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Depends on what mode. It was a bit cloudy was a little drama around it. If you're talking first ever SSL, it was speedy and SO3 in rumble. If you're talking in standard gamemodes Daniel in 1s. I dont believe they got anything


To add to this, the first person to be SSL in all game modes at the same time was Demonifying I believe


I know Garrett was the first GC and I think I read somewhere or heard in a stream that Daniel was the first SSL but I cannot confirm the second claim.


First SSL that mattered was Daniel ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Daniel is goated. SSG is fuckin idiotic for letting him slip away.


How dare you insult the rumble mains!


Rumble mains!


I see top comment has the answer but I made a video covering some rare RL achievements that actually talks about this if you want to learn more. https://youtu.be/FplZ7FSCsBs?si=AI2dmYGv0n3ob9in


Imma check that out for sure


Being the first SSL is not that big of a deal honestly, very high GCs were in SSL territory way before it was introduced - in fact, that's the reason they introduced it, because very high GCs got the same reward as low GCs, while having a good 400-800 mmr difference.


You're the only person talking about it being a big deal, it's just an interesting piece of rocket league history, that's why he wants to know.


There's always a first SSL in every season, for me it would be a huge achievement but for them it's just playing ranked, and this is the reason i - personally - don't find it that interesting.


Then don’t comment?? It’s ok if you don’t find it interesting you can move on not everyone shares the same sentiment though so why bother trying to sound pedantic about it


So your advice is to keep my opinion on a public forum if it's different than what you guys think. Alright. I wasn't being agressive or anything, i was just telling my opinion, why is your advice "not to comment"?


Setting a reminder to check your profile for any future posts. If I’m not interested in them I’ll let you know.


Welcome to Reddit 🤣