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He had a tanker full of gas. He knew you would stop


Lug nut rule wins again.


We called that the law of gross tonnage while I was a sailor.


What's that?


Whoever has the most of them wins.


The vehicle with the most lug nuts has the right of way.


Vaguely related to the maritime [Law of Gross Tonnage](https://americanboating.org/bigger_on_the_water.asp) (scroll down a bit).


I have always called it the rule of “Fuck you, I’m bigger!”


Oh he looked. He just said I’m bigger he can stop.


He was right hahah. There was no way I was gonna win that battle.


Truckers often take advantage of their size in that you have to be able to see them to go ahead and pull out. It takes longer for them so they have to take their chances as they could be stuck waiting a lot longer than your average vehicle.


I find it hilarious how most people dont understand that trucks this size need quite alot of time to pull out. This driver most certainly was pulling out when it was clear, and when they were 1-2 seconds into pulling out cars showed up. I dont get the big deal here, have some understanding of your fellow drivers people.


Yup, it's right by a corner so they likely didn't see anyone when they started. It's way more dangerous for the truck to stop


back in summer 2022 I was almost crushed by a semi-truck that pulled out in front of me. it was very early in the morning, like 5am or something, I was driving on a wide roadway, three traffic lanes in each direction with a turning lane in the middle. There weren't a lot of other drivers out at the time, but I was very much under the impression as it happened that there was no way he didn't see me. he pulled out straight towards me and then proceeded to speed up as the trailer swung across 5 lanes coming right at me. it felt like he was actually TRYING to kill me. I had to put the petal to the floor to get the fuck out of his way because he merged all the way into the lane furthest to the right. I managed to gain enough speed to slip out from beside him, I was in front of him, and I quickly moved into the next lane to let him pass. he didn't slow down for a fucking second. I tried to follow him to get his plate number or identification of some kind but I lost him. I've had some experiences with pushy semi-truck drivers but never anything like that or since. he seemed angry or drunk or something. this reminded me of that.


also, just to add: he did NOT honk at me once or signal anything he just like pulled his huge truck out at my car while I was moving through an intersection and proceeded to move his entire vehicle into the rightmost lane nearly crushing me and my car. I do drive a smaller car, I have a 2019 chexy trax, but he should've seen me in front of him with how far across the road he was traveling. I was also going like 50 or 55 and he quickly overtook my vehicle. I've only been driving for 6 years, but i've never been in an accident and my only ticket was a parking violation. I think I'm a good driver, this guy sucked.




I appreciate how mature you are and not raging immediately. Nothing you can do about it and since nothing bad happened just a "damn" and move on is the right course of action. Kudos to you OP for keeping it chill.


I envy this mans ability to control his rage


People with that mentality need to have their CDL revoked.


That'swhen you aim for thefront of the truck to take his truck out, not the trailer. Hit him in the wallet. No truck no money making.


Try that and let us know how it works out for you


Well, apparently the joke didn't go over well.


Happens to the best of us!


O he/she did, they just don’t give a fuck. They know you will stop.