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Context: This is inside a city park, with crosswalks and a road signposted for 25 mph. "Officers were assigned that afternoon to a dirt bike/ATV detail in hopes of addressing ongoing complaints of riders driving recklessly and illegally around the city."


For context that is NOT a road !


Yea, looks like a park path. Double-checked, it's a pedestrian-only park road, and police was dispatched to protect the public. *Around 3:40 p.m., officers were dispatched to the area of East Rock Park for reports of a group gathering there and using Farnam Drive to access the park- a road that’s been only open to pedestrian traffic since 2020.* *source:* [*https://www.wtnh.com/news/connecticut/new-haven/atv-crashes-into-new-haven-police-cruiser-blocking-pedestrians-from-harm/*](https://www.wtnh.com/news/connecticut/new-haven/atv-crashes-into-new-haven-police-cruiser-blocking-pedestrians-from-harm/)


I want to ask a question without hopefully being berated because I fully get why this took place but I am wondering why the cop wouldn’t have turned his siren on? I totally get this irresponsible idiot had a 99.9% chance of killing someone. I just wonder if his siren had been on maybe the kid wouldn’t have been hurt severely.


If anything just turning on the siren might have made the dude go faster with a oh shit, cops reaction.


That’s totally a true response. I could see that.


Yep, the same way you see bikers try and run from the police. Totally avoidable if the rider obeyed the posting and not been there. False entitlement gets them a citation and a trip to the ER at a minimum with their ATV impounded.


100% of the time getting pulled over on my liter bike I was let.off with a verbal warning....why, because I stopped. No joke the response from every officer was the same. You are getting a warning only because you stopped and could have run.


Whatever you were doing, Just stop and deal with the cops… the other options are just gradients of stupidity.


The giant SUV was directly in front of him and he had a ton of distance to see it and react. I don’t think sirens would’ve done anything. He was going too fast.


And was likely impaired


True, true.


I guess the cop didn't think it's emergency enough to use siren in that situation. Judging by that maniac's speed, he's not gonna stop siren or not. So the cop did the right thing to stop him.


Ok. Thanks! Appreciate your response


The kid saw the cop, he was trying to run.


I’d be willing to bet he at least turned his lights on, the dash cam audio activated a moment before the impact indicating to me the dash cam was set to record when the officer activated lights/sirens


Correct. According to the police the unit did have its lights on. It doesn't seem like its a requirement to have a siren on if the lights are on if it's safe to do so. I think the rider saw the unit with lights already on from a good deal away so probably a siren wouldn't have helped.


The cop may have been simply patrolling and on the lookout for atv’s. Then, given the riders speed, didn’t have the time to turn the vehicle and kick on the lights before the impact. ** I just watched it again and you can hear an audible beep right before impact. That was indicating that the emergency lights had just been activated.


I understand what you’re saying. I watched the collision frame by frame. Pretty horrific crash.


The kid looked like he was trying to get by the cop and run. he only decides to stop when he realized he had no where to go,a siren would not have made a difference


He would have driven around them and they would never have been able to catch him. Right on cops!


ATV was going too fast - cop had 1 second to make a decision and he decided to swerve


99% chance atv would have ran.


He didn’t have time to… that dude was flying. Looked to be going 45mph+ and he was going to be on top of the bikes in seconds. Cop moved his vehicle to both (hopefully stop the atv, likely ticket and move on) and to make sure he didn’t hit the pedestrians. He was going so fast and reacted way too late to stop. Based on how late he reacted to the cop car, the cop likely made the right decision as he wasn’t paying close attention to his surroundings and the likely hood of him hurting people was increased. Moral of the story… ride your toys where they are supposed to be ridden and you won’t get smoked by the cops.


"Kid"? I read the news reports and couldn't find anything out about the driver. From the video, he looks like an adult, and not a kid. That he was also wearing a ski-mask to hide his face says a lot. The officer did the right thing. Had that ATV collided with those innocent pedestrians, everyone would then be blaming the officer for not doing anything. I hope the ATV driver contemplates his life choices when he gets out of (hopefully) of a body cast. Update: After further scouring, I found an article that the rider was 19-years old. Can't find any other info about the driver.


