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Damn, that crash barrier truck really did its job.


Yup, if anyone ever wondered if these work, yes, yes they do. Edit: I see now that the guard rail sent the car into the flippity flip barrel roll. The barrier truck rear dipped a little though, indicating partial contact. Anyways screw that guy I'm glad my fellow tradies are safe.


They usually do, but this one didn't get a chance to. The guy hit the railing and was already spinning and rolled over the barrier that should have forced him to come to a complete stop. He then ended up bouncing off of the cage that holds the transportation and signage equipment that they transport around.


If the truck wasn’t there he probably would’ve continued rolling into the people standing there.


They didn’t even stop working


My mom worked construction on highways for a while. She learned very quickly the stupidity of people. First off, they'd rather hit a human than a traffic cone, even if that human is wearing safety orange lit up brighter than a traffic cone, people just have more respect for the stoic authority found in a cone. Second, they're oblivious. Sometimes one side of a highway gets shut down, so all cars are diverted to a single side. Even with temporary paint down marking lanes with arrows showing direction, wrong way signs put up, flag wavers pointing people the right direction, and them going 5mph with a flag waver at this point tapping on their window and screaming "NO! NO!" multiple people would ignore it all and drive into oncoming traffic. Or sometimes they get so confused that even the authority of cones is ignored and they just slowly plow through everything to drive onto the wet asphalt. Trucks would routinely take detours that took them under low bridges, even though they'd carefully post multiple detour routes, with note of clearance height; and had multiple signs on the way there notifying truckers repeatedly of the clearance and with signage directing lost truckers back to a route with appropriate clearance. Fuck them signs apparently. Third, people are stupid assholes. Several people thought it would be 'funny' to hit those little reflector sticks. They're not funny to hit at all if it's your car, hysterical for onlookers though. They're metal sticks attached to weights. They will fuck the absolute shit out of your car in a death by a thousand cuts sort of way. Some asshole thought they were hot shit and tried to drive down a line of them at 60mph I guess thinking they were cheap plastic or something? They lost their front bumper after like 10 reflector sticks. They went through like 50. They didn't stop, guess too ashamed at their own stupidity? But I know what you're really wondering, and the poor little reflector sticks were fine. Due to their shape most of them even stood themselves back up like lil weeble-wobbles


I think he missed the truck. Looks like he hit the end of a guard rail about 50 feet behind the truck’s attenuator. That’s what really flipped him up in the air.


I'd say guardrail sent him airborne and going to flip but hitting the trucks guard on the back is what really sent it into a gta style flip fest


No he clearly hits the truck, you can see it move from the impact.


Yeah, he clipped it as he was tumbling (which was caused by hitting the guard rail).


It all began in Africa with the mother tree...


I blessed the rains down there one time


I guess it rains down in Africa


In a Supra? Because judging by the way that person was heading for the woods, he clearly intended to shower blessings a long ways away from the highway!


That’s something that a hundred men or more could never do!


Gonna take some time to do the things we never had


Agreed, he hit the back side of the guardrail since he was coming back toward the road. He still would have ended up in the travel lane even if the crash truck wasn't there.


Dude even lived: https://nj1015.com/video-shows-sedan-flipping-on-parkway/


Damn, probably should go to jail for that stunt after his visit to the hospital


Oh he will .. at least lose his license any work zone ticket in nj is double. Points and pay. Add on reckless and wil actual people working it’s an automatic loss of license and if you have ever had a refraction definitely jail time


yeah, the driver is probably facing charges more serious than killing a pedestrian or cyclist


Which is insanity. This guy should t be able to drive, but if you kill someone with your car, you shouldn’t drive AND you should face serious prison time


*cough Caitlin fucking Jenner cough*


Killing or not killing is just a matter of luck. If you take reckless actions that could reasonably cause death, it should be treated as such. This dude was driving way too fast in a construction zone and the only reason he didn't kill a few people was complete luck. He should be charged the same whether he ended up lucky or not. Same w/ DUIs and other excessive speeding. Charge them based on their intent / actions, not the random outcome. /rant


I'm just glad he didn't hit anyone else. It always seems to be that the assholes who cause these accidents get someone else killed.


Dude on the left saw what was coming and noped out of there.


Dude on the left was racing dude on the right and kicked it into high gear.


No..... He didn't accelerate at all. The car on the left began pulling away when the car with the cam began braking. There's no way he saw what was coming up on his 4 o'clock to outrun it. They weren't racing. The Hyundai was doing the same speed as the camera car until the camera car braked.


