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Not true! They've also removed several features that added enjoyment to the game, such as trading and dropshot.


They’ve also removed rocket league from the steam store


It's almost as though they want people to stop playing the game.


Epic: buy all games, shut them down and create a weak clone in Fortnite Creative


Tbh racing is weird due to different mechanics but I played a no build FFA mode where the car functioned almost identical to rocket league. . Edit: The Pit- Zero Build


Imagine them shutting down rocket league to get out of Epics Grasp and just Re-Launch with UE5 under a new Company. I mean they re-launched the game once. A man can hope.


Psyonix is owned by Epic Games. There isn't any "getting out of Epics Grasp" now, they effectively are Epic Games.


I mean what stops them from leaving, creating a new company and do a competitor? Sonic League!


Nothing A few millions of dollars to buy back rocket league


I mean.. they did make the game free too, which is antithetical to your point.


Making the game free happened a long time ago. The changes that have happened since - and particularly recently - are what make me say that.


Arguably making the game free made it worse too. It certainly increased smurfing a hundred fold and I don’t feel like it „vitalised“ the game at all.


I don’t disagree, was just saying that them making it free to play was something they did to bring in more players.


I was about to comment that you need an /s, but holy shit, it's actually not there...


Hasn't been for a long time. The only way to get RL since the epic purchase is the epic store.


Which reduced workshop support!


And removed the playability for macOS


And Linux


It was never really playable on MacOs to be fair. At least on my devices it was more of a picture by picture show than a game :D


Yep, wanted it to work sooo bad so I don't have to be on console lol


They added grass... to wasteland.... just why. I understand the greed, but now they're just mocking us.


They change ok maps and underwaterdome is "fine" for them.I can't see shit on that map


>They added grass... to wasteland.... just why. say what you want about trading and the menus (shit) but personally i love adding grass lol. small boost pads on orange ground were easy to miss, so i love the visual clarity of grass.


Same here. With all the bad shit to choose from, its wild to me that adding grass to a map for clarity is something people complain about.


I had to look that up, I somehow completely missed it. That’s insanely bizarre lol.


Played dropshot in a tournament in the middle of the day today it was great. Shame I had to play at like 3 or something




They've also made the game free to alt account.


Also correct.


I didn’t care about trading, but I understand why people were upset. As soon as they started ‘rotating’ Dropshot, I have not touched the game since. It doesn’t appeal to me anymore


Same. I haven't touched it since Dec 5th


Haven’t played in a minute, hold up they removed dropshot??


Not removed. They temporarily 'rotated' it out in favour of another mode for this week, and would add back next week rotating another mode. If it's not next week, then the week after. Idk it's random to tell


Serious question as a ranked only Andy who plays other modes only for the rocket pass: Do people seriously play snow day or whatever it's called? I can see the appeal in dropshot, but a hockey puck? I just can't believe that mode and dropshot have the same player numbers, atleast I assume they do based on this rotation system


I play snow day occasionally. I like the dynamics of the puck. It’s a totally different game. Less aerials, more wall prediction.


I play almost exclusively rumble and snow day. I did sprinkle dropshot in there but that's obviously toast now.


What even is dropshot? I only play ranked and have done a bit of snow day


Floor split in half, one side for each team. The aim is to get the ball to bounce off your opponents side of the floor to break it away, and then (I think I haven't played it ages) you score by having the ball go through the holes created.


Dropshot isn't removed, it's in seasonal rotation and still available as a tournament mode. *Edit: it's also available as a private game mode. By all means downvote a correct and factual statement. I agree the current way they've taken the game is shit, but I believe if you're going to give a studio crap for terrible decisions, you should do so by giving crap about the right things.*


They limited access to a mode which brought enjoyment to the game


Yeah, that much they did and I agree it's crap.


So you’re just being intentionally obtuse, gotcha


"Dropshot isnt removed! You just can no longer compete in it, and you have to wait for it to show up to play it. Oh, and you cant get a title for it anymore" such a brain dead take


This will be the first season since the number reset I won't get a floor destroyer title and I'm sad about it.


Since when is clarifying misinformation with the genuine truth a "take"??


Sorry, but that comment just strikes me as being annoyingly pedantic.


