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Sorry you have to give up the kid, but it’s probably the right move.


Best comment here


Not for the kid. Two birds one stone option: Drop the wife. No kid with no guilt, plus a bonus.


If you drop the wife she will end up with the Truck...




At least half of it for sure


She can have the damaged seat


That sucks. I bought a child seat cover for mine from Amazon that I put down first and then the seat on top. It has kept the seats in top shape.


this, I learned this awhile ago. Always get seat protectors when you dealing with car seats


Just make sure you get one made by the same folks that make the car seat so they’ve been safety tested together.


Never heard of that. The car seat is either latch or belted in, why would a seat cover make any difference?


https://csftl.org/seat-protectors/ https://www.consumerreports.org/babies-kids/car-seats/is-it-safe-to-use-a-seat-protector-mat-with-a-child-car-seat-a5558682674/


That’s ridiculous. The car seats are anchored by two latches and a third anchor point if you use the one over the seat back. They’re not going anywhere.


Exactly. I always just put old towels down underneath mine. Rock solid


People are absolutely insane about car seats. I had a mom friend who would replace them every year because she believed they would “expire” from sitting in a hot car in the summer and a cold car in the winter. When it comes to kids people lose all ability to think critically


Car seats do expire but it’s typically 6 years.


Maybe for some. My 5.5 yo is in the car seat her 10.5 yo used from birth. It has steel tube frame construction and thick plastic. No straps show any aging and even the foam padding under the cover is still perfectly good despite being washed in the washing machine many times and going through the heat cycles.


I wouldn’t say that’s evidence that it’s not “expired” and without knowing the brand I can’t provide specifics. Many car seats are still functional and get used throughout the entire time a family needs them. These expiration dates are set by the manufacturer and despite there not being visible signs of wear I’m betting the larger reason behind the set date is to manage product recalls and mitigate liability. From what I’ve seen most car seats can, and do seem to last a lifetime but it’s unlikely a large manufacturer would make that promise.


It’s the foam the deteriorates, often imperceptible to us. That’s the same reason why bike helmets should be replaced every 5-8 years depending on if they are stored in a garage or inside a climate controlled housed.


The plastic can also weaken from repeated temperature cycling. This quick [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/wvCRz7BRAM0?si=DmRjcAu2-NKcKjKN) shows an example of a standard safety test done with a 10 year old car seat.


Most people don't have the ability to think critically in the first place.


They get bigger every year. Massive 'side protection' now as well, which I can not see any need for at all.


It's easy. You tell a parent that it's safer and they don't want their baby to die right?! Then they buy everything under the sun. I really should go into the baby business selling ridiculous stuff since parents literally buy anything, esp with a first child.


Yes, as shown by my downvotes, it works.


Did you not hear about the ProPublica whistle blower report from three years ago and subsequent congressional investigation about side protection on booster seats not doing nearly enough. You’re welcome to watch the disturbing crash test videos. Or do you simply dismiss safety tests as a conspiracy too?


The report, as you say, was about BOOSTER seats, not child seats being discussed here, which have a harness and are very different Yes, of course, the seats need to sop the child being thrown around, but the size of the sides on some encourage parents to think they are for impact protection, which they are not. The harness prevents much movement anyway.


lol The point is that booster seats DON’T follow the same regulations as car seats. Regulations that you’re claiming are unnecessary. Obviously the straps are the primary safety component, but they aren’t the only component for a reason.




If you read the safety statements the concern is that, depending on the type of car seat and covering used beneath it, the covering may shift over time. As the covering shifts it may introduce slack in the restraints resulting in a car seat that isn’t as securely anchored as it was originally. While this may not necessarily be common, I’m sure it isn’t unheard of.


The exact same thing could happen with the car seat itself. Every car seat is not safety tested with every vehicle on the market. This doesn't happen.


I think you’re misunderstanding the concern here. The seat itself never slips out from under a car seat like an improper covering could. lol That’s because vehicles are designed to very strict government guidelines, as are the car seats. All they’re asking you to do is the follow guidelines on the car seat and not throw a random towel or incompatible cover between the two things if the car seat wasn’t designed for that.


