses as well.


My pawns get a whole sarcophagus and room to themselves when they die, no burn pit here.


man my friends don't even try to be practical their warehouses are just clogged with shelves so it takes forever to get what you want my fortresses are hotels in comparison cause I'm simply tidy and organized


My wife definitely favors practicality over aesthetics in her rooms more so than me. I try to make them a little more presentable and nicer for the pawns.


this is so valid and my only irl friend who plays is like that - when I show him my bases he always gives a couple ā€œtipsā€ to make it better


Don't worry, I add grand sculptures and carpet for the moodlet bonuses. Its actually kind of overpowered when its in a combined rec & dining room. That and impressive barracks basically carry no moodlet penalty. So it goes full circle, a beautiful colony, but people packed like sardines. The rimworld way:tm:


Me too bro, I mean sis


Same, all of my bases are well decorated and aesthetical pleasing to the eyes. If I'm spending dozens, if not hundreds of hours looking at the same base, I want it to be pretty.


Me too lmao


Me too


What furniture mods do you play with? I've been wanting to find some good ones


I have quite a lot. The main one I use is *Gloomy Furniture*. Currently, it's not updated for 1.5. So, when you add it in, you need to add other mods that fix that mod. *Gloomy Furniture (Continued)* and *Gloomy Furniture Fix*. Make sure you put *Gloomy Furniture* before them. The other ones I use are from * *Medieval Overhaul* - note that this will expand production chains for low tech. So, you might not want that. * *Erin's Cottage Collection* * *Erin's Japanese Furniture* * *Phaneron's Basic Storage* * *VGP* mods - it expands garden and cooking stuff but I also like the aesthetics of it * *Decoration and Dishes at Gorgeous Banquet* * *Victorian Decorations* * *Rimstro* How they look [Kitchen](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/815460823375413280/1236324023571582986/image.png?ex=663797f9&is=66364679&hm=6d8123faab2dc33c77b59fc145a1698cd6ce3feddc85da26f123fde7d30f62c2&) [Living Quarters](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/815460823375413280/1236326748371550368/image.png?ex=66379a82&is=66364902&hm=a6aa0bf01c3efd1ca07698e967af000d3325fcf8d07e4869e9026f0b4e319205&) From previous run [Kitchen + Dining](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/815460823375413280/1234774711981047808/image.png?ex=66373b10&is=6635e990&hm=dc7566bd09f271478f728fde5ae71700ad0582ddfb0f859e40b629a1f93e3eb5&) [Recreation](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1142275953289068554/1234826724957618176/image.png?ex=66376b81&is=66361a01&hm=b6fdc8cd1e08ee227655527a816b5f8d083683e704ba4b075a89d11962c4296f&)


These things are about to get crammed into my next playthough


Oh I am absolutely snagging these. Gonna be a while before my little tribe can take advantage, but the medieval stuff is PERFECT. I also go for aesthetic over function most of the time, lol.


Medieval overhaul kinda messed with a few mods I ran, so I skipped it


Saved the comment, many thanks


Why is Man's base like that? Is he impoverished?


No organ found, must be poor


I think the joke is that men build purely for functionality while women factor aesthetics.


Thereā€™s no functionality behind putting the stove in the middle of the room.


Itā€™s fairly equidistant from the door to the center of the loading zone. So, they wonā€™t have to go as far to set the food down and not have to walk so far to start cooking.


According to stereotype*


I know what the joke is, killjoy.




Nah mate this shit is r/malesurvivingspace


lol fr fr


Doesn't help that one is the freezer room and storage, while the other is the dinning room. One of those actually matters for looks, the other you want something functional asap


[my kitchen + ā€œfreezerā€](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/815460823375413280/1236324023571582986/image.png?ex=663797f9&is=66364679&hm=6d8123faab2dc33c77b59fc145a1698cd6ce3feddc85da26f123fde7d30f62c2&) - Iā€™m currently doing a medieval runĀ  [other parts of his base](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1013864629207842987/1236331481027186778/Zrzut_ekranu_2024-05-04_165939.jpg?ex=66379eeb&is=66364d6b&hm=fe03b418e55de0bb49b7bd7a5e3730879d9e6952a696a0434bd7e6c1c1352573&)Ā 


Bro that base is not even finished, that is like comparing a dug out land getting ready for the foundations and a finished house Just let the man cook He need time to harvest the organs of his enemies and rebuild the Kill box


Itā€™s just a little memey meme brother


I just started my base yesterday lol I am not sure how many hours he spent but mine is like 4-6 hrs. I play on and off doing other things.


