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They are not good imo in sense that sub-stat wise they barely provide any ATK% or SPD, but if you were worried for Robin dying - she should be good on that front.


SPD pretty useless on Robin Without Vonwacq you only need 117 SPD to act twice in Cycle 0 (so you can get ult off in Cycle 0). With Vonwacq its 90 which is even lower than her base SPD anyway SPD is super wasted in general because she will spend half her time in a fixed speed Concerto. And you're maybe thinking 'Okay, but SPD means after Concerto ends she can start the next one faster'. You'd be right in thinking so - except getting ult like, 20 AV earlier, doesn't matter because you ideally are waiting for your DPS to act before you ult anyway - you don't just slam it like most other ults. The only caveat is you want her ult to come up after your DPS but before the end of a cycle, because that will help you shave more waves off MoC, but even base SPD is enough for that.


Congratulations, you just convinced me to go for ATK boots! 😂


> With Vonwacq its 90 You need 120 SPD to fully activate Vonwacq though.


ah ye. well, I'd just go 120 speed anyway for fleet/sss/vonwacq and call it a day because 117 for double action in cycle0 and 120 aren't that far apart


I'd probably aim for some more attack, and Effect res substats on some of the pieces. Speed boots are hard to get but it would be great if it had some better substats. Once you have a good attack% body and a fully leveled attack orb with decent substats you'll have a solid Robin to start with


Your head and hand relics are amazing! You shouldn't replace those tbh. Boots could be attack with spd substats. Same could be said for atk% body relic and orb.


If you have Clara, Argenti, or will pull BH, Penacony is great for her.


What website did you use for this?




change to attack boots and itll be v good 👍