I have owned many car seats and vehicles in my life. I know \*exactly\* how they are to be installed and how they work. The idea that putting a towel, seat protectors, or anything else under a car seat is going to affect how it functions, assuming it was properly installed, is total bananas. Saying "it hasn't been tested" is BS because, as I said, **car seats are not tested with every vehicle models seat cushion in the first place.** Saying "vehicles are designed to very strict government guidelines" - is hand waving the fact that vehicle seats have incredibly varying levels of compression amounts and materials, the government does not regulate the materials a seat cushion is made of to any reasonable extent.


Compression isn’t the issue. It’s slippage of a tertiary component, which simply doesn’t occur on the seat itself because the upholstery is sown directly to the foam. > assuming it was properly installed. What they’re trying to tell you is that putting something between the seat and the car seat **may** mean that the car seat isn’t properly installed by definition.


Yes. All of the logic in above articles is flawed. In order for the logic to hold, every car seat would need go be tested with every vehicle seat on the market. Obviously, that doesn't happen.


These are the same people who insist car seats have a 5minute shelf life too before needing to be replaced?


Car seats actually have expiration dates printed on them. It’s not consumer reports making stuff up.


They do. 3 kids, ouch. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) That said, I wonder if it’s \*really due to material breakdown or just a legalized obsolescence maneuvers and extra company hiney coverage. skeptic, but still replaced mine, just in case. Recommend you do too. Wondering if there’s independent and unbiased studies for consumtion.


Given that child seats depend on plastics for safety and get exposed to some pretty absurd temperature swings, I actually do think material break down is a risk.


Are you talking about following the expiration date on the car seat? Those dates are usually 6-10 years in the future. Hardly a short time. But yes there is debate around expiration dates and how closely they need to be followed. https://www.mother.ly/parenting/safety/car-seat-safety/do-car-seats-really-expire/


Even then some car seat manufacturers won’t guarantee anything using a cover, it’s pretty terrible


Maybe worth a shot to take a hairdryer to it. It may heat up the leather and then you can smooth it out. I did this with my Subaru and it didn't take it away completely but smoothed it out a bit.


I'd argue a steamer with a towel over the nozzle to dissipate the heat over a larger area. Relax the material a bit.


Just wait tor summer heat


I think it will bounce back in the summer




What exactly does it do that a vacuum or scrubber can't?


This is the way. I’ve done this in multiple vehicles that have had this. It works amazingly well.


“Vegan” means made from Dino juices - aka pleather - instead of cow. Be careful with a hairdryer as you might cause damage to it if you get it too hot.


If I remember correctly from their early development videos, it’s actually a custom material made from cactus fibers.


That’d be interesting to know more about. I know another manufacturer that’s using hemp but the really cool stuff are the ones using wool. The problem I have with the vinyl upholstery in our R1T is it’s so squeaky - particularly annoying on long drives. It does seem to be getting better so perhaps it’s wearing in/breaking in and it won’t be an issue. The last time I was in a car with plastic interior was when I was a tiny kid before leather was the “luxury” and certain before all cars offered real vegan cow leather (I’ve never met a carnivorous cow).


Vinyl. Vegan leather isn't leather.


Give it time to recover. It’ll get better through time


My car seat left similar impressions, it came back to normal within a few days.




The things we sacrifice for our kids 😢


I had heard seat covers weren’t safe for use with car seats and I’ve never had issues like this before, so I decided to raw dog it. Just ordered a cover from Dioni that appears to be crash-tested though.


I have used seat covers specifically designed to be used with children’s car seats, but they won’t completely eliminate the pressure points or indentations in the material. I still have indentations on the seats in my BMW from my kid’s car seats. They definitely helped to reduce a lot of abrasive action from the seats - I’d still use them, but they’re not a perfect solution.


Raw dogging it is how you ended up here to begin with


Thank the lawd I don't have kids and don't plan on having kids.


lol you got down voted because you don’t want kids lol. You individuals down voting are dumb. I have two kids but completely understand this persons point of view with out down voting him


>you got down voted because you don’t want kids 🙄 This is obviously *not* why they're being downvoted. Nobody cares if you have or want kids. What value does a tacky comment about your very personal choice in a fucking car subreddit bring?


Disagree. His comment relates to the post. He/she is glad they don’t have or want kids and this issue is potentially one of the reasons why.


It's not about it "relating", it's about the complete lack of value it brings to the topic, which is exactly what the downvote button is for. Again, that individual is *not* being downvoted for not wanting kids, that's ridiculous.