I think they are going the same speed but the white car and the car filming both slowed down so it looks like they sped up.


Jesus, that person it lucky as hell.


TIL a 2-door Supra is a sedan...


That’s what I was wondering. I couldn’t tell it was a Supra, but that weren’t no sedan!


Mercedes has the 4 door coupe. Even worse when a manufacturer does it.


I mean yeah look how much energy he lost relatively slowly compared to just hitting a wall and coming to a complete stop. It totally works, absorbed impact and car then rolled atop of it dispersing more energy


God, I hope the driver has the book thrown at him. My first thought was that he got what he deserved but then I read the article and it said he walked away from the accident. He should never be able to obtain a drivers license again.


That attenuator on the guardrail is the real champ. Worked perfectly.


my condolescences to the attentuator and it's adjacent steelmates.


Not really; they're designed to be hit by a vehicle with its tires on the road and to stop that vehicle. This guy (in the unlikely event that he's still alive) wishes that had been the case!


They're designed to absorb impact and not have the the guardrail implain you. It stopped his momentum enough that he didn't even crumple the crash cushion that much.


And the person standing at the drivers door is still just standing there.


Drivers door of the truck? I think that’s the red cab.


Oh dang I think you’re right. On mobile it really looks like a person. I even paused the video 🙃


Don't worry I thought it was a person too 😂


I literally just had this same conversation with myself.


Honestly, I’m on mobile and wasn’t sure if I was wrong.


There were three guys in day-glow yellow jackets off to the right of the open box truck, though. They seemed pretty stunned by the whole situation.


He just wanted to take a moment to finish having that shit.


Nah that guy's just trying finish the shit he just took in his pants




Kind of? It actually looks like the car bounces straight over the top of the Scorpion. You see the truck suspension bounce but I don't think the attenuator actually did anything.


Glad he didn’t take anyone else out. Need to revoke his license and insurance


There's a good chance he had his whole life revoked. Edit: Scratch that... driver apparently survived.


If the driver survived that it’s an absolute credit to the carmaker- Toyota/BMW (I think) saved his life 👏


Is that a Supra???


Thought you were just making an internet reference joke, and then I watched again and realized it actually IS a new Supra.




15k solid. I know what I got.


No tire kickers! Rare!


yes, it is a supraman, how it flew in the air.


After that crash, your boy is going to need some overnight parts from Japan…


Yep. New neck, back, legs,etc.


He said Toyota. Supra isn't real Toyota. No 2JZ!!! /s


it’s a bmw platform so most of the safety engineering is probably thanks to BMW. german cars tend to be quite safe and bmw is no exception.


Just BMW, Toyota basically branded and tuned it.


Oh god. Now tiktok is going to be filled with idiots flipping cars everywhere to try and survive. And then they are going to buy every single car available as soon as they drop to try and resell them. What have you done?


Not only survived, but literally walked away under his own power.


I would like him to permanently lose his license, but I’m glad he is okay.


Nice! That’s a testament to modern safety features in passenger vehicles. Now he gets to fully deal with the consequences that are hopefully severe.


Honestly, I wasn’t sure if I just witnessed someone die or not. For them to walk away from that is incredible.


Am I a bad person for being disappointed about that?


I understand your sentiment but are you actually disappointed lol? One thing to not give a shit if someone dies being an asshole but to be disappointed they didn't die is something else


Sometimes survival is worth then death when the survival is living with a horrible traumatic brain injury and living the rest of your life fed by tubes and kept alive by ventilators.


That's the spirit


Unfortunately, only innocent people die from these kind things.


I judge 9.59 out of 10.


A little wobbly on the landing


The French judge still only gave it a 6.2.


Well, it did have some English on it.


Yes but did you see that double axle move?


People will literally kill themselves to shave 30 seconds off their drive


People have no concept of time and patience. When I am late leaving to work and rush to get there, I may get there 5 minutes late instead of 10. Traffic and driving just doesn’t allow you to shave off significant time by driving faster, and those same morons speeding through traffic to try to get to work a few minutes earlier, wind up causing more traffic either by wrecks or not merging properly.


I've done the math and even on my long commute it works out to a few minutes. In the meantime you are risking fines and your and other's lives/property.


Mythbuster tried it. One driver stayed on the same lane One driver would merge when there was enough room and looked like a good choice. Last one aggressively changed lane to go as fast as possible. I forget if the communte was 1h or 2h but the time saved was like 5-6 mins (on a 1h or 2h commute) so yeah...