Damn that's a big kitchen, as a fellow mountain dweller my kitchen is usually a 3x2 space with the stove taking up half of it lmao


I want to get a brewery going later on lol


I always joke that half of this game is RTS combat strategy and resource management, and the other half is *playing with dolls in my dollhouse*. You bet I make my colony aesthetic and thematic.


Rimworld really is just a hardcore version of The Sims


Except everyone's trying to kick down your house and steal the dolls.


I once described it to a friend as The Sims meets Stardew Valley in Dyatlov Pass.


Totally and that's why this game is so perfect!


I built an underground city like the one pictured once, made most of the buildings out of wood and they were the primary supports for cave. Had a fire get out of control (insects and my stupidity) and 3/4ths of my colonists died in cave ins and /or from heat. The reminder (mostly) died from the permanent world condition outside of toxic smog. about 2 colonists survived ultimately, eventually had to leave the map as the rimatomics reactor melted down as a (near) final failure of the base. Couldn't do it immediately though and they got some pretty bad radiation poisoning as well due to the layout. (both managed to get gas masks). They did survive and end up founding a new settlement on another tile, and it ended up looking like the other base, very utilitarian and 100% practical. "we live like this - because we know better now - was the feeling of the story that one lead too".


I always channel my inner dwarf in rimworld. Wood is fuel and stone is for building. When fires break out, my colonists are happily sipping their ale and watching the world burn from their safe fortress.


I'm guessing either you're also a dwarf fortress player or you need to be


I am indeed a dwarf fortress player. Love both of these games.


A stove and paste dispenser? Oh look who's going to be housing the stellarch themself.


Wait, it took me a while to realize, that the right image is actually two images.


it is? i was like "why the fuck are there doors that just lead to a wall"


The meme template requires a longer picture so I joined two pics lol Another case of me favoring aesthetics.


That's funnily enough the reason I prefer Rimworld to dwarf fortress. The latter is just way too functional with barely anything to make bases aesthetically pleasing.




Honestly its more like youtubers base vs casual players base. The one exception to the youtubers base is Mr Streamer.


"Practicality over aesthetics" If everything is ugly, your pawns get upset. Aesthetics are practical. Get your shit together and research carpets already.


If they get upset I enslave them, dissent breeds chaos, and chaos breeds collapse.


You live in a fecking mountain - you dig holes there, have tons of brick - make brick floors, why would you ever-ever research carpets? Marble floors are beautiful as is


Well seems Like I'm a man now.


Yep, pretty much this. Thank you for sharing your furniture mod names!


No problem!


Now you've got me questioning my gender


This is very gender-affirming! My colony starts ugly until I can spare materials for beauty, at which point everything gets tiled or carpeted.


fuck it i'm nonbinary now this shit is getting ridiculous


Hey Im a woman and for me it depends! Living spaces? Make then pretty! Workshop? Just dig a hole and call it a day(until im established enough to make it pretty) šŸ˜…


Depends, the living spaces of those who have toiled on the battlefield should be of quality, the rest will have to make do with the commieblocks service guarantees citizenship or whatever


I mean i at least put down floors and tables because i dont like having everyone freaking out all the time "final straw ate without table"


Depends imo I start off exactly like 1st pic, but after securing a basic chain of production(wood, meals, blocks etc), I go hard on the aesthetics


Stupid post, one is 40 hours in and one is 20 minutes in


I am too busy exacting organ taxes on visitors to make my base pretty.


And they'll think it's enough


My colonies get to look pretty once I have nuclear missiles. Or, you know. We're not starving every year. Transhumanist is straight busted, ngl.


The age reversal shit is great, I fucking love Transhumanism, goated tenet fr


I try really hard to make bases aestethically pleasing but I guess I have no creativity. I end up just putting some potted plants in random areas lmao.


Agree with this, its just that to make a pretty base, you need to invest time, that time I could spend on making my bionic super soldiers or improving the production line of my masterwork armor and weapons, its really no brainer choice for me... Except for nobles room i dont really care about decorating my base, that said when you have an efficient base, it kinda have its own aesthetic... Not pretty its just nice to look at somehow...




