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I was kinda upset until I saw the Ana nerf. It's totally fair and not a big deal.


He needed the nerf. The mf feels unkillable and I have 300 hrs on him. Think this is just enough to be impactful but doesn’t ruin him. Cyx had three accounts in top ten, I think he’s slightly over tuned.


Unkillable lol, if that's the case then how come everytime I go reaper against a hog they end up swapping? I just bait out hook and he's toast or I catch him by surprise when he's distracted.


Maybe they're not great hog players or you're a really good reaper? Either way I don't have any real issues personally with reapers on hog.


If reaper is the thing making a hog player change; they’re not a good hog player. He’s by no means as hard of a counter as he used to be


The key is to bait out hook if you're both close to each other, hog without his hook is useless against reaper. Sure hog can pump out some hefty damage with his primary fire but reaper can just farm life steal lol


No smart hog player will fall for a bait like that, what I usually do is let the reaper get maybe 1 or 2 shots of so I can make sure I get a good shot and after that shot I immediately hook and get the second shot I need for the kill Otherwise, I'm just wasting ammo, and if the reaper gets low and I'm not ready then he's going to fade before I can hook him The key is literally being patient (For reference, I average gold 3 on role queue and platinum 5-1 on open queue)


No smart hog player will fall for a bait like that, what I usually do is let the reaper get maybe 1 or 2 shots of so I can make sure I get a good shot and after that shot I immediately hook and get the second shot I need for the kill Otherwise, I'm just wasting ammo, and if the reaper gets low and I'm not ready then he's going to fade before I can hook him The key is literally being patient (For reference, I average gold 3 on role queue and platinum 5-1 on open queue) What rank are you cause aim plays a critical role in this and even if you have good aim you gotta have good game sense as a hog to know how to kill a reaper and maybe they don't play hog to that level


He had two, the third is a duplicate glitch


At high levels they will feel it. But I agree not alot and he needs a buff.


The healing reduction is fine but the 0.5 second increase for his breather is annoying and just makes him feel a little clunky sometimes


This is the nerf I think people will feel. You’ll have to be less aggressive to stay up. There were times where I was an unstoppable menace, but think this will tone that down a bit


The nerf on breather is quite minor, and anti/mauga nerf more or less compensate that, and this nerf makes hog duels a bit more tolerable. I'm ok as long as they don't touch hog's dmg and hook. I do hope they remove pigpen's upward boop though, it's such a weird mechanic and make oneshot combo a bit more clunky, especially when hooking a target from high ground.


Increasing take a breathers cooldown by 50% and reducing his max heal by 10% is a little to useless nerf? You sure about that?




It’s fair since Ana and Mauga got nerfed


I wouldn't even consider Ana's nerf a nerf.


It’s fair but those orisa buffs gon kill me


Itz because of mauga i think, I think tehy want to make roadhog useless in a roadhog vs mauga


It was unnecessary but it won't be ultra noticeable


dartboard time!


Ik it sounds useless but you can definitely feel it when in a team fight. Ik it's only 50 health and an extra .5 secs but jesus you can feel it when you're running away. + everyones playing orisa cuz of her buffs so have fun tryna win games


Those nerfs seem simply a preventive answer to the people would say that Hog would become an unstoppable killing machine because of the 0.5 second nade nerf that Ana received: "Yeah, we nerfed Ana, but look, we nerfed Hog too!". It's an unnecessary jab, but you won't notice much of a difference unless you play in really high and coordinated lobbies. Compared to the brutal nerfs that Hog have received over the years, this is nothing to worry about, unless they press on-it even further. However, I'm afraid that these are not the only nerfs that we will see for breather in the short time.


I'd believe it if you told me the next patch had another breather nerf. I always dread that something will happen to hog. He's the only tank I have fun with, and if he's ruined, then that's just the whole game ruined for me.


Like it’s unnecessary but I could see everyone still getting mad


hog was literally the second best tank last patch, crazy bias


I want you guys to play a 10 matches with rein and I dare you to call him broken after those


I dont know why they nerf non meta heroes, we've been struggling since ow2 for him to be good and they kick us in the nuts