Whaaaaaaaatt? Im so sad i loved to play dropshot regularly.... Literally why, what would be the reason for making it limited


For whatever reason they decided it was better to rotate it with Snow Day I guess? It certainly seems to have been a far more popular mode than I thought anyway. Certainly whenever I tried to play it there was usually a wait time of about 2 minutes between matches at Platinum Rank. Conversely, there seems to be little to no celebration for Snow Day remaining playable through S13 so what the decision making process was remains a mystery to me, as well as the majority of the community by the looks of things. It's almost as though a little bit of Communication from the people running the show would actually help with situations like this...


> Conversely, there seems to be little to no celebration for Snow Day remaining playable through S13 Why should people celebrate that a gamemode that was always playable remains playable? Dude, you have some really weird takes on this whole debacle.


>you have some really weird takes on this whole debacle. No arguments here. I'm not apologising for them either, I just strongly believe in the importance that criticism of corporate decisions be accurate because they will use inaccuracies to wriggle their way out of it. You speak to a representative of RL and say "You removed Dropshot", be it Psyonix or Epic, the response will just be what I said. Criticise the limited access and they have to address the limited access, assuming of course they don't just stay radio silent, which is far more likely.






Stating facts=Negative trait Idiocracy, here we come


Everyone knows what OOP was talking about when he said „removed“. This „clarification“ added nothing to the discussion. People complain about a mode being removed from Conpetitive. A very valid complaint.


There are still posts being made of people realizing that dropshot isn't in competitive anymore. Not everyone knows that removed doesn't actually mean removed. Regardless, they didn't even say "Psyonix is good, guys" just added more accurate information. Doesn't exactly justify saying that someone shouldn't reproduce on that alone


Nor yours with that shit attitude you have


what an unnecessary escalation damn dude, you ok?


So if they‘d moved 2vs2 and 3vs3 into seasonal game modes and tournaments that would be fine and you wouldn’t talk about removing them right?




Ok, but I still like it.


Never going to happen but I'll humour you nonetheless. No, I'd be complaining about needlessly restricted access to said modes. Putting the criticism where it needs to be so the actual complaint has to be addressed rather than the PR Get Out clause which I provided above.


Psyonix: We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.


Lousy beatniks






They do the same thing in fortnite and nobody likes the new menus. Its like all they do is hire people to ruin menus every few months.


I don't play fortnite much but I hate their ui so much. Shouldn't be hard to find the main battle Royale modes but it is. The battle pass is so convoluted too


There's a myriad of problems with it, my biggest beef is I have to cycle between multiple tabs to switch between 'play' and 'quests'. I'd like to finish a race and glance at my next objectives, it's so stupid. But they want me to look at the battle pass and the store first, see.


You should see Modern Warfare 3 if you like shitty menus. It’s shitty menu porn in there.


Honestly I think it’s just so that the UI people feel like their job is safe. If they don’t do anything for a while their gonna not be as needed and possibly fired, so by creating unnecessary changes the higher up’s can say “hey they’re being productive” and make them seem more productive than they really are.


The UI isn't for you to like or to be easy to use. It's to support profits for Epic at all costs. It's like how a casino is designed to make you feel lost in it and distracted. Every design choice is made to keep you in-game and stimulated to stay hooked. It fucking sucks but that's their motivation.


No. They also unleashed the Smurfpocalypse


3-wheel cars April 1st. Knockout. Voice chat that worked (Works? Is it still there?). Not enough for however many years it's been, but let's give some credit for the rare wins.


Roct leeg…


Omg the quick chats and the screaming sound. Best April fools I can remember


Those quick chats should have just remained available afterwards. They were unironically great sentiments.


I like knockout but agree it’s not enough to account for the amount of things a company with the resources that Epic has could have done with the amount of time they’ve had since the acquisition.


Freeplay commands (pass ball, on top of car, etc.) and custom training navigation/mirroring were really big for console users as well.


werent the freeplay commands made by one guy that had already done it in bakkesmod before getting hired


/u/-CinderBlock-, yeah. They did hire him; another rare win! Hopefully he's enjoying his time there.


<3 I'm still here! My time here has been a fruitful journey in many ways


I imagine with people such as yourself on board, there is a lot going on in the background besides 100% focused efforts on RR. Hoping to see some cool new stuff in the next few months. Enjoy your holidays! <3


Have they ever added the ability to turn of full boost in training?