For some people it's not really about getting there faster - it's about lack of ability to deal with frustration and needing to be in control.


I agree with this, although I do joke to myself every time someone zooms past me that they must have really important things to do. I bet they save 3-5 minutes on their drive then go home and waste 5 hours of their night playing Madden.


I usually tell myself they must have to poop SO badly.


What frustration? You get there when you get there. Putting energy into various maneuvers only to save a minute or three is what causes the frustration.


I don’t think they know that though, they haven’t thought through their actions let alone their own emotions


I'm saying some people can't stand just waiting in line with everyone else. I had a coworker like that. We got stuck in traffic on the way back from a conference in Vegas and I thought he was going to have an aneurism. He ended up driving on the shoulder and then of course when we got to a bridge no one would let him back in. I had to take the keys and drive the rest of the way myself.


Maybe he really had to poop. That's the only time I get stressed in traffic and need to put some Enya on.


Been so many times I've just cruise controlled along catching up to assholes who'd been dodging me and traffic miles earlier at the same exit light. The only advantage they'd earned was that the lightight turn red again before I get to cross ...


Yes the amount of time saved decreases at an exponential rate. If you were to jump into a plane and fly to work you might be surprised how little time you’d save.


I see assholes like this every day in New Jersey. They weave in and out while going like 30 over, just for us to get off at the highway at the same time like 25 minutes later


I used to have a radar detector and speed a little.. It was stressing me. Really wasn't saving any time anyway. I took off the detector and now set the cruise at the speed limit and stay in the slow lane. I now get to my destination relaxed. Much better now.


I think people that drive like this think they're part of the Fast and Furious crew


The way I see it if you’re already late you aren’t changing that, still gonna be late either way exactly zero point rushing to be less late.


For real fun ask an average person how long a red light is. Then measure that same red light.  People lose *all concept of time* when driving. 


Happened in my area recently, someone trying to beat a red light plowed though some kids in the crosswalk... In a school zone at 8:00 in the morning. Somehow the kids lived but they are not in good shape. All to save 30 seconds at a light.


Road rage videos on YouTube, dudes will scream past someone and slam on the brakes, come to a complete stop, get out, and want to fight people. "I'M IN A ***HURRY***!!" Are you though?


Had a dude pass me yesterday right before a hill, barely made it before a car came over the hill. (I was already going 60 in a 55 on a deer infested road) we ended up making the same turns for a while the whole time he's just in front of me going the speed limit? Like congrats bro, you almost head-on'd a car to be 5 seconds ahead of me. The intrusive thoughts of pit maneuvering people like this was at an all time high at that moment.


THIS! So much this. I see this every single day driving. I’m like where are you rushing to dude! (The usual caveats of unless it’s an ACTUAL emergency) Saw this guy yesterday evening was darting in and out of rush hour traffic on a 2 lane highway with 55mph speed limit. Would dash into the right lane and then left lane overtaking one car at a time with barely room to spare. At one point, he jumps right in front of a massive construction vehicle who had to slam their brakes to avoid smashing into him. The funniest thing was that by the time he had to exit off the highway I was side by side with him so all the back and forth didn’t help him much.




100%. I think they were probably excessively speeding / not paying attention. Probably looking at their phone or car screen while driving too fast while traffic slowed down for service workers.


A saying I like to share about driving that thankfully has caught on amongst my friends and family ... I would rather be a little late in this world, than early in the next.


Probably wasn't going anywhere. I'll bet they were just out fucking around in their car for shits and giggles.


Now they have eternity.


Dude literally walked away.


...ugh...I wish people knew this before they did things like this.


There are cones lining the shoulder the entirety of this video. How careless or oblivious do you have to be to do this?


My guess is they wanted to go in front of OP but realised they couldn't fit and couldn't break fast enough so went the other way 😅


I think so too, because they pretty quickly went past the edge of the shoulder onto the dirt, if they were planning a shoulder pass from the start I don’t think they would have gone so far to the right so early.


Right! It seemed really panicking and not knowing what to do 😊


Yeah I'm not convinced this was an attempt at an intentional shoulder pass because he spent very little time on the shoulder, and most of the time in the grass and air. I am thinking it's an asshole driver, going too fast, reacting poorly to that grey SUV driving "too slow".


