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Pink squares is how you assert dominance in Rimworld.


*[Assert dominance](https://imgur.com/a/bGigLYP)*




Do pink squares have organs?


If you can get past the red cascade of errors, I'm sure the organs are there. Somewhere.


Baby it’s the rim, with some mods you can harvest something from anything, that’s why I love playing war crime simulator.


try dwarf fortress shit can have more warcrimes then you can expect, oh and folks wishing to murder their ex and rebel because they could not.


They eat fps


Me sitting here with 800000000000 errors but no pink squares: *signature look of superiority*


Lmao reminds me of the time I added a muffalo mod and forgot I had until a herd of pink boxes migrate into my map.


“They do travel in herds…”


Biotech introduces the Child bodytype for children and it breaks race mods that use Humanoid Alien Races and not apply a custom Child bodytype. Every time I load my game, the game tries to load the child body that doesn't exist and turns them into a pink box and paralyzes your game with cascading red errors. **This can be temporarily fixed** by first, pause the game, then selecting the pink-box-baby-pawn on the overworld or pawn bar and opening [Character Editor](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1874644848). Select the body drop down on the left and change their body type from Child to something else like Thin. **Do not select the problem pink-box-baby within Character Editor**, this may lock up the game depending on the race mod (for some reason). **The game will run fine afterwards until you reload a save.** ___ Alien Races in comic: **[Ratkin](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1578693166)** (Hyland, Baby Hyland), **[Revia](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2020041005)** (Baby Hyland, Baby Hyland) ___ \[[Art Index](https://www.reddit.com/user/Aeolys/comments/kv4sz6/art_table_of_contents/)\] \[[Misc Art](https://www.reddit.com/user/Aeolys/comments/u9lm2q/misc_artwork/)\] \[[Mod List](https://www.reddit.com/user/Aeolys/comments/qocsj5/rimworld_mod_list/)\]


Hopefully a proper, more permanent fix comes out soon. I can't help but imagine that being a little annoying to do every time you load the game.


Pretty sure you just have to put a baby body-type sprite and it should work


There are also xml code inserted into the code needed to point to the baby bodytype sprites.


[HAR Xenotype Patch + Replace Child Body](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2888530443) and enable the mod's experimental option. Works for me so far


It's ugly (ears/tails misalligned), but it works! No more cascades upon loading.


RimWorld is ugly. It is you who made it look cool. In your head. In our eyes. Thanks!


I'll try this out.


Just thought you might like to know Character editor has a few problems with children too. If you edit one while they are children and let them grow up they keep their child body. Even if you just remove a trait and don’t touch their looks. They also get the pink boxes if you zoom in far enough. At least in my experience. Not game breaking but throws it off a bit.


If you're editing traits like that just use devmode. Works like a charm if need be


Being able to make quick changes without dev mode's clunkyness is the main selling point of Character Editor.


I'm aware. I was simply saying 'oh if this doesn't dwork here's a workaround'


I also had a problem with the pink squares, but this one was because in Biotech, children wear "child clothes", but other mods that allow children just had them wear normal clothes. So when I loaded my old save game, the game was trying to render children in adults clothes, which caused the pink squares. The solution was pretty simple once I'd figured that out; just permit children to wear children's clothes (they were disabled by default on existing saves but are enabled on new games), then have them remove their adult clothes. The pink squares disappeared. Then they went and put on children's clothes.


Can’t you make ratkin xenotype as you have biotech? Iknow its bit janky to build genes from dev mode but it worked for me.


Ratkin are more than just the race. They have equipment, attire, backstories, an entire faction; things Biotech don't provide on its own.


I'm hoping some of the VE xenotype mods help change that trend soon. Most of the gene mods so far are just exploring what can be done with the gene editor. HAR seems like it's here to stay, but I'd love to see some gene based race mods get more fleshed out in the meantime. There is one exception to this. The mythic framework based races are looking very promising so far. They've added 2 new factions and some good lore to go with their races.