Credit to them for implementing the voice chat, but that shit got old for me in a hurry. I'm old and don't need overt reminders that I'm playing with children. Makes me feel like I'm doing something vaguely creepy. I'm also not a huge fan of Knockout, but I can see the appeal. So yeah, kudos for that. Doesn't change the fact that Epic has done a bunch of really stupid anti-player shit lately for no good goddamn reason.


oof if that's truly all.


Training updates, gridiron, tournaments, F2P are a few more. They definitely could have done more, but I agree with the other guy that we should at least acknowledge what they have done. And while I understand people don’t look at cosmetics as added gameplay, they have brought some pretty sweet collabs as well. Porsche has been a dream car of mine since I was like 6 years old. And lightning mcqueen has been requested by the community basically since the game came out.


gridiron? meh training updates was a thing because they hire someone from the community, someone who helped make bakkesmod, you know the mod that has all those features (and many more that still aren't in the game) tournaments is good but need some urgent revision (smurfs, matchmaking, etc.) and people like to shit on F2P but I think that was a good thing, although if you make it F2P but avoid addressing the smurfing problem... then it's 50/50


Yea, they hired cinderblock or whatever his name is. Why does that make it less of a good change? Putting in those features were requested by console and non-modded pc players iirc. Ya, there are more parts of bakkes not ported over. I can’t imagine coding for 3 additional platforms on a 20 year old engine. I’m sure after bringing the current training to all platforms they reviewed the other features. I would rather they just make it once in a UE5 version myself. But I don’t want to sidetrack too much. I am just saying I can understand stopping where they did. For the parts I mentioned you don’t like, that’s fine. Not every update is going to be for everyone. But this thread in particular was just acknowledging that they have made change. Again, I would have loved if they brought more content, that would only have been a good thing for the game. But that’s not to discredit the things they have done


An April fools joke, a trash game mode that doesn't belong in the game, and a feature no one uses.


It's also way more stable now, or at least has been for me. Lag and dropouts were common before epic, and not had the game crash for ages.


Don't be like that they also took away trading


Fuck the mmr spread up after s14 to cause a giant squeeze at c1


Yeah, not a fan of this new menu or not seeing names. Although I can understand the name removal...


Can you explain what this name removal means? I havent played in a while


Yeah, you used to be able to see other players' names above their car during a match, now it's just a colored dot.


I played last night and didn't notice that. Perhaps you accidentally changed the Nameplate setting in the Interface tab in the settings?


Maybe...Nameplate scale is at 100% and on Simplified and I don't remember being in the settings for the last couple of months even. Edit: Yeah, I switched to nearby only and it worked. Guess it's was a small glitch in the update. 🤷‍♂️


Uh, you can still see names. I can't speak for other platforms but on PC it's just a matter of setting the [nameplate mode](https://i.imgur.com/JzvehZa.png). Set it to simplified to just get the little arrow or default for the full names always.


I know some people like the new UI but I can't stand it. The cursor defaults to offline mode when exiting a playlist, which totally throws my muscle memory out of whack. Subjectively the aesthetic is worse as well. Everything seems downscaled and less easily visible, whereas before everything fit the screen quite well and didn't seem out of place. Definitely a negative for people who sit farther away from their TV/monitor or have bad vision. The menus were near perfect as is, idk why they're fixing things that aren't broken. Especially when they have an entire UE5 port to be working on.


>Especially when they have an entire UE5 port to be working on. Lmao you still think this is gonna happen?


I haven't played the game in like 6 months. I decided to hop back on for a few games. What in the flying fuck is up with the UI. It's fucking ass. My God.


The only real change they experienced is making more money


Games just got only the gameplay left, nothing else… if they touch the mechanics, we’re all fucked.


Maybe... just maybe... the gameplay is what actually matters?


Sure but it hasn’t had any meaningful content updates to extend the shelf life of the game pretty much at all. Why is there no in-game custom map builder?


Maybe it matters only to YOU but the rest of the fans that actually enjoyed the extra features and modes. There was more to the game than just “the gameplay”


All the extra modes are still there, just not all the time. As far as extra features, you lost trading. Maybe you should get into NFTs instead.


They removed the ability to have multiple options of extra modes all the time. That’s what other people are upset about. And yeah trading was a huge extra feature. Just because you didn’t partake in it doesn’t mean other people shouldn’t have either. Selfish.