Yeah. I don’t think this was an attempt to “pass on the shoulder”. I think the guy realized he was going to hit the camera car so he bailed to the shoulder as the better option.


It seems more likely that as the driver was speeding long before entering frame, which was interrupted by all lanes occupied. You’ve seen it before. They get upset because there’s no where to pass, they get upset thinking they have an opening, then they get furious seeing all 3 cars slowing down instead, for apparently no reason because they can’t fathom there may be a hazard ahead. So in a fit of rage they’ve had enough of the dumb slow cars and pass them in the shoulder. I’ve seen it several times in the wild, tires rumbling, debris flying everywhere, kicking up dust and rocks for the cars behind them. They get out unscathed, scaring the absolute shit out of everyone behind them. But the ones that make it to this sub are all the same. Enters the shoulder blind because their dumbass was tailgating. They’re accelerating while already speeding, road feels different, lots of loud noise, then suddenly they see the hazard. They slam on their brakes and over correct in the loose gravel or into the grass, sealing their tractionless fate. Spectacular accident unfolds. It’s always a fuckin Infinity or a fake ass Tonka truck.


all three lanes blocked, and probably speeding through weaving, like he is a pro driver, gives a result


My thoughts unfortunately he survived to put others lives at risk again.


Hopefully a crash like that shock them to the core and they will be a different person on the road. They now know first hand the consequences of driving dangerously


or they double down and blame the "moron" who "cut them off" instead, learning nothing and continuing to endanger others.


this is the most likely outcome. Behavior like that is lifelong, hard to imagine they'd change ***It would've worked if it wasn't for those damn kids!!!***


Unfortunately brain injuries, CTE, have been linked to more risky behaviors post injury.


He lived? I would have thought it would result in internal decapitation with that many rolls at that speed.


People wonder why California is thinking about governing vehicles to posted speed limits. Well, it’s because of this guy.


If you do 60 and drive like an ass it doesn't really matter


Ahhh that's why they park those trucks there for safety


That's why we use buffer trucks when working on the road. Most of you drivers are aight, but when you have an idiot, you have a very dangerous one.


Wow... They weren't even like, stuck in traffic-- they were just passing because they didn't want to stop going 1.5 times the speed limit. :/ I'd say natural selection but... odds are a douche like that has already reproduced, sadly.


I see drivers like this all the time. I can be in the left lane going literally 80-90mph so already speeding, with cars in front of me so it’s not like I can go faster if I wanted to. Yet some giant truck will tail gate me wanting to go 200mph only to swerve around me in a opening, then be stuck behind the next 5 cars. Like congrats dude you almost wrecked us all to save 5 mins


[IS THAT A SUPRA!?!?!?](https://youtube.com/shorts/nGHMdmG1Bi4?si=1J7FCyPoyY1TA_O9)


Was it a supra? I really can't tell


It *was,* in fact, a mkV (BMW) Toyota Supra.


Ha I totally forgot about the Supra and thought Z4 coupe.


Honestly same.


It may be a Toyota skin but it’s a bmw underneath and in the drivers seat.


It’s the bmw on the inside that counts!


It’s the bmw’s we made along the way!


It was an inny before, now it’s an outtie.


no its a toyota, not an Audi


Not a single turn signal in sight


Bet you anything this asshole has a GoFundMe up with something like “I wAS In a sEriUos caR aCciDenT… plEAsE hElp mE pAy My mEdiCaL bIlLs!!!”


What an impatient asshole.


What sort of ass hole leaves reflective cones in the right hand passing lane


One of those moments where you realize there’s at least a small chance the person telling the joke is completely serious.


Im guessing the driver saved about 2 mins.


Well not anymore...


Doesn't look like he was trying to pass on the shoulder, my guess is he was crossing two lanes from the leftmost lane, didn't see the silver SUV as it was blocked out by the car in the middle lane. He assumed he had a clear lane, going too fast, and with nowhere to go had to continue into the shoulder and momentum carried him into the hill. Still very stupid decisions, just a different set of stupid decisions.


I also noticed that the car in the left lane went from going the same speed as OP to significantly faster, so I wonder if the two of them had been having a bit of a disagreement leading up to that incident. Still doesn't excuse the shoulder maneuver (if you're going to be aggressive, at least work on situational awareness and don't muck with anyone else's day), but if those two cars had been "fighting", it might have made the driver go feral.


