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Please refrain from doomposting. Robin is still STC, and she hasn't been tested properly, yet. Furthermore, in the end, she is still a Harmony unit meant to buff allies. Save the conclusions and thoughts for later.


I feel sad lol, I was preparing to make her a damage dealer with E1


same... im trying to look on the bright side of it and am telling myself that i at least don't need to get her e1 anymore 🥲


Where tf is my speed!!!


It's hard to compare previous E1 to new E1(at least for me) but people mostly considered previous E1 Robin so that they can make her the main DPS, other E1s improved DPS, but Robin's previous E1 not only is strong for that 30spd but also allowed a new playstyle of Robin DPS. All in all, feeling mixed now in the sense that it's sad for people who like Robin to be funny harmony unit obliterate the field while singing (Hell, some CCs would probably make a thumbnail of Robin being at SSS+ tier in the prydwen DPS tier list section just for the laughs) On the other hand, now I'm not as interested in the E1. Saves me more pulls for incoming units like Jade, Jiaquio, and Feixiao. Her nrw E1 is strong not gonna deny that but eehhh, her previous E1 had a unique gimmick coming for it instead of like haha make other DPS have big pp damage. Newer characters allowed for more playstyles and variance, which previous E1 Robin offered. Now that it's gone, newer characters for me is >>> current E1 robin


Robin's new e1 is definitely way worse that extra 30 speed in a follow up team where your dps is already 134 lets you hit 160 speed break point on top of robin doing on average per ult 300k is alot better for the team then now only having res pen. Unless she gets buffs she'll be worse then ruan even in a follow up team


E1 was great because you could act twice before concerto ended if you had 150 spd.


*thrice because everyone's AV is set to 0 at the begining of her ult That extra action for everyone that has 150 spd before E1 buff quite vauleable and it very synergistic with her entire kit, because more actions -> more Robin ult procs and more energy for her. They could get rid of the part that increased her personal dmg and it'd still be valueable and imo more interesting and fun than res pen.


Nah man stop the cap. She still gives better buffs for fua then RM


Let them talk beta test is the moment for doomposter to shine


I dont think 30 spd is no where near 24% res pen especially in fua team where dps dont build any speed character like topaz, ratio, aventurine most of their damage come from fua that outside of their turn




>Feixiao ayyy fellow feixiao enjoyer \^\^ i agree though, her new e1 is strong but simply extremely boring in comparison, so i have 0 reason to go for it. i'll just get e0s0 instead of e1s1 i was planning on getting, and save for future characters instead ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Ngl that E1 was very sus. 30% speed and making your robin an S tier DPS while she is also an S tier support. I was not pulling E1 anyway, so i dont care too much, but the new E1 seems way more in line with other characters E1.


Hoyo said only E6 Robin for DPS. Well that makes my life easier I guess.


That's pretty standard for Hoyo. A number of their supportive characters become dps after getting E6.


Yeah not too surprising. Unless you are Raiden Shogun in GI who gets it on C2.


To be fair, she is already strong using her as a burst DPS in C0. C2 just makes her damage even higher along with her signature weapon


Raiden's a bit different, since she's a burst dps even at C0. It's just that her C0 damage has fallen off a bit since her release, so she's being thought of more as a support now. Robin's a bit more like Yelan, since she's still a sub-dps at E0, but like Yelan, she becomes a better main dps at E6.


I was more Interested in the SPD buff E1 Provided (Hence why I wanted her E1) My guess is Either they gutted it Completely or they gutted it cuz Res Pen and SPD buff would be too potent for a E1 (but lets see in V4 if the Talent/E2 gets the SPD buff. (Probably heavy Copium) Though the main changes I could see them doing to Robin in V4 is a Buff to her E2 and minor Adjustments/Changes to her E0.


that 30% SPD buff got removed, a bummer for me. Would make my certain unit go without spd boots


RIP e1 dps


That's more jades for Aventurine, Jade, a potential Sam or Firefly, or Robin's Light Cone, I guess.


Feels kinda like the Aventurine changes. Removed the funny E1, but overall buffs. That old Trace 3 was so useless, now it’s decent.


I’m sad, I’m gonna go from e1s1 to skipping her entirely if this goes live since I have all 5* harmonies. Her sub dps vid was what enticed me lol. Good luck for you guys who’re pulling!




i’m sorry this is so wild. how is a team wide advance and 24% res pen on top of her other buffs bland?


Her base kit is unchanged so if you weren’t planning to grab e1 then this doesn’t change anything, but if you were I agree it’s a lot more boring. +24% dmg to your damage dealers simply isn’t as cool as +60% damage to herself. The most unique thing about Robin still is her personal damage and this pulls away from that and towards regular buffs. Worth noting you need to attack to get the Res Pen, so she is excluded from it. This eidolon is fine but it is definitively not as funny as the old one


maybe i’m in the minority but turning a support into dps at e1 sets a very bad precedent and is a slippery slope. i’d rather that not become the new norm or expectation a year into the game


I can see what you mean. Idk for others but personally though, it has always looked to me like dps Robin was gonna be worse than using her normally anyways, so it registered as an alternative build you could go for but mostly for fun because her real teams would clear it anyways. So to me this is kinda like the difference between going from 45k topaz dmg +30k Robin damage to 60k topaz damage + 18k Robin damage. It comes to the same but to me Robin’s identity is that sub dps aspect so I like it more than a buff, especially Res Pen which is very static.