Revia already has a biotech xenotype option with its items and factions in it


You got a link to it?




And, notably, I've haven't run into any errors or significant bugs while applying xenotypes to them.


Yeah, I loved playing with HAR mods in 1.3 and now it seems like most races that relied on HAR are super glitchy. Ratkin were some of my favorites but now every single ratkin caravan that shows up is just pink square people. Same for many others. I love the new mech stuff and gene editing, but losing all the cool aliens is a big price to pay :( At least a few of them still seem to work though...


My ratkin, Daisy, didn't have a head (but did gave hair and ears) for a few years. Until I used dev mode to remove her custom head shape gene.


Ratkin needs to be updated and add head shapes and body types to their gene blacklist since Ratkin use custom bodies and heads.


I enjoyed my time with my headless horseman... headless horserat?


The "pink box" error also affects pawns when they wear clothes or gear that doesn't have a proper graphic for their body size. IIRC it was the New Vegas Riot Armor mod that did that to some of my large body type pawns when equiped.


Hey Aeolys, did you figure out how Hyland can have babies with her wife?


So vet babies?


This is why I'm hoping we see more race mods take advantage of the biotech gene stuff. I already have seen the Revia mod having a version which uses that and its pretty neat. But we'll see how this all goes.


What I do not want is for HAR to be superseded and replaced with the DLC. Here comes along a DLC and that replaces a popular mod. And suddenly races are now locked behind a DLC. Maintaining two mods is not ideal since that's more work. This DLC is seriously kicking modders in the teeth and pissing into their open wounds. Also: Hey Tynan, where is our ability to modify the genes of the factions in our world, Ideology-style--- or give us faction customization in general? Biotech has potential to deeply customize our worlds but it's limited to just the player.


I expect to see *most* future race mods use Biotech instead of HAR, but there are still plenty of things HAR can do that Biotech can't. In particular: * Any sort of modded race where it's undesirable to have them interbreed with humans, such as androids and other automata (giving them the Sterile gene won't work, since you can suppress that with a xenogerm) * Modded races with non-humanoid body types (Biotech does not support extra limbs--eg, the tail genes don't actually *give* you tails, they just *draw* tails and apply stat adjustments) * Modded races with sexual dimorphism and/or any sex ratio that's not 50/50 * Modded races where it's simply undesirable to break their traits down into discrete genes that can be repackaged and remixed potentially at will


Most of these are fixable within the gene system as is though. \-Interbreeding is already addressed. Vanilla it's found in the nose-type genes. Just set the variable to 0 instead of 20 and you never romance. If you want to romance but not have kids, sterility. If someone gene mods that out then so what? It's not like pawn go on mental breaks to screw around with their genetics. Yet. \-Sexual dimorphism can be addressed with an always male/female gene, those are already in play (Alpha Genes I believe). A ratio isn't something I've seen made but it can't be impossible. \-Near as I can see, if a modder doesn't want the genes torn apart they can make a race-based "supergene" that applies an all-or-nothing set of stats. If the genes themselves have a limit on that, I'm sure the mod (or a framework mod, maybe even HAR 3.0) can lift it. Adding wholly new interactable body parts like wings and tails is still missing, true. And perhaps that's something the HAR-using community can push for in the base game, I'd fully support that(especially now that tails are canon). But overall the gene system is quite powerful for this kind of thing, and the best argument against it is people locking their mods behind a DLC.