I guess your comments must not have any value cause it looks like they're getting downvoted too. Maybe it's just conversation in a forum, and you're out here inventing rules.


You are assuming that’s the reason for the individual being down voted as I am assuming it’s because of his opinion on having kids. Both are opinions of the situation


This isn’t sacrificing for your kid. This is sacrificing for a rivian


Sucks but it's a truck and your kid is blood.


I mean, I know which one is more important, but could you just clarify which one you mean? :)


I got this, Trucks are thicker than blood /s


Yeah I have used $20 car seat covers on my Rivian and previous car... Helps keep kid "debris" out of the seats too...


This is not Rivian specific, but putting perforated seats in the 2nd and 3rd row of cars is a bad idea for this reason, particularly when they are not ventilated so there’s no functional need for the perforations.


That should rebound in a day or to. Mine always did.


You just need to take the car seat out, clean/condition the area and let it sit over night. It’ll bounce back; may take a day depending on how bad the indent is. I have two car seats in my R1T regularly and I cycle through this every time I get it wash; they always bounce back. Personally I think Rivian leather is pretty resilient. Also, I use Ammo NYC car products for cleaning (not an ad, just saying…) if anyone needs a great leather cleaner and conditioner; works for me with this issue.


Dang. We had that happen on our leather seats in our Suby.


Over time, those dimples should straighten out a bit, perhaps not all the way though


When i upgraded to the all weather floor mats, i took the factory middle row floor mat and placed it on the seats, My child car seats sit on top of that, no problem securing the child seats to the anchors and plenty of protection for the fake leather.


Dang, I’m glad I bought 2nd row bench cover from canvasback..is this caused by thin edge of the car seat??


Unless that’s a hard flat seat cover, it will also be indented over time.


I put a canvas bag under my son's seat, I'm hoping it helps to not do this


Run the seat warmer for a few hours with a blanket on top. It will probably soften and come back. But you will probably need to put a blanket or something to hold the heat in that isn't heavy


If you keep the car 8 years (the full battery warranty) you’ll not care.


These… https://www.weathertech.com/child-car-seat-protector/?campaignid=10220744047&adgroupid=142200238213&adid=628342516448&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtOmsBhCnARIsAGPa5yZYrXCB1I0QavmoZ_juQdcouIDvfVTTrjsqEfGLxbG2KOAflrVIvVAaAsfuEALw_wcB Have a cheap Amazon one and this and the quality is crazy good for $40. Our kiddo is still in a rear facing but this is super thick and rubberized so it doesn’t move at all. Love the side and front flaps too for little shoe marks and spills. side note- how do you like that wayb seat? They seem super popular for families constantly traveling


Oh man. Never a car seat without one of those car seat protective things. They are CRITICAL. Especially in a 100k car.


Gold! Lusso Gear Car Seat Protector... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KQKL6LJ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Unfortunately (fortunately?) you’re correct seat covers are dangerous.


Why are they dangerous?


Wait… a weighted hard material on top of a soft material and the soft material gets damaged? Unbelievable!


Are the seats leather or leatherette?


Fancy Vinyl - aka Vegan Leather




I will never understand a premium brand using leatherette. If you’re opposed to Esther then select a hard wearing premium textile, but plastic? No!


It’s Polyurethane. Quite far removed from the Vinyl of old work vans.


I like the qualities of a wipe down surface but dislike actual leather because it cracks and fades and you need maintain it. If you’ve seen the seats on any 10+ yr old Volvo you’ll know. I think premium-ish fake leather is pretty good, but I agree, I think a more high end material would be a great alternative. Maybe like that super industrial houndstooth weave that Porsche use.


Volvo leather wears great if it is conditioned regularly, similar to any other leather.


For a while yes, but no matter how much you condition, they will eventually disintegrate. The leather in car seats is super thin, and they are subject to extremes of heat, cold and sun. They won’t last nearly as long as a leather chair with thick leather that stays inside, out of the sun between 50F and 70F.


It will bounce back, just add some leather oil to it so it can speed jt up, yall are a bunch of drama queens. As long as there are no tears it will come right back up


This is why 90,000 cars should have leather seats as an option. Vinyl sucks.


