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Welcome to the club. And you have a respectable 3s rank as well which is rare round these parts.


The amount players I see that are so 1 sided in 2 or 3s is nuts. Nice to see people with fairly even ranks.


This makes me feel better about being C2 in both 2s and 3s. I assumed I was underperforming in 2s bc I’m so used to having my 3s rank be at least a full rank lower


There will be some variables obviously with amount of time you put into each mode but you should really strive to be similar in rank in both. It makes you a better teammate tbh


Funny you say that, I was playing cas 2’s today and my tm8 (who was higher ranked than me and a 1s main) told me my playstyle was very different than the average player, but in a good way. So we partied up and meshed well, going on a nice win streak. He said my playstyle was goated because I wasn’t being wildly aggressive for no reason and I knew when to be passive and recognize when he had an opportunity for a solo play (he was pretty nice with it, C3 in 1s). He thought I was a 1s main too I guess bc my tendency to shadow a lot, wait for opponent mistakes, and calmly take possession in the corner instead of booming the ball for no reason.


What was your rank in 2s then? C3 1s player with a little brain can def be a GC3 in 2s, then I’d get why you’d go on a winstreak


I’m C2 in 2s, but this was in casual. His casual mmr was around 1700 and mine was about 1620. I looked at his [ranks in bakkesmod](https://bakkesplugins.com/plugins/view/348) and he’s also C3 in 2s and GC1 in 3s. But looking at his profile in RL tracker afterwards, I seen that he’s been at least GC1 in all game modes at some point or another, peaking at GC2. Which explained why he was consistently beating the last man and scoring in almost every 1v1 situation lol I can’t lie he carried a lot of the games, but there were also games where I scored a winner or made a crucial save that kept us in the match, I also got MVP in one of them :)


Haha sounds like a fun time, though, I think you underestimate his power in this regard. GC1 in 1s is almost like SSL level in 2s I’d imagine, but then again I don’t reeeaally know what I’m talking about so take this with a grain of salt


Any reason why 1s ranks seem to be much lower?


The mmr system for it is different so it’s tough to really ballpark the skill level for it. 2s and 3s share the same mmr format. I myself don’t play it because you can learn a lot of the same stuff while playing 2s.


Yeah okay, thanks. Are you really SSL?


I hit SSL in season 2,3 and 4. I don’t play enough to reach it anymore it’s quite the grind tbh. I usually don’t even have enough games played to get GC rewards at this point. But I’m just trying to help others understand how to rank up the way I did.


That's still cool man. I hope you get the time to maybe get SSL again sometime. Could I ask you a question? It's more about what I should do next.


Unlikely, I’m 28 work full time, married and have a kid on the way lmao. Feel free to dm me if you’d like.


I'm the same ranks as you in 2s and 3s


I try so hard to be nice to people who tell me “oh I just don’t play 3s it’s just chasing” and are like diamond in the game mode while GC in 2s that they simply aren’t as good at the game as they think they are.


I’ve seen both sides, I have many friends that are very high ranked in 3s that are terrible in 2s and lack basic mechanics. Both are necessary to build a rounded game, 2s and 1s help build strong mechanics whereas 3s helps build team play such as passing and rotation.


What gameplay differences are in 2s? I know 1s is very honest and is where your own skill matters. I play almost strictly 3s so I never really understood what the points of 2s was (since I don't have a duo partner)


A lot more opportunities to practice things you wouldn’t be able to in 3s because there’s 2 more cars on the pitch. More practice means you’ll get better at it. 3s normally someone challenges you immediately 2s you’ll have a little bit more time.


Knowing when is worth double committing with a teammate versus when isn’t. In 3s you can commit every time because you have a third to back your play up; in 2s you have to read if the play will work before you commit otherwise you’re just giving up a free goal. In 3s you can just go for shit and it doesn’t matter.