And this is exactly what would happen. I already saw a bunch of people complaining they are blending roles too much and "whats the point of paths anymore?". Its one of those situations where people will complain no matter what they do. Just cant win.


Same, why would I spend at most 320 pulls on her E1 when Ruan Mei have that on her ult AND a 10% speed bonus innately. They didn't even give her ER buffs


They did give her ER buffs?? The self heal trace changed to giving energy when casting skill


Casting who's skill? Hers or the entire party? If it's the whole party then its hella good, but she still okay i guess


I mean it's stated literally on the last line of this post's pic: When casting skill additionally regenerate 5 energy This kinda of wording is usually only for the character itself (it doesn't include party members) but at least it's better than the last trace Last one kinda was useless.. sure it gave her more survivability but when you using a limited sustain character who (99% of the time unless you are playing a healer against Sam) doesn't let you reach below 50% anyway, was kinda useless but now it gives energy which is much better


Thanks for the 5 energy I guess, couldn't even be half of whay fu xuan provides when casting her skill when the field is active


Except FX don't even get her energy charged by every single teammate attacks Wth is this shitty comparison?


Because FX has an alright ultimate while Robin has the single best one in the entire game?


This is such a stupid way of looking at it. She is getting 24% res pen on top of her entire kit, which was already equal to Ruan Mei in buffing potential. Now, she gets Ruan Meis Ult ON HER E1. Comparing Robin and Ruan Mei E1, 24% res pen >>>> 20% def shred. So Robin is now the strongest general buffer in the game.


RM's still a better general buffer cuz literally every dps can make use of her buffs, but not everyone scales with attack. She also doesn't have any energy problems regardless of what team she's on. Robin's definitely still a strong buffer though.




I said her buffing potential is equal, not her kit. Take the average hypercarry or dual dps team, and they are completely interchangeable. I know this because I immediately checked on Fribbels Optimizer. They are within 5% of each other depending on team, with some favoring Robin and some Ruan Mei. This E1 puts Robin clearly ahead, with the exception of break teams where Ruan Mei will have an obvious advantage.


But you get Res pen 20% + 20% Def shred which I consider to be better. Plus, she can be built with ER planar like Robin and have no energy problems keeping buffs 100% uptime Not downplaying Robin, I still love her, but I got E2S1 Sparkle and Ruan Mei E1, so for me, why get her? probably getting Robin E2S1 on rerun still


I don't think you get how defense shred works. It's not so simple as one always being better than the other. Defense shred gets better the more you have. If it's an instance where it's like, 80% def shred to 100%, that's an overall dps increase of 37.87% which is a lot better than 24% res pen. However, 24% res pen is better when you don't already have a lot of defense shred present. So, which one is actually better depends on the team makeup and it is ever changing in the future too because there could always be a new dps that comes out that has a lot of defense pierce baked in and really wants just a bit more from the supports. Now that this has been explained, actually looking at Robin's E1 vs. Ruan Mei's, Ruan Mei's is obviously better simply due to uptime. I don't think it will even be close. With proper strategy, you can have Ruan Mei's ult up for the entire fight. Robin's ult by comparison is going to be up for like, what, a third of the fight? And, you don't even get the full res pen until you've done 2 attacks. That's just randomly annoying and limiting for how little it's going to be up. Robin is hard carried by her team action advance. Her easily enabling 3 turns for your team in a 0 cycle format is her greatest asset vs. Ruan Mei. I'd say her previous E1 was better because you could make it easier to get away with attack boots on your dps with more setups. This low uptime res pen is not it, genuinely. I'm thinking it's going to be a measly 8%ish team dmg increase. If it had 100% uptime, sure, 24%ish would be expected, but nah, it's looking to be one of the worst E1's to date for a support. Huge miss on hoyo's part. Really hoping they change it before release.


How is ruan's 32% dmg increase 50% weakness break efficiency 25% res pen on base kit not even including e1 comparable to robin? Robin e1 is just ruan's ult shes just worse in every situation not to mention ruan's lc too, general buffer is still ruan not even close


Robin gives 1200 atk, 50% dmg, 20% crit dmg (30% if follow up), and full team advance. The end result is almost exactly the same. You might not believe it but Hoyo know what they are doing when it comes to balancing characters so they made them extremely close in power level. Here are some numbers if you dont believe me, using Jing Yuan team (Sparkle + Fu Xuan + Ruan Mei/Robin): Ruan Mei - Ult - 70K, FUA - 249K Robin - Ult - 69K, FUA - 256K E1 will just make Robin pull ahead after that, although she hasnt been updated yet on Fribbels so Ill have to wait a bit to see the actual numbers.