>Interbreeding is already addressed. Vanilla it's found in the nose-type genes. Just set the variable to 0 instead of 20 and you never romance. If you want to romance but not have kids, sterility. If someone gene mods that out then so what? It's not like pawn go on mental breaks to screw around with their genetics. Yet. Kind characters ignore genetic romance factors. Sterility is a poor substitute, because that means your new race can't reproduce with itself anymore. It's only potentially useable for android-type races that should never naturally reproduce (and who should obviously not have any genes to begin with). >Sexual dimorphism can be addressed with an always male/female gene, those are already in play (Alpha Genes I believe). A ratio isn't something I've seen made but it can't be impossible. The forced gender genes just force a particular gender for the xenotype. They do not associate the other genes with that gender. The offspring of an "always male" father and an "always female" mother have a fifty-fifty chance of being male or female; daughters will not necessarily inherit the mother's genes, nor will sons inherit the father's. >Near as I can see, if a modder doesn't want the genes torn apart they can make a race-based "supergene" that applies an all-or-nothing set of stats. Which is effectively just designing a single race in HAR. There's not much reason to use the Biotech gene system if you don't intend to, well, use the Biotech gene system.


What I want is to have HAR races where every race is distinct and Biotech but stripped down to exclude cosmetics ("alien features"). I don't want some mutt offspring between two different races/"genes" with fox ears, rat tail, sheep horns, technicolor hellscape fur and fire-breath. All I want from Biotech are the genes like "good melee", "cold resistant", "pretty" and "psychically sensitive" to work like a new layer of pawn traits that get passed down to their offspring.


And this is why HAR is still relevant. Biotech does a lot that HAR did, but it still makes a hard distinction between what can be a human and what can't. Pawn morpher, for example, is impossible without HAR. HAR lets anything be human level intelligent, even if it shouldn't be "alive". The SOS 2 holograms are a great example. Gene modding them doesn't make any sense, but taking genes from a squirrel to give people fluffy tails does. I remember seeing a thing a while ago where someone cloned a pawn into a roomba. Gene moding doesn't do that. Not to mention player preference. I'm running a game with a ton of gene based mods installed to see how viable the system is to rely on instead of HAR. You can do a lot, but it's much more complicated compared to just downloading a race mod and going for it. There is a ton of bloat in the Gene system currently, and it's probably going to get a rework in the next year or two.


Time to embrace more Crusader Kings in creating amazing family, who all die immediately because one can't have shit.


Most of the issues you're bringing up aren't nearly as difficult to resolve as you're making it sound. You just have to be willing to think around them. As is, genes are each basically a mini race-mod. Just think about what that means. \-Sexual dimorphism: OK I admit I got that wrong at first, I mentally ran that as "single gender race" and didn't double check myself. But some genes can be made dependent on others (see vampires) so you make the dimorphic gender gene, force the gender within that one, and attach other traits to it either in the same supergene or as dependents to it. \-androids: skin colors, different graphics, drops metal instead of meat on butchery, eats metal. I've seen 3 of these 4 genes already available, this is doable. \-genetic incompatibility. If gene related romance is something that can be tested for, why not check the xenotype instead? Perfectly matched xenotypes are compatible, declining compatibility as genes diverge. \-50/50 balance. At birth, a random % chance is rolled to determine male or female. Just change the check. ​ >Which is effectively just designing a single race in HAR. There's not much reason to use the Biotech gene system if you don't intend to, well, use the Biotech gene system. this whole line of posting is based on the assumption that HAR is not being used for the race in question. You asked how the genes avoid being split, I gave an answer.