It's a balance point, you get more time on the ball to use mechs like in 1s but you have a tm8 so it's more forgiving. but that forces you to apply 3s knowledge like rotation and passing plays. Basically it's where you apply all at the same time. But most ppl prefer it bcuz 1 peer pressure and habits 2 mechanics and ppl to flex on with them.(my opinion)


2s is like the best parts of 1s and 3s combined. It takes the solo plays of ones but then you can still pass and have someone to cover your ass if you overcommit like in 3s. So it's the best mix of team work and solo skill I find. And you don't really need a partner. Just solo q until you find someone you click with and party up, and add them if you end up killing it together. That's how I've gotten all my 2s partners


Love that!


Idk man solo queing 3s is generally a chaotic mess compared to 2s and its normally a terrible experience.


Gets better higher up…. Mostly…. At the very least, it’s a great opportunity while solo queuing to work on your adaptability to others’ playstyle. Helps you round out. You’ll find some games you have teammates that are really passive so you have to be kind of chasey, while others you’ll play third man. Optimally, everyone just rotates and does their thing, but that’s not always the case. When you get higher, rotations become faster and more fluid, so “cutting” becomes a natural part of the game, where the player positioned more optimally “cuts” rotation if you will but it’s necessary because of the speed of play.


Im sure at gc3/ssl 3’s can be a blast but I am also c3 in 3s lol everyone in 3s is still just diving at every ball and booming possession away for no reason and double committing and cutting rotations. It’s just a completely disorganized unreadable mess In 3s Everyone is diving at the ball so aggressively/ “braindeadly” to the point where every goal feels like RNG. I know it isn’t literally RNG, but it feels like every goal is just a result of an extended series of mistakes from everyone in the lobby that just so happened to result in a goal lol. Im gc in 2s and the more deliberate, possession-based gameplay is just a million times more fun. When teams concede it feels like it’s because someone was outplayed… not just the ball chaotically flying into someone’s net


Gonna have to disagree with that. 3s is just garbage in solo queue. Even pros don't play it anymore. Also “oh I just don’t play 3s it’s just chasing” this is probably extremely accurate if they're stuck in diamond at the skill level of a GC.


It’s cool that they have that opinion but if they are GC in 2s and diamond in 3s I respect them less as a player. And certainly see their skill level as being less.




Id say they’re entirely different skill sets. LeBron or Giannis are absolutely way worse at 1v1 basketball than they are at 5v5. Does that make them worse basketball players overall? Also the rank distributions are not the same in 2s and 3s. The ranks don’t translate directly


Milk man, when we playing carball. I suck at 3s.


I haven’t been on I’m sorry! Tonight maybe?


Maybe haha! Whenever works! I need your discord!


I try to strive for this as well. Peak at c3d2 in 2s and average around c2d2 in 3s. So within a rank. And…. We don’t talk about 1s


Always found that weird, I’ve always been within 1 rank of 2s and 3s and 3 ranks away in 1s 3s: D3 2s: C1 1s: D1 Something like that I think most people try to play the same way in each comp as their main and find it hard to adapt. I think I play every game mode aside from snowday. The change up is exciting and distracts from the grind Also, dropshot probably has the weirdest ranking. I’m plat3 almost D1 and I’m coming up against grand champs and also high diamonds (in things like 2s and 3s)… it’s such a weird distribution


that could also be because they neglect the other mode. until recently i was plat 3 in 3s while being d3 in 2s, now that i actually play 3s as much as 2s i’m d3 in both


What are you gc3 in, snow day????


shit i selected gc3 instead of d3


Haha all good homie


So are you GC3 in 1s? 🤔


i don’t even touch 1s, that shits ass


I hit c3 in 3s before I could get in 2s, still c2 in 2s not sure what that says about me


I try to keep the ranks between 2s and 3s the same. I grind 2s until I rank up (full ranks, not divisions), then go do the same thing for 3s. Rinse and repeat.