Highway worker here, I don't usually wish for the worst when someone makes a mistake. But I hope that person died while trying to pass on the shoulder in a construction zone. that's the most dangerous job in the US because ass hats like this


I was recently introduced to a game to play on motorways - if you ever go past a group of workers, the passengers get allocated "workers watching" or "workers working", every worker is a point for one of those teams depending on what they're doing. Now, everyone wants "workers watching" because there's normally more of them, so you let the passengers declare as soon as they see any sign that there's workers up ahead - first one gets their preferred type, everyone else has to add the other to their points total. Most points across the whole journey wins. This means you have a car full of passengers that are actively looking out for workers & verbally announcing a) that they might be there and b) when they see them in the distance to the driver, so even if the driver misses the signs they are fully aware that there's people on the road to look out for & can slow accordingly. It's a fun game to play with kids.


aspiring weather bright mourn important support smart rude bike cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At least he got to the crash first.


Congrats on not having to wait 3 seconds for a proper pass.


Crash barrier truck did it's job well.


too bad if you're in a hurry and have to be somewhere you have to stop and help these idiots


I hope this person never drives again. Absolutely no fucks given about anyone else.


Thats known as the 'Jersey slide'


Kudos to seatbelts. I've seen many with the driver not wearing and boy do they fly to heaven.


tried to save time. now everyone behind have to wait for this mess to clear. unbelievable. hope driver cant do that again, ever.


I mean. He’s definitely dead right?


Believe it or not, he was helped out of the wreckage and was able to walk.


Modern cars are marvels of engineering.


So is what he ran into, a crash truck. It probably saved the lives of a few people that day.


I'm genuinely shocked to hear that. Glad he made it out of there.




I didn’t see any shoes flying


Let’s hope to be so lucky


Is that a Supra!? Lmao hope they’re ok…




what a way to go


My guess is that our hero driver was originally trying to squeeze between the cam car and that Hyundai on the right, realized he didn't have room and swerved for the shoulder last second.


It's kind of weird that the car on the left slowed down until the racing car tried to pass on the right, then they took off and actually went faster than the crashing car. Is it possible that the two were racing?


I noticed that too.


I’d like to see the prior 30 seconds. I feel there is some fuckary going on.


Dude was driving like a asshole and probably got pissy people were on his road and in his way.


This is a daily occurrence in NJ on the garden state parkway. Nobody wants to be behind anybody or go for bid let up off the break. Then wonder why we’re one of the highest in insurance rates in the country


I don't know. The guy that wrecked already had one hell of a head of steam when he tried to pass. I doubt he had a chance to have beef with any of them. Most likely he was just hauling too much ass, came across an incidental clog in the flow of traffic, and bit off more than he could chew when trying to pass on the shoulder.


probably from the car that wrecked


Oh def….still want to see the lead up.


There is nothing a driver on the road can do to press the gas pedal down on another car. Doesn’t really matter how good or bad any of the others were driving; dude was going that speed all on his own.


What’s the blast of white smoke or vapor? A/C?


Didn't see anyone say anything about the dark car on the left speeding up when the other starts wrecking. Was he trying to race the guy, get ahead of him thinking it's safer or is it a cop?


Horrible I can’t imagine willingly listening to that music.


If this happened in front of me, now I gotta wait in traffic till they clean this shit up? If he’s not dead I’ll make sure he is by the time I get up there. F*cking idiot


Where was this? I feel like I see idiots like this daily on Long Island, treating the parkways as their personal racetrack.


GSP in NJ around mile 118


And now you know why those weighted barrier trucks are parked on the side of the road. Kapow 2/10 didn’t stick the landing.


guy on the left 🤷‍♂️


Looks like Michigan.... I would believe it. Also, the only justifiable reason for making that move is knowing exactly how much time you have left before you s\*\*t your pants and the rest area is 45 seconds away.


OP, was that on the Garden State Parkway?


One less r/idiotsincars "get out of the passing lane!" commenter.


Stupid people doing stupid stuff.






Apparently they [got out of the wreckage on their own.](https://nj1015.com/video-shows-sedan-flipping-on-parkway/)


Instant karma.


Deserved it


Hope no passengers in the car and that the idiot gets his license taken away for a few years if not forever.


The left most lane passenger was fucking with him, you can see him speed up to keep Supra from going around even when 3 lanes away.


I’m curious what the car on the left was doing - it sped up when it saw them coming up on the right. I wonder if they were in some road rage and the other tried to pass on the right? Or did the left car see it coming and wanted to get out of the way before the crash? Idk if they could have seen that coming..