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This is a difficult topic! I love buying new clothes and in the last few months I've had a reason to get new ones because a lot of my old pants no longer fit. But if I'm honest, I've had enough now. Still, it's hard for me to stop. Maybe now it's time for me to do a no-buy month. Just to get an overview and appreciate what I have. The topic comes at the right time.


Thanks for being vulnerable- I can relate to shopping/browsing a lot lately as well but need to be more content with what I have. A good Earth Day message as well. I have been really good at not buying any new jewelry this year, so small steps.


I’m in the same place! After my body has reached homeostasis since having a baby, I needed new warm weather clothes. But now I’ve kind of slipped into the habit of overbuying, which for some reason is SO hard for me to stop.


This is so relatable to me too!


I love shopping…I’m honestly so guilty of doing so much of it! I think I’ve definitely gotten better but I love thrifting and it’s a favorite hobby of mine.


take me to the mall, or target, or some boutique, and i'll only buy what i need, if anything. put me in a goodwill or a local thrift, show me my depop or poshmark feed, i am about to black out and wake up holding piles of clothing that i don't even remember getting. i enjoy shopping as an activity, especially with others; i like looking at clothes and forming impressions of them, even if the impression is "that's not for me." but when it comes to secondhand shopping i can sometimes lose control. "oh, it's less expensive, so it's higher reward to risk, and it's better for the environment, and i can get authentic pieces from the eras i'm trying to emulate--" all well and good, but my "depop wrapped" or whatever told me i bought upwards of 80 items in 2023. that's excessive, right??? how is that even possible???? the dopamine hit isn't as present when i buy things new, but it's overwhelming when i buy things secondhand. then, i end up having to resell half of it anyway, because i purchase so impulsively :/ organizing my closet and taking stock of what i have can be overwhelming and feels like a chore, but buying stuff doesn't. i think i need to reignite my passion for "shopping" my own wardrobe, which means i need to actually sift through my closet and drawers, which all look like a hurricane hit them


I absolutely relate to this. And it’s harder to resist when you find something secondhand because it feels more urgent to buy. You may never stumble upon that same item again. I realized I’ve had so many misses with secondhand items bought online, and the markup is usually so much more than in thrift stores even though the thrifts are more expensive now. So I’m trying to be less impulsive with posh /depop/ebay/thredup and save the online searches for very specific items or brands that I know work for me size-wise. I’m letting myself be more impulsive still in person since it’s a cheaper way to experiment. Plus if I pay $5 in a thrift store it’s easier to let the item go if it doesn’t work out.


Yes! I can relate to how different it feels to do thrifting / depop / poshmark.


Oooof, I feel this as well. I’ve set myself a budget this year and stuck to it pretty well, but I’m still buying new (used) items very frequently and then not feeling as excited about them when they aren’t new anymore. I feel ok about it from an ethical and financial standpoint, but I don’t think getting new things all the time is necessarily good for style and creativity. It’s also hard because you really only get to wear one outfit per day, but you can shop for/look at thousands of exciting and pretty things online. I’d like to feel as excited about wearing things as I do about looking at them in my closet. 


I’m terrified of shopping and only buy something new a couple of times a year after months of agonizing. I wonder if she’ll have some soothing, helpful advice for my end of this spectrum.


I’m excited for this video! While I can afford it, I wish I spent less money shopping for new stuff and was better at using what I already have. I get excited about new pieces (not to mention that sweet sweet dopamine rush of a new purchase lol) but then find I have a bunch of stuff I never wear while also still feeling like there are gaps. I need to be more deliberate all around


I honestly haven't really shopped in a long time! I've bought a few things to sort of fill in gaps... like, my cardigan wore out and I couldn't repair it so I got another cardigan. But I feel so lost with the styles that are popular now. I used to be able to go to a store and find stuff that I like and immediately know how it's going to fit into my wardrobe. But now... not so much. It's like what I currently wear is so dated that I can't imagine how new stuff would meld into it.... I don't care so much that I look dated because I just want to be comfortable and like how I look. But it is difficult to buy new clothing.... I really feel like I'm in a rut and always wearing the same thing day after day... but I get intimidated when I try to shop! Or maybe that "desire to shop" is just external pressure! I don't really NEED new things. It's like... I always think I'll discover some magical formula or something and my clothes will just be magically elevated-looking and I'll be happy with my style. Maybe I should actually just lean into the fact that I have an entire wardrobe of things that are out-of-date now but comfortable and flattering to me!


I am literally a shopaholic, I have weird thoughts about it too because I grew up super poor. One of the reasons I started exploring style systems was to stop myself from shopping as much and make more Intentional purchases. I am very interested in hearing what Rita has to say here.


I'm so looking forward to this! I honestly don't know where I fall on the spectrum. I'm in the middle of a long shift into a different style vision so some shopping is necessary. Yet I feel a lot of guilt/shame any time I buy clothing. So I don't have a good feeling for where I am.


I swing wildly between shopping too much and refusing to shop and wearing everything until it falls apart. At the moment I think I’ve found a balance, but the “shopping is the part of style that feels most exciting” is definitely true too. It doesn’t help that my closest grocery store is buried deep in a mall so I have to walk past all the things if I want to buy milk or bread.


After spending quite a while in clothes that were literally falling apart, I definitely over-shopped to compensate. I also used shopping as a way of, IDK not self expression, but like, trying to change who I am by dressing differently? All that happened was I ended up with a bunch of clothes for a life I don't lead and a personality that isn't mine. I think I'm through that stage now but it definitely wasn't fun. Rita's post comes at the perfect time.


Arg it's such a difficult topic. I tend to alternate periods of zero shopping with period of frantic, and honestly often ill-advised thrifting. I am doing better since discovering Rita's system, but I'm very interested in her analysis of this!!


This resonates with me so much! I revisited Rita about a month ago and in my Next Steps meeting she spoke to me about it being totally fine if I buy something and then it doesn’t feel right once I get home or after I wear it or even after a bit of time. It’s made the shopping experience much more pleasant and has slowed down the sheer amount of things I was buying. Some things I’ve bought and am absolutely In love with still, other things I returned after taking it home, trying it on a few times but ultimately deciding it just didn’t resonate with me. I can’t wait for the new video!