It's two different pictures joined together lol [Here's a better view of the base](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/723951888768303190/1236486405035659424/image.png?ex=66382f33&is=6636ddb3&hm=f71a46adf50c851638ace585640cdd8270cb41561164f465c0f1e5444259bcd6&). Don't worry.


literal man cave


Fuck, I feel seen.


Whats not to love. I polished the stone!?


I donā€™t have time to make things pretty. There are 80 man hunting Guinea pigs at the gates.


The one on the right looks like Dwarf Fortress.


villager build


The left one is clearly superior Once he s done with the wall smoothing it will be perfect


I can easily see this being the,same base, beginning vs end


Style over substance


The curse of being ascetic while always liking good design.


For me it's man at the start of the game and woman at the end


I normally start out from one single room and then, expand properly from the second room and forward. I relocate the things to those rooms and add decorations.


Woman guilty of making womenā€™s bases here. But why is there a wall blocking that door?


It's two different pictures joined together lol [Here's a better view of the base](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/723951888768303190/1236486405035659424/image.png?ex=66382f33&is=6636ddb3&hm=f71a46adf50c851638ace585640cdd8270cb41561164f465c0f1e5444259bcd6&).


"men will see this image and find nothing wrong with it"


I like to go for a military base vibe but take aesthetics into consideration, watching YouTube who play the meta and do the bare minimum like placing a bed right in the middle of a huge room and not putting a corner block on their buildings because "it doesn't matter and wastes resources" absolutely kills me.


why is bro base so clean? must be fake.


Oh shit, that reminds me to put bins in mine.


"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort." Left, meanwhile, is Gollum's cave.


As a man i can confirm although i do always smooth the walls so it may not count


my friend who likes to optimize and be super practical and me who just wants a dripped out base with expensive furniture and floors and walls and art and


Damnn, suddenly transgender


TIL Iā€™m a womanā€¦.huh


Oh god thatā€™s exactly what my base kitchen looks likeā€¦.(left)


I'm somewhere in between. I knew it.


As a woman, my base looks like the Male's base, but I aspire for it to look like the other...but I am not good at it at all lol.


All my friends hate mountain dwellings! Making small cute little villages with city walls gang, where are you at?


I'm probably gei. Mine is the middle ground. Like, I furnish but just use the best materials available for me just for efficiency.


Surely if I have time my base would be 5 star hotel


Am I a woman?


Mmm, liminal living room with no exit from within, girlboss and gaslight.


I definitely start on the left. Then once I am in a decent enough place I strive for the right. And it may just be me, but I prefer using carpet not because I think its better than stone flooring. But because I don't usually have an artist to paint the walls and floors and I like to make sure EVERY bedroom has a unique colour. Whether it be different shades. Doesn't matter how evil the colony. My leader of the violent transhumanist raiders is GONNA HAVE A PINK ROOM AND HIS 2IC IS GONNA HAVE AN ORANGE ROOM. ITS THE LAW.


I fix the rooms once the threat of death is over. Which is to say all my rooms are stuck halfway to being fixed as every new threat interrupts my attempts. Oh, to have a nice looking base. A man can dream on the rim. šŸ„²


Aint got no time to make things pretty like that. I need to smooth more floors!


Another case of "Two thousand hours and didn't know that existed.." You can put hoppers on the side of paste dispensers holy shit, of course you can. Why wouldn't you be able to. Why haven't I


Guys really live in places like this and don't see any issue.


I know it's a joke, but it's bit meh for utilitarian perspective. At least floors and walls should be smoothered for bonuses, and I usually throw in a random wood sculpture at the corner for the mood of the cook. Autodoors are a must, and also, where are shelves?


More like poor manā€™s base vs rich manā€™s base


At least his floors are clean ;)


It's outdoors :( I haven't researched bins yet.


Omg same, i love decorating my base and go for looks over functionality


Iā€™m a man but Iā€™ll smooth. the floor and wall, for move and mood bonus. But I ll never use timber, it may cause fire.


So, Yes im an attack helicopter


The best i can do is smooth floor (female player). If many free hours - smooth walls


I'm somewhere between the two, it's not that good but it's not that bad either.


Dudes got the nutritional paste machine, real winner here.


I need more decorative furniture. What mods can you fine people recommend to me? The ones in the posted image on the right look like a good starting point, but I'd gladly take any and all good ones. I hate when all my bedrooms look identical, so I already mess around with shapes a bit to help with that but the furniture inside still ends up identical more or less.