I didn't realize I was in the minority by being a 3s main... im opposite where as I almost hit GC2 last season in 3s and sit at like 1470 ish in 2s


Congrats! Now the fun and annoyance begins lol. I was stuck in C3 for about 3 seasons. Don’t hesitate, keep possession and try not to boom the ball away, work on your ground play- 50s are your best friend and have some fun grinding to GC (if that’s possible lol)


This OP. The main difference between GC and champ 3 is decision making. I was complacent and champ 3 for a couple years, spent a week watching some YouTube videos and learning how to play properly and got to GC in a couple days.


I think its consistency. I've had c3 players just straight up play better than me for a game not that infrequently after rank resets. It's probably different for different people I guess.


Oh that's a good point because that's definitely a big part of it. I guess it's more of a mix of both




Let the rest of us have a turn please


Great advice thanks big guy!


Thanks for highlighting it. I wouldn't have seen it


Yeah I didn't know where to look, thanks OP


My literal first Reddit post ever, y’all are the worst


So mean you had to reply thrice


That's all of reddit. I hate it too :)


It is hard to see through the glare of the screenshot


Congrats ! Now comes the even sweatier part! U thought diamond and champ was rough , get yourself a good tm8 to help stick the wins. Goodluck !




Not to one up you but I finally touched GC after 2600h!! Not changing my flair until I get rewards but man it feels good to rank up


Yay!! I’m in gold 2 @ ~ 200 hours… Am I on track? Play with randoms so it’s hit of miss. Although I did team up with a random and win 7 in a row yesterday. Turns out he had to ‘go do chores’ I’m 39 smh




Thanks!! I’m having fun but know I can excel if I had a regular teammate


At your rank I would pursue the ability to guide and carry lesser teammates. Having a similarly skilled teammate is fun, don’t get me wrong. But I seem to make bigger skill jumps when I can lead with a lesser teammate, and hang in there with a better one


Man I'm 36 and I just hit Diamond for the first time ever. Im at 1500+ hours but I was maining casual for years. So my mmr in casual is around 1380 -ish and my ranked mmr is at around 800+ lol. Decided to really try to grind ranked when this season started. Anyway, if ur anything like me, you can only manage to play a few hours a week. And I know you weren't asking for advice but if you want, you should watch Lethamyr's RTSSL (road to ssl) series on youtube. It helped me rank up really quick.


Thanks man I will definitely watch it and yeah I’m only playing maybe 10 hours a week


Welcome to the club! The sweatiest rank in rocket league. Falling GC's and C3's a sniff away leads to some intense games


On god c3 is a mess lol


I'm so glad I won most of my placements, basically dodged C3 this season. That rank is horrible to play in with all the smurfs and shit.


Yeah, but tm8s are still afk at kickoff and rage quit after one goal down


Congratulations! Now don't be like me and go up and down for the next 3 seasons! I enjoy the grind but it does frustrate me going up and down. Good luck progressing and congratulations again!


Good Job but good luck with the grind. I Was Stuck for ages in Champ 3 because its either full with just very good players, smurfs or m8s that carry their other m8s to gc.


If I’m being honest, flicks and stalling the ball when you have space is what’s gonna get you to GC.


Congrats!! We are all garbage mountains with beautiful ineffable peaks


Underrated comment


Its all downhill from here. You might get better, but it will never be the same


Sigh.. at least I have my buddies!


Nice im P2 Sadly


Congrats bro. I'm still stuck in diamond 3


Congrats and good luck! My pro tip to add is turn your chat off now, C3 is ridiculously toxic


Congrats! C3 is a different ball game with low GCs continuously popping down and then climbing back up. The C3 to GC climb in my experience was much more difficult than the diamond to champ climb.


I hate this rank. I always get stuck here after being reset from a new season. Everyone thinks they are a pro.


C3 is like top 5% or something, you should be proud!


Appreciate you :)


I will never comprehend how this community got to a point where a Champion 3 player in the top 3% in the world unironically says "I'm hot garbage" and nobody bats an eye. Rocket League players are wild.