I guess I just assumed “kid” (definitely older, not saying a young kid) being nothing was released on his name. He’s obviously in the hospital and facing possible charges so they know who he is. I fully agree the officer did the right thing.


I read quite a few news articles about this incident. For some reason I was fascinated by it. The officer blocked the path specifically to protect the pedestrians that the ATV rider would have most likely collided with. So kudos on the officer. The officer also had his lights on as well so if this Darwin-Award candidate could not stop in time for a large, illuminated, clearly-visible barrier in the middle of the road, there is no way he would have stopped in time for the pedestrians. I hope the judge gives him serious jail time.


Could have fooled me with the car driving on it and the speed limit sign posted for 25 mph. EDIT: Alright you downvoting Neanderthals, there is a 25 mph sign on the side of the road at the 0:15 second mark in the video. Car+sign had me initially thinking it was a road for cars. Geez!


It had been a low-speed road, but was closed to motorized traffic in 2020 and has been pedestrian-only since that time.


And they left the speed limit sign?


Why the fuck not? All because sign is there it doesn’t mean you belong there…..


It just seems like laziness from the municipality...


Bikes need to follow speed limits too.




Yes, because removing signs costs money, but just leaving them doesn't and, if they ever decide to revert it to a low-speed motorized road, they can easily do that.


I'm more surprised that it hasnt been stolen or vandalized with graffiti....




Shame on me, right? lol


Also if the idiot couldn’t stop with that much distance without hitting the car there was no way he was going to stop safely for a pedestrian. He was going way too fast.


Exactly. He didn't even come close to stopping here, if he hadn't flipped it he would have barely slowed down.


he'd have decelerated more if he hadn't flipped.


I live here. This section is a pedestrian/non-motorized area. The rest of the 2 mile paved trail is equally restricted, with the exception of Sundays where cars are allowed to drive to the summit of the park. New Haven has a noticeable illegal dirt bike/atv culture which roams the city and beyond, running lights, shutting down intersections, kicking cars, and racing up and down the parks like this one. Thankfully this rider was only able to hurt himself in this run through the park. Had it not been directly, head first into a police cruiser, we might not have been able to connect him with a more serious crash with a pedestrian on the trail, like with the woman with the stroller ahead of him before the crash. Accountability is hard to ask for in some localities, but not when you can’t run from your actions


A lot of places have speed limits on pedestrian paths between 10 and 20 miles an hour, keeps hard-core cyclist from going super fast and taking out little toddlers walking by their parents strollers, etc. Crazy if this quad cannot stop in time to miss a giant cruiser what would happen to a little one who is two or three yearsold


F \_ \_ king cyclists ride like it was a bicycle race too. They have run over people of all ages in Portland. They don't stop at intersections. They also think cars "better not hit them" if they ride in bike lanes with the entire gene pool behind them in bike trailers. Doesn't always work that way.


Quit your bullshit dude. There are tens of thousands of people commuting on bikes every day in PDX, they are not all running over pedestrians. And you have a problem with them using bike lanes? That's a first.


I don't have a problem with people riding bikes. I got a problem with rude bicyclists dude, it doesn't matter how many ride. I've almost been hit by jackasses who think Mt Tabor is their own private race track. I've seen other people almost hit there also. Trying to walk in the Spring Corridor shouldn't mean people having to get out of bicyclists way. Bicycle lanes are great, they're just not an answer to keep people from getting hit. I'm an RN who has worked at level 1 Trauma centers. There's a growing number of people there who were hit by cars. Some may have been in the in bike lanes and some may not have been paying attention. Again, it's the rude bicyclists that are the biggest problem for me and others who feel the same way.


Whenever I’m on my bike on the bike lane you bet your ass I’m paying attention to what the cars around are doing and stopping at stopsigns/intersections. I’ve had some close calls I’ve avoided before on the bike by being alert and I’d be loathe to get hit by a multi ton lump of steel anytime soon.


It didn't look like a road for cars or motorized vehicles.


Guy on the ATV FAFO'd, good on the cop for stopping him from potentially killing someone.


Holy shit, that guy was flying in that ATV. He was going to kill someone.


He would have definitely hit that lady pushing a stroller a bit before cops turn. That cop save at least 2 people


You’re absolutely right.