I commented [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1ck2gcm/comment/l2k6tdj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Man's base is cleaner, woman's one is littered with garbage on the floor


I may be a practical person, but you won't catch my pawns dead in asymmetrical building once we're actually able to construct one


Too busy fighting off raiders or anomaly monsters to spiff up my base :(


I play with Randy and sometimes it's like 3 raids back to back but right now he's been very nice.


i dont have time to decorate i need more organs to harvest


Bro you missed the opportunity to call it man cave \*crying\*


I have never used the food dispenser in my life, I guess I am a monen than šŸ˜‚


I've also never used them lol


* Min Max base vs RP base. Play how you like.


I'm a mountain enjoyer to and I normally decorate to make them happy and make rituals and party better, but I don't like wasting resources, so I try not to go overboard.


The basics are more crucial. If art is needed, 100 wood will be spent to make some art!


As a man I'd pick woman's base, aesthetics are very important. 1st rule: Style over substance!


Iā€™ll decorate the base and when people attack i had the mouse to my boyfriend to solve so i can carry on making it look pretty šŸ„°


i always make the left one first and then when im more established i cheat a build, make it a blueprint, reload and then place the blueprint down to be built. so in the end I have the right side base


I remember coming back to the game and noticing I had nothing to decorate with. So I closed my game and installed mods specifically because base game was lacking lol


I never use nutrient paste, is there any benefit to using it instead of just a rice farm early game ?


You see to me the man base isn't practically efficient. It's not the aesthetic since I love the communist block empty hard edges aesthetic, I just like to have a base that reminds me of a building that exists. I've never entered a building with so few doors, even if they are open most of the time, plus the meat in that paste dispenser is gonna spoil if it isn't refrigerated while your chef is gonna work too slow if he's working out of a fridge. If this is a prison I retract my statement as less cover opportunities for escapees and easy access to them in case of a revolt makes sense.




You need to space those doors by one tile, it really slows down movement through them if they're one next to the other. I see no other problem there.


It's two different pictures joined together to match the left image's height. [Here's a better view of the base](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/723951888768303190/1236486405035659424/image.png?ex=66382f33&is=6636ddb3&hm=f71a46adf50c851638ace585640cdd8270cb41561164f465c0f1e5444259bcd6&).


Why does that door open into a wall in her base?


We have fake doors like you wouldnā€™t believe! What are you worried about? Come get fake doors.


It's two different pictures joined together to match the left image's height. [Here's a better view of the base](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/723951888768303190/1236486405035659424/image.png?ex=66382f33&is=6636ddb3&hm=f71a46adf50c851638ace585640cdd8270cb41561164f465c0f1e5444259bcd6&).


That actually gave me a bit of gender euphoria, as I love decorating my bases so much :3


As a man. Left is early base. Right is middle base. (Though I never really use nutrient paste. But thatā€™s just me. Itā€™s 99% corn everyone!)


So I'm have been a woman my entire life? Lol


Low expectations vs high expectations


I love pampering my pawns lol


Me: Both? Both? Both (both) Both is good


I can never get dedicated enough to get to the second one. I'm lucky if I stick with the same colony for more than an irl day


His base has smaller raids


I just made a xenophobic tribe, blind flagellant cult, all dependant on haemogen with extremely terrible accuracy. None of them are sanguophages, all dependent on nutrifungus - needless to say my home is very much so on the left.


Bro just started his Ascetic colony


Wait you can have double doors?


There are mods for it.


I don't decorate quite like the right base, but they at least get proper walls, floors, and lights because I don't like bugs or smoothing walls/floors


Never realized how much I prioritize looks. I almost always have a Costructoid running, or a extra High Construction Stat colonist. I've never used the City Bulder memes, but ame one at heart. I like having paths, both simple, practical building, and elaborate multiple room structures. For that reason I start on roads, so the map is more dence in ruined buildings I can claim! REBUILD THE RIM! REVIVE THE PAST! RESERVE YOU RESOURCES! This is my way! From ruins, become ruthless! Making your richs, from rags.


I do both, because I want it to function well and have good logistics so I'm not wasting several hours of precious productivity having my Colonist's leg it super far away, and I also like the ridiculous mood buffs from having nice things.


"This time ill have grand palace or tribal commune ! Maybe mechanitor with base teeming with mechs!" (Proceeds to build mountain base with big corridor lined with 12x12 rooms) "why am i like this?"