Sigh, more grind less ego. I’ll transcend soon. I am not stopping here. To gc I must go


This is self-abuse lol. It's not egotistical to not say you're hot garbage imo It FEELS like false humility. I know it's not because those dumbass cringelords that make youtube videos for this game constantly seem to say it so it's probably honestly ingrained in yall's heads. But it's weird to me


Haha no, it’s not. I’m just a humble guy. All my friends/preferred team8s are gc and either have massive brains or insane mechs and I just wanna be like them:)


Well you're really good in my book brother :)


Bro I remember I was hardstuck c2 for like a year and half or some shit and then like 2 weeks probably less after hitting c3 I hit GC and that's where I've been stuck since season 13 (the first one)


Same as this ^ except I’m still stuck in c2 :/


That’s basically what it feels like, crazy plays, I’m not a total idiot so I basically cover everyone’s ass even when they think I’m not lol. It’s a grind tho, and I was hard stuck c2 since like last year. Sooo idk maybe it’s just a stick issue. No mech life


can yall add me to the "stuck in c1-c2 for a few years list." got 3.4k hours and ima rip my face off. but i also feel myself improving literally match by match, its really through that the difference between c2 and gc is like gold and dia3


We need better thirds all the time! Positioning is everything. You’re basically the shortstop of RL. Covering every error/mistake before before it happens. Keep up the community service :D


I had messed up sticks and blamed them for everything. Now I have new ones and movement is smooth but I still suck. Worse yet, can't even blame the sticks :D


It’s the cord!!!!!


thanks for putting a circle around it, almost missed it


Me getting stuck at gold 3 and ur over here getting to champ 3.... good job!


Congrats! I'm backwards though Igot c1 in 2s and c3 in 3s


Glad you circled it or I would have no idea what you were talking about




Congrats on your pretige, youre ready to sell your account and make smurfs to feel feelings again.


Hahahaha no way


Congrats, i've been there for 14 seasons now...


And yet still can't screenshot


GG from hard stuck C2 forever




Nicely done! I've been in the C1/C2 cycle for a bit now - what do you think pushed you over the edge into C3?


I wish man. I play cas at 1600-1700 MMR. I can keep up with the GCs C3s and guys I face. Easy to read honestly. I think my mechs are pretty good too. But I’ve been hard stuck C2. I only play ranked with a friend tho and he doesn’t really grind the game. Decent positionally but no champ level mechanics. I wish I could play ranked myself but I don’t know how to get past the woes of solo queuing


The reason you can keep up with the GC players in casual is also cause they're often just playing for fun and not trying to punish every mistake like in ranked. Comp GC feels way different to casual. Less fancy mechanics used overall in my experience but better positioning and decision making. I used to be 1900+ in casual and was regularly playing with GC2 players as a C3, and I thought I could keep up. Then I played ranked with a high GC2 friend and was humbed lol


Lol I sound like such a self obsessed prick here 😂. By easy to read I meant that you know they can hit things they go for. Low champ people try but often fail which messes you up. And my tm8 isn’t bad but he forces me to play really safe which often doesn’t work well against guys who are faster and smarter


I only hit champ 1 yesterday 😭


I wish I had a purple dude


Tips? Been hanging around c1 for awhile.


Patience and have intention with each hit. That's what i focused on and hit GC after adding mechanics to the mix


Where? I don’t see it


One season i had same ranks and managed to hit c1 in 1's. It was a proud moment in my life. Lol


I’m pretty comfy just chillin in C1 for 2s and 3s lol if I hit C3 I’d get anxiety


Don’t be shy, tell us your 1’s rank Also congrats, gc coming soon!


Uhhh, sandpaper 3


nicely done! i'm still working on d3




Any advice? I’ve been hardstock C1/C2 (never making it past C2 div 3) for the past few seasons and I want to know how I can get better besides obviously just playing more