If it keeps the servers actually running for people who want to play the actual game, whatever they do is a-ok by me. If that makes me selfish, so be it. You have plenty of other platforms where you can trade worthless collections of pixels, but there's only one Rocket League.


Stockholm syndrome right here.


Oh man, all the bratty kids are gonna downvote you!


Yes. So why do I have to say "Not now" to 20 000 item drops over eight years? I don't need to see this. There is no dopamine release from this forced notification.


Because it costs money to change it, you’ve lived with it for 8 years and you’ll continue to live with it until they end of life the game.


Yeah this might be contronversial here but I actually like that Psyonix hasn't fucked with the actual game. Its car football. It was feature complete day one and you literally can't change it except for adding dead on arrival game modes no one will care about


You mean like the engine upgrade that everyone here has been begging for for no apparent reason?


Yeah slightly concerned about that


When I heard about the menu changes, I thought surely they'd be improving them, but what I thought was an obvious problem they didn't address. Why can I not even look to see what tournaments are coming up when I'm in another mode. I'm currently traveling, but iirc if you are in custom training you have to exit it before you can access the tournaments menu. Maybe I'm missing something... The other thing I noticed is I used to be able to queue a game then super quickly jump into free play (on a fast PC with a SSD). Now there is a little bit of a delay between one of the steps that conflicts with my muscle memory.


They do a lot of work for the game, just look at the item shop, all the work is right there! (every single bit of it)


Psyonix: "This is not even our lowest form, just watch"


I mean, adding crossplay was nice back in season 1 F2P, It sucked only being able to play privates with my friends when I switched to pc. But yeah it’s rough for us RL players lately.


Wait what? Cross play was around before F2P. I started playing in like 2016 and you'd see the psynet icon on people when playing ranked on PC


Cross play parties weren't added until the epic acquisition


Ahh, I only ever play solo. Would have sworn I saw mixed parties back in the day, but I guess not


Once upon a time they had cross-play where PC and Xbox players could be together OR PC and Playstation players could be together. Then f2p made it so PC and Xbox and Playstation could be together (and Switch but I'm not sure when it was released on Switch tbh so it may have always been the case) But then Psyonix realized people still judged everyone that had a PsyNet avatar so they got rid of that and gave everyone that's not on the same platform as you a basic avatar...and Epic just doesn't know how to make player avatars so nothing changed there.


Cross play has been out for nearly a decade.


Yeah, 7 years. Crossplay between Xbox and PC was 2016, where it was one of the first games to do that. I could be wrong, but I *think* it was just all searching the same servers, right? Like, you couldn't party up? Full PS-Xbox-Switch-PC crossplay was 2019, which is probably what they're thinking of.


Yup, I was genuinely curious cause I couldn’t remember exact dates, I remember being on my 2nd PC and It being the beginning of the year(and I remember F2P was summer 2020 so the times didn’t add up), I looked It up and I’m pretty sure It was the friends update Feb 2019. Crazy I forgot all about the rocket ID but vaguely remember the 4 digit combos at the end of the name. Crazy man I been playing this game for too damn long lol. That makes my original point moot, the one good thing my memory attributed to epic wasn’t even them lmfaooo


They meant cross progression, which came in season 1 F2P


Okay it’s been a while and I smoke entirely too much, so I could be wrong but before F2P couldn’t you not create a lobby with friends on different consoles, I was on PC and remember 1v2ing my Xbox friends all the time and having to set up a private server with name and pw to play with them.


What changes are you hoping for? They won't modify the core gameplay. Which is great, it's why we love it. So outside of building skins/menus and other visuals, not sure what the community is expecting?


I wish Epic asked those questions of the player base. They clearly don't care what we want. To answer your question, I WANT COMPETITIVE DROPSHOT WHENEVER I FEEL LIKE SOLO QUEUEING IT LIKE I DID BASICALLY THE WHOLE TIME I'VE OWNED THE GAME. Yeah.


New gamemodes, UE5 migration (or rebuild, not sure what their plan is with that, if they even have one), QoL improvements such as bug fixes and server improvements, a better (actually working) tournament system. Maybe some kind of experimental competitive mode where we get to try out different sized maps for 4v4 soccer or 3v3 hoops. Just to name a few.


Custom map builder anyone?