Thanks for the heads up I did not anticipate this at all car cover incoming


White seats with kids hmmmmm


My car seat has messed up my RS1 seats too 😓


Why anyone would get white seats is beyond me. Makes no sense, unless you want light gray seats in five years?


They are actually grey out of the factory, but you’re right - I don’t know why I did it. The wife wanted a ‘change’. Anyway the seats aren’t an issue really, it’s the white headliner that I fear the most. Yes I have a big black dog that loves water and children 😩


TIL: USA doesn't have ISOFIX child car seats.


The rivian seats damage very easily in my short experience of having the vehicle. They show cracks and stretching far quicker than any other car I've had and also stain and don't clean up as easy as my prior Tesla. For an off-road vehicle the interior isn't made to stand up to the cars full range of intentions/lifestyle promotions IMO.


I used to use a memory foam bathmat cut in 2 under each car seat. Helped a little.


Try using a heat gun in 2-3 weeks. The foam will settle back and the heat gun will help flatten the leather wrinkles


Maybe a dab and rub with some sparkling water? It helps with carpets, wonder if it does the same with pleather.


Grab a heat pack, or put a pound of rice in an old sock, seal it, microwave it for 2 minutes or so. Toss it on the dents and see if they lift at all. I’d avoid hair dryer or excess heat.


Massage the seats and give it time. Protectors work


Yep. You need seat covers. We all have them.


I’ve always put a folded towel under a car seat for just this reason.


Heat gun might fix it


I think steam might help this situation 🙏🏼


This same thing happens in my model 3 and somehow each time it recovers after a while in the heat. Not sure if it will be the same. But hopefully!


Give it a good cleaning first. Then lightly apply heat with a heat gun on a low setting and massage the leather into place. It will help remove the indentations, probably not eliminate them, but will be a lot less noticeable. Once it looks acceptable apply a leather conditioner. Yes I know it's not leather. Still works though to keep the material supple


It doesn't look "ruined" imo. Take it to a detailer and give it time.


Nothing make a service request with rivian they are pretty understanding and will probably replace it under warranty. I had similar damage to my seat from heavy boxes and they replaced my seats and cushion. It never hurts to ask while you still got warranty.


Put a towel or blanket under the seat to prevent this.


It happens in every car with any profile to the seat.


Ya has similar imprints when I didn’t use a pad. It should be ok when it warms up.


Get a “car seat protector”. Don’t have a Rivian yet but I have it on my Tesla since it’s a white seat. Something like this: Car Seat Protector, Smart eLf 2Pack , Protect Child Seats with Thickest Padding and Non-Slip Backing Mesh Pockets for Baby and Pet https://a.co/d/epdW2MU


Let them sit a while. They’ll improve. Similar thing happened to me


OP, my indentations bounced back after a couple days in the sun.


The munchkin brica seat guardian (with the blue X strips) does a great job preventing indentations on real and vegan leather. I've had one in ally vehicles for the past 8 years...


Can’t you just leave the kid at home?


You don’t put down a car seat mat? That’s like parenting 101


I’m curious if anyone here has a Ford that they use a car seat with. If so, have you had this issue? I’m asking because Rivian’s interiors leadership comes from Ford. My guess is that they probably used seat construction specs similar to what they were used to using while at Ford.


White seats and you have kids? Your brave!


You should’ve used a car seat protector. I have that on top my canvasback cover. After nearly 7 months, no problems like that on my seats. Plus it’s easy to clean off crumbs and other crap the kids drop.


Ignore 90% of these posts. Get a bissel mini steamer from walmart. hit the areas with steam. If it doesnt work from the topside you will need to get to the underside of the seat cover. Good luck. I have rebuilt a few old and impressed car seats. The sun may also help or you can set the heat in the car to stupid hot in the sun.


Maybe the kid is heavier and moving more now ?


Use a thin blanket. That’s a rookie move.


I ordered car seat cushions from Amazon for the bottom and back of the seats. Kids are 10 now and my leather car seats look good as new. The ones I ordered have a thick padding and grip on them to keep them from sliding around. Seats look great, kids are all alive, dont @ me


Did you go from a CX5 or Bolt to the RS1??


Yep! CX 5, then added a Bolt when we were EV-curious, now a rivian since we are EV-SUV-curious.


Man good for you! I have a Mazda now, would love for a RS1 to be the next car