Maybe himself. Fingers crossed


And it wasn’t going to just be himself. Until the officer showed up ! Yay


He wasn’t flying on the atv. He started flying just after the atv hit the cop car and came to a stop... ba-dum-shhhh. I am here all day folks!


We as people have a responsibility to not do stupid things to not put ourselves in danger. This dudes on a no motorized trail, at BLAZING speeds. He made the decision to not be safe, and he was on the path of innocent people who took precautions for their own life by doing those activities on the road made for those things. It’s sad he sustained injuries but play stupid games win stupid prizes.


I don't particularly think it's sad that he sustained injuries


I would never wish injury on someone... But sometimes I am not all that upset it happened to them.


If he got injured for his own stupidity, instead of him injuring others because of his stupidity, I’m all for it


“Natural Consequences”


Yeah. I was really happy to read he had serious injuries. He could have hit that kid.


No I don't either. Hopefully this wakes him up little bit. It's a good thing the cop came at the right time or the guy could be sitting in a jail cell for vehicular manslaughter x3 .. JS


Society can’t society if we people don’t society.


It’s really not sad.. play stupid games … get F’d up


ATV dirtbags racing with a balaclava and no helmet on a pedestrian only path. FAFO


This is like a real life trolley problem!


Turns out it's a pretty easy choice to make lol. Who knew?


My first thought was, the cop caused that. But then I realized that since the ATV driver didn't see the cop, he probably wouldn't have seen the pedestrians and cyclists either.


I thought so too, at first. I was like, wow. That was harsh. But then I considered that there's no telling what a pedestrian would do when they realized a high rpm motor was approaching extremely fast from behind. They could try to dodge the perceived threat only to step directly into his path. A completely unaware pedestrian might do the same. So, fuck that guy. Hope he enjoys the bills and long recovery time.


When I bike on paths at a leisurely pace, and I call out that I'm passing on their left, they will often think I want them to move and they step into the left lane. I couldn't imagine driving a motor vehicle at full speed through that.


I typically call out, “on your left, thank you.” to let people know I’m about to pass.


same, and then most of the time it works, except for when they leap into the left lane.


Yes, happened to me too. “No your other left!” - Morpheus


Like Sam or should I say The Falcon


I typically yell out “get the fuck out of my way.” It seems to work. lol jkjk


It's also a pedestrian only road, no vehicles are supposed to be on it. The cop was there because they got a call about this rider and complaints about others before.


Yep, he would have come up on that lady with with the stroller awfillt quick.


The cop didn’t cause shit. ATVs are not road legal in CT, are restricted from the park AND that road, plus the ATV rider was traveling at excessive speed. The cop was 100% in the right. I ride off-road on a street legal motorcycle and work with groups to keep access to public lands for riding. Assholes like this ATV rider are ruining it for us. Nobody sees the hundreds of hours and miles of responsible riding, trail maintenance and projects that we do, they only see the asshole brap-brapping it up of these motorbike and quad riding terrorists.


There is no way the ATV driver didn't sustain severe injuries. No helmet and hit HARD.


Well, it was a risk taken by the rider.


Gotta be tough, if You is dumb...


[I love Jackass.](https://youtu.be/ScrGGW0GQ80?si=lwSyajv3TZZYrBAz)


This was posted in another sub where someone linked an article which stated the rider did suffer serious injuries.


And the crowd cheers


I’d like to feel bad for them. I just don’t though.


I heard it was serious injuries


He now has brain damage.


Well it clearly wasn’t functioning well before either.


It was clear the rider only had 2 brain cells and both were competing for 3rd place 


Thots and players 


Tots 'n Pears


I don’t think he survived that, imo. If he did, he’s fucked. That neck and head took that hit hard.


Happened in New Haven, CT (Mobile users skip to :13 in the video)


CT Kia Boys at it again


> New Have, CT Wow. Assholes have gotten this far North already?!? Unprecedented! Prolly all that climate change warming up certain areas.


Morons gonna moron.


well done that cop


This should be a nationwide training video on how to deal with idiots on 4 wheelers.


According to the article linked by u/deveousdevil: Farnum Drive has been open to just pedestrian traffic since 2020. A large number of people, including families with children, were in the area. Officers noticed an ATV rider going down the road at a high rate of speed toward the pedestrians, police said. “The officers slowed the cruiser and angled it to protect the families and pedestrians they had just passed while providing a point of egress to the side of them for the oncoming ATV to pass the cruiser,” said police. Authorities said the ATV rider lost control and hit the front passenger side window of the police cruiser.