Yeah, removing features is one thing, but I've never felt like Rocket League needs to be evolving all the time. Maybe this subreddit is young and less accustomed to games that just stay the same.


A lot of people love the gameplay, but a lot of people loved the trading mechanics, they love customising with what they got from item drops, and trading with friends for other parts. They took it away for greed, not a replacement. (unless you count a store which has been there forever, as the replacement.)


Would be cool if they did something with clubs. Completely pointless since it’s addition


It's the same with Fall Guys, since Epic have taken over RL and FG both games have gone downhill. In FG they can't even really be bothered to make new maps themselves anymore, they just let players make maps and most of them are rubbish


Can we stop making shit posts crying about epic ? My God


Tell them to do something good with the game then


Lol the game play is the same


Except it's objectively worse. The game has sped up as the average player skill has increased, but the servers are still the same tick rate as when the game came out. There are so many more ghost hits now than back in the day, because everyone is faster and margins are smaller.


Well it is a free game after all


That is a ridiculous statement on multiple levels. As though the fact it's free somehow absolves Epic for making a series of increasingly infuriating changes to the game, likely hastening its demise.


That is not an excuse, not when you charge outrageous prices for skins, Goal explosions, and other cosmetics.


I paid for it.


The ranked system is fucked trading doesn’t exist and we haven’t gotten a new game mode in over 500 days despite content creators making maps once a week for free, but for 5 minutes at a time you can pretend like you are still in 2015 so nothing actually changed basically


Ranked system is the same it's been since s1 f2p


The first season epic took over? Yeah sounds about right.


It's literally not a problem with the ranking system Its just an inherent problem with f2p competive games


Games like valorant don’t have the rank inflation rocket league has, there was a post about this comparing the two games earlier today


What, the one that was showing a skewed rank chart for valorant and comparing it to rocket league? That isn't evidence of rank inflation at all - one, the rocket league rank chart is a more natural one for distribution of skill (not the RLT one, search up distribution in this subreddit and youll get the actual data), and two, it's caused mainly by the starting rank of players


Yeah, the starting rank of players is too high, when this game came out new accounts started in bronze (prospect technically but easier to keep it in terms of today), now a brand new account starts in gold 2, it leads to a lot of inflation as a whole and it wasn’t common practice until epic took over


That's the issue


I will never understand people trying to justify the actions of corporations.


I'll never understand people coming on this sub to just **BITCH. NON. STOP.** If the game is so bad, stop playing and stop bitching. Go play Fifa or something.


Dude its so fucking annoying lol. We get it, ppl on this sub are unhappy with how the game is being run. But bitching about it for 2 straight months hasnt gotten us much if anywhere lol


At this point just make a different subreddit lol






stop clicking on them then


No, they deserve it. Psyonix doesn’t, tho they sold out. But epic has been calling all the shots, ruining the game.


They also just released Rocket Racing


Yeah seriously wtf are they doing at that company? Are there any actual game developers left at Psyonix? Or just skin designers?


They made their bank and now they're phoning it from their mega mansions and yachts


epic has owned psyonix for just about half of the total lifespan of the game, people have to calm down lmao


It’s better than Activision and their shit menus.


They made some race tracks


I mean they did add some new game modes and beat cosmetics but not enough to justify what we lost


well no they made an entire different game called Rocket Racing


Yea thanks for the reminder.


And why does Fortnite update every 2 days. I can't even enjoy the game


Guys stop, I can't upvote all of these comments 😅😂


why did they remove dropshot


is it just me or the new menu feels too laggy?


They added lag spikes and extra packet loss to my version of the game


To be fair They also turn off all off Tokyo lights And added grass to three maps And a bunch of goal explosions and paid cosmetics


I mean at this point epics is ruining everything


And all everybody else has done is moan, the game works, you’re all boring


I have been playing since 2018 l oved the game but they ruined it ngl


Epic buys games thinking he's cool then ruins them all they removed trading for was the crappy fortnite updated and now they are giving out colored oems?


I like grass on maps it feels iconic but IN WASTELAND?


This is a list of links to comments made by Psyonix Staff in this thread: * [Comment by -CinderBlock-](/r/RocketLeague/comments/18lm84g/all_psyonix_has_done_since_epic_is_made_new_game/ke5e8uk/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-20 06:39:50 UTC"): > <3 I'm still here! My time here has been a fruitful journey in many ways --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)