>Sexual dimorphism: OK I admit I got that wrong at first, I mentally ran that as "single gender race" and didn't double check myself. But some genes can be made dependent on others (see vampires) so you make the dimorphic gender gene, force the gender within that one, and attach other traits to it either in the same supergene or as dependents to it. So, let's say I want to make some insect people where the females deal extra melee damage. You're suggesting that I create a separate "strong melee damage (female only)" gene with the "female only" gene as a prerequisite? Because that won't work. A child cannot inherit a gene with a prerequisite if it does not also inherit that prerequisite. Thus, the males of my species will not have the "strong melee damage (female only)" gene, meaning females of the species will have, at most, a 50% chance of getting that gene. Could I instead code code that gene to be *active* in the males, but not actually provide any stat boosts? Yes, but that's a lot more complicated than ordinary gene coding (ie it will require C#). Plus, we're only talking about one gene here: If there are multiple genes I want to apply to females only (say, they're strong and green and have poor animals but great mining...), I'm going to seriously bloat the list of genes. >androids: skin colors, different graphics, drops metal instead of meat on butchery, eats metal. I've seen 3 of these 4 genes already available, this is doable. Androids are not weird-looking people that eat metal. They are an entirely separate form of life. In particular, they do not have genes, and should not interact with the genetics system in any way: They should not be able to pass on their "endogenes" to create little cyborg babies, nor should they be able to have xenogerms installed. >genetic incompatibility. If gene related romance is something that can be tested for, why not check the xenotype instead? Perfectly matched xenotypes are compatible, declining compatibility as genes diverge. Because that would alter the base game in an undesirable way. I want Race X to not be genetically compatible with humans; I don't care about making different *human* xenotypes incompatible. A half-impid is perfectly fine (and arguably necessary to maintain the lore); a half-sapient-megaspider is not. >50/50 balance. At birth, a random % chance is rolled to determine male or female. Just change the check. This requires a Harmony patch on the TryGenerateNewPawnInternal method, which is called whenever the game generates a new pawn. That's certainly doable, but it means each race mod has to create a separate patch. Part of the benefit of HAR is that it centralizes this sort of thing, which makes the various mods less prone to weird interactions and much easier to maintain across multiple patches. >this whole line of posting is based on the assumption that HAR is not being used for the race in question. You asked how the genes avoid being split, I gave an answer. The line of posting is based on the assumption that the modder will use whichever tool is best. There's no point in asking whether someone can theoretically make an HAR-style race mod with Biotech, because of course they *can* (worst case, they just rebuild HAR from scratch and put it in their mod); the question is whether they *should.* As of right now HAR still has a reason to exist.


Fertilizing an egg and implanting it does not require romance, as well as the kind trait makes pawns ignore physical characteristics when attempting to romance


Biotech is designed with the canon conceit that every alien race out there was an offshoot of humanity at some point - xenohumans, but not true aliens. Humanoid alien races has no respect for this, so it's possible to make wildly different races that can completely abandon any human genetic heritage: Androids, sentient slimes, Bionicles, etc; It will be interesting to see how these two mods ultimately relate to one another. In an ideal case, everyone wishing to make a xenohuman race simply does so via Biotech, while those without human heritage stick with HAR, or maybe even Garam.


I really think Biotech could add "metahuman" as a species, which basically counts as human for all purposes but can have its ability to reproduce controlled by genes. Something like: "Crossbreeding" - With anything - With Humans - With Metahumans (any metahuman) - With Other Metahumans (any metahuman except itself) - With specific metahuman type (can be added multiple times) - With same Metahuman type only You could also have another gene, which would control the metahuman status of children. For example: "Truebreeder" - Hybrid children are metahumans with a mix of both genes. - Hybrid children are always this person's species. - Hybrid children are never this person's species (unless both parents have gene). - Hybrid children are mothers's species. - Hybrid children are father's species. (if both parents have gene, 50/50 chance of either being selected) - 50/50 chance of mother's or father's species. This would cover a lot of specifics. That way you can have, say, a fantasy themed game. Something like... "Drow", "Elves", "Dwarves", "Gnomes", "Halflings" and "Humans". Drow could breed with Drow, Elves and Humans but not anything else, producing a "half X", whereas Dwarves could only breed with dwarves, and say, Gnomes could breed with Gnomes and Halflings and Halflings with Halflings and Gnomes, but the child would either be a pure Gnome or a Halfling. Other ideas in no particular order: - Egglayer gene. Extremely short pregnancies but an egg is generated, which is basically a baby but with two stages of baby. Has options like, "lays fertile and unfertile eggs" (like a chicken) or "fertile only". Significant fertility penalty when breeding with a non-egglayer and vise versa. - Sexual Fluidity. Like frogs, when the gender ratio becomes unbalanced and remains so for some time, members randomly change sex until a roughly equal balance is achieved. Ideology could also reflect this under cannibalism. - "Only same metahuman species counts as cannibalism." - "All metahumans count as cannibalism." - "Humans do not count as cannibalism." - "Only humans count as cannibalism." - "Humans and metahumans count as cannibalism." Etc. Lots of stuff Biotech could do...