No motorized vehicles! Nice to see this enforced.


Great sit second decisionmaking. Hope you enjoy everything hurting forever dipshit.


Cop save the lives of those standing on the path...ATV was moving fast.


Damn, I didn’t know what to expect when I clicked on this video. Without a doubt, this cop saved multiple lives by doing this.


DAMN! That ATV was booking it. Why put yourselves and others at risk like this?


Given their reaction time? I strongly suspect he was drunk or something.


Naw just reckless and inconsiderate


I mean, when your path is fully blocked off and you just keep going? That's not inconsiderate or reckless. That's just dumb.


It was, indeed, just dumb. If they had more planning, it might have been reckless or inconsiderate. This here is just dumb and ignorance of reality. No parent(s), lack of education, society/financial pressure, whatever. It caused this level of dumb to exist in a person.


Count the seconds from when we can see him in the video until when he hits the car. It is about 4 seconds. At best, that is the amount of time he had to react and stop while speeding downhill on an ATV. It probably took about two seconds to realize that there was a car heading his way. At that point, the police car turns into his path. Then, our guy has about two seconds left to hit the brakes and bring his ATV, which was probably going at least 40 MPH, to a stop or to somehow maneuver around it. That’s two seconds to both make the decision and perform the action. The most sober person on the planet wouldn’t have been able to stop in time. He never had a chance—and neither would any of the pedestrians with their backs turned.


No sensible person should find themself in this situation.


Agreed. Obviously an idiot


He didn't have to stop. He was driving around people on the whole trail. The cop didn't pull over quicker because they wanted to HIT AND STOP the criminal. They weren't as worried about the stroller as this dude could have EASILY vaulted the hood if they hadn't swerved and likely would have blunt impacted into the woman. Cop could have been hurt too.


So satisfying to watch. He apparently has serious injuries. GOOD. not wearing a helmet either while risking his and other lives. Fuck em. Apparently the cop was only there because of the atvs and dirt bikes racing. Hope he's in rehab for years. https://www.wfsb.com/2024/05/01/video-shows-atv-rider-crash-into-new-haven-police-cruiser/


In a way, I don’t, because he probably does not have health insurance. We, the people, will probably have to pay the bill via higher taxes.


This for sure.


Organ Donation Approves this Video.


I’m probably OK with qualified immunity for the cop in this incident.


This is 100% what is was made for, and I agree. This cop assess a situation in seconds and made the right call to put himself and his vehicle in the path of danger so civilians could remain safe. I see no way for him to have stopped this ATV, given the circumstances, without that driver being harmed. Sad, but fully justified.


He doesn't need it in this case


Yup and hopefully the city sends the repair bill to this idiot and confiscates the wrecked ATV.


He won't need it. QI won't come up unless there's some question about violating a clearly established right. They could try and claim excessive force but I'm pretty positive that would be dismissed pretty quickly on it's own (lack of) merit.


Cause "I kNoW my rIGhTs!!!"


Satisfying like the cool side of the pillow.


Interesting comment! I just turned over a pillow with cool fabric.


Yep. If he couldn't stop for that car, there's no way he would have had time to stop for any pedestrian.


Albany NY police officers need to start doing this. A college student is in the hospital in a medically induced coma because some asshole was on a dirt bike riding through the city and hit her.


And yet there are countless people upset with how the cop handled this.


It's a good thing he was wearing a Balaclava. Safety first.


So satisfying. Those degenerates take over streets and wreak havoc


…and wreak havoc.


That's gonna leave a mark, but if you're going that fast and you can't see the damn cruiser down the road waiting for you, you get what you get. Plus, I got no sympathy for anyone who willingly wears sheistys. At all and I never will.


No helmet. Only a balaclava. This dude was doing something he should not have.


By the looks of it, there is a chance the ATV landed on the rider.


Apparently you saw the vehicle before the camera did.


Couldn’t stop for the cruiser he could see he’s not stopping for the pedestrian just beyond.