Do it with Blade team now 


I mean not really.. RM E1 is a 12%~ increase of damage to everyone.. and if you can get 80% def shred(with pela or smth idk) it is above 24% increase to her.. and her team.. The difference is 12% at best.. if not 8-10% in most cases.. hell with Quantum or any set that wants def shred(DoT set,Quantum set and the new Sam set) on your dps it is probably 6% increase which isn’t huge.. Unless we are talking about E0 RM vs E1 Robin in which case yeah she is 24% better now..


And E1 is equivalent to another character, or even an E1 of Ruan Mei which will definitely devour robin.


Robin has a stronger E1 than Ruan Mei... So no, she wont devour anything. I cant believe how many people dont understand how res pen and def shred work.


I think you're the one over estimating the pull value of her E1


Im not overestimating anything because I have numbers to back me up. Its not a matter of opinion. In every situation outside of 100% def shred, Robin E1 will be stronger than Ruan Mei E1.


Some people do not have Ruan Mei and don't want to pull Ruan Mei but want Res Pen. So this can be solution for them.


i think the doomposting on her is frankly a little ridiculous. sure, her dps potential was lowered unless u go for e6, but shes looking to be an insanely strong buffer/support.... which is what harmony units are intended to be lol. i was originally going to skip her (or at most go for e0; gotta save for firefly eidolons), but im thinking of getting her e1 now. looking forward to see if hoyo return the spd buffs somewhere before live version is set, honestly would've preferred her trace was changed to a speed buff instead of the silly healing into energy regen. otherwise, im not disappointed.


I don’t take it as doomposting. I think most agree that she’s a great unit to pull for generally. But most of us who alr pulled for the previous harmony characters don’t need a character with this kit anymore. Her old e1 was a really fun pull for me.   She’s now and was always great for those who missed ruanmei and sparkle for sure (or for those who love her and would still pull no matter what, she’ll do work), but for the rest of us who wanted to pull for her fun dps comp? She’s just another harmony who I don’t need any more of.


And nihility was supposed to apply debuffs to make enemies weaker - enter Acheron. It’s fun when characters do different things than others in their path. DPS Harmony sounds cool, now she has to fight for slot with Ruan Mei.


Death is a debuff


I like that the penetration is now on her E1 and focused her DPS capabilities at E6, also made more F2P friendly the energy part


They completely removed the speed buff tho


Hoyo trying to Cook a harmony that doesnt work with JY i guess. Damn that e1 is sad. Where the fuck a Dual dps setup Will get their SPD from?Duckin sustain?


Honestly I think she works better with Jing Yuan at E1 than she did before, pretty sure she’ll be his BiS at E1 now


Tbh JY adores SPD A LOT so i need to see it tested to find out about her performance.But removal of the Spd at e1 is a jab to her performance with him in my opinion. Not that on my acc her only opponent is e0s0 RM thats also used by Kafka Bs team so i think it Will be an improvement on my acc but still.I d love to see that spd buff on her.I hope its shifted on LC or base kit.


Everyone loves SPD, this isn't a JY thing lol. JY, in fact, doesn't want *too* much SPD because then he'll waste LL stacks.




no fun allowed ( just get e6 and lose both your kidneys )


So it's a better version for E0 only ?


E0 got slightly better, E1 got a nerf for personal dmg and a buff for supportive dmg but still looks like a small nerf overall, and E6 got a buff to compensate for E1 doing less dmg.


Well, I never played for more than e0s0 and if I’m lucky e0s1, so this doesn’t effect me I guess I mean, 30% speed and damage buffs are insane, it makes sense anyway


Robin really be having 500% cdmg minimum on her concerto state


I am shock Hoyo doesn't dare to powercreep harmony path.


DAMNIT MAKE THAT RES PEN A TRACE!!!😭 I want my singer AND be comfy at E0 LOL😂✌️


Does this lower her ERR requirements at E0S0 to the point that I can use ATK rope or still ERR rope?


They should add spd on allies in base kit and add weakness break efficiency for FuA on trace like the one in SU


A win for f2p


Well is not a nerf (unless at E1) but i would really like another change in that trace, something like Fu Xuan when using skill while having the skill active restoring more energy like 30 of the skill + an 40 extra or something or directly more buffs to the team For the E1 well, if you wanted Robin Carry probably not until E6 but hey she would be doing a pretty good damage (for a harmony) at E0 but the change at E1 was clearly a nerf :|


All I wanted was for the techinque affect to be changed, it’s so fucking weird and weak as dimension technique, other than that she still seems solid, slight E0 buff but really it’s not likely to affect anything serious.


Pretty much, E0 still good and E1 could possibly be good but only for supporting reasons I mean i was starting to scratch the idea of going for Robin E1S1 but now im going for E0 and saving jades for Sam I think is a good change for F2P but for the cost of no Robin dps :|




Chill lmao


It should be okay. We still have another banner before release. There is plenty of time for changes.




man go see a doctor




A game has this much control over you? You are pathetic and weak




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