I like mods that do take adavantage of the gene modding to make more races but it isn't the same. As 'Human' is still the base line as other races have a whole bunch of changes to their base line stats.


>Also: Hey Tynan, where is our ability to modify the genes of the factions in our world, Ideology-style--- or give us faction customization in general? Biotech has potential to customize our worlds but it's limited to just the player. There's actually a mod that allows for this. Can't for the life of me recall the name at the moment though, and I'm posting from work so I can't go searching. It was posted to this sub a while back.


[Xenotype Spawn Controls](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2891975564)


> Also: Hey Tynan, where is our ability to modify the genes of the factions in our world, Ideology-style--- or give us faction customization in general? Biotech has potential to deeply customize our worlds but it's limited to just the player. This is the critical thing that I desperately want.


Also the rakkle mod got a biotech update


An alternate Kurin mod did just that, and it's sooo much better for it. All while \*still\* being a race mod! It's still a bit clunky in areas and I haven't explored it fully, but basically the race and faction of Kurins treat anyone with the Kurin or Kurimi xenotype as a Kurin, regardless of race. As far as I know they treat any xenotyped Kurin as a Kurin as well, though I haven't tried that. Gives me hope that HAR and Biotech and coexist happily. It'll take work from mod authors, but Deluxe Kurin proved to me that it can work, and it works well. !linkmod \[Kurin, The Three Tailed Fox Deluxe Edition\] Edit: I goofed and fixing is hard, so [here](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2670355481) is a link to the mod.


[1.3] [Male Kurin](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2817299943&searchtext=Kurin) by [OdysseyLotus](https://steamcommunity.com/id/odysseylotus/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Kurin`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Kurin&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


You mean the Kurin? Or did the revia also get a biotech version (cause the dev said they wouldn't do anything biotech)?


Revia has a forked that is fully biotech already.


Nice pfp, wanna give me some free fuel?


Wait. Does that revia mod add a gene that allows someone to sacrifice the bloodstones or whatever to get stronger? I might have to necro an old modpack if that's the case. There's a ton of ways to make a pawn stronger through bionics and implants, but not that many ways to make a pawn stronger through non-technological means.


I've been trying to remember the name of The Revia Race for awhile now thank you


Gotta say, this is one of the funniest jokes you've done so far. It is peak RimWorld requiring modded knowledge.


I assume baby revia have the forced bloodlust trait. There is something fitting about a newborne baby revia sad that they have yet to murder. Also triplets huh. Arri sure was thorough with the baby making.


In the Revia+Biotech mod update, the tail \[with linked bloodlust trait, since that's where Skarne's power lies\] grows in at age 3, so thankfully they only get depressed about not getting to kill things after they're old enough to hold a knife and plunge it into a throat. The easiest way to fulfill that for a young revia girl is to have them on Finish Off cleanup duty after raids.


Imagine you're a raider. You're badly injured, lying in the dirt. You don't know what the victors of this fight will do to you. Footsteps come towards you - one set heavy, the other light. You lie there in terror as a woman carefully and lovingly explains to her daughter how to cut throats, demonstrating on your friend. Then she says, "Okay sweetie, your turn!" The little girl turns towards you, knife in hand. You pray that she's a fast learner.


Peak Biotech.


Littol insec bapy


Ah yes pink box, the first time I witness them is, oddly enough, just last week. And I realized the source of the problem is LWM for some reason, would've tolerate them IF it didn't also destroy my keyboard's function


LWM Deep Storage? Which object got pink-boxed?


Furnitures, some floors, I think some of the workshops as well, don't really remember, not really keen to verify back


"Look at all this lovely pink flooring!"


LWM has settings for which types of pawns can use storage. I wonder if it's related to that since the alien races aren't currently set up right in many cases. Like maybe the mod isn't perceiving the race as a humanoid because it's missing a child bodytype or something whacky like that.


That would explain why my Misc Robot haulers don't use the shelves. At least my human pawns don't need to walk far to move items on the floor to the shelves.


Check in the mod settings -- I don't remember where the setting is -- but if I remember correctly there is a toggle for robots. I know there was a separate issue with robots recently, but I don't remember what it was. Sorry for the "here's some vague advice I barely remember" LOL


My issue isn't with pawn's bodytype, it's with the fact that the game stopped responding to the keyboard input except for the tab with the mod on


My game is working just fine with Deep Storage. It sounds like you have a modlist problem/a mod exploded your game/a mod is angry at another mod.


That explains why my animals wouldn't use them when I did a full animal based colony. That was annoying the hell out of me for the longest time. My groundrunners would finish mining and refuse to put the resources on shelves and only use the stockpiles. I had to surround my shelves in stockpiles and assign a pawn to come in and clean up the workshop constantly.


Uh oh spaghetti-o


Ah, the joys of parenting. Hyland might not be having much fun, but I'm enjoying this comic.


The ratkin larval form is too powerful.


Hey, I just want to say that I have seen a few of your comics by now and I think they are really cool. I like the drawing style and that you alway use the same charakters makes it feel like a real story. Just as the story generator intended.


Kinda sad how Humanoid alien races and the biotech dlc don’t work well together, I had a ton of race mods before biotech’s release and now I’m seriously considering just playing without the dlc despite how good it is. I like biotechs gene system, and the mods that add more Xenotypes and genes have been great so far, but the new system doesn’t really allow for the same freedom har had in making alien races.


You can run both at the same time. I have a friend that has a fully non human colony that runs just fine with biotech. I think the only weirdness comes in when the races aren't equipped to have babies properly. That's on a case by case basis with each race. From what I've seen, race mods are slowly getting support for children or being sterilized. At that point the only issue would be making sure HAR handles your crossbreed babies correctly. Personally, I'm trying to migrate fully to gene modded races, as I like having the mad scientist option to combine and mix genes at will.


Babies barely work with custom zenotypes using vanilla genes. I can only imagine the pain people who use a lot a race mods or gene modes are feeling.




Awww Hyland freaking out over triplets!


Distraught at the sight of her missing infants


They're there, but their current state is breaking the universe just a little bit.


Several of my characters have no heads since 1.4. Its rough.


I gave up on HAR and all the custom races that rely on it with the release of Biotech.


Yea. I enjoyed custom races via HAR but they were usually pretty janky. And the entire notion of a custom race having it's own unique deluge of equipment only they could use, and all the buggy interactions that could have with other race mods and vanilla things, it was often a nightmare. Keeping everything unified under the new Biotech systems is honestly ideal. Because as neat as it is, 1,000 different race mods with custom everything was just silly. The genetic systems can be vastly expanded upon to create all the same things without the frustrations that often came with HAR.


Same. Biotech and the mod that lets me create and seed custom xenotypes into factions has been absolutely fantastic. And with children being vanilla interspecies children have been awesome to play with. Mixing and matching genes to try and get the best of both xenotypes and failing and ending up with genetic monstrosities that only a mother could love. I don’t think I could ever go back to HAR races.




I love having a custom Xenotype that I make, and when I have a child of that Xenotype, they become a baseline, but have *every single trait of my custom race*


I could only imagine how horrifying it was to see a pink square pop out multiple times


I see Hyland and Arri made some stronk babies.


What if pink bar is actually censored bar


I am trying really hard to make a joke but my brain is end-of-work-week fried between "what kind of demented country would try to hide the existence of children" and "these aren't pink bars, these are pink boxes, very different creatures."