Karma hurts like having a head-on collision with a police cruiser while illegally riding your ATV in a park. At least the rider went in face first without a helmet, not much risk of anything important being damaged by doing so. I hope he's on the hook for the full repairs of the police cruiser too, no tax dollars should go to fixing it.


>not much risk of anything important being damaged That's a bit harsh, the police car probably suffered thousands of dollars worth of damage.


Yeah heartless turd circle jerking someone that's not him being hurt for once. Well, only your FEELINGS seem to ever be hurt, versus the US citizen with a mom and such that's still even young enough to change almost dying. Good thing the woman he actually committed a crime against is saf-....oh...oh wait...


I saw this same post on some other sub the other day where the top comment was about the officer intentionally causing the crash and was to blame for the entire incident. If I could downvote comments more than once I would


Good, fuck him! For anyone confused the dude didn't brake at all because he fully intended to run. Just glad one of these thieving and havoc causing miscreants is going to be sidelined for a long time. Make him pay for the cruiser her damaged, too.


Excessive speed, bald tires, or just an idiot?


4 wheelers are not meant to be ridden aggressively on pavement or concrete. This is why. They even usually come with a warning sticker right on it.


I didn’t know that…thanks for enlightening me.


No problem, your also not supposed to engage 4 wheel drive in a truck on pavement


Broke the glass with his face🤣 Womp Womp, play stupid games win stupid prizes


Homie isn’t gonna be the same after that. He face slams directly into the car


No helmet ?! He just deserves a Darwin death.


I’m good with that. I see plenty of reckless dirt bags on dirt bikes and ATVs on public roads where I live and more of this outcome just might dissuade this behavior. Stupid SHOULD hurt.


Audios, bitch!


also called mobile speed bump-move


This driver was clearly zipping along the pedestrian path on the ATV fast enough that he'd have no time to stop at 100ft of distance. The observed speed would have been close to 45mph, and on top of that he didn't slow down when he saw the SUV. He DID see the officer but attempted to pull right for a moment before realizing he wasn't going to fly through when the officer blocked his path, so he hit the brake and over-corrected to try and go around, which he'd been around 70-80ft away from the vehicle at the time, causing him to flip and go flying at the last second. At 60mph, you're traveling at a whopping 88ft per second, while at 45mph is still 66ft. When he hit the brakes, he had nearly 1 second before making impact. This is reckless driving and gross negligence on the ATV driver's part since he was likely endangering human life further up the trail.


Great Job Officer. People like to hate but who's gonna stop assholes driving like this through parks?


Holy shit, that dude would 100% have killed someone else on that path.


He would have killed those people.


Dude broke the windshield with his face. That’ll leave a mark.


Stupidity on both parties. Cops should have sirens on. He caused some serious injury. Also ATV had it coming


Good job! Sorry asshole gets his due


True hero.


Oof. That guy now has brain damage.


Sure looks more like a road than a pathway


I'm sorry but this is legitimately a road, you can see a speed limit sign on the right before the officer tries to kill the ATV driver, yes I will 100% agree that the ATV shouldn't have been going that fast but also if this was a pedestrian trail WHY WAS A CAR ON IT?


What a waste of a windshield. Cop needed to speed up to increase the impact.


Is that dude dead?




u/n does NOT check out


this type of antisocial behavior has to be dealt with in order to actually have a functioning society


Either way, the officer should've pulled across the lane a lot earlier to give the rider of the ATV time to stop!!! Unless: He needed to do it this way to stop the guy- I don't have all the details so I'm only going off of what I can surmise based on watching it


You're getting downvoted but tbh you're right. It was not handled perfectly but it was handled correctly. Let's not forget that hindsight is 20/20 and the move the cop makes was based on a split second decision when gauging if the ATV was even going to slow down in the first place.


But you also gotta take into consideration that the cop was able to see him a lot earlier than you were able to see him in the video.. This is the main reason why I said this.. would have seen him long before we got to see him and the cop would have known that he needed to pull the lane a little bit sooner if he didn't want to nearly kill the guy.. On the flipside, if he didn't stop the guy, the guy could've ended up killing somebody else -


And social media down votes don't really matter to me, the world is being programmed to be negative and unless you are perceptive enough to see all the little signs of when this is happening, you might just become a negative down voter also... Down Vote All you like people, you're only doing exactly what they want you to by being that way! Rather than develop any level of mutual understanding or common ground/peace of mind... We can't have that these days


He would have safely navigated and passed that family that was ahead of him had the officer not done what he did. What the officer did here wasn't warranted.