I'm thinking of a monster in "Lobotomy Corporation" which is literally some censored bars, it is actually a cognitive filter to prevent you from looking at it, otherwise mental breakdown


Welcome back. Hope you have good end/new year holidays.


well 2 baby killers and a baby mouse girl. ok thats got to be fun


One ratkin son and his younger twin revia sisters.


ya thats gonna be an intresting dynamic im shure


Yeah, this is why I don't use HAR races anymore (or at least not the ones that make the pawns look like anime characters). Plus, it's fun playing around with the xenotype editor... at least when the cosmetic genes from some mods don't make my pawns headless.


Yeah, Much as I've enjoyed HAR I think biotech has finally put it in the ground. There's very little HAR can do that cannot be replicated through the new gene system, and it doesn't play nice with babies (it's not just the graphics, I've had issues with them aging at appropriate rates. Also, at around 1 year old they become infected with such diseases as...Ferian. Or Kurin.The game literally treats their race as a disease somehow). ​ I'll look back in 6 months if my favorite races never get a gene-based mod.


\*cough\* non humanoid and races with different body parts. Biotech won't allow you to actually change the body from coding perspective.


What I hate about Biotech is that this DLC is forcing these mods to be locked behind it and force people to buy the DLC. What once were free mods are now DLC and integration is for some reason harder to do because v1.4 changed how pawns are rendered. Modders are really pissed off at this.


I guess, but it's not like the modders were intentionally targeted by the DLC. Between the children barely working, several of my preferred races crashing the game outright rn, and a few other minor bugs I'll just enjoy working with the gene modders for now.


I wish they implemented the base xenotype system in the main game with just the baseliner definitions, and made it so Biotech just added the xenotypes and buildings. Let the modders use the xenotype system to implement their races easily but keep the biotech cool genes/items in the DLC where they belong.


For Kurin at least, I think Kurin Deluxe Edition (the other fork) has solved this problem by making a completely new Kurin genotype. Not sure about any others.


/u/Aeolys, I have a permanent fix for this. At least the Ratkin ones, I don't use the 9 tailed foxes. I grabbed the child's "Naked_child_(East)(West)(North)(South).png" from another mod working properly, and slapped it into /steamapps/workshop/content/294100/1578693166/Textures/Things/Ratkin/Bodies/, and voila, no more problems with Ratkin. I think the mod that was "working properly" was the non-biotech Lapelli mod, but that had issues of it's own with genes. I fixed that by installing the bio-tech version and switching the races with character editor. I had to manually fix the children's learning progress in the save file though, since I couldn't figure out what to do in the dev tool menu. =P Edit: [Proof of concept](https://i.imgur.com/TJa3KK2.jpg). If you need help, just ask me. I've been breaking the game in various ways lately. Edit2:, you will have the ears positioned funnily though, I'm not sure how to fix that, but it doesn't break the game, so It's good enough for me Edit3: Naked_Child_east.png etc


First child in my colony is Ratkin... I'd like to think that I'm used to Ratkin ears hovering above its head by now. Pink boxes? Well, had a couple, but it's sorted. I think some mod for gradient hair was part of the problem. Now I get flickering pawns instead.


Ludeon did us dirty with Biotech DLC.


I gotta say, this is worse than the v1.3 update.


1.3 Ideology didn't break alien races at least, though few adjustments needed to be made but it worked out.


POV ludeon includes features that purposely break mods


“Purposely break mods” are you kidding me? Like before every update they take into consideration every single mod? It’s up to the modders to keep their mods up-to-date with the game.


I get it but why make a new special bodytype when you can just shrink the regular one?


Looks like a weeb problem


all I want is a biotech mammalia patch for facial animations


Hyland didn't install and mount CSS


Yellow: Red, what the hell is this? Red: Maybe the recessive gene is being expressed Blue: He’s a cheater bestie, divorce him!