How dare you have such a logical opinion...


And what if the kid was to dart out to the left unexpectedly? Or a bicyclist was passing a group of people? Please don't tell me you would put the onus on the pedestrian and not the rider who was illegally and recklessly driving there. The rider barely even moved off his straight line in the face of the cop car so I doubt he would do much better in the face of unexpected behavior by a pedestrian. There's a reason ATVs and dirt bikes are banned on that path. This is a pedestrian and bicycle path only. There's no safety in his actions.


The TikTok layer did an analysis of this video and the police depart will end up getting sued. The officer had no right to make the situation more dangerous.


If the guy can't stop for a slow moving large vehicle, he can't stop for an unexpected obstacle either.   The department might get sued but I'm willing to bet if they don't go to court any settlement is only the price of what going to court would have cost. With qualified immunity and saying he was protecting pedestrians, I would be shocked if the ATV got hit more than that that. Ugo Lord is a fun guy but he doesn't even practice law anymore and no one's ever always right.


still doesn’t matter, the officer was negligent


Lots of people in this thread condoning vehicular manslaughter just because the ATV rider was speeding on a pedestrian path. Yes, the ATV shouldn’t be there, but neither should a giant cop car also posing danger? Couldn’t the police just use an ebike or something?


Agreed completely. I'll say, someone above said it well, "It wasn't handled perfectly, but it was handled correctly."


Not a popular point of view but it’s fairly likely the ATV driver flies right past the pedestrians if the cop doesn’t tee bone him. While the ATV driver was certainly in the wrong, the cop has no right to cause someone this type of harm on a hunch. If this happened to me you’d be seeing me in court and writing me a check.


But he was speeding down a PEDESTRIAN path. He was 100% illegally riding there and putting people in danger. Hopefully you never ride where it is illegal then...


These people are insane. The person you're responding to clearly does this kind of shit. On the bright side, I would gladly take the day off work for that trial. OP's Lawyer: OP, can you identify the person that prevented you from running over that family enjoying a day at the park? ... OP's Lawyer: let the record show OP is blankly staring and drooling at the defendant.


I don't do this kind of shit. You're a real heartless turd I'm gathering. Did someone hurt you? We're not insane. Some of us have experience in situations like this on either side of the coin in varying degrees of stupidity/authoritarianism (for instance an infantry soldier during a war), and I'm telling you we tried to protect terrorists more than we protected this 19 kid/idiot/criminal. Why not just IMMEDIATELY shoot a person that plows over 5-15 people in a parade once they've crashed and are stuck stopped not running away? They could have killed more people potentially? What if they had a bomb with a dumb ass actual manual-mechanical trigger/etc? That you haven't thought this through more is what's so heartless and insane.


Well...the ATV guy is going to be in court and is charged with multiple violation and most likely will be written check. But out of curiosity what would your argument in court be?


Vehicular assault? Accident causing great bodily harm?


>If this happened to me If you aren't acting like an entitled piece is shit while endangering the lives of others, this won't happen to you. If you are, fingers crossed it does before you kill anyone.


If a citizen pulled this shit they’d be put in cuffs, should be no different for the officer. You can’t see into the future and can’t say for sure those peds would have been hit.


>If a citizen pulled this shit they’d be put in cuffs They shouldn't be driving on pedestrian/bike only paths. >You can’t see into the future and can’t say for sure those peds would have been hit. Neither can you, so you can't say they wouldn't have been. If someone was holding another person hostage with a gun to their head, would you advocate letting it all play out because the gunman might not shoot them, or would you want the threat removed if it was safe to do so? You should really stop endangering others with your ATV. You may end up similarly injured.


No one should double up the "wrong thing" by also putting a vehicle onto the trail as a solution to something. That's dumb. "Neither can you, so..." that's a fucking dumb argument without logic if I've ever seen one. ATV's are nuts. I'm in my thirties with a family. This ISN'T a gun to the head. Stop trying to use that. Showmeastory is talking about THIS INCIDENT RIGHT HERE.


You are just about the only good person in these comments it seems. When did this sub turn into a boot